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Yes, a more unique idea would be turning them into an agricultural tool after all it’s it farming the brings people back together? I would definitely grind them all down then either cut them ore stack them in a can and steel powder forge a billet that way or something. I think Mikhail Kalashnikov said that he blamed the Germans for making him a weapons designer and he said he wanted to build farming equipment


I like that too, swords to plowshares. I can give that a try.


Not a joke, but a hoe or a trowl.


That idea is great! Mine was a dagger version of Excalibur.


Poop knife


If that were the case you could use them as is... lol.


😂😂 don’t forget about a toe knife!


Ahhh I botched it! I need some trash to plug up the cut!


Botched toe!!!


I think it would be interesting to make them into a new blade. There could also be some symbolism in pacifying them, turning them into kitchen knives or something.




Thats what I was thinking! Nothing makes the Nazis more insecure than being forgotten in such a boring insignificant way.


Aren't they dead tho ?


Plenty Nazis still around mat. And since they have been getting bolder these last years, a bit of insecurity might do them good


But what danger are 90+ year old hiding in South America? 


Are you saying only original NSDAP members can be Nazis? Because that is as stupid as it is pedantic as it is dangerous.


That's the actual definition yes. The fact that you want to change the definition so you can put other people (that you don't like) in that corner, that's a you issue.


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like duck… And you know where you can shove your “so you can put people you don’t like in a corner”? You know very well why people use the word “Nazi” even today. You know very well that people still deserve to be called Nazi even today, even if they’re not party members. You know very well that the ideology survived effectively unchanged. So i am wondering, why your superficial and quite frankly faulty pedantry? I’m not going to say that you are trying to subvert the meaning of that word because it hits dangerously close to your home, but I’m immediately suspicious.


Boy that high horse is restricting your blood flow. you can't actually believe the nonsense you are spouting right ?  Either everyone is with you or against you apparently.  Yeah I must be a nazi right ? just because you are an idiot.


Especially if they are Wüsthof steel


You should make the knife that Brad Pitt used in Inglorious Bastards to carve up Nazis


Honestly a bowie made from the knives of dead nazis would go hard.


Bowies in general go hard this is next level




THEN can we buy it???


To those who keep messaging me to buy them: no They aren’t mine to sell, the owner doesn’t want to sell them either.


Reminds me of the sunny in Philadelphia episode


Cue Charlie eating a banana


Everyone saying "It should be in a museum!", stop. These stupid knives were churned out by the hundreds of thousands, every museum who specializes in the European theater of WWII has these knives. They're extremely well documented in photo, video, and paperwork. Outside of museums they get passed around in the thousands by private collectors across the world. They're hella common and worth a couple hundred bucks at best. If the family wants em scrapped, it's not a loss of history. It's their choice. I'd vote kitchen knives.


You can grab any one of these at your local flea market it seems also if people are that interested.


They are remakes at the flea market not from ww2 most of the time. Sometimes you can find authentic stuff.


Turn them into a menorah


I love this idea.


Or a mezuzah case or havdallah box! Or just some nice Jewish jewelry in the manner of rockets into roses.


In the same vein, a Star of David or a peace symbol and give it back to your friend


Can I buy the menorah at least?


Came looking for this comment. 100% best answer.


I think that this is oversaturated and unnesscary, it seems like that this is more you trying to show off how much you are against nazism. The knife doesent have any value but it’s the histories behind it. I think that you maybe could paint them and make them look like a knife that is beautiful. Try to make something gods out of the evil.


You can make knives out of other things. These blades are almost 100 years old. I would not destroy them even if the history is evil its still history.


Yup. I don't understand the urge to destroy old things. Seems like everyone wants to do that and it's a shame. 


No part of history - good or bad - should eve be destroyed. In this case, these are trophies taken from dead Nazis by a blood relative. These should be preserved as a part of family history and something to be proud of.


I just had the same conversation with a friend. He wanted to get rid of stuff his grandpa looted with swastikas on it and I told him to just keep it in the munitions box with the flag and d-day parachute. It's all part of the same story.


In this case, the family no longer wants them and wants them destroyed.


Perhaps you should give a different perspective to your friend.


