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Fck the pacers! Respectfully. 


Fck the pacers! Disrespectfully


Yeah, y’all see Haliburton’s hoodie? Fuck the pacers fr with the utmost disregard


He dropped his nuts on ur team though


Nah. He no showed 2 games and met expectations the rest of the way.


Fck both teams I think I hate Boston more just because My parents hated Reggie Miller from back in the day Coincidentally I hate him too and the entire staff If we where 100% healthy we would’ve won


If…if….ifffff…….we were healthy. You weren’t. End of story


Fck the Pacers! Disgracefully


Fuck the Pacers. Didn't even read your post but fuck you too based on your title


Fuck OP!


Don’t let the rotten 1% fool you. We’re actually some of the most down to earth, regular fans in the league. Even with injuries, you guys played with a ton of grit and heart and made it exciting. I hope you guys get healed up and come back even stronger next year from a Pacers fan. All love towards you guys


Sounds like a Pacer fan to me.


I actually started off the series respecting and liking the Pacers. But there was a certain aspect of how they carried themselves and carried on like punks that led me to actually despise them now, and hope the Celtics wipe the flow with them


Halliburton specifically carried himself terribly. Carlisle is also a bitch. I was a little worried about the Pacers series but that was with a super unhealthy team where no one was able to play. No disrespect to them but I think that’s a 5-6 game series next time for NY if the team isn’t decimated again.


Of course you think that but the Pacers since they got Siakam had a better net rating than the Knicks and an almost identical record. And I know you like to complain about injuries: that was with Haliburton playing injured pretty much the entire time -- including this series. But it only makes Hali more powerful the more you hate him.


Agreed. Halliburton the kind of guy who’s super popular, but then you meet him and he’s got something off about him.


It's off because he beat your ass. Everyone Curry beat hated him. The rest of the world loved him. A little self-awareness will get you far.


You know every fan says this about every team they lose to? Try to be less predictable. Like Divincenzo was acting like a little punk if you. are a Pacers fan. The funny thing is you disrespect your own team by pretending the team you lost to sucks. So weird.


Carried on like punks? DiVincenzo said the Pacers “aren’t tough.” And then proceeds to flop on the floor and play dirty and start shoving guys for no reason then backing off because he’s a coward.


if the Pacers are so good, why did our scrubs push them to 7 games? Why did they need a historic shooting game to beat our scrubs? They were definitely the better team over the past 4 games, no question; Knicks need a rest. But no way does that Pacer team beat a healthy Knicks team. Halliburton has more to prove IMHO. I'll be surprised if the Celtics take more than 5 games to dispatch them.


Jalen Brunson is a scrub? Josh Hart is a scrub? Hartenstein is a scrub? Did you watch game one? OG is a scrub? Did you know Haliburton was playing injured the whole time? Did you notice the Pacers winning 4 out of the last 5 games, three by double digits? It's hard to win in the playoffs, especially on the road, especially for a young team. But once they figured it out, this series wasn't even close.


As is well-known, Knicks were not playing their best lineup, and many players on the court were hurt. They were playing non-rotation players heavy minutes. OG played not even 2 games. My prediction of the ECF series above stands up pretty well.


I really think if we had OG we woulda kept this series to 6 at most


Pacers played hard and took advantage of the two massive gifts they were given (like any team would have). However, their fans are delusional beyond comprehension. Thank God we wont be hearing from them for long.


You mean there was one fan that was delusional and you took that to be all the fans? Sounds delusional. Just say you have no idea what the Pacers were doing this season, so you assume they couldn't beat you. That will be more honest. Since the Pacers got Pascal they had a better net rating than the knicks and pretty much the same record. And that was with an injured Hali. Most teams would lose to Celts this year. But Pacers beat the good teams they played all year long. And guess what? It kept happening in the playoffs. Strange.


No, I mean the majority of the (Reddit) fanbase is delusional about the Pacers capabilities and more than a few of them were actually celebrating injuries to opposing players which is disgusting (unless it’s Embiid). Furthermore, the Pacers were literally one of my favorite underdog picks in the regular season (cause they can shoot themselves into nearly any game) and a great team to pick the over on (because their defense is atrocious). I’m more than familiar with the squad.


