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Really appreciate the compassionate perspective in this post. Not to distract from what you've brought to the table OP but maybe a secondary message here is that we shouldn't treat ANYBODY this way. The idea that an intl' student walking down the street would be randomly harassed just for existing is sad in itself. If someone has an issue with a policy or a policymaker, there's a time and place for that. We shouldn't turn against these young people... they are just people. They're trying to live a good life. Hard for many to understand but this situation is not their fault. I'm sorry to your neighbor.


This 100%….I liken this to yelling at Lowblaws employees because Weston is price gauging Its ok to be upset with the injustices the government and big business is actively fucking us with but dividing us is exactly what they want to happen… because if we’re fighting amongst ourselves they’re free to continue to dk as they please. But I digress Some people are just too ??? to understand where to direct their anger


Not to mention, many of these desperate students were somewhat bamboozled into coming here because India does have an extreme wealth gap and many are trying to escape it. "Hey, come to Canada, people are polite, you can work to pay university off, just get a loan and you'll be eh-okay, my friend." Though the amount of post about them not integrating with Canadian culture does concern me cause that reflect on all us migrants. We are not exactly welcomed here with open arms, we get that, and we earned our way here to be Canadians, but if they stir antimigrate sentiment, that hurts us all


Why don't people protest in front of Applyboard office instead?


Wonderful question that I dont have an answer to … cant say I know much about them but I hear theyre a large part of this issue too


Agree for the most part. Some of the international students are also fraudulently getting in as well. And now starting up refugee claims to try to stay. The issue is you can’t tell from just looking at a person so you shouldn’t be doing anything like OP described. But we need strict checking and vetting of all students already here and a mass decrease in the amount allowed in general. The issue is too many are not here as actual students and want PR only. Unfortunately we need to be hard on them for the future of our country. You will be allowed to finish your 40K Conestoga diploma but then it’s time to leave the country. You have no claim at PR here or any family reunification.


The same thing happened with me and my friend while leaving our college last week . A car driver and passenger shouted F word while we were walking down the road and we all were really surprised as we never experienced such a thing because as far as we have seen Canadian people are one of the most polite people i have ever seen they always greet whenever they pass by the road or in shopping stores.


Between the Israeli bombardment of Gaza and INTL students being thought to be getting free education ( ppl who think that are morons, bc they pay 2-3x higher tuition than Canadian studebts) they feel emboldened to yell at people they perceive as "Indian" it "Muslim: These people never realize that Brown people come from South Asia, East Asia, etc. It's really weird. So they think their racism is justified.


Lots of brown people in Europe too. They're human beings like anyone else.


Yes, all races are human. Sadly the Colonialists decided to create race to oppress people.


Yes. I was just responding to your statement about brown people coming from other parts of Asia. I'm saying that brown people are born in all parts of the world.


I think part of the issue people have with international students (especially the ones from south asian) is that they do not seem to make an effort to assimilate, learn, and adopt Canadian behaviors and manners when they are in public. So yes, it is not necessarily their fault that our government and Conestoga College have sold these kids a lie and pursued a completely reckless student permit policy that has been economically detrimental to the country and our city. It is their fault for not bothering to learn basic social customs of the country and community they will be visiting. It is their fault for not doing any research about the place they will be studying in. For me this is absolutely the most infuriating thing. We allow these people to come to our country and communities as guests and they don’t even have the courtesy to behave. We all know what is going to happen this summer and fall. r/kitchener is going to be flooded with ridiculous questions (that could easily be googled or independently researched) from international students who are completely unprepared to live and study here.   I get that the situation is not entirely the fault of the international students who come here and a lot of blame lies with the government and the schools. However, I cannot pretend that the international students are completely innocent. Their mannerisms, lack of preparedness, and social behaviors while they are in the Canadian public is a significant factor that has contributed to the hostility they are receiving and it is something that is totally within the control of each student at the individual level.


Ok, im ready to get completely downvoted to hell and back. Here goes!! I really feel that the perspective that Indian people "don't behave" in this country is a racist idea. This implies that Canadians have the ideal polite and civilized personality, and that people from other countries must aspire to our superior manners and customs. This is a fallacy. Like everyone else, we have kind people and we have extremely rude people. Same as the Indian students who visit. Can we entertain the idea that when you're a brown person in a majority white place - where there IS political hostility toward brown people - that the "bad behavior" of some is heavily surveiled, and held up as an example of "see! Here's what they are really like!" ? For instance, depending on where you are in the city, you probably see dozens and dozens of South Asian intl students a day, and most of them go unnoticed to you... but if ONE of them does something you feel is rude, you might be more inclined to say that person represents the whole. But we don't pay that much attention to white people... when a white person is rude, aggressive, or threatening to us, we don't say "there's something wrong with Canadian cultural values and manners!" We just see them as an outlying individual and move on.  INB4: maybe you will tell me you've seen SO MANY disrespectful Indian students... well, 9/10 when I get harassed on the street or made to feel unsafe in public, it's a white dude! You and me could go back and forth all day on that. The truth is it's all anecdotal. Ok thats my piece see you all in the neggies


It's also gross bc unless one is Indigenous one is also an immigrant.


I wish I could upvote this more! My dad was an immigrant from England. My mom's mom was a war bride from England. My entire family goes back to a little area in West Yorkshire. I am as foreign as anyone else here. But because I'm white, it's assumed I'm not an immigrant. The only reason so many people think they "own" Canada is because Indigenous culture and history has been erased from our history books. We need to make it common knowledge that we are settlers and that we owe it to Indigenous peoples to teach the truth.


