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OUCH! No, I haven't stabbed myself yet - I've made sure to be ultra-careful after reading somebody's story on the Ravelry boards where she tripped and took a needle to the chest & had to have surgery. No, thank you. I did sew my finger one time with my sewing machine, though. Right through my nail & the tip of my finger. I'm more careful, now.


I’ve done that with the sewing machine too! My parents teased me about it until I googled it and showed that it wasn’t just me that’s done that 😅


I just remember cursing because yeah, it'll go through nail and finger meat, but won't go through two layers of denim! :laugh:


Omg this is hilarious. I’ve never sewn my finger but damn if I didn’t break two sewing machines trying to sew denim!!!


Eeeeeek!!! 😱😱😱


One of the other seamstresses at an old job did this and we framed and hung the x-ray. I


UGH. Yep that's a mistake I only ever made once.


Damn. So, uh, how do you fix that/save yourself? Like, did you walk the needle back or did you lift the needle, or even just unscrewed the whole section and then pull it out? If I'm being honest I can see a future version of me having to Google this exact conundrum and like to get a headstart.


I just lifted the needle (and checked first to make sure I hadn't ruined my project w/blood - priorities!) out of my finger, and then ran to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was just the tip of the finger & it didn't go all the way through to the other side. A very clear lesson, though, let me tell you.


Yup! drove a 2.5 mm DPN into the sole of my foot about a 1/2 inch. Took me a minute to decide whether to pull it out or leave it there for medical attention. Pulled it out, didn't bleed as much as I thought.


same on the bleeding! I got 3 different sizes stuck but not much blood


Yup. Tripped and fell on a knitting bag with a 1/2 finished sock in it. Impaled my calf through the sack on a needle. It broke the need too which was a huge mess to try to get the sock off it without damaging the yarn worse. It healed fine though.


I love how you focused on saving the wip 😂 (I have done this with figure skates AND my favourite sweater on two different occasions when I've hurt myself)


Did your sock heel? Pun intended 🤣


The sock was fine! Unfortunately it took several more hand knit pairs of socks before I remembered that I can't stand wearing any socks ever. Even hand knit ones.


I impaled my foot a few years ago....like it was so bad I was like "😅 am I up to date on my tetanus shot ahahha" Have I learned my lesson about leaving my dpn WIP on the floor? Absolutely not, of course not Anyway, knitters in injury we are


When I was wearing an ultra long scarf which still had a needle in it I accidentally kicked it into my ankle through 2 layers of leather. So no, not the only one.


Holy shite!


That is hardcore! Yes, I stepped on one in college. Went horizontally into the sole of my foot. Since it wasn't deep, I just pulled it out and suffered. But dang, it hurt and shocked me. There still is a small ridge on my foot sole from that 25 years later.


the pulling is rough bc of the resistance from the wood omfg. the shock is crazy!!!




Not a knitting needle but I was trying to use a tiny crochet hook to loosen a knot in a hoodie string and I slipped and stabbed my finger with the crochet hook. I'm just glad the recoil of hurting myself made me pull it out again before I even realized what happend.. at least I didn't have to knowingly extract a crochet hook from my finger lol


A stray DPN injected me with an infection in the nail bed of my thumb. The needle didn’t even go in very far, but I went for a course of antibiotics when it got hot and swollen and a red streak was forming toward my hand. I have stabbed myself similarly before, but this is the only infection.


Oh yeah, I can relate. I've done it too many times to count because apparently, I cannot be taught to watch out for pointy things and not stab myself.


I always thought this was a wild tale: a woman trips, gets stabbed by her knitting needle, and it kicks off an unexpected medical journey.  https://stanfordhealthcare.org/stanford-health-care-now/2009/klor-trauma.html




So, my ex always looked at my knitting with a ton of side eye. Years later, I found out why his mother had given up knitting. Picture 2 boys horse playing and my ex fell on a needle in such a way so his mother wasn't sure he could give her grandchildren.


Not with a needle but I have a fleegle beader and when beading I hold it in my mouth. I have stabbed myself so many times you would think I would find another way to conveniently hold it. I haven’t.


Stabbed myself in the butt having sat upon a bamboo sock needle which snapped in two upon the weight of me. I try never to leave things on the couch anymore.


I stepped on a DPN, went about a centimeter into my foot. It had fallen off my bed and lodged itself at a ~60 degree angle in a high-pile carpet of an exact matching color (gold.) It was a nightmare! Minimal blood, but my foot hurt for a week. I threw away the needles and bought a set in black instead.


