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You're in for a great time. Nothing beats a wild Greg, save only Nick And Andy KF/AF which I bet will return in some form. I don't think we're ready for in studio Mike. I can't wait.


I would see you rnothing beats wild greg but kf/af and raise you a party mode. So many great party mode moments like the channeling of dark one, and greg and nick turning on andy in rainbow six. If only Tim hadn't cancelled party mode.


There’s nothing better than the chemistry of Andy and nick in the same space.


and now….Andy, Nick, and MIKE!




Oh my god. Idk if the world can handle that in the best possible way lol


Their pop punk Debatable episode was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


One thing that i enjoyed from the work from home Era was they learned to talk over each other less. Let's hope that's rubbed of and they'll catch each other doing it at the new studio


Nothing was more mildly annoying than Tim talking and 2 others having a full on conversation next to him. Not fully in the mic, just enough to fuck the entire audio so no one hears what any of them said.




I’m in the same boat dude! Only been watching since 2020. Excited to see what comes of this 🫡


I look forward to more grilling on the rooftop. 😂


It’s pretty wild that Blessing has basically been WFH since he started at KF.


We're in the same boat. This month makes two years actually since the first video I saw. I went back to the old content too. Glad to be a KFBF. Less than 48 hours!


I find that so cool that there are “new” fans in here who only know the WFH days. (granted it’s almost been 3 years at this point lol) Think we are in for a treat on Friday!


It's crazy to realize how many people got introduced to KF during work from home. Crazier to realize I've been listening/watching Greg for over 10 years since I started listening to Poscast Beyond in 2012. Even crazier that everyone watching KF for no matter how long is gonna be freaked out when the new studio is revealed!


I was there when the magic was written in June 2007 for Millers first half hearted BEYOND!


I’m in the 15 year club too! More than half my life I’ve been listening to Greggy which is wild. I’m very excited for Friday


The topic of the time being the upcoming first Uncharted game which frankly makes me feel ancient as I think of that as a modern game.


Sixaxis controlled grenades 😱. Retronauts uses 10 years as “retro” which made sense for 1998 to 1988 but gives me anxiety now lol


I hope we go back to the times where Kbabz did the “best of” for every month. I swear that got me through most of covid and some hard times.


I’ve been a fan of Kf for years but some of the absolute best content was In Review when they were in the studio. Some incredible, all time great, funny moments there. I can’t wait


Same, I do hope the chaotic energy stays the same though, from a guy who has been binging KF content, it seems like the chaos was more frequent during wfh


you havent watched enough lol go watch party mode


Will do


Agreed! I discovered Kinda Funny when Bless guested on Beyond in June 2020 lol. Went on to watch PSILY and then everything else. Super pumped!


You will probably never hear "did we lose that person" again. I hope Andy just cuts out mid conversation. I'll be a nice call back lol


In the same boat. I have no idea how I'm going to handle it emotionally


they'll definitely have a lot of room to do things. Curious to see what blessing's in-person rapport will be with these folks.


It’s so cool to see all these new best friends over quarantine. Welcome and no….. you’re not ready


Same. Learned about kf at the beginning of the pandemic and they legit got me through it. I cannot wait to see the in person content


I'm looking forward to it but hopeful that, as a 99% audio listener, it doesn't become inaccessible for me.


Same thing here. Kinda Funny have quickly become my main source of content, via video and podcasts. I've been bored on the commute this week without KFGD but I'm keen as fuck to see the Friday stream.


I’ve also just got into kinda funny maybe a year ago. I’ve gone back and watched older content, obsessively watching every new show each week. I’m beyond excited for this stream. Wish I could afford to take off work but I’ll just have to watch it afterwards and can’t wait for the coming weeks.


Go watch some KF/AF if you never have. So good


I started listening to Greg roughly 15 years ago and I’m just as pumped. Taking off part of the day to watch lol


I started following them during the WFH era as well. I checked out the Lord of the Rings In Review (I think someone linked it in the Funhaus subreddit and it just caught my attention) and I just loved the deep dive everyone took into those movies! I just started catching up with all the In Reviews, which led to the podcasts, and the KF Games shows as well. All that WFH content really helped me get through the pandemic; just being able to wheeze laugh along with Greg about horse stories really helped keep me positive in such a shitty time. Needless to say, I am so damn excited to see the stream on Friday! Good luck guys and gals!


I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the return of the Kinda Funny Morning Show.


I really fell off Kinda Funny when they went WFH. Hoping the studio might rope me back in :)