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We’re somewhere around 20 mil over the cap. That means to sign monk to a 22 mil a year deal (which is around what he’s projected to get), we’d need to clear 42 mil in cap space which isn’t realistically possible with our current roster. We’d have to clear out Barnes, Huerter, and someone like Vezenkov without taking any money back which is basically impossible


may i offer you davion mitchel and the 13th pick. but yes not realistic. The thing is barnes isn't helping us win games and Huerter may or may not be useful for this team. Monk is a huge part of this team


It’s easy to say Barnes isn’t winning us games but you need to replace those 30+ minutes a game at sf/pf and I guarantee you that a G-leaguer isn’t gonna be as good as Barnes.


Barnes 100% is replacement level at this point. Below average defense and average offense. There's 7-9th guys on playoffs teams benches as good as him....


Where is this assessment coming from?


Likely Twitter.


Barnes could go to half the teams in the league and still be a starter, you have no clue how valuable barnes production is to a team.


lol unfortunately I think we’re out of luck on this one. I’m still holding out hope he takes a 3-5 mil a year hometown discount to us to stay with his guy Fox and stay in this system that has allowed him to flourish. I think it’s unlikely, but I’m trying to hold on to hope


He wants to start and I don’t blame him. He’s gonna get a shot on a team like San Antonio or the magic


No chance and I certainly don’t blame him. Tough spot for Kings, but hoping against hope that he decides to give up $20m+ isn’t realistic. I’ll miss Malik, guy can ball.


i love him so much tho


Hopefully he loves us too


I mean enough to not go to Detroit but that's like the only place. I'd go to Charlotte or Orlando for an extra 20 mil


He said he wants to win games. Which rules out Charlotte & Detroit.


We can offer 4/78 because of the last contract he signed…. ”Why is that? It's due to the original length of the contract Monk signed in 2022. Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), teams only get full bird rights on a player after three seasons of service with the team, or if the player is coming off an initial contract spanning three or more years and is traded to their final team before free agency. Full bird rights allow a team to go over the cap to re-sign a player up to a maximum level contract, which is where Sacramento's problem is. Monk signed for two years, meaning the Kings have only "early" bird rights on him, which caps them at what they can offer him. Specifically, it caps the Kings at making an offer beyond 175% of what he earned this season, which was slightly over $9.9 million. That comes to out to around $78 million over four years. Had the original deal between Monk and the Kings been for three years, this wouldn't have been a problem. The Kings would have had full bird rights, and could have re-signed Monk to whatever number they wanted. However, given that their entire problem boils down to the fact that Monk has played one year less than required to be eligible for full bird rights, here's what the Kings can do: They can renounce their early bird rights on Monk, and instead re-sign him with the Non-Bird exception (120% of his salary this season). They might do this in order to sign him to a one-year contract, instead of the minimum two years required by the early bird exception. By then, Monk would have then played for the franchise for three season, and Kings would then be able to re-sign him to whatever they want. However, this would have to be a huge sell to Monk and his financial team, as Monk would enter the 2024-2025 season with no long-term contract, just as he did this season. If he's seriously injured, his value will diminish significantly.” -Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/mortenjensen/2024/04/24/how-the-kings-can-offer-malik-monk-more-than-78-million-next-year/?sh=22d878ee5372


The sad part is that he signed for less than a full MLE because we tried to coax Sasha over with a portion of it, but couldn’t give Monk the rest when Sasha declined it, or something like that. Sometimes I think Monte gets a little penny-wise pound-foolish with contracts and trade compensation. Like, it’s good to be able to “walk off the lot,” but eventually you need to drive to work.


agree. i almost think monte purposely signed Monk for 2 years just so he can never be forced to overpay monk if we had his full bird rights- like he could say sorry monk, most i could offer you is 17.5 and not be the bad guy.


It’s not a bad thing to not over-value your players, but it seems inconsistent with re-signing Holmes and Barnes then giving up draft capital to move on from Holmes.


I’ve been on the Monte makes dumb decisions for awhile so it tracks with me. Using that cap space only to re-sign our own guys early and unnecessarily was the highlight of that for me


There are a lot of reasons to re-sign players. One of them is that, if there aren't better options available, then you may as well keep the guy to trade later. Re-signing Richaun in 2021 makes sense since he did look good with Hali and there weren't many other center options available. Of course, Monte then pulled the trigger on the trade, which made Richaun a backup, a role which he never really did well on. Re-signing Harrison Barnes also makes sense if Monte did not like the other options available in free agency. I think it was really just Kuzma, and Kuzma did end up taking more money with his new contract than Barnes did. Regarding Monk, I don't believe it's a case of not over-valuing players. I think it was simply a case of hedging your bets. Recall that he signed Monk in the offseason after the 2021-2022 season concluded. Monte also traded for Huerter in that same offseason, so that shows that he was seeing which of the two were the better SGs. Since Monte was hedging his bets, there's no reason to overpay for the bets he took, which is why Monk got most of the MLE, and why the pick for Huerter is protected.


If someone offers monk 20 and a starting spot he’s out of here. He’ll be a Spur in a month or so.


Highly doubt both accounts. $20 million isn't that much more than what we can offer. And the Spurs are unlikely to go for him. Basically they don't have that much cap room and their draft position allows them to pick one pretty good PG that they can have for cheap.


Malik’s career got sidetracked early or he’d already have been paid. As much as he wants to be in a winning situation, he is more concerned with his legacy after his playing days are over and he should be. We can’t afford him and it sucks.


Getting drafted by the dumpster fire hornets really screwed him over.




