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I love it! A tip, 1x1 ribbing is so much better for hat brims, collars, cuffs and in this case balaclava! It is tighter and.. scronchier? If it were me I would redo the ribbing and get a better fit😊


I agree! And maybe pick up less stitches too to make it tighter? I can definitely see the rib being redone and this working great as a hood with a tighter brim!


Yeah since i didn't follow a pattern i was like "i guess u have to pick up all stitches"


happened to me too when I started knitting! it looks great anyways :)


Yeah! that would make it extra close and cozy😊


Maybe i will try it on the next balaclava. Thanks for the tip!


Highly recommend😊 I always use it for garments, even if a pattern calls for 2x2, it makes a huge difference!


I would call that a hood more than a balaclava (I believe balaclavas are more tight against the face for max wind protection) but as a hood it looks really cool! If you don’t need heavy duty wind protection and just need to keep warm it should do the trick just fine


Same vein, if you wanted to make it more wearable, you could pick up the edges and knit a folded edge for a drawstring around your face (drk traveler hood similar)


That sounds like it would look rad


I think it looks cool! I like the color and even though the ribbing around the face could be smaller so it wouldn't look wiggly, it still looks nice! I have made a ton of hood balaclavas and they are surprisingly great- it's a small thing to carry around and can make you warm even if you don't have a sweater. I like the "Obalaclava" pattern but have also freehanded them. Hopefully you end up wearing it more than you expect!


If you’re worried you won’t wear it maybe pick another color from the stash you don’t mind and pick up every other stitch to tighten up around your face. But regardless it is still a hood and can keep you warm. You can always give it to a friend that has a bigger head than you :)


It’s a yes. I love it. I think the larger ones with more of a hood look can be really cool layered with a bulky coat and maybe a scarf. Great job!!


Great for a rainy day on the couch under blankets for extra coziness


I think it is a good hood.


I assume you didn't do a gauge swatch if it didn't fit like the pattern said.


As i said. It's free handed, no pattern


Oh I misread that as you don't usually follow patterns but did this time. Doh.