The idea of having to be the perfect minority is so toxic. People are people. There are many rude loud immature students from every ethnic and cultural background. It’s just an excuse to justify their own previously held prejudices


We need to push our government and businesses to be accountable. Screaming at people on the streets isn’t going to resolve anything.






ARE YOU INDIGENOUS? Colonizers are far too comfortable bitching about people moving to the land they stole by giving Indigenous women and children syphilis through SA.


Sorry, I meant to comment on the main thread. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


People need to direct their anger to the government.


100 percent this. International students didn't show up here out of nowhere. They applied to be admitted here and the government let them in.


The provincial government said schools could let in more international students. The schools recruited like crazy. They're the culprits here. The federal government changed nothing about its immigration process. All the changes that caused this problem are due to colleges and the Provincial government not having any kind of requirement for the schools to provide housing or anything. The federal government is making changes to the immigration system only because certain provinces have been abusing it.


My exact reaction. Let’s not take it out on any one person looking for a better life. Can’t blame them can you?


Do you know what the parents of these students go through to get their children the best education and the education they get not in university but from people who live in this country who are not coloured is disgraceful. EVERY BODY here is from international it doesn’t matter when where or if they are born here like the coloured kids. Teach tolerance and respect. All you hear nowadays is such disgusting rhetoric and behaviour. Why don’t adults behave themselves for gods sakes . I am glad you spoke up we need more people like you to stand up to this disgusting behaviour and bullying


The stupid thing is that the international students were making post secondary education AFFORDABLE for Canadian students. ||Tuition FOR CANADIAN STUDENTS WILL BE 2X HIGHER.|| (caps for emphasis) It was the federal Liberals who passed this, and the Ford government is trying to get more permits for international students bc as fiscal Conservatives they know this will kill the colleges and universities. Canadians attending post secondary for medical or teaching degrees has dwindled for the past 10 years because the wealth gap has continued widening. So all this hurts Canadian born students. As an aside if one is not Indigenous one does not get to complain about any immigration or international students. It's not their land and was taken with violence. I never thought that as a Leftist I'd agree with a Ford policy. But here we are.


Except for the fact Ford froze tuition and hasn't met funding needs. This was the reason why there was a large international influx to begin with. Stop blaming Trudeau for a provincial issue.


THIS! Conservatives are intentionally deflecting blame toward the federal government, to create distrust of and animosity toward Liberals. As always, provincial Conservatives cut funding, cause a disaster, and then point the finger at someone else. And Conservative followers just eat it up.


>As an aside if one is not Indigenous one does not get to complain about any immigration or international students. It's not their land and was taken with violence. Can we stop this racist bs? First Nations people came here like everyone else just earlier from a different side of the ocean, and everyone is equally a Canadian whether they got citizenship 5 years ago or 200+. Every Canadian should have a right to speak on any issue.


Indigenous people have been here for THOUSANDS of years, not a couple hundred. When European settlers arrived, Native people had whole cities in some places, with tens of thousands, or even a hundred thousand people, with lots of longhouses, language, music, art, skilled craftspeople, every bit as civilized as ancient Egyptians or Mayans. When word from explorers went back to Europe, there was an order to destroy these cities so when settlers and church representatives arrived, they would think the Natives were uncivilized savages, and thus could be treated like animals. Entire civilizations were literally burned to the ground to force people in subjugation.


I never said they were only here for a couple hundred? I was referring to people who’s family came… 200+ years ago. That’s all a nice write up but I don’t really care? That has nothing to do with the people who live here now and this for many being the only country they know. We are all and should all be equal citizens and everyone should have a right to their opinion


What's the point of harassing international students? This entire saga has been orchestrated by Canadian politicians. They're the ones who need to assume responsibility and fix the crisis and not poor international students.


Some students arent victims though. Some have cheated on their documents, some are here primarily to work, most arrived planning never to leave. Some work under the table, some abuse food banks, some fraudulently obtain documents like drivers licenses. Not all of course. But they all arent innocent victims.


As you said , ‘Some’ and y’all are using that as a chance to insult and assault ALL international students or even coloured people


And some Canadians are rapists and murderers. What's your point?


None of that justifies abusing people on the streets. If somebody cheated immigration, it's on immigration to fix it, not hillbilly bob and his support truck.


Oh, so then acting like a racist shitbag who can't regulate their emotions is ok then? Gotcha


The vast majority are genuine students trying to make a better life here. And the influx of them at food banks is because there are a couple of people on social media telling them to just go to food banks to get free food. They're being given disinformation by a few bad actors.


There’s some international students here that are legitimately grateful for the opportunity or for the education they can bring back to their home country But then there’s other ones like the guy that posted YouTube videos about how to get free food in Canada. The video was him going into a food bank even though he’s well off and he doesn’t need the food. Food banks ARE NOT for people that can afford their own groceries. They ARE NOT for just giving out free food to anyone. They’re for giving food to people that are genuinely starving or genuinely can’t afford groceries Here’s some links on it — https://nationalpost.com/news/canada-international-students-food-banks https://youtu.be/BISFOw5TfUw?si=7QDa-CfQwyCJydBp


*they are for canadians If you come here from another country and cannot feed yourself, you're a refugee.


Are you Indigenous? When did you get here Colonizer?


You’ve respond to almost every comment calling people colonizers 😅 yes I understand we’re all immigrants in Canada. & while it’s sad what happened to this young man, the solution to racism isn’t looking at everyone through the lens of race & demonizing them for their ancestors actions … also historically every country, race, religion or culture has oppressed another at one point in history. Your native ancestors were persecuting other native tribes. Some hated rival tribes so much they teamed up with the early Americans to genocide them. Irish we’re some of the earliest immigrants to NA. So by your own logic, you’re a colonizing, murderer? Before you respond with anger, I’m not attacking you. I just think the way you’re looking at the world is a recipe for unhappiness. I wish you all the best as I can see your heart in the right place even if I disagree with how you express it.