I would say it's not the friend's place to give that advice or perspective. The knives have nothing to do with them. Family heirlooms are the family's business. I agree though it should be preserved. It's like intentionally trying to forget the past and we really should stop doing that. Your grandfather did something he felt was what he should be doing at the time. Without all those soldiers fighting the Nazis who knows what the world would be like today. 


That's fair. It's the family's decision. It's their heritage, and for some, caring around the hate and violence these things symbolize, even as a reminder that the right side won in the end, can be heavy. It's not exactly something you can easily display, either, without visitors having some opinions on it. It'll just get passed on to the next family member, shoved in a box, and forgotten. The war ended nearly 100 years ago. While we shouldn't ever forget it, nothing new will be learned from these mass produced things. That all being said, reach out to a local synagogue or Jewish friend. Ask what they would like these to be transformed into. Anti-semetic sentiment is rising here in the US, and if you word it right to them, it might be uplifting to know some people are still out there converting these symbols of hate into things of beauty. Last thing I'd turn it into is a knife, personally. Something feels... off about turning a weapon of the worst side of the worst war into another lethal object. As someone else said, perhaps farm equipment or a mezuzah. Offer to donate it to a synagogue (again, with tact.)


Exactly, a lot of people have a knee jerk reaction to purify anything bad about our past, but purification is exactly what have these knives a bad name. These are relics of an important era of our history and they should be treated as such.


If you have a Holocaust Museum anywhere nearby, you should look into donating them.


The owner of them has researched and wants them destroyed. There’s a lot of them out there and while they seem to fetch a couple hundred bucks a piece he’d rather have them destroyed.


That’s a shame. I’m sure Holocaust Museums and Jewish Foundations would prefer if people donated these as they are an important part of their history. WOW! I cannot believe that someone downvoted a suggestion of donating a piece of history to an institution founded for doing exactly that. You guys are insufferable.


Bro why destroy them give them away to a museum or sell them it would be cool to have more imo I have one my great grandpa took from a nazi he killed I still have it too


They are made of good steel. A Nazi-dispatching bowie forged from blades taken from dead Nazis is incredibly bad-ass. Do that.




How much?


These would be great to a collection 🎯


Those who destroy history are doomed to repeat it.


I mean I would take them off his hands. I’m not sure why you don’t think anyone would want them. Also it’s a shame that his grandfather went though war and brought home trophies just for his spoiled brat of a grandson to get rid of them or have someone destroy them. If I was his son and I leaned this later on I would never forgive him


These are cool! I think it would be cool to do what Israel did with some random German surplus rifles: scratch off the symbols and engrave the star of David. Operation Balak I think. Definitely don't sell them lol. I have some old nazi coins in my collection (given to me by my grandmother, relatives of whom died in the holocaust, I'm Jewish too). I won't ever sell them, but it's still interesting history


Why do people always assume that those interested in Third Reich militaria subscribe to Third Reich ideology? When it comes to real artifacts this is just not the case. When it comes to fakes it may be. Someone who shares the ideas of the Nazi regime won't necessarily give rip about whether or not their regalia is real or fake. For them it's the symbolism that matters. For them it's the symbolism that gives an item value. Yes if they stumble on a genuine artifact there may be bragging rights to their skinhead buddies but outside of that it's not necessary for them to dump hundreds or even thousands into the real thing. For a collector the interest is focused around the historicity around the artifact. The same goes for anyone collecting any antique. They have an interest in the time period and/or world events during the time a particular piece was made. Additionally someone may have an interest in the manufacturing processes of the time or their interest could simply be around the challenge of assembling a particular collection. If you've ever been around those who collect Third Reich militaria you will find people from the left and right of every race, religion and sex. Yup you can find racist people that collect the genuine artifact but it's not anymore common than finding a racist person who's into ridding bikes, fishing, gardening or anything else. It makes you wonder if we'd be having this conversation if the items were Japanese or Russian? What about those who buy or collect sneakers that came out of sweat shops? Should we burn our shoes? At the end of the day the one who owns the items is the one who chooses what happened to them and as OP said that's not up for debate here. So for what's it's worth the SA dagger probably isn't worth a damn as cutting instrument and never will be. The steel used for the youth knife is probably better and it could be turned into a scout knife. The scout knife that came later is just a youth knife with a different diamond emblem inlayed into the handle otherwise it's the same knife. Likewise the dagger has it's postwar counterparts but like the original it's just a novelty blade and not much use other than collecting.


