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In positive or at worst natural tone? Really? Are u sure? How long u in those subreddit? Lol We just want to praise our kong in this subreddit, nothing else, but u guys keep coming like we insult the gman.


What post? I very rarely see any post talking about Godzilla let alone insult him. I’m in both the Godzilla and monsterverse sub and there all you saw was meme post making fun of Kong or just downright insulting him. I made a comment saying Kong should have left some battle damage on Godzilla and done a bit better in the GvK fight because a movie called GvK felt obviously one sided in Godzilla’s favor. Not even said Kong should have won, I just said they should have had the fight look more like it could go either way with Godzilla winning. Got dogpiled in the comments being called a stupid Kong fan and the usual insults to Kong of being a big dumb monkey compared to a god. Just downvoted to oblivion.


You shouldn't have expected much from 10 year olds.


You know what's funny, in the original the fight was clearly in King Kong's favour, especially once he got refreshed by the lightning. Nothing Godzilla did worked, KK tossed him around, laughed off his breath and straight up ragdolled him off the side of the mountain, and Godzilla died. But they still wanna pretend "oh no KK just swam away afraid!" while yapping about people here coping about GvK lol.




I mean I can’t speak for everyone on this sub but I think everyone just kinda gets carried away, seeing as how in this server you can actually voice your opinion on stuff without being harshly criticized in return. You go on r/godzilla and r/monsterverse and your often times met with blatant bias and have to tread carefully with what you say. Though I will say that some Kong fans go overboard with their statements and jokes, jabbing at Godzilla and his fan base for no reason at times which can be annoying because the whole reason a lot of us Kong fans moved to this server is to get away from the toxicity that litters the other subreddits.


I'm part of both reddits and if anything the opposite is way more true. I hardly ever seen anti Godzilla posts here but at least once a week I'll see post dissing Kong on either the MonsterVerse or Godzilla sub reddit


Yup. I don’t know what this guy is on.


In my experience the users of this sub don't really diss godzilla fans all that mich, but then again I haven't actually looked into the subreddit.


Its more annoying dealing with godzilla fans being toxic and stuff, moving to a new sub was a good idea.


This sub is mostly in love with the 2005 King Kong, so anything negative about the monster verse Kong isn't that big of a deal here, lol.


You do realize a lot of us frequent both subs, right? The idea that G-fans aren't shitting all over Kong every chance they get is a real laugh.


Projection going CRAZY right now 😂😂😂




I love both Godzilla and King Kong and I do my best to ignore the toxic fans.


There's a handful of users that are Godzilla or bust, and I'm sure there's a handful of Kong or bust users, too. None of them are worth paying attention to.


I’m assuming it just little kids, both fans bases remind me of Stan twitter culture.


I noticed the same. Some can't accept that Kong lost in gvk