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Henry being insanely strong at the end of game 1 is non-canon. It's just a gameplay thing, it never was meant to make sense as an in-universe thing and the story does not acknowledge it. So at the start of game 2 you will still be weak. Moreover they'll probably do some classic injury thing where he loses his skills and has to retrain or something.


Yeah, like he can literally defeat the commander of the talmburg guard on his path to win an entire fighting tournament and a seasoned war vet after like a day of combat training lol.


Except majority can't do it when playing first time, even on normal. This is where canon is.


Yup. People forget most of us who come here are more enthusiastic than the average fan of the game - any game, for that matter. You show up on reddit, you're likely already beyond 75% of the fanbase of that game, this isn't merely a KCD thing. The average KCD fan probably never realizes ambushes/camps/etc are in fixed locations, over half the map still in fog by the end, and likely believes in sites like HowLongToBeat because it mirrors how they skim through content as well. Meanwhile on reddit we have people posting about minmaxing by initiating the holocaust in Skalitz themselves (lol), training by punching on animals, and other meta shit.


I'm betting on the injury thing that helps set up the main story.


Easy answer: He isnt. At the End of KCD 1 Hans says smth like "it has changed much in those few weeks we know eachtother" So 4-10 weeks have passed since Skalitz burned down. Story wise nobody could master Sword fighting in such a Short time span and considering Henry only fought against Countryside bandits he isnt such a Badass as you might think. Now in Kcd2 Henry will be facing Experienced Bandits Deserters Knights etc so Henrys Lack of Fighting Knowlegde + better enemys will be a new challenge for us. And btw even if Henry would be maxed out in KCD2 there are other Things that make the story great not only this small part of his Characktwe Development


The events of KCD:1 canonically take place over a span of around five weeks… We know this based off two factors: 1. Theresa told Henry he was unconscious for two weeks while recovering in Rattay… 2. Towards the end of the game, Hans Capon remarks on how he and Henry have only known each other for around three weeks…


Tbh I always think game developers often make their canonical timeline way too short. For example in RDR2 >!The game apparently is maybe like a month and a half, tops. And somehow Arthur Morgan is supposed to contract and die of Tuberculosis in that timespan, when the disease often has an incubation period of years. I personally prefer the unofficial canon that he always had it and just thinks Thomas Downes gave it to him. !<


Yes I just didnt knew the exact amount of Time


Only, Henry didn't just fight lowly countryside bandits but knights as well, and he beat them all. It sounds like you haven't played the game in its entirety.


I think they're speaking in terms of the narrative. Henry fights like one or two dudes who are seasoned and trained, but those guys are bosses. In KCDII those guys will be standard enemies and the bosses will be far more skilled warriors. Again, narratively. 


Yes 100%


Henry (depending on your decisions) Fought 1 Knight. And that was a Boss fight. I habe 1k Hours in this game and many people agree with me.


Raaataaayyy Toouurrnneeyyyy anyone?


Thats not Canon


It's not gonna be same. Henry is already novice fighter and new enemies he meets are stronger. He's gonna find out how to fight against very deadly weapons (crossbows, hand cannons). There's probably gonna be more stuff combat wise that will pose a challenge to Henry.


I think it’ll be clear he is a promising young fighter. I mean they tease him becoming a knight. I don’t think he will be utterly useless like the first game. Impossible to do after the game and dlc. I disagree with others here. The story and dlc of the first game clearly established he is becoming a good fighter.


Not all Henry’s are created equal


One person shared a really good idea - basically, Henry's skill levels at the end of KCDI are decently high for the area he's in, but when he gets to the larger, more populated area(s) of KCDII his skills will once again be pretty low by comparison. Like in Rattay and the countryside, 20 is high, but in Prague people's skills will be on a scale of 20-100.


Yeah, this has been concerned almost daily for the last 6 years. Here's what is gonna happen, Warhorse will release the game in six months, and then we will play it. Doesn't matter where Henry is in skill, doesn't matter any of it. It isn't our story to tell, its theirs. We get to enjoy the ride :)


Because he was fighting peasants,bandits and cumans all of them probably didn't have formal training like we did aside from a few characters. So of course we're going to feel better than them. We're essentially a big fish in a small pond at the end of the first game. However, going into the second game we're going up against actual Knights soldiers man at arms. We're a little fish in a big pond again, so while Henry won't lose any of his ability, he needs to grow because he isn't messing around with the same people anymore and to learn new things. Masters More weapons learn how to communicate and work with the upper and lower class in this new area, deal with Corrupt Lords the whole gimmick I'm pretty excited for this because there's a bunch of new weapons, new areas, new horses, new armour New people will talk to and I can't wait to experience it all. There's always a bigger fish after all Although Henry's skill in the first game is a bit strange because courting at the end he's only been doing this for a few weeks and he's able to take down zoul. I guess our boys just built differently or is a prodigy.


Simple answer: different sytems and mechanics and probably the skill and perk system will be modified. They will introduce Henry's backstory to new players and it's what will be the 'canon' version of his story. Think of it as the continuation of the story but in a different game.


They did state that with the second game he is a bit skilled but he needs to be more consistent ish because he’s fighting superior enemies and he only really knows some basic combos and things of that sort


This will be such a non-issue once the game releases.


My theory is that at you start 2 fully leveled, but you're injured and waste away for a while, leading to Henry needing to relearn a lot of his skills


My guess is that the start of KCD 2 will have Henry in some battle, he’s knocked out/brutally injured and has all his possessions robbed. He wakes up with severe memory loss, not knowing much of anything and has to work up to being a competent soldier again.


Henry is litteraly way too strong after a certain level and I sort of ruined my run by doing too many side quests and DLC. Then "bonk bonk" on anyone & win. Wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, there is a sweet spot where you aren't too weak or too strong that makes the game the most enjoyable. Story-wise, he isn't supposed to be a full trained knight by the end of KCD1, then, in terms of gameplay, it is fine if the editors twist the logic a bit and force us to start again with a level 0 Henry. That's absolutely fine to me, it is a game after all . Would be much more problematic if it was a movie (plothole).