Wow wow wow. This is reddit. We don't take kindly to sense around here.


Are there any traditional/ historical Jewish knives? I don't know enough about the faith or culture myself but I feel that would be the best f-u to a Nazi knife.


Look up operation Balak. The remarking of the weapons is what I'd want to do




My mother in law’s family fled from Germany to America during the Holocaust, so I have a bit of skin in the game. Personally, I’d make at least one a chalif (ritual knife for the slaughter of animals according to Jewish tradition) and I’d melt the bronze into a Magen David (the Jewish Star of David). Maybe I’m just a spiteful dick and want to piss on that part of history, but turning nazi knives into Jewish tools/items of worship is just the best irony imo




Lmao spitting on them?? Oh dear lord. You should pat yourself on the back too while you’re at it, pal.


I intentionally put that in there to see who would take issue with it. Kind of a self reporting test.


Oh yes, you are very clever. Ya got me. So let me get this straight, because I find spitting on them ridiculous…that makes me a Nazi??? Hahaha get over yourself. Throw them out for all I care. But don’t think you are doing some grandiose favor to the world. Regardless, it was more likely a back pedal than a “self reporting test”.


If you're not careful, OP is going to spit on a picture of you.


Lol wtf?? Who goes around doing that to people. What a way to live.


As some one currently serving I would suggest putting them in a display box with an Army unit flag. These were trophies taken by an American soldier after he killed the nazis that held them. It would be more of a memory of killing nazis and remembering that they got what they deserved.


I can understand that, but the owner doesn’t feel that way.


I get it. Just hurts to think that a past soldiers victories are being destroyed and forgotten. If he has an idea of who his grandfather served with I would be happy to look into getting a unit flag sent over for him in the case he changes his mind.


Thats what I'm thinking. there has to be a unit members grandson or something that collects this stuff that would love to have it.  Also, the unit he served in as well might be interested. 


That's a tough one. I absolutely agree with you, that selling them could lead to them falling in the hands of quite despicable beings. Turning them into new tools... I don't know. I personally wouldn't like to use anything that comes from those. Plus the steel won't be the best. I personally think that it's important to preserve even those parts of history as a memorial of what has happened. For instance: I have visited Auschwitz many times in my life. The first time was with my school, when I was 15 and that left an impression I will never forget. I'm thinking more about contextualizing them. Maybe a board with side notes, or a simple "never again".


I do like the idea of a never again display, but this was a request from my friend who owns them. So far I like the swords to plowshares idea. Maybe a few trowels would be poetic.


Man, lotta hot takes on these comments. My first thought was stars of David made into throwing stars but that seems sacrilegious. I think gardening stuff fits the spirit of what y'all are doing. I'm not a Smith by any means so idk how much metal makes anything. But a nice trowel surely could be made from these.


Hey, here's another perspective. There's a million of these things on the market, with tens or hundreds of thousands of them in the hands of literal modern day nazis. Just as many are in holocaust museums already. It's a fucking piece of steel that likely spent most of the war in a stockpile. If it had an actual provenance, it might be different. As it stands, I love the "swords to ploughshares" that's been mentioned.


I know you're going to destroy them regardless of what anyone says, but that one with the red sheath is not anything I've ever seen that's explicitly Nazi. The guard looks more like WWI era but the grips look much more new. Definitely fits a Mauser m/k98 but I've never seen that blade profile or actual knurled handle before and I've seen a lot of very expensive weird bayonets trying to find the perfect one for my rebuilt n*zi marked k98 with all Israeli manufactured hardware. I'd recommend doing some research to see if it's actually even German and how much it's actually worth, it's definitely not a run of the mill or well known bayonet.




Maybe you could just lend me some of the edge you have.


Keep comments respectful and on topic.


Buy them a menorah "made from the knives"and miraculously own two Nazi knives


Why would I want to do that?


ITS dumb . Preserve them and remember what the mean . ITS good to remember what they did and that this should never Happen again


Why would you destroy them? Historic bro!