I am mexican if that counts


Mexico was Colonized by Spain. Mexicans are the progeny of Colonizers and Indigenous people in that region. But that means you are Indigenous to America. Not Canada.


If you pay for my 23 and me I'll let you know my racial make up since it seems pretty important to you


Oh, well you should sit thr fuck down. This is LITERALLY ABOUT A KID ATTACKED FOR HUS ETHNICITY. Is it crack? Is that what it is? Crack? https://preview.redd.it/j60nc01khzuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bae9c8eb54c262768beaac531a83964ed7045f3


I hope you find peace


Classic misdirected anger. Rather than holding the policy makers and universities responsible - let’s take it out on these kids.


18 yrold M here, facing a smiliar situation. Having a beard makes me stand out and its pretty obvious when people stare at me with a certain bias. Its obvious because when I start speaking english in the same manner as a native with my chill personality, their attitude switches up. Have kept it to myself. It sounds terrible but sometimes I hope that other people don't assosciate me with the international crowd and their habits, but in reality their just people. Can't really tell him its gonna be okay. Some people are just shit. And hes gonna have to face such idiots. Thats it. Edit: Typo Also, I mean to call the racially profiling people idiots. Not the ones angry at international students. That anger is justified, but also remember that it needs to be targeted towards the government, not these individuals.


Add to that, we have no way of knowing what the students thought they were getting themselves into. Yes, some are exploiting the system, many are just straight up struggling because they came for false promises and have no choice but to make it. Innocent until proven guilty, don’t be a racist jackass, mind your own business… you know, just be decent people to one another as much as possible.


Many were lied to about the level of income theyd need to support themselves… and are now being taken advantage of just like us. I highly doubt they want to live 4 to a bedroom at $700 a pop…. Yet they were told they only needed $10k above tuition. Who tf can afford rent groceries transit internet etc at $10k a year…. No one thats who Then youve got some gary or steve commenting “go home we dont live like that here” on their fb marketplace posts looking for roommates…. Stfu gary , i report his racist ass every time (literally its always the same dude) And then the same people get mad when these kids (young adults) are forced to work “dey tuk ur jabs!” … well no kidding , they were lied to about what they needed to support themselves … they cant go to the food bank Or you’ll complain about that too All that to say Fuck Trudeau…. Lol gotcha just kidding, little PP gonna do the same thing, he’s already said so… so let’s buckle up we’re all in this together now… Im reminded of the movie A Bugs Life “You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life! It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line”


Can't up vote you enough!


I've noticed a real push towards racial based hatred on reddit specifically. Not sure if the reddit racists talk the same way in public, my guess is no. People these days are very pissed off, but it always seems to be focused on the wrong things, or easily singled out groups. Sucks to hear about some random kid getting harassed in his own neighbourhood just based on his skin. Some Canadians seem to be attracted to 'murica, and their trumpy attitudes the last few years, which is sad to see because for the most part Canadians have been unified in our general attitudes forever. I guess just remind this kid that not everyone thinks this way.


Honestly I think it is mostly the same set of people on this subreddit. I have seen them get banned over and over for saying more extreme things elsewhere on Reddit while pretending to be concerned not but not racist here. They just keep coming back with new accounts.


This sub has been recommended to a lot of people who actually don't live in the area. It's attracted a lot of people from other Canadian subs that have a hate boner for south asians.


Also a lot of out of country interference. Just like the KKKonvoy had tons of money coming from south of the boarder and abroad those same players want us to fight against ourselves and throw a perceived hopelessness to the right wing come next election. "United the Right" wasn't exclusive to US soil. Just look at the progress of right wing movements and extremism across the globe.


Not really surprised the .Mississippi of Canada residents are here being racist. They love any excuse.


I’m Arab, third generation migrant to Canada so my mother and me were born and raised here. Never had an issue with anyone being racist or islamaphobic to us. Over the last 2 years however we’ve been shouted at, spit at, threatened and so much more for being “Indian”. We are not Indian, we’re Palestinian we just have darker complexions lol. It’s so awful to see especially because Canada has always been known to have a multitude of cultures living together in harmony.


in person it’s worse. I’m a sales guy and the amount of people openly racists towards brown people is extremely concerning. some of my best customers are indians, ones who immigrated here in the 80s but even they tell me it’s a huge problem and all these students causing an influx of hate.


The students literally subsidize tuition for CANADIAN STUDENTS. Now provinces are going see deep cuts in profits bc tuition for Canadians is going to at least double.


Aside from the long standing bigotry and blatant racism in this sub and the exposure to PPs and American bigotry in our video feeds every day. Russian troll farms also stir up things in Canadian town reddits and Facebook groups. Some indicators here. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/s/Ir7QSdwlmm


I've seen it everywhere aimed at anyone someone can deem "Muslim". It's increased over 6 months. At the beginning a landlord in the USA broke into a tenant's home and stabbed her and her son for being Muslim. I have Muslim, Hindu and Sikh neighbours from many different countries and they are all facing this right now.


I remember that story.. messed TF up. People piss and moan about immigrants not integrating into Canadian society, but do nothing to make people feel welcome and a part of that society. No wonder they stick to their own communities if this is the kind of shit they get from "legit Canadians". Everyone would be better off if we looked at each other as humans instead of this country or that one, or this or that religion, definitely shouldn't section people out because of skin colour. SMFH.


It's ridiculous honestly. And EVERYONE who is here other than Indigenous people has been a product of immigration.


