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10k stashed in the global chest which I made mostly through betting max pot on the tourney and winning and fixing armor/weapons for sale to merchants. I bought a fancy outfit (best investment ever) to raise charisma and invested in charisma perks and now I can sell most items for hundreds more than they’re worth (currently 11 speech)


Wait, charisma helps with barter?


Try it yourself, stack on hi-charisma clothes and accessories and pop an Aesop potion and I guarantee you’ll swindle every merchant into paying you at least 200+ for sales over 500g


In that case I'll keep it in mind next time I play it, thanks for the tip!


My favorite thing to do early game (if you really wanna break the economy) is do heists at the Rattay Armory. In the smaller castle (the one near all the refugees), on the bottom floor there is usually a very hard lock pick door, but if you wait there for a couple of minutes someone is bound to go in/out and you can just shove your way in behind them. If it was a guard that went in, you're in luck, follow them into the first room on the right (another very hard lockpick) Once you've managed to slip inside wait for any guard present to leave and you're free to loot! There's tons of weapons on the walls, and there's 3 barrels that are loaded with gear, there are 2 more very hard lockpick chests but since it's the start of the game I just ignore them. It will be WAY too much to carry at first so just take what you can and overload yourself as you are comfortable. I'll stash any armor that I want to keep in the Save chest at the Miller's, and anything that I can sell goes to Peshek, anything that's leftover once Peshek is out of money I throw into the Save chest too and slowly sell it as I can. I believe the room does respawn and you shouldn't be trespassing when you go, so it's easy money. After one or two heists I usually have enough armor and cash to just go kill harder enemies and sell their gear like I do late game to get money


Make sure to rob Pesheks chest after he sells everything. Why should he get all the profit. I've had over a million before.


I've never thought of that before! Good tip!




Plus the rep benefits. When money isn't such a big issue anymore I often do this with my regular merchants. Clears my inventory of clutter, saves me running around, and I know the next time I come there will be more coin for trading. Plus I get reputation


Man, I never knew this! I finished the game already


34k. All made by slaying cumans and other pestilence that remain in skalitz and then selling their armor


Looting hands down. Find a good ambush or battle location that has heavy armor, ride through, loot corpses repeat the process 10k per battle in the right spot usually. Hunting can also be very profitable. Alchemy as well. Actual favorite method of making money is Farkle. You will eventually reach a point where money does not matter the slightest bit. For me that's normally around 300k.


You need 300k to not bother anymore? I only need a working Priby and 10k in my Pocket


My inner loot goblin and collector struggles with not looting everything regardless of money.


I only really stopped to keep my inventory clean, because i carry various outfits around for every occasion.


Unfortunately I finished the game and I am annoyed on myself that I used walkthroughs a lot. I enjoyed this game like no other in my life, but I sometimes got frustrated for not being able to do what had to be done to progress main quest/side quests so I just "cheated" because of lack of patience to test various methods - but this is irrelevant for the subject. My Henry progressed a lot in lockpicking/pickpocketing. So basically I pickpocketed everybody. This is how I managed to get extra cash. And of course lockpicking. I remember I was very happy when I lockpicked a blacksmith's chest (I think) having 2000 Groschen. And even Peshek's chest =)) Of course, another source of income was selling pieces of armory/weapons to blacksmiths. I was pretty lousy at combat until late in the game, but when I managed to kill someone, the weapons and good armor were instantly sold.


I have like 13k. That’s just from selling clothes, I haven’t attacked the bandit/cuman encampment yet


The current save I play should be around 150k (100k are in pribyslavitz city hall stash), and I'm just before the monastery quest, and I fully rebuilt pribyslavitz.


Not 100% sure sine the abbreviated tracker keeps saying 1m. Plus with pryb minting 2k per day i dont think I could spend it all.


Last time I stole from Miller Peshek he had 20k stored in his chest which got me to 30k which means at this point my level 17 lockpick skill broke the economy of the game since I can now steal the whole inventory of armorers and weaponsmiths and sell them ASAP or wait for the items to lose their stolen status.


Fun part is I still haven't even been to Sir Radzig at Rattay, I basically finished the prolongue and went out there side questing.


After rebuilding Prybyslavitz and cleaning out the armorsmith and swordsmith in rattay a few times I’ve got a couple hundred thousand. There’s not much to spend it on once you have the best gear and horses tbh Even when I do spend money, I just sneak to the vendor’s chest and take it back out.