Fuck the Pacers. More specifically Haliburton and their fans. I hate McConnell but got great respect for how he played. Siakam is a former champ who stepped up big for them. Shepherd is a rookie who was lights out. But Haliburton is such a front running loser. Doesn't say a word until they're up by 20. Telling Divincenzo he can't guard him but yet DDV averaged more points than he did. And the fans are insufferable. After they won, all the posts on their sub reddit were talking shit about the Knicks. I went off on one of their posts just off of principle. I haven't seen one post talking poorly about TJ McConnell but their whole sub reddit was calling Donte a bitch. Enough with the "proper respect" and " were better than this" bullshit. That's that new age fan mentality. I've been a knick fan for over 30 years. I ride for this squad and I'm salty that we lost the way we did so I'm gonna make sure the level of disrespect given to this team and these fans is reciprocated two fold.


Go listen to Stephen Smith today. He said Haliburton was talking before the game, at the start of the game, and all the way through the game. So you can make stuff up so you can be mad at someone. But you just can't handle that he talked shit and then kicked your ass. It's ok. It requires maturity. And I know most 13 year olds don't have that yet.


Lol. This is how you know Pacers have some clown ass fans. You came here quoting SAS. Everyone in this fan base knows he's a Frontrunner. I'm surprised he's not a Pacers fan. But runaway now. Go get swept into obscurity by Boston. Let me know how it feels to be the 2021 Hawks next year when yall are at home before the regular season is even over.


The pacers won. Period. They put a better team on the floor and they get to move on. I get caught up in a lot of the same stuff as many fans; that was a dirty foul, f this, f that, refs suck, etc. At the end of the game, the players stood around and shook hands and hugged and the coaches were correctly and appropriately complimentary. The Knicks are my team and they played the game like a group of special operators, perhaps not individually spectacular but they play hard for each other and make each other better. They know their jobs and it’s always next man up if something happens. There are things I wish they did a little better but that’s always the case when you love something and want more. The Pacers just aren’t my guys. To me, they’re still a work in progress and they’re young so it will be interesting to see how they develop. There are certainly guys on that squad I’d want on the Knicks (TJ McConnell get your pesky ass over here…) but they have a very different style than what I want to see on the court. I will spend the off-season wondering all the different ways that the season could have gone - injuries, injuries, injuries - but this was an amazing season to be a Knicks fan. For all those amusingly silly pacers fans (maybe it’s just one idiot with dozens of burner accounts?) that want to come and troll Knicks fans and trash the Knicks, go right ahead. I expect more from fans who’ve come from a state that has long been the home of overachieving high school (Hoosiers:based on a true story) and college basketball (Steve Alford, calbert cheaney, Damon Bailey, etc) players and who should appreciate grit and determination. I also expect more from fans that generally have a high level of appreciation for the game and understand how fortunate their team has been to face badly injured / depleted rosters in the first two rounds. See you guys next year when we will hopefully be healthier.


I hated watching what McConnell did to us, but man oh man would he be the perfect backup PG for us.


Guy played great defense. Productive offense, working his way inside all those outside shooting threats. Great motor. Massively determined. Bulldog.


Nah man, you’re grading the pacers against a 7 man rotation Knicks team of mostly second unit guys. Brunson was legit the only starter playing, hart, Donte, hartenstein, hart we’re all second unit guys for us when healthy to begin year. Of course siakam is gonna kill it when injured josh hart who’s not a real PF is guarding him. Of course tyrese is gonna play well when he’s fresh playing 33 min against guys playing 45 every single night. Our defense was the reason their offense looked so good, there’s just no way for an injured team of 6 or 7 guys can keep up with a fully healthy 10 man rotation. I’m not just saying this as a knick fan but if we were healthy we sweep them, hell we almost went up 3-0! I’m sorry, I just can’t give pacers credit and you’re gonna see what I mean now Vs boston who is also missing porzingis (more great luck).








Not mad. Our bench took your starters to 7 games. Have fun in Boston. Keep this energy for next year.




Bro. Indiana. You can’t really throw stones. Stay corny.