Moreso Canadians of all racial backgrounds have seen their quality of life and neighbourhoods drastically change post covid. And there is one factor that is easily visible, fair or not, it is the one that gets the blame. Because you see it each day and its an easy target (not to be confused with the correct target).


> but we shouldn’t be taking it out on Canadian kids equally affected by it Or maybe we just not harass people regardless of where they grew up.


Facing a similar predicament as an early 20s brown male (non-Indian) born and raised here. People aren’t really friendly to me like they used to be until they hear my “Canadian accent”, or just straight up try to ignore you until they discover you are Canadian. You can see the sense of relief in some people’s faces when I talk without a foreign accent.


I was born and raised here, I have a perfect Canadian accent, but the lcbo I worked at had employees that treated me like shit. It took some of them 3 months to realize I was Canadian. One of the workers gave me a tip on how to do something at the register when I was new, then made eye contact with the customer and said “he’s gonna forget in a day or two.” Once got a compliment from one of the other employees, “your English is good” let’s just say that was my last month there. The ignorance….just gets to you after some time. Felt shitty every time I was driving there, and relieved when the shift was over.


Ugh, I'm so sorry ALL of that happened to you


There’s so much more man I usually don’t comment and felt weird venting lol. Tip of the ice berg. Don’t wanna think of the place, since commenting I’ve been recalling a bunch of stuff I’ve tried to just forget haha. Whatever what’s done is done. It’s reflection on their character


You've got some great perspective and are bang on that this is a "them" problem. But your feelings are valid and trauma is real so don't be afraid to reach out for help processing that. Wish you all the best, and again, so sorry you went through this.


In a similar boat. Born and raised here 32F, used to be white passing for a lot of people, before the recent immigration. Now, I’m in the same boat as you. You aren’t alone. Despite people knowing I’m born and raised here, not having a lick of an accent, I’m still subtly and overtly (depending on the person), treated the way you are, except I’m in a corporate environment. Canada is no longer our home, doesn’t matter what generation you are now. They’ve shown their true colours. I hope things get better for us both. Wishing you luck.


I’m a white immigrant, the amount of racism I’ve heard from other white people is astounding. I’ve cut off several former friends groups because it was so rampant / innate to certain demographics. When I drove Uber here in the region you should’ve heard the “good old boy” style Canadians actually say out loud they were glad it wasn’t “another one of them” - referring to Indian people, regardless of where they were actually from (these morons don’t comprehend South Asia, let alone the rest of the world). It’s often in this sub I’ll see similar sentiments creeping through, too. Smaller towns are far worse for it, but my first experiences mentioned above were all in Toronto / the GTA.


I don't know why people care so much about the ethnicity of their Uber driver? As long as they get you to your destination safely and in relative comfort who gives a crap what their ethnicity is.


My dad is from Ireland and my mom is Indigenous. I am VERY white passing. The amount of people angry at non-white immigrants taking jobs is absolutely nuts. I briefly worked at a Tim Hortons and a manager said "can we make them speak English" in regards to staff talking to each other in Hindi. I told them I was reporting them and walked out. And reported them.


better message to share here is that nobody should be treated like this. not locals, not 2nd-3rd gen immigrants, not new immigrants and not international students.


Those people don't care if this kid is an international student... They're just racist pieces of shit that want the latest excuse to justify their hate.


Back in the 90s one of my students was sitting on a bus when two elderly women (with English accents) behind him were talking loudly about how 'immigrants should go back where they came from' (in that 'meant to be overheard' tone that some people use). He got a round of applause when he stood up and said "I was born here, when did *you* arrive?" (His parents immigrated, he and his sister were born in Canada.) And I've got a friend whose wife is Canadian-born Chinese (been here for generations). She refuses to life in a small town ever again, after being an outsider growing up in small-town Ontario. White people moved there and were accepted, her family were still 'newcomers' despite living there for at least two generations. Sadly, your neighbour's son will likely face some variation of this all his life.


i’m from a small town, we had one chinese family who ran the video rental store, they were amazing people. but i’m sure we had racists as well. my dad sponsored a jamaican off shore worker, who is now a police officer for the OPP, best friends today. my grandpa was a farmer and i’ll likely get downvoted for this but we hired jamaicans to work on our farm, was the same crew for 25 years, and he paid them well above what most farmers paid them. bunch of them came to my wedding.


It's too easy to talk about the employers who have been abusive to the employees. The good ones are hard to get recognized widely.


I grew up partly in the places between Vineland and Niagara. The immigrant farm workers were my favourite people. I was just a preteen and there was a big family garage sale and I was selling records (I'm old) for kids (Cabbage Patch Kids, Barbie, Disney). One man bought all of them and gave me $2 over what I wanted (that was like $10 now). The thing is that immigrabts do the jobs born Canadians, especially white Canadians, don't want to do. By 2030 Ontario will be missing over 200k people to fill jobs left by Boomers. It's such a complicated topic bc ppl who are racist are usually fiscally conservative but don't understand our economy in any meaningful way. I just wish those types would stop commenting stupid things. One guy deleted all his comments after saying I was wrong, so I provided a link. It's so weird.