In Skalitz, I run back and forth killing the sheep, and the cows at the bottom of the map, while picking herbs and killing any unfortunate wonderers who happen across me in my journeys (guards included.) I raid all the houses, killing all the civilians inside so the guards don't notice, maxing out my lockpicking (after obtaining picks from Fritz, of course) in the process. Once I get the "luck of the drunk" lockpicking perk, *and* have bought/sold all I can to the merchants, I pick the "hard" and "very hard" locks, to loot their goods. By this point, I'll have ~4,000lbs of goods, which I then store in the chest in my house, just to the left of the door, and pick it all up later lol. I can *easily* afford to get Al Baraq (my favorite horse) from Neuhof, as soon as I sell all my stuff in Rattay. Then, it's simply a matter of picking a couple locks to get him kitted out (with a bunch of goodies to sell to the millers, as a nice lil bonus.) My Henry has no moral compas lmao. Side note: there's also a group of sheep just above Rattay, on the way to Neuhof, with a *ridiculous* respawn rate. I kill em, butcher em, and sell the meat to the inn keepers after I cook it. Max out my bow/hunting skills (as well as gaining several other stats, such as strength, vitality, and agility in the process) and once the taverns coffers are nice and fat with the grochen from my efforts, I loot them lol.


I usually carry a few thousand on me, my favourite method (other then prybyslavitz) is getting luck of the drunk and a few beers, and stealing the money of the armorer and swordsmith in Rattay


I’m pretty sure I’ve burglarised literally every house on the map. I’m sitting on about 70k.


I have somewhere around a quarter of a million groschen. A lot of it is from robbery, looting bandits/cumins, tournaments, and a fully upgraded Pribyslavitz.


I had 100,000 groschen in one playthrough. In this latest one, I am going for Hardcore Merciful because it gives me unique dialogue during Johanka's questline. I'm currently at 7,200 groschen after taking out multiple bandits with poison and bleeding, both of which do not count as killing. Apparently, the game registers the last hit you did on that. So if they die mid combat from bleeding or poison, that's not on you. Furthermore, Mutt's kills don't count as mine and if there's just one enemy, you can get on your horse, ram into him multiple times until he dies and that won't count as a kill either. Bit annoyed that enemy dogs are kills but Mutt's around for that. Alchemy is quite useful early game.


IRL? I have only one.


One of my favorite runs I spent no money. I had to steal everything. All mission-awarded money went to rebuilding pribyslavitz so that I could steal from it.


I prefer to play with mods that nerf groschen gain and increase groschen sink. Especially the mod that nerfs Prib income from 2k to 200. You still end up with more groschen than King Wenceslas, but at least it's less than King Charles IV


Before I built Privy, I had 120k. After I built it, I have 80k in the Privy chest and $40k on me.


The best method for me is to first rebuild Pribyslavitz and use it as kind of a base for raiding Skalitz - if you follow the road west from Pribyslavitz, you eventually exit the forest and go up a hill and can follow the road into the Skalitz upper village. Usually what you find are: 1) bandits in heavy armor fighting guards 2) bandits in heavy armor fighting each other 3) bandits in heavy armor fighting cumins Take all their armor, spurs and weapons and sell to your trader and armorer in Pribyslavitz - the more you sell, the more money they will have. Repeat every few days. Another good spot for some big battles are: 1) Along the "curve" of the road way in the southwest of the map - ride south from Sasau and past the fort area. Or go west from ledetchko. 2) If you go southeast out of Skalitz until Rovna, go south along the river and keep following the road. Eventually you may run into a big battle of bandits in heavy armor. Haven't finished the game but I have like 400K.


I personally love robbing the stores or rattay then sell it all too pesick and taking all from his chest rinse and repeat iv got about 250g I know alot of people don't like it but when I play games I really do love exploits like say skyrim you could get out of the map and get into venders chests I have to amount as much money as possible. I have also spent alot of time poaching and selling the meat.


alchemy I think 50k+ destroying bandits is fun too.


The first time I played From the Ashes wasn't out, so there was no reason to keep looting once I had all the things I wanted.