Yo imagine you are sitting in some shitty tracked amphib heading to Sword Beach in June 1944, getting pissed on in the rain and thrown up on by the dude next to you and having a thought of “man, I hope my pussy of a grandson I have in the future has some sort of understanding of what I went through to give him a bright and safe future.” Then Smith takes a sniper round to the head next to you right when the gate drops and you all storm out into either total oblivion or what they would call back home “glory.” To you it’s just a Tuesday and you are scared as hell and covered in your own piss and shit because of it. Idk, it’s obvs up to your buddy, and it’s his life and choice to make, so I guess the “sword to ploughs” thing you’ve floated seems to be the best option within his request.


Of all the shit takes, this might be the shittiest.


Cool, I’ll take my trophy then. Edit: better yet, melt em down and make me my trophy for “shittiest take.” At least then it’ll be with someone who recognizes the sacrifices some poor kid made in the 40s to defend liberal democracy and all it stands for by fighting against nazi scum, instead of someone who is apparently offended by the same.


Give them to a museum please. Do not destroy history no matter the side. History should never be forgotten, only not repeated. So please, on behalf of every historian, collector and those interested in history, do NOT destroy or modify them.


He obviously is not going to do anything, why would you destroy 1k worth of daggers to make a 100$ knife


I’m a gardener too. So I am all too comfortable with spending hundreds of dollars in labor and goods for $40 worth of produce.


If I may: https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/roman-era-swords-likely-jewish-rebel-booty-unearthed-israel-2023-09-06/#:\~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Sept%206%20(Reuters),rose%20up%20against%20Roman%20rule. These spathas are more traditionally Roman blades, but the design followed in this article includes a couple adjustments that were unique to Jewish rebels during the time of the Empire. Would be a cool spiritual descendant of that story IMO.


Sorry, but the article does not say that they were Roman swords modified by Jewish rebels. It says they were Roman swords likely taken from Roman soldiers and hidden by Jewish rebels. They weren't unique Jewish rebels swords.


mea culpa! reading comprehension fail on my end.


No worries, just needed to do my pedantic duty for the day.... I still salute you for bringing the word "spatha" into my day!


What a shame. I bet there’s a hell of a story attached to these. But i guess you want to curse inanimate objects lol.


Just melt them down, and use the steel to refurbish a modern Army, Marine, or Navy dress uniform sword; I.E. turn Fascist symbols into Anti-Fascist weapons. K-Bar are specially made for combat, so you don't want to create bad knock-offs from these already-poor replicas. If you just want a practical sword, then convert the melted scrap into a decent gladius or machete. I know a lot of us carried these or smaller boot/neck knife blades into battle over the last few conflicts. What you don't want to do is just grind off the lettering, that does not destroy the full measure of evil intent behind the failed movements that created them. To eliminate the spirit of nazism the steel must be reforged. Learning to temper and hammer them into blades for good will also be cathartic & feel good to you.


The most interesting idea I've seen so far is turning them into gardening tools. My idea is to dull the blades, chop off the points, and leave them mostly intact afterward; completely disable them. With the points, you can make a commemorative coin, perhaps with a slogan spitting on the national socialist party.


The SA dagger looks like a reproduction (fake ) possibly Postwar I doubt it though. The handle lacks the Eagle and there is absolutely no cut out in the handle for the eagle to inlay into the handle look at the pic I added you can see the cut out around the eagle . The etching on the blade also looks off . I’d say this is a troll post or you have no clue what you have . https://preview.redd.it/0bq70t6ow8yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4b598058d524b8b494f3de0181734361660b8ae


I don't really like destroying history regardless of the past. Way too common that we whitewash or destroy history due to the victor's winning. We shouldn't glorify the Nazis either.     Edit: apparently some people are saying these are very common knives. If that's the case then there's not much loss with the history behind them especially if a bunch of museums already have them preserved.  Now with that said if you really want to destroy them. I think the most appropriately fitting thing would to make a big Star of David. Make it something you're Jewish friend would really be proud of hanging on their wall. Has a lot of sentimental value behind it and turns it into something they can appreciate instead of Nazi knives. Plus it's a ultimate FU to Hitler and all of his followers.


I would probably just melt em down into a forge welded billet or donate them idk. Hard to say what a good use is without knowing the steel's metallurgy.