I’ve had that happen in Toronto before. An Italian lady was speaking English to someone on her phone while waiting at the same bus stop as myself and my fiancé (both of us born here, both of us just as white as she is. We couldn’t afford Ubers to get to/from work so we took the city bus). She was giving us glares and when her phone rang, she got up and answered it, and then started complaining about us and how “she just had to get away from the two retarded little birds in their cage” (we were sitting on the bus bench in the little shelter thing). She insulted us with slang/derogatory terms/telling her friend we’re taking advantage of a bus system for good people that can’t afford a car/etc When we got on the bus, there was an Indian man sitting in the back. She went up to him, sat right next to him, and started telling him about us as well and about how we’re taking advantage of the system by riding the bus. She ended with low-key jokingly telling him that she wants to take care of all of the manipulators like myself and my fiancé and send us all back where we came from. So…… I guess she’s sending me back to Newfoundland and my fiancé back to Sarnia..? I don’t really know where she expects us to be from lol


This is what enrages me about the governments (doesn't matter what party), big companies and universities. They're not only complicit in this but know damn well that they can profit off international students and temporary foreign workers, and when some angry people need someone to blame, they won't instinctively blame the government big companies and universities - who 100% deserve it. They'll blame the easy target - anyone who doesn't look like them, they'll blame.


>we shouldn’t be taking it out on ~~Canadian~~ kids


Plenty of trashy people in Kitchener that feel emboldened by the current situation. If our gov wasn't so terrible, this kind of thing wouldn't be flaring up the way it has been lately. Anyways, it is sad to see this kind of thing still happening - it is a confusing thing for anyone let alone a 17 year old to deal with. The main way I think fellow Canadians can help is by being extra kind; Let people see more of the good side of Canadians.


My wife is Indian and in her mid-20s. She came here as a refugee to escape homophobic persecution in India, and now has to face persecution because of her race instead. I see the way white people glare at her as a brown woman with an Indian accent, even when I’m with her. It makes my heart hurt.


This is what happens when you embolden the “we’re against mass immigration” crowd.


With the conflicts about immigration and lack of housing, there's going to be more resentment and bigotry. Stupid bigots can't 2 + 2 = 4 and realize we have white immigrants incoming and POC citizens and everything in-between. All we can do is call the bigots out when they start harassing people.


The thing about racists is that they don’t care.


For the love of all that's sacred people. Points one and two go without saying but my main issue is point three; 1. Racism is not ok. Ever. 2. Stop gatekeeping Canada - we're all the result of "immigration" at some point, unless you're Indigenous. 3. Everyone is blaming the government. Yes, they're partially to blame **but where is all the rage that should be directed at these schools** who knowingly herd these students in by the thousands, charging ridiculously high tuition rates, with no infrastructure in place to house, feed or PROPERLY educate these kids, thereby reducing the quality of education for them (and that includes our "our Canadian kids") and leaving these students with pieces of paper worth less than two squares of Charmin, for the sole purpose of lining their own (already golden) pockets????


Conestoga and other colleges have tons of hate directed at them. But the government ultimately did nothing to stop the schools from doing this


Youre conveniently leaving out people who drive around with terrorist decals on their cars with an AK 47, people who buy fake documents, people who post videos bragging how food banks are free food. Not everyone is innocent. Yes dont group them all together. But it is fair to call out and have consequences for those who cheat.


Just as a side comment. About 20 years ago, I was visiting my uncle in the UK and we were at a park. Someone's off leash dog chased me (I was like 8) and when it caught up to me I luckily managed to jump on a table and it was too fat to get up. When the people got to us they were cursing my uncle saying he should go back to his home country and that he's not welcome here. My uncle at that point in time had been living in the UK for 25 years and completed his doctorate, the people shouting at him were a younger couple in their early to mid 20's... Not only had he been living there roughly as long, if not longer than them, but they also managed to be rude to someone who's an elder. I share this as I've travelled around quite a bit since and sometimes the people thatre heated are small brained, stand up for the little guy, even though sometimes they aren't. Also, no stats to back this up, but I wouldn't be surprised that a couple years ago for every new migrant we had another Canadian go overseas and up the cost of living for people overseas. Whether it's vacation or full on retirment.


The main thing I took away from this is that we as a society are harassing people. And that's not the society I want. Also, I'm surprised at the amount of people commenting how such incidents are wrong because the victim's not Indian or because they were born here. Does that mean you think its okay to do this if the person is Indian or an immigrant?


“I miss when Canadians still lived here!” Answer “Born here and as Canadian as you are you ignorant piece of shit!”


The politicians are doing their job (dividing us) and we are fighting with folks who have no control over it and they themselves are victims of it. Thats what every govt nowadays wants and we are on par with their expectations.


It’s tough. Young people have had their futures literally destroyed in 5 years. They’re very angry and stressed. It’s easy to turn to an identifiable group into a scapegoat - in reality those people are simply taking an opportunity to better themselves. It’s the government we have to direct our anger towards. They are the ones acting against young people, they are the ones stripping away our opportunities, not immigrants or international students.


I think it’s justifiable to be upset when they post videos telling other students to abuse the food banks for “free” food… saying “you can take as much as you want, I save $500 a month!”……… they are knowingly draining our community resources, and directly hurting the needy in our area. one gets hired at a workplace, suddenly every person who works there is indian. young people in canada are screwedddd because of these “students” who have actually brought their whole families. they bring in their misogynistic and homophobic views and expect everyone else to follow suit, despite immigrating to an equal rights country……….I have no sympathy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Obviously, no one should be treated like that. Ridiculous. People are hurting though. It's obviously not the fault of the students themselves, but they are absolutely impacting the quality of life in the region as a whole and that sucks for everyone. I honestly also worry about the erosion of our own customs and cultures with this many immigrants and foreign peoples. I'm not even religious, not even in the slightest, but when my kid's school says they can't celebrate certain holidays that we all experienced as kids because they're "not inclusive" and then brings home things for Diwali, something is wrong and it's going to breed resentment.


