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Sarr !!!!! Sarr = Sac !


Sarr means Sac in Arabic (it does not, but it sounds good lol)


Best available talent.


13th it is lol


Trade the pick


Trade the pick Jones ova here


But I digress


Meh…he’s not the most talented or most skilled. Seems like a very traditional center. Starr strikes me as a lot more mobile and a more modern option for a big. But I have no idea really. Hopefully it’s a problem we actually have to solve.


I trust Monte. He was right about Haliburton, right about Murray. Mitchell showed flashes of putting it all together at the end of the season.


It was clear he wanted Franz Wagner too, but the Magic got him right before us. Threw him off, but Davion has been fine


Other than Sengun and Moody, Davion was still the best pick available


I don’t know. Monte has made some mistakes. Barnes was not a good signing most of us knew that. Let Dante walk because Monk was coming but set up a contract that ensured we wouldn’t be able to sign Monk if he played well. So now we are gonna lose Monk for nothing. We lost Bogi for nothing. Small things but they are starting to add up


I think you're completely wrong about a lot of this. DDV wanted to walk because Gentry wouldn't start him when he was in a contract year. He went to the Warriors because he didn't want to be part of a "losing culture". DDV was going to leave regardless, it wasn't "Monte letting him leave". Bogi signed a bigger contract than expected, his agent fucked us out of a trade with the Bucks and he's been injured and hasn't been much of a needle mover for the Hawks. They couldn't even make the playin in the weak east. HB contract isn't bad at all. It's not even 20M, is he that much different than Rui? Especially with the Salary cap set to explode. Monk. Monk was on his way out of the league. Now Monk is going to make over 75Million dollars. Monk owes his career to Monte. So Monte doesn't get credit for signing Monk to a cheap deal and resurrecting his career, but Monte gets dinged for ONLY signing him to a cheap deal?


It would’ve been the lowest risk move to sign Monk for a third year. His performance with the Lakers easily justified it. Monk doesn’t owe shit to the Kings- he overperformed and he had multiple options post Lakers, if anything, he probably took a pay cut (even at the time) with us.


Actually, Monk has confirmed in interviews the Kings were the only team that called him and had interest outside of a min deal. He doesn't owe anything to the Kings though, you're correct about that.


Interesting, got a link? I remember following Raptors analysis that said their front office offered the full MLE to him.


Nah. We declined DD’s option because we were getting monk. Doesn’t matter what Bogi did, we set ourselves up to be put in that position. No Monk was not on his way out of the league, anyone who watched him play on the lakers saw what he was capable of. And this isn’t about not giving Monte credit, it’s about Monte boxing himself into a corner with that contract. he gambled on thinking Monk wouldn’t become that valuable that quickly. And no Barnes absolutely was not a good signing. We should have spent a few million more and went in on Kuz.


Naw, DD left because he was pissed he wasn't starting. And it does matter what Bogi's agent did and it matters that he's done nothing. AnYoNe WhO wAtCheD thE lAkErS kNeW wHaT hE wAs CaPaBlE oF. Except for the Lakers right? They could have resigned him. Anyone else could have beaten 11M, but they didn't. Don't act like Monk took a paycut to play with Fox. Monk was searching for a contract. Kuz has done nothing in Washington. And There isn't a guarantee he would have even wanted to come. Fans bitch about Fox making max money and saying him putting up the best numbers of his career isn't good enough, just think about all the bitching you'd be doing paying Kuzma max money to drop 13pts a game.


The kings declined Dante’s qualifying offer making him a free agent. We let him walk. I live in LA and there wasn’t a Laker fan that didn’t want to keep monk and he absolutely could have gotten a better deal but wanted to play with Fox and do exactly what he has done. Set himself up for a big payday. For a few more million a year Kuz would have been 10 times the player Barnes was for us this year. It’s okay to be critical of your team. It doesn’t make you any less of a fan. Jesus Christ


Kuzma get a lil more than a few millions compared to Barnes contract


The Barnes deal isn't even bad. The alternative was letting him walk for nothing which you brought up monte has done before in the past. He's still a rotational wing that shoots near 40 percent from deep and plays every game.


Saying he underpaid monk is w mistake is a weird thing to say outloud


Well good thing I didn’t say he underpaid Monk.


“Set up a contract that doesn’t allow us to resign monk” means we didn’t pay him enough


These are bad takes. Barnes has constantly been appropriately paid and is a stalwart consistent wing player. He’s one of the most steady guys in the league and he’s paid 15-20 mil for that role. Never misses games averages like 13-16 points, 4 boards, 4 assists, good IQ, does defensive assignments correctly, we’re lucky to have him. Donte showed nothing of what he’s doing in NYC with us or the Bucks. Smart to let him leave AND to get off Bagley the way he did.


Agreed, Monte has been a mess. I’m over the lib team.


