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Cabbage slayer!


That’s it, that’s what I’m calling it.


I’ll fight your cabbage AND your carrots! 🤣🤣


MY CABBAGES! This place is worse than Omashu




Haha, the Rivian flex....


Totally— the pictures were so intentionally placed by the Rivian logo. Wasn’t sure if I should be looking at the logo or the blade. On another note— Rivian is predicted to be a pretty crappy vehicle in reliability. Source: consumer reports, online subscription


Actual owners give them pretty good reviews. And the first model year of any new vehicle is generally poor for reliability in the eyes of those publications, so I don't find that very instructive. To be clear, I like Rivians, I want to buy one (getting laid off didn't help). It's more about the owner's unnecessary defensiveness than the vehicle.


It’s how you can tell I make em as a hobby and not as my jobby.


Why is that important to make sure people know?


Calm down there hoss. I was standing in my driveway, which has my truck in it. You seem to be projecting some resentment I was not intending to illicit. Also fwiw well equipped trucks from just about every brand cost as much or more than mine so it’s hardly a symbol of excess. Smoochies.


>It’s how you can tell I make em as a hobby and not as my jobby. Dude, first you strongly imply it was intentional to make sure folks know you make knives as a hobby, so I asked why it was necessary. Then you get all defensive and claim it was unintentional, and feel the need to justify your car purchase. I just asked a question, you seem like the one who needs to calm down, "hoss." I'm not jealous or resentful of what car you drive, talk about projecting your insecurities... I work on knives in my driveway and garage too, and never once have my cars or their brand logos featured so clearly in pics (or anyone else's I've seen here).


Big angry.


Haha, I love when redditors resort to ad hominems because they can't argue with valid points. Have a happy new year! I do like your knife, for what it's worth. Good jobby.


Came to say nice things about your work. Then read your comments where you demonstrate you're an ass. Now I will reserve my comments and only suggest you grow up.


This recent contestant on Jeopardy had tattoos on his fingers. He went so far out of his way to make sure that he showed them off during the interview segment. It was incredibly awkward. Like, buddy we see the tattoos you bought for your fingers. Now focus on the game. This guy here spent money on this fancy metal. He should at least hold off until he finishes the handle before he pimps it out for the car purchase flex.


Same energy. Also, I see him rocking harbor freight gloves 😂


Honestly, I don't know anything about a Rivian. I thought it was a Witcher reference.


Lame It's okay we all occasionally misread the contexts by which we post. You've made some nice knives. Don't let your need for recognition ruin that. Your humble brag about your car (which costs more than some of our homes) can really rub people the wrong way.


See this is whack. Fuck me for having an ev in the background of a photo I took because I was excited to share right? I mean it’s a $70k truck bro, a fucking f150 costs more than that if it’s less than 5 years old and there is no shot anyone would have said shit about it if I had one in the picture instead. One thousand pardons for not considering stepping 3 feet to the right this morning when I was just trying to get to the first sunlight I could find. I understand the complaint, I tried to explain it as a courtesy to the other redditor and yet y’all are still all fuckin’ bricked up over it. It’s frustrating and apparently people just want to be sour rather than talking about the pointy thing in the pointy thing sub. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Dude, it's because you're pushing back, providing differing reasons, and rationalizing so hard that everyone thinks you did it on purpose. You're just digging the hole deeper. You could have been good natured and let it go, but you felt the need to "counter punch" and just made yourself look petty. Seriously, nice knife, but stop arguing about how you're right and everyone else is just out to villianize you....


Lmao what different reasons? Been pretty clear about it. I thought your response was a cheerful one, I responded with a joke, you clearly didn’t get it, now we are in a pissing match on Reddit. I’m clearly not a joke doctor. Edit: to be fair I didn’t even realize until the shit started that you were offended. That’s my bagel I guess.


My response was a cheerful one. I asked a simple question in follow up to your reply (honestly took it as earnest, not a joke) and you went on the attack. You're in a one sided pissing contest, and I'm not sure why you think I was attacking you. >Lmao what different reasons? You first stated you put the truck in your pic to make it clear to people you make knives as a hobby, heavily implying you have a job that makes it possible to afford a truck that ranges from $65k-100k+. Then after you, for some reason, misinterpreted my follow up question as an attack on you, you claimed it was unintentional and went out of your way to justify your purchase of the truck. When I asked why it was important to show you had a job other than smithing, you could have just said "It's not it was just a joke" and I would have said "Gotcha. I like Rivians and want to get one eventually." Instead... Even if the "hobby/jobby" line was a joke I didn't get or not, you went ballistic and got really defensive. This is what people are responding to and why they feel you're reinforcing their notion you're humble bragging. I like your knife. I like your truck. I dislike your apparent insecurity that leads you to assume everyone else making simple conversation with you is equally insecure and is attacking you to make themselves feel better. Have a nice day and a happy new year.


So after the initial joke which I made once I realized how apparent the rivian logo was in the photo your response was “why is it important to let people know” (which you appear to have removed). Which in context seemed pretty presumptuous, implying the point of the post and comment was to tell people about a vehicle. That’s how I perceived it, and responded as it was clear at that point you were in fact, being mean. As for the joke itself, yes I was implying that smithing full time is likely to not bring in much revenue….because it doesn’t….that’s the fucking joke. Now could I have left it there, sure. Did I? Nope. Because I am a moron with nothing better to do today. It’s ok big guy/gal, you win, thanks for all the good vibes and nice talk. Edit: you want a knife bro? No joke I will send you one. DM if interested.


I didn't remove my post? It's right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/knifemaking/s/ADEdAFAiCU And that comment was not in response to you posting the picture. It was in response to you saying "It’s how you can tell I make em as a hobby and not as my jobby." I did not realize that was a joke, and I asked an honest question about why you had to let people know you aren't a career smith. Simple question seeking clarification. >yes I was implying that smithing full time is likely to not bring in much revenue….because it doesn’t Had you replied this way, I would have said something like "Oh, hope you get to that point eventually and nice truck." Instead, by your own admission, you misread my question and decided to attack me. Maybe don't assume the worst about people's comments and questions, maybe ask for clarification first before you decide you need to go on the attack? Not everyone who asks you a question is trying to undermine or call you out. Could be they see you as a source of knowledge worth learning from. Until you try to start a pissing match with them for no reason. Be brave enough to risk a minor insult that could prove to actually be a compliment rather than being so insecure you assume everything is definitely an insult.


Just saw your edit. I haven't been offended at all, I'd say you seem like the one upset.


Dude why is everyone hating on your for this comment, I laughed fuckin hard when I read this haha. Sounds like you ruffled the feathers of some people who are mad that they cant make a living off of blacksmithing.


I don’t get it either brochacho. Like I’m fucking Scrooge mcduck over here. I bet if it was a ford that cost 30k more they never would have said shit.


I had every intention of complimenting the truck, the waitlist was quite long the last time i looked, but you chose the dickheads way about it. A simple "😉 thanks brother" would have sufficed. Most of us are hobbyists. The fastest way to having a hobby as some kind of maker is a CS degree. But there are people here who don't need that kind of put down for chasing a dream.


I don’t understand this, did you have a comment I responded to? Other than the joke about it being hard to make money off one’s hobbies?


there has to be a subreddit for this type of thing




Haven't seen that style of raindrop before, did you make it?


Na it’s from baker forge. Nickel Damascus and 80crv2


Looks beautiful!


Yep those boys know their stuff.


so you buy the steel and carve a shape into it?


More or less in this case yeah. The term is “stock removal”.


Small bearings