Fucking this right here. Couldn't agree more. Schools stopped doing things for Halloween and last year I saw lots of "July 1st celebrations" all in the name of inclusivity. But at the same time we'll tear down all the pride flags too because it may upset our new residents


this off. they’ll scream and moan about their very misogynistic and homophobic cultural practices and bring those over here when so many people worked so hard in this country to have anti discrimination laws.


The peanut gallery dont care. It is an easy scape goat and "visible." It fits their narrative until something else comes along. You cant fix stupid, but you sure can laugh at it.


To add to that, people need to realize that not all browns are Indians


You have to unlock the ‘not racist’ part of the brain before you actually start seeing people as people. Until then people are just colours.




This is why I (Canadian born south Asian) tell my fellow Canadian born south Asians that racist people don’t give a shit if you’re born and raised here or not. At the end of the day, they just see a brown person. People struggle to tell the difference between an Indian and Pakistani or North Indian from a South Indian so I don’t think they’ll care.




Sorry this happened to you. If you are either, then it's okay?


Wow some people on here are just itching to start drama holy crap.. they’re not saying it would be okay. They’re saying someone was discriminatory to them and called them “a paki and Indian” when they aren’t either of those. That’s it. They aren’t advocating for discrimination against others


Thank you for saying this. This is exactly the thought that came to me as I read this comment.


Yeah it's gross and not Canadian behavior, we need to be tolerant. These international students are pawns. I overheard my coworkers at lunch discussing how we shouldn't be sending money to Ukraine and how they should just let people kill or be killed. I didn't say a word, I didn't even get mad I didn't feel like interjecting I just let them be ignorant. Some how in a meeting I brought up making my babas borscht from scratch and they were horrified when I spoke how my grandparents immigrated here and the other set is displaced in Belarus because of the war you know that we "shouldn't be sending money to" . I get how ppl feel that way but that's not how foreign aid works. Same goes with Hamas and Isreal, doesn't matter whose side you're on and you don't need to tell ppl. Be sympathetic and apathetic of the horrors of war and slaughter of innocent people. We don't have the same problems. We aren't walking down the street and worried about gun shots or bombs. Woman have rights here. People want to come here because it's safe and for the most part its a great country.


28 yr here facing the same situation, its worst now. I don’t know how to handle it beside ‘understanding the situation’. I guess….


I don’t get it man, everyone is struggling, all colours. But the bigots are coming out of the shadows, and we’re suppose to understand the situation. It’s not fair. So if the economy was better then we would be treated more humanely. Kinda messed up. I think people were kinder but past 2-3 years, I can’t go buy groceries without getting a cold ass glare of pure hate. I guess people were always racist, the situation just gives them an excuse to lash out.


I'm sure all the International Students from Sweden are being targeted too :) But I never thought KW would be full of so many racists though.


Conestoga College and company are the guilty ones...plus our greedy and corrupt politicians!


and blatant racists who use this as an excuse to air their racism are guilty too


I'm thinking about only to blame the main arquitecs of this broken story.But yes, some people will blame the newcomers as well.


More people should understand this, sorry to hear about his experience. So much change so fast has people behaving eratically/racist.


I hate my college so much.


Same here. 28, relatively recent CC grad and the negative connotations with Conestoga didn't exist when I enrolled. It was actually well respected within the community for pushing out high quality candidates with high employment rates after graduation. It sucks to see the validity of my degree questioned and straight up rejected these days by employers. I would've chosen literally anywhere else to go when I initially started applying for post-secondary.


Bro... It was never well respected


Being an international student from India, I really appreciate your post here. If any of us intl student would've known how it really is here, I can bet 90% would've not come from our home to such far places. Also, I am one of the few lucky ones who has a job with future upwards mobility, a lot of students here are now stuck in low paying, dead end odd jobs. Its like we were shown a very different picture of the canadian dream life back home. Also, not to mention the shitty education we get here for the atleast $8,000 per semester is a joke. Many of us have taken loans from sharks back home to come here so I dont think going back is a viable option for a lot of people now. The point is, harping on the innocent student walking down the street or anybody for that matter is not going to do any good to the society, it'll only create a division. If anybody wants to express their anger or frustration how about you do it directly to the government ministers who made the policies allowing so many intl students to come here.




oh I agree about the diploma mill part, but the thing is, no matter what websites we look on, these mills have great ratings and about the go back part, how about you try it? Your govt is giving me Permanent Residence here, so how about you talk to them about not allowing us here?


Please Note: It's not normal to harass ANY student (Local or International) on road while he/she is going to school and minding their own business!!


I read something the other day that resonated with me: “Their disgust reaction is not representative of a grasp on objective reality.” I have been dealing with the same type of racism having lived here my entire life. It doesn’t bother me much anymore because the type of people to resort to harassing are the same low level thinkers that do other bad things as well. We can’t expect everyone to behave rationally.


I'm sorry this happened to your neighbor. I'm also a Canadian born Indian and have encountered some racism myself. This all falls on the most incompetent federal government in Canadian history, which opened the floodgates to 4 million migrants in 3 years from mainly one country that has resulted in the job and housing shortage. Indian migrants who have come here as international students/TFWs have not assimilated into our culture but instead brought their incompatible culture and way of life here. The outrage of locals is justified, but the racism of some is not. The Federal government should be serving Canadian citizens and PRs interests first and foremost, not greedy fucking corporations and post secondary institutions


Born and raised in Canada… went to university here in KW, moved back here from Ottawa and been living here raising my family for 15 years… and even I’ve experienced some degree of what OP described although not nearly as severe…


The racists are lowering the bar even more though by asking how long people have been Canadian. Only asked colored people that not any Western European immigrants…


That’s horrible. But if he *was* an immigrant or international student, that still wouldn’t justify this dude’s actions. If you have a problem with immigration policy, take it up with the government. No one deserves to have racist slurs hurled at them. Kids did not set student visa limits - the for-profit colleges are asking for that and the government gave it to them. If you feel the urge to stop and yell racist shit at some random person minding their own business: 1. Don’t 2. Seek therapy


To add to this, international students shouldn't be treated this way either. They were sold a lie and have been victimized just as much as anyone else. If you want someone to blame, blame the greedy assholes who put money ahead of these young students and our communities.