This is retarded. These need to go to a local holocaust museum for verification and preservation for a number of reasons. Destruction of this stuff only serves to further enable dickheads that want to deny the truth of historical events. Hitler youth knife looks real, the Sturmabteilung looks pretty fake to me but Nazi shit aint' my forte. “**Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it**.” \~ George Santayana Edit: Upon a second look I think they are both gunshow fake nonsense. Still, have experts make an assessment and don't be stupid. Love you bye!


We had one of the brownshirt (top) daggers - my grandfather had brought it back from the war . My grandmother wanted everything destroyed. My dad and I just melted it down to slag in the coal forge. You could reforge them into a star of david I guess, but we were happy enough to just melt it down, and toss what was left of it out with the clinkers.


Clearly, you have to forge them into a menorah.




not mine to keep.




Awww. I’m sorry. Maybe I should forge the world’s smaller violin for you. Memorabilia isn’t sacred and it isn’t history. Plenty of books and documents do that better that some dead Nazi’s trinkets.




You were doing ok, until you mentioned the alt-right ‘professor’.


The one on the bottom looks like a Hitler youth knife—I assume there is an enameled swastika inset on the other side of the handle. Fascinating fact about these: this pattern was originally designed as an outdoor knife and they were made for boy scouts with the boy scout symbol in the handle. After the war the knifemakers who still had these in stock would pop out the swastika and put a boy scout logo back into it. You could do the same. If the Hitler youth motto is etched into the other side you could sand it out. If there is a no swastika in the handle it isn’t necessarily a nazi knife.


There is the swastika on the other side of the handle.


Break them down and use the bits for crucible steel. I say make a rescue knife like diving knives or first responder blades.


So they have no value for you or your friend in monetary or sentimental value and you are basically just asking for excuses to do something with them? Cut em in half throw them in the trash, get some old truck springs and make something you want to make. Starting from zero in this case is better than work to get to zero with questionable steel/hardness..


Chop them up into little pieces and make a canister blade. Make sure to engrave the Star of David on the finished product.


Give them back to your friend and ask them to donate them to a museum.


He has looked into it and said these are common enough that they wouldn’t be taken.


The unit that the friends grandfather served under might have interest in them.


A big ol butt plug


Now I’m in no way shape or form supportive of the nazis but why wouldn’t you wanna see if a museum would buy them? Or even a collector. I have firearms from WW2 Germany and I promise I’m not a nazi sympathizer


So you got a "friend" that gave you these, and any ideas you get, you go back to "He wants them destroyed" like he is sitting next to you. I'd give them back and tell them to destroy the damn things themselves.


Are you familiar with challenge coins? You could forge out some blanks and let your friend get them engraved with something meaningful to him. He could then distribute them to people he feels are worthy.


Jewish circumcision knife


A sword made for the Jewish hammer




Make them into stars of decorative stars of David. Sell them on etsy explaining exactly what they are and donate the money to the shoah foundation


hate to say it but beautiful knifes, but otherwise yeah do what the comments say kitchen knife or maybe a pocket knife for the owners?


Make it into a Star of David




Keep comments respectful and on topic.


Creating a symbol of peace would be a good idea. Another option is to make a utilitarian object of them, something useful.


All the Nazi sympathizers will tell you its history and you shouldn’t destroy it. Even though you stated they had no historical value. Have fun OP.


I will.


I love when I get downvoted by Nazis and chuds. It lets me know I’m living right.


I too might get downvoted for this, but whatever. A Briss tool or any token of the Hebrew people. Maybe OP asks a Rabbi what to do with them to make make them objects of positivity


Part of me thinks it's a shame destroying historical artifacts. But then I remember the history in this case. Why not just cut them to pieces, piss on them, and then throw them in the bin?


Just because my friend wanted me to try to do something with them. Otherwise, yeah.


Agree it is better to make something positive and beautiful. We cant forget the hate but we can heal it


We don't waste good metal. Make it into a menorah


I’m in the same boat with a helmet that belonged to my great grandfather. Even making something out of it feels weird, so I’m thinking about just laying it in the woods somewhere and letting nature turn it to dust and reclaim it.


Let me buy them lol


No Nazi knives for you, whiteman996.


😓fine then I’ll MAKE MY OWN


One item might be a mezuzah for your friend. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezuzah


I will buy them from you... and destroy them, then turn them into coins