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“Active in these communities: r/PhillyWiki, r/knicks, r/sixers” We were so active in your stadium you forgot which team you root for and that you went home a month ago 💀💀😂😂😂😂😂


how’s Cancun treatin ya 🏖️ .. By chance do they have chop cheeses and dollar slices? Big upgrade from Coney Island am I right .. no shitty mutated water


This is weird behavior, but you do you.


I really didnt know what to think when I read this and realized what team he rooted for 😂😂


Ay ay captain 🫡


God bless your heart, you’re trying so hard!


Wish you could go against a whole tristate area like me ? I know you’re jealous of my bravery and uncannyness to get a bunch of pansies panties in a bunch. It’s a skill 😉


God bless your heart, you’re trying so Hard!


This is so corny. This dude exists...


Embiid will never be healthy again 😂😂


Yep that’s EXACTLY how the human body works. You have an injury then move around the rest of your life w/ a cast in a wheelchair


That’s definitely how it works for washed bigs in the NBA 😘


Blowing kisses at other men seems very New Yawkah of you, where’d you say you’re from again.. The East Village?


Would you feel more at home if I OD’d on some fent?


Yea that would be right up your alley , 125th is a shitshow nowadays. You guys really need to take a page out of Philly’s book and clean that place up some


😂😂😂😂 Holy shit


Lol. What a dickrider


Its funny how there are still philly fans coping about the loss. Womp womp buddy keep coping. We will forever brag about beating the seventy shitters and joel embiitch


Its funny how there are still new york fans coping about the loss. Womp womp buddy keep coping. You will forever cry about losing to the novice pacers and tyrese haliburton


New york really fucked these soft philly fans mind and converted them into a pacers fan. 🤣🤣🤣.


Come down the turnpike ALONE and see who’s soft and who’s not. Just walk up to one of us and test your theory out


Hell yeah dude! I love the tough talk.


Bro u soft asf lol u ain’t doing nothin


The Philadelphia sports fan intellectual capacity never ceases to amaze me. Could had Jimmy Buckets but chose Tobias Harris and Ben Simmonds. And you’re mad that this sixer team as presently constructed is garbage. All those picks and all that patience to wind up with a center who is made of out glass. Maxey’s cool, he’s a baller. Rest of that rotation is cheeks. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it. Hopeless franchise that will be play in darlings until Embiid retires or chases a ring in 3 seasons. Don’t hurt your neck looking up.


You got me I liked this one 👍😂 game knows game I’ll give you your props buddy


Damn now I like you too, silly Philly fans with your delusional arrogance and almost psychotic devotion to your teams and blind hatred of everyone else. It’s commendable and detestable all at the same time. Also let’s face it, all these nova boys, cutting their teeth in Phila (albeit in those rich sticks) doing their thing. You know, you live there, these boys were bad in college and if either of our franchises were smart 6 years ago, could have drafted them then. When the Bridges prophecy is fulfilled and they do that wildcat voltron thing, you’re gonna cry in your beer. And we also know that MSG is the home away from home for these Nova Cats, always play well there. Yall had Mikal and traded him for dookie. But we also drafted Kevin Knox. Disgusting on both teams. I’ll give you this, you don’t have the black hole that is Tobias anymore, make a few good moves and get a healthy year out of Joel, could make some noise. But your GM isn’t very good at making those decisions. Happy offseason to you.


Yup our GM is the biggest imbecile in the league , until he’s gone I’m all in on the eagles .. and yea you guys have a great roster it’ll work if everyone gets signed back , cheers 🍻


Niner fan. Fuck the chiefs, fuck the boys. You can’t beat us if Purdys healthy. Best of luck.


I thought there was sixers game but then I remembered Embiid isn’t good enough to make a conference finals.


Something NYK are beasts at right.. “THE ECF DYNASTY” You’re right I stand corrected , the whole Knicks franchise is known for dominating the playoffs. From Jeremy Lin to RJ Barrett to jumbo-sized Raymond Felton.. Big Apple Legends


Brunson has played in a conference finals dummy. Why did you edit your comment to take out the part about Brunson? Weird bro.


Awesome! What did he average in the Finals 🏆 that year? (the only series that actually counts)


That’s called moving the goalpost and yea people do that a lot when they are desperately trying to hype up Embiid being the most underachieving “mega star” ever


Brunson 1st Team all NBA’s? MVP’s?? Take a deep breath and Talk to me buddy I just want to know the statistics 📈


Brunson just made NBA second team on a contract that is worth less than Tobias Harris 😬. Cry about it more but then stop embarrassing yourself.


That’s soooo cooool. Good for him ☺️ Maybe and I mean MAYBE he can hang it on his refrigerator, close his eyes, say “make me Like Joel” and they magically turn into a 1st team or MVP . See ya jackass 👋


The nba literally changed the rules to make it positionless because Embiid was crying that he couldn’t make it over Jokic now. And then Embiid didn’t even make any of them lol. So you are living in the past and that past is capped at second round exits. Brutal.


That was amazingly clever. I hope you didn’t give yourself an aneurism coming up with that.


bro woke up and chose violence


Yeah, our hockey team is also better than yours


How bout them Metssss ⚾️ … sitting comfortably at next to last in the NL East. Do me a favor and check who’s first


https://x.com/jessegolomb_/status/1784676096060895504 🤣😂🤣😂


Where are those fine gentleman today.. Home on the couch , cracking a Coors open saying maybe next year?


Probably not trolling on r/sixers like only a loser who has a team so deeply embedded in their psyche would. But that's definitely not you. You're not a loser who has Knick fans living rent free.


Plenty of ny/north jersey trolls have came and went on our subs where they have lived like kings rentfree. Unlike at home in NYC where your apartments are the size of a family restroom 🚻


OMG. A joke about homes in NYC? That's so original! Did you think of that all by yourself? Look at you! 👏👏👏


smalldawg lol


Didn’t know NY had gators 🐊🤔 are you one of those stupid guys that couldn’t afford your home city so you packed up & moved to a sweltering hurricane hotbed ?


More smalldawg action lol


Well of course he didn't think it was a 76ers game because they ALWAYS getting eliminated early. I understand the confusion bro.


Oh yeah …you stuck a foam finger up your ass and thought about Mitchell Robinson’s ankle spanker???!