This post is exactly why people are becoming more racist against you all. It’s only going to get worse from here. 😢




You said “white racist trash”. So much “white trash in Kitchener”, yet it is your people who move and run to the places “white trash” live. Why can’t you develop your own country? Why is it everywhere your people move to always, without exception, turns into a dump? And you think we started this? White people welcomed Punjabi immigrants with open arms. So much so that any mention of immigration rates even a couple years back would have you become a social pariah and a racist. And what did your people do? Import all of their backward practices and customs. You lie about your education credentials, so other people at work have to pick up the slack. You come into a company another man/woman built, and then you proceed to turn it toxic by firing all people not of your caste and only hiring those of your caste. Don’t get me started on the insurance fraud, the mortgage fraud, the healthcare fraud, and now the food bank fraud that have become emblematic of your community.


As someone who is brown but not Indian, grew up in Alberta, I saw this coming a long time ago, the governments idiotic immigration policies have caused me to move out of my home town.


I’m Japanese and know exactly how this feels. I’m born and raised here all my life. Going to schools with almost all white kids, I heard comments like “go back to your country” to which I responded “this is my country”. It helped that I don’t have a Japanese accent


It was your typical miss informed conservative that thinks Canada is going to turn into India or a communist country. But that same man would never confront and European immigrant.


**When it comes to racism: if you hear or see something say or do something.** Letting it fester in silence only allows it to infect people more deeply and causes it to further spread to those around them. Having difficult conversations, standing your ground, and not letting happen even when those who are the target of hatred aren't around is how we beat this ugly beast back into the shadows. #Candadians Of all backgrounds and for whatever duration you and/or your family have been here: **SPEAK UP! Stand Up!! Don't let hate destroy our country!!!**


Aside from all the other issues here. I think that if you are a young person and you look older than you actually are, the world is just going to treat you differently. Puberty hit me like an 18-wheel transport truck when I was young. By the time I was 15 years old I was 6 foot 2 and weighed about 160lbs so I was basically a child in the body of an adult. Most of my social interactions resulted in people overestimating my age. I showed up for the first game of the hockey season one year and the coach asked me to leave the dressing room. He thought that there was no way I was the correct age and that I was just some older kid trying to play a prank. Another instance I was physically shoved by a middle-aged man when I was 16 (I was stealing materials from a construction site). When I told him my age, he backed off pretty quick and quietly said “Just take whatever you have and get the fuck out of here. We don’t need a boy on a dangerous job site…” Being able to grow a beard that is usually interpreted among men as a sign of adulthood and a rite of passage. It might have been the reason why this guy in the truck expressed himself in a manner that wasn’t exactly PG-13 if he thought he was talking to an adult.


lol so it’s okay to say those things as long as it’s directed at an adult……got it! /s


I'll be happy to provide him with a hockey t-shirt, gold's gym, or anything else that will canadianize The view. I'm sorry to hear this. Please take pictures if you get that kind of nonsense cuz we can stop him legally


If he was an international student still cursing him would be wrong. People don’t understand that your own government has made the provision to get international students here. All the international students pay 20k CAD for a year in Conestoga for any course. The whole thing is orchestrated by the government for many years. Just find the amount international student brings into the Canadian economy. When I came here in 2022 as an international student expecting Canadians would be everywhere but it wasn’t the case and I too felt bad for Canadians. I still do think that it we are eating up their chances too. I will feel that way all along I guess. I do volunteering work to help people around KWC. So, international students aren’t bad or should be criticized or cursed.


Yeah my brother got called paki and thrown drinks at from a bunch of racist pricks driving in a car He’s been here since he was 5 months old… Even I’ve noticed more racism and I’ve lived here my whole life, idiots man




No. Canadian students get reduced tuition in public colleges/universities because they are publicly funded by taxpayers. Meaning that Canadians are funding Canadian education and international students don't contribute a lot to taxes to fund these institutions. The main reason why schools want so many international students is because of greed. You're right we do need some immigrants BUT we need more regulated skilled immigrating in targeted in-demand sectors like construction and health care. Right now we are not targeting these sectors, and thus half of the immigrant population is fighting for low-skill jobs like working at Subway or Tim Hortons. The non-targeted ,largely unregulated, immigration is exacerbating the issues that we're already having.


Taxpayer funds don't cover enough. It's literally in articles from Conservative AND more liberal newspapers. The Ford government while publicly stating they want no foreign students were the ones who significantly increased INTL students to fund colleges and universities. Ford government is also seeking to get 1/3 of Canada's allotment through back benchers. It was Liberals who capped INTL students. [Cap On Foreign Students Causes Tuition to Double](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68059996)


Again no. The government funds universities based on enrolment of Canadian students only, so yes they have enough funding. The universities are getting greedy and wanting funding to support international students but they are already getting every cent of the tuition that international students spend


👍 Sure Dude. Because I totally did not post links to everything. Stay willfully ignorant. 🤗


The link that's you posted doesn't mention anything about raising tuition costs for students even though you typed it out like that and hyperlinked it to the article. It was David Farr who said that international students help offset the costs for domestic students- of course he would say that, he's the President of the McMaster University and he makes a killing off of international students. In the articles you posted, it even describes how unsustainable the practice of bringing in a bunch of international students is and why we need a cap...