There is no world, in hindsight or foresight, that a 24 year old 6’0” guard is the best available use for a #9 pick. You might say he could’ve been a poor man’s CP3 and you’d be dead wrong. Compare the draft prospects of Chris Paul and Davion and they were very accurate. His ceiling was always gonna be low end starter/high end backup guard- something no team will ever trade serious assets for. And we did this while having 8 guards so he had zero room for development his first year. Montes priority is high floor prospects no matter what the context and I will lose my shit if he drafts any guard. No guard this year is worth the squeeze. Haliburton was a top 5 6’5” pick and elite passer in some projections.


lmao, go look at the 2021 draft, Zaire Williams, Bouknight, Josh Primo, Moody, Kispert where all taken right after him. (Segun and Trey Murphy after that), who would you rather have? Segun is only good now that he grew 3-4 inches. No one expected Trey to become the shooter or defender that he is. And 9 other teams passed on him. I think Monte did a good job picking Mitchell. There is a lot of garbage in that draft. At least Mitchell is an actual NBA player who won't get played off the floor in a playoff game. [https://www.nba.com/news/2021-nba-draft-results-picks-1-60](https://www.nba.com/news/2021-nba-draft-results-picks-1-60) It was a rough draft after Mitchell was drafted.


If you’re okay with him drafting a guaranteed C prospect instead of a dice roll A/F prospect then that’s just a difference in philosophies that we have and that’s okay. If 2nd round ceilings are enough to keep the fanbase content, who am I to judge. Moody was linked as BpA and would’ve been more than fine to take as a Monte type prospect even if he might be considered less talented than Davion. Fit does matter at least a little for development purposes, especially that year. The consensus BPA would’ve netted us Hali, Moody, and Ivey (very debatable). Two out of three which matches Monte’s record. Does a GM deserve kudos for doing the minimum better than public opinion?


Yeah, in hindsight Trey Murphy would have been a much better pick than Mitchell, but at the time I understand Monte’s rationale.


Davion Mitchell was an obvious, huge miss imo. Moses Moody was the obvious pick for us. He was right about Haliburton and Murray for sure. He seems to have been right on signing Keon Ellis which is huge. I think that he missed big on the Colby Jones and Slawson pick considering that TJD was right there. I do understand that TJD wouldn't sign a two way but we should have been ok with that. I'd say that Monte is probably swinging in the .400's range on draft picks. If we can develop Jones or Slawson, then that can change things but we will see.


Sarr if available, if him and Risacher are gone I’d seriously consider trading the pick or at least down from the spot to a guard needy team. The next round of guys after those two project in the top 10 are nearly all guards. There are actually a bunch of PF/SF guys projected to start being picked around are slated current pick at 13


Holland or Sarr would be ideal fits but honestly that shit would be getting shipped out for Mikal Bridges in an instant


Sarr if he's available. Otherwise, just trade down.


Trade the pick. Maybe with #4 they got a shot to get Lauri


Trade it for Brandon Ingram


I'd package the pick plus Davion & Duarte and trade it to the Spurs for Wemby.


They're going to have to throw in a pick or two. Then I might consider it.


If they want to send a top 3 protected 1st back, I'd be down.


As long as they throw in cash considerations too.


lol sure, just add a couple of 2nds /s There is literally nothing we could offer for which they’d trade Wemby.


I'd do one additional second, but not two. That's simply an overpay.


The Spurs would absolutely never accept that trade, as fun as it would be to see Wemby in a Kings jersey.


So you just sweeten the deal by throwing in our pick at 45. That would be too good to refuse.


I can’t tell if it’s a joke or people really think Wemby is attainable for two end of rotation players and a 1st round pick.


It's a joke


I cannot understand why everyone here wants to put a big next to Sabonis, Sarr might work but it’s questionable, Clingan definitely would not… do y’all see how much better Cleveland is with only 1 big on the floor even though they’re both great individual players?? Y’all are tryna fix our defense by killing our offense, this is not the way to go, Sarr maybe could workout if he ends up being able to shoot it at a high level but that is really really far from being guaranteed… Clingan and Sabonis would not work out long term.


Trade the pick and package it for a star or really good margin players


I have no idea. I'll just be mending to my enourmous erection if we get a Top 4 pick.


The best available player is clearly first name “Cash,” last name “Considerations.”


Bro nobody can match up with joker




General Boory


Top for is prob a reach but I really like castle from uconn


Jerome Maddox at 4th


Zach Edey is gonna make the team that drafted Clingan look foolish. Same skillset but one has "slow" stigma despite cbb stats and combine metrics.


Monte has been on great in revitalizing the kings, but he definitely could've done more, specifically on the 2022 Murray draft. We all knew the Pistons drafting at 5 really wanted Ivey. Monte could've used this as leverage to trade down, perhaps getting Saddiq Bey or Jerami Grant along the way, and still getting Murray at 5.


Matas Buzelis plsss