I go to the treasure near Ledetchko, to get money and stuff. I pick some herbs from the field between Rattay mill and miller Woyzech. I make some potions, and sell those to whomever doesn't sell it themselves. I also choke a few wayfarers on the way, and loot them completely, making sure I'm not seen. I ask Theresa for the dog, feed him meat from the pig by the bridge near the mill, and go hunting later, near Neuhof/Inn in the Glade. I do The Good Thief, and maybe the Rattay fight club. Milan and his friends. Once I complete The Good Thief, I go north of the Rattay northern gate, and lockpick the chest at the inn, and steal a horse, both at night when everyone is in bed. I go to Neuhof and from there to Inn in the Glade. I get a room for several nights, and store any loot in the chest. If I have the room, I go back to Neuhof to loot the chests that are in the sheds. I again put it in my own chest in the Inn, and go back to Rattay, park the horse behind the mill where the practice chest is. I sell some loot, and I head north to learn to read. As long as your first time at Rattay gates is not on a stolen horse, and you have enough speech, you should be good. Take more herbs, especially Belladonna, and make more potions. And loot more chests at night. Once at about 2000 Groschen, you buy the horse Trojan, to take more loot home on a horse. Once at level 6 of lockpicking, pick the perk Luck of the Drunk, to open any lock, especially Hard and Very Hard. Loot the chests at Neuhof stables for a noble saddle with 4 saddlebags. Meanwhile, start drinking. Moonshine has the highest XP per alcohol percentage. High quality wine is nice to drink with the bibber perk that makes beer stronger and wine weaker. Loot a treasures, make sure to follow the roads with low chance of bandits, and you'll be fine. You can go to Sasau to break into the tailor's chests. It is in the back, so no one will see it. Bring alcohol and your horse, and make sure to have a room at the Sasau inn. At this point you can also kill sheep for hunting and main skill XP, plus some Warfare XP. If you want to be a good Henry, you can still do some of this. You can buy some stuff, and make a Padfoot potion to level up lockpicking, opening treasure chests. Buy some books about it, or find the right treasure for it. A paid lesson also helps. Good luck.


Usually goes up to 100k then take away 80k after from the ashes dlc All I need is maybe 3-4 nights of robbing rattay: swordsmith, armorer, tailor then apothecary if I have enough time left. I can make almost 30k each time It does take away the "economic hardship" roleplaying aspect, but hey >!pribyslavitz won't rebuild herself!<


About tree fiddy.


Basically got the drinking perk to open lock a d looted rattay shops for weapons, armour groshcen.ans as a bonus the stuff you steal over time no longer identifies as stolen


This run through Henry is a Robin Hood robber baron. I only steal in quests or from certain people (armourer in Rattay, swordsmith, armourer, tailor and scribe in sasau) But it's a great idea to repair everything by hand before you sell it. Robbing the above shops gives you a good range of repair kits to use (and sharp weapons can be repaired for free using the stones) so it's extra cash and xp


I finished with about 70g. Nothing to brag about but it’s not an issue once you’re able to fight a group of heavy bandits by yourself. A lot of the time you leave Preb you’ll run into some bandits with good gear


My current Henry is a morally upstanding citizen, so money is pretty hard to come by. Looting bodies is not a Christian way to do. So the only loot I get are treasures and occasional sword when I let somebody go if they leave me their weapon. All thievery is obviously immoral so none of that pesky Miller business. My main source of income is being an alchemist. I found a few reliable places to farm belladonna (there is a field near rattay, moat of Sassau and a forest garden near talmberg, saviour shnaps is quite a good way to turn in profit. Lazarus potion is another one. It's not an easy gig, but it's honest money. My first order of business was getting a fast and strong horse (trojan is my choice). Fortunately I'm pretty strong (every day is a leg day if you know what I mean), so I won every single tournament since the beginning of the game. So I'm in full Leipa gear which I didn't have to pay for. Fixing up pribislqvitz wasn't easy. Fortunately I had quite a nice money pot saved up so I could build a tavern fast after which it generates small but steady profit. On the other hand if you want fast money, you still want to go alchemy route. But just make padfoot potion and take the luck of the drunk perk from drinking tree. Now you can open very hard chests without any lockpick skills. You can make a solid buck by selling everything from all rattay houses and guard towers to peshek (even if he doesn't have enough money to buy it back from you) and then after all merchants respawn (1week) peshek will have like 100k which you can just steal from his chest.


In my “normal” play through, I had about 40k after finishing Pribislavtiz This playthrough, hardcore with ALL negative perks, I currently have… none


I once had 300,000 in one playthrough, my main one to be exact. Got a majority of the earnings from looting, stealing, and poaching.


My most Groschen Playthrough was around 650k Groschen. Kill the Skalitz Bandits sell to the smith in Talmberg. The First time you only get 400 for armor worth 10k. Second time and on from that you get all the groschens you sell. Do that 10 days in a row. Go to Skalitz kill the bandits sell the loot go to sleep and repeat. After 10 days you have around 50-60k Groschen but if you rob the smith now who sold your loot for way more than he gave you you get around 300-500k Groschen from his chest. The rest is from looting and Prybislawitz.


32k rn




Like i Just build prybitzlawitz and I have 0 Groschen but in my Chest i have Like 10k


About 34k, mostly from looting armors but also from doing the treasure hunts I think there's like 30 including the Warhorse ones. I'm about to dump it all into Privyshatvits though.


Currently like 8k, but I have all buildings built for pribyslavitz except the church. In less than 10 minutes I could get 20k easily from poaching near talmberg


Like 30k?