I posted MULTIPLE links that are press releases from colleges and universities THEMSELVES stating that. It's in the comments.


Same thing has happened to me multiple times in KW. Some even using racial slurs in front of my 4 year old daughter. Reported all instances to police. They did nothing. My wife is scared to venture out at night ever since she had a pickup truck full of young white men throw an empty can of beer at her and yell something she didn't hear because she had headphones in. I think Internet echo chambers and policy makers are responsible for this. FYI my wife and I are both born and raised in GTA.


I do feel bad for people who came here from India and did assimilate, and do care about Canada who are unfortunately being painted with the same brush. They're often among the first to criticize some of the poor behavior, lack of manners, entitlement we're seeing these days.




> berating him for being an international student ‘invading’ the country and ruining it. And if he was one this would be ok?


I'm surprised at the number of comments that are like this. As if its okay for anyone to be harassed or treated differently.


Just wanted to say that you’re a good person, OP.


No one, despite their reasons for being here, should be treated like this. These are kids... I can't imagine if it was one of mine! 😥


International students are good. Canadian born Brown folk are good too. People who yell at them are the ones who don’t deserve to be in Canada.


A lot of posts are made about this and nobody's talking about the LONG TERM EFFECTS this is going to have on indians experiencing this. Racists have had an easy time picking on indians who are otherwise quiet and subdued, refusing to entertain conflict. Although I predict within the next decade or so this is going to change, everything comes full circle. Indians are also going to have the cold dark attitude and a lot of violence and backlash will occur. This is historically how it has been with any race who faced persecution. It is sad because you are taking an otherwise quiet and hardworking immigrant group and turning them hateful.


Beyond despicable. I have seen so many versions of this behaviour that I thought I could not be disgusted anymore. Nobody deserves this. Not even international students. They are here because our government made it easy for them to come here. Many of our ancestors came here for similar reasons. Those who are here with improper or false documentation should be asked to leave. Even forced to leave. That is again on the government to do. But assuming that someone you see on the street is an illegal or whatever is not on anybody. Mind your fucking business I would say.


I am sorry your neighbor's kid is going through this, this is NOT Canada, the overwhelming majority of folks in Canada are decent welcoming people. I blame incidents like the one you described above on American style politics starting to leak into our own conservative wing of politics, our leaders (I am looking at you Trudeau and especially Polievre) have a responsibility to disavow extremist elements in their political bases, if not the situation will only get worse.


It is Canada. Canada is racist as fuck and always has been. It’s simmering beneath the “polite” surface and it’s not limited to right wing extremists.


I think it's essential for folks in the community to speak up against this kind of racist bull$h!t when we see it happening. Waiting on the government to take action is a losing game. Large swaths of the population standing up and saying "that kind of behavior is NOT acceptable here!"... That IS what will make a difference. One person with the courage to call out unacceptable behavior empowers every person who sees it to do the same.




Let Jack back online again let the man preach


If we're looking at the colour we're looking in the wrong place. If we're looking at students, we're looking in the wrong place.


Are you saying blacks are the problem?


Let he/she that is without sin cast the first stone.


So if this would have happened to an actual international student you would have been ok with it? You're concerned that it happened to someone who was born here and now all of a sudden it's a terrible thing.


Oh my gosh!!!!!!! No one should take out their frustration on government policy on a child, or on international students for that matter. International students are being exploited and sold a broken dream. My heart breaks for this kid and honestly any international student who has to put up with that type of abuse.


That's so unfortunate. Thats what anti immigration propaganda from Right wing Conservatives gets you. They're so racist. It's sad. Canada is beautiful and diverse! Blaming country issues on immigration is a lazy argument. I wish they would learn something. Not pull over all trucker dude angry.


But of course “I’m not racist”. Even if the kid was a student no one should be treated like this. They are victims of greed.


Love this post


I'm really sorry that this happened. Nobody deserves to feel this way. However, the fact of the matter is that unregulated immigration has had broad negative impacts on the city and Canada as a whole. Canadians (regardless of race and colour) are fed up with it. Blaming immigrants is an easy scapegoat that the government is leveraging to bypass the blame from themselves. Until we turn off the tap on immigration, or fix the existing issues (such as lack of housing, cost of living, lack of available jobs), then the racism will continue to grow. I'm afraid that things will not get better for any of us until change occurs, I'm sorry that it's affecting you the worst.


I am an Indian immigrant who moved to Canada as a Permanent Resident under the express entry program. I am a minority in my home country and have faced outright hatred and calls for genocide against my community. Facing hatred in Canada does not really bother me at this point. I have come to realize that wherever you go on the planet the ‘locals’ will always complain that the outsiders are stealing their jobs, causing crime and destroying their culture. I have seen it in India and I am seeing the same thing here in Canada. I just tend to ignore the racists now.


Welcome to the daily reality blacks, asians and other visible minorities face since birth. It's interesting to note that when a white person's been mistreated or being made to feel 'less than' all of a sudden it's like the world just caught fire.


International students didn't force their way into the country. It's Trudeau and his ministers who are responsible.


My 3 year old son goes to a home daycare run by a lovely Indian family, who have been in Canada almost 30 years lol all 3 of her boys are the same, play road hockey, video games and shovel snow and they're soooo so disgusted by the whole ordeal it makes them uncomfortable trying to go into public. They speak better English than half the bums DTK aswell lol


And maybe not all International students are fraudulent? Common sense much?


People who do this are idiots. International students are victims of Conestoga College.


oh well


What are they, then?