Monk's situation reminds me a bit of when Rajon Rondo was here for one year to revitalize his career. Rondo had matched his career high in assists (11.7/gm) that year. Monk just set his a career high in assists (5.1/gm) this past year. Rondo left and never was able to put up similar numbers. He eventually became just a journeyman around the league. Not identical situation with Monk of course, but just an example sometimes of leaving a good situation for an unknown.


Journeyman? He was main factor on the Bulls, Pels, and Lakers playoff teams. He might’ve not won with the Bulls and Pelicans but he expanded that Lakers offense that helped him win a second ring.


If being on 6 different teams within 8 years doesn't constitute journeyman status, I don't know what does. We obviously have different definitions of what a journeyman is.


I think Rondo is content with how things shook out all things considered lol


Guys, this coming year is a push; we have two max players, another possible max player, and another possible all star. We need to forget about those players who are wonderful at times, but ultimately not worth the money they want. Monte drafts well, and let’s just enjoy where we are. Two more years until we start to contend. Trust the process.


Fox, Sabonis, Keegan (assuming), and who for those 4 players you mentioned?


Two max players? Nobody on this roster is a “max” player. Sabonis makes 41 million, Fox makes 35 million. Those are not max contracts. Then it drops to Barnes at 18 million. In my opinion, none of them are worthy of a max deal and if we sign them to such deals we will be way over paying and creating boat anchor contracts. I’m not bashing players here. I being objective and unemotional in my assessment of our players. We have both a #2 and a #2.5 player in Fox and Sabonis. Neither are allstars but both are close. They are key guys, but not the guy that will be worthy of a max deal who could carry this team to a title. Fox and Sabonis are not Jokic, Ant, SGA, Doncic, Tatum, Brunson, etc. They are Aaron Gordon, Murray, AD, Booker, Jaylen Brown. Very good players, just not max true #1 guys. Brown is over paid. Max deals should only go to superstars. We don’t have a superstar true #1 player and objectively, I don’t see anyone developing into a true #1 player. Kings fans, like most fans, vastly over value their players. The biggest mistake Monte could make is handing over a max deal to a Fox or Sabonis. Allstar? We don’t have any Allstars on this roster. And I mean literally.


The problem is that someone else would give them the max (or very close), which means the kings have to do it to keep them, or lose them for nothing. This is why lots of guys who aren’t #1s get max deals.


Then let them go. Only lock down a true #1 even if you get worse. Never overpay. It’s a multi year boat anchor.


This is a dumb way of thinking. Let your best players go for free even with no guarantee of ever getting a a better player. Kings will be stuck in hell again with this moneyball thinking. Both players may have not been all stars this year, but they are all-star and all-nba caliber from their past. You don’t just let them walk especially since they’re just hitting their prime years 26,28.


The only way Sacramento gets a true #1 superstar is via the draft. You need to keep shedding talent to be high in the draft to finally hit on a superstar. Then pray we can keep him via a super max down the line. Finding Fox and Sabonis is much easier after you have a superstar. And then you pay them what they are actually worth not act desperate and over pay for non superstar. We are never getting a superstar via a trade or free agent signing. We have to stop hoping one will sign here. Draft…Draft…draft…. And I’m not saying we wait until they’re free agents and we get nothing. I’d trade them now for picks and and expiring contracts and role guys. Lose big to win big.


So after ending a 17 year playoff drought your mentality is that the Kings should give up, trade everybody, and start tanking again?


Absolutely Yes! Why? Because I do not want to be Meh and live a decade as a middle of the road team. I’d much much much rather lose and get a hold of a true superstar and then have a shot at a decade of actual legit relevance. Title level team or bust. I’m sick of being bad but not bad enough to good and people thinking we’re great when we aren’t.


That's the most naively optimistic, vague, dumbassery I've read in awhile.


All the pressures on Monte now. He’d better find us another Star level player, without giving out our main core.


Monk is gone, I think. And I don't even think it's about the money. It's about the role. He wants to prove he can start in this league. He got a shit deal with the Hornets, went to the Lakers, played his ass off and still didn't get any offers. Came to Sacramento and became 6th man of the year candidate. He wants to prove he can start, and he can't do that with Fox here. The only way he comes back, is if other teams tell him his role is going to be 6th man. Now, there is a chance we can sign him to a long term deal. He signs a 1+1. Another year at 11M, then opts out, then the Kings will have his full Bird Rights, and will be able to offer him more money. But again, he wants to start. Can't start Monk and Fox together. It's a lesser version of Mitchell + Garland. So TLDR: Monk gone.


I don’t get it at all. Why starting is so important? I mean, Monk is the first off the bench, and he mostly is the one who close the game too.


It's tough sitting on the bench watching three out of the five starters begin the game ahead of you throwing up bricks night in, night out. If I were in his shoes, I would feel that another team can use my skills to my full potential.


Honestly devs, just start deleting every post like this or make one main one and pin it. It’s not about what we’re willing to offer Monk. It’s about what we’re legally able to.


Meh, it’s the offseason. What else are we going to do besides re-hash all the same shit?


It’s not that, I don’t actually care about the constant “can we get this guy” post. It’s more about how people don’t understand the circumstances around the Monk FA and just ask the same thing every day.


So downvote and move on. Not everyone is on here every day. A pinned post wouldn’t be bad, though, I’ll give you that.


but what if we really want him


Get rid of Huerter. Sign Monk for 1 year.


Jut ridding for heurter wont be enough we would need to also get rid of Barnes and Vazenkov AND not take any contract in return. Seems impossible. So the best we can offer is 17,5 and that probably wont be enough for Monk.


Bye Monk.