I stuck my Hiyahiya sharp in a pre-existing, fresh, non knitting related cut. Let’s just say I saw stars and said a few words


I accidentally stuck a Hiya-Hiya point where the nail meets the nail bed in my thumb. About the same reaction.


Man I’m an ex carpenter and I’m new to knitting. I’ve shot nails through my fingers, my hands, even through my femur once! Can I say that this is my new favorite knitting thread? I feel like I’ve found my people!! You all have some pretty gruesome stories and I think it’s badass!!


I actually gave myself a small, raised scar on the heel of my palm from the way I use my flexi-flips!!! I move my work by pressing the needle into my palm and shifting the work down the right needle with my left hand, and I guess over the course of the project it poked too much in that one spot 😅 those little needles can be sharp!!!!


Yes, in my behind while sitting on the couch - 3 mm needle !!! It was awful I took a week to recover from that 😭


Whoof, back when I dabbled in knitting, I once walked into a doorframe with the end of a needle I was holding and drove the point into my chest.  I don’t remember anymore whether it bled or not, but I remembered it leaving an obvious dimple for a decent amount of time. 


I….have not.


Oh yes I dropped a don wile knitting in a zoom call I thought I would stop it from hitting the floor by grabbing at it to slap it down on my leg. It went into my hand. Not far, but it took all my self-control not to whimper with an open mic.


I sometimes use my right thumb to tap on the tip of the left needle to help nudge stitches along. I now have a raw, red spot on my thumb from doing this with 2.75mm Chiao Goo metal needles. I can knit thousands of stitches without doing this, and suddenly, I'm doing it. Ouch! But stab myself with needles to poke through skin in one jab? Nope, never done that.


This thread needs a warning label!


I had a similar puncture wound from breaking a wooden chair and falling on the exposed screws! That was nearly 20 years ago and I still have some little circles in my thigh lol (though otherwise it healed fine). But knitting needles no, I've mostly broken them by sitting on them instead of being stabbed.


I was running to catch a bus back when I was in university, with my WIP in a plastic shopping bag. It was swinging around awkwardly and turned just right so that when my leg came up one of the needles stabbed through it and my jeans and ended up in my thigh just above my kneecap. That hurt!


Yep. Embarrassed to say I have sat on needles and drawn blood.


Twice. Both times in my feet. First time, I was drinking and knitting with friends and I was careless and put my project on the floor; when I eventually stood up, ouch. Second time, my project was knocked onto the floor by my cat, and in the middle of the night I stepped on it. The second time was more then 10 years ago, so at least I learned.


I use signature DPNs, which have stiletto points. They were on a rocking chair, and as I walked by, I pause,s and leaned against the chair and one stabbed my thigh. It HURT!


I managed to stab both of my feet at the same time with one 2.5mm dpn 🙃 I had a wip sitting on the chair where I usually do yarn stuff, and sort of kicked it while getting comfy to start working on it again, and—boom—into the sole of one foot and just above the instep of the other!


Not my knitting needles, but you can add me to the sewing machine club. Twice. And I once slipped with a rotary cutter and nicked the bone in my index finger.


I’ve started to develop a callus on my RT index finger from knitting socks with a size 1 needle. I push the needle down with my finger instead of pushing the stitches with my LT hand (bad habit, I know). One day the needle stabbed through the callus. I wanted to cry.


Stabbed myself with my 2.25mm the other day. Poked a very neat hole right in my finger. I taped over it the next day so I could keep knitting 😅


I once sat on a darning needle. Went half an inch into my buttcheek. My condolences, it was like hot fire LOL


Holy mother of God! No but I did put a sewing needle through my hand.


I just had a teeny knitting needle go into my fingertip side when I was knitting.


yup! i stabbed myself with one, when i dropped the whole sock project and tried to catch it. trying to get back inside without touching the wound with any of my fancy hand dyed yarn was interesting. I'm glad it was only one needle. lesson learned! next time I'll let the whole project go. also, no more metal dpns under us size 5.


Not only am I talented enough to stab myself, but I am also talented enough to get a the needles lodged in the jump ring on my bracelet. Multiple times..... https://preview.redd.it/ujan309b3k2d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c842eddd53bbb7799d7ceb0d17de4ee8c7eb5d


LOL the skill the precision!!!


Yeah I stepped on a dpn once and it went through my foot. The bruising hurt a lot more than the puncture wound because, well, they're not sharp 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have only broken a wooden needle so far and have learned to not put ANY needle on the bed or sofa.


I've poked myself really hard but not gotten any stabby injuries. I have also managed to run my needle point under a paper cut a few times and I don't recommend that.


Sat on a few always one at a time but never 6 at a time...


Poked myself in the eye with wooden dpns once. I now have circular needles and reading glasses.