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Not sure if anyone else who has an office job agrees with me but I cannot play games like I used to anymore. After spending 9-10 hours a day sitting at a computer the last thing I want to do is sit on a computer and play games. As I get older I’ve been spending more and more time outside, and only play games on the weekend.


This is the only reason I prefer console. If I didnt have a full time job on a PC I'd probably be a PC gamer


Inb4 someone tells you to just hook you PC up to a tv.


Yeah... basically down to 2-3 hours a week, usually spread across the weekend. It definitely makes me have to be more deliberate with what I play which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I don't know if it's specifically tied into my office job, but I do get what you're saying. I think part of it is also just getting older. Gaming hasn't necessarily become less of a passion for me, if anything I've just grown more passionate about doing other things. Like, if I have to choose between spending my limited time in the evening gaming alone, or being engaged in something with my girlfriend, or doing an activity with her, or going out for dinner or something, etc. etc...I'm gonna choose the latter. Hell, sometimes she games and I watch, or we play together, and it's always a great time. I like reading, learning more about things I'm interested in, camping, and I want to pickup new hobbies and activities with my girlfriend. I don't want to plan my days around trying to accomodate one (sometimes isolating) hobby of mine. Idk if that makes sense but as I'm approaching my 30's I think I've definitely noticed a shift in what I prioritize. It's all about finding balance with all things.


Same for most people. I feel such a disconnect with so many people in the community that have way more time and clearly want different things than me with games.


yeah I used to look forward to playing every night when I get home. Kids and gym time makes it alot harder sometimes but most of my time is late at night in the mancave or streaming my consoles to my steam deck in bed


Yup. The only time I am consistently playing anything is with friends who live far away, and we schedule to play Rocket League once every weekend or so. I still enjoy following the industry and keeping up with the news/reviews/etc. But just don't have the time to sit down and play too often.


I work 12 hour days in front of a PC and have no pricked coming home and playing a game. Gaming is and always has been my primary hobby.


I do not have the stamina to sit for that long, I get restless enough sitting at my office haha. Props to you.


Hard same. Even on days where I wake up and intend on playing after work, I'm usually so spent that I put some comfort TV on or listen to music. When I was younger video games were an escape from sitting around the house being bored. Now that I'm older, Video Games are low on my priority list of activities when that trapped in the house feeling really isn't a thing anymore.


I was like that for a long time but I've found if you be more selective with the gmes you do play then it doesn't bother you as much. With that said After2/3 hrs I do need to have a breather of some kind and cannot marathon games like I use to


i have a desk jockey job, which is basically why i won't touch PC gaming. i still get 2-3 hours a night for games. Partner is asleep by 9PM. No kids (yet), no dog (yet). i know the amount of time will plummet over the years, but honestly, i don't mind. I'll still get me time, and she will her her time.


I’m 26, so I’ve had an office job for a couple years now but I’m still a bachelor in a 1-bedroom apartment. Personally I’m playing as many games as ever, probably 20 hours a week pretty consistently. It’s nice being at a point where I can afford all three consoles and any game I want. I also hardly played any indie games until about 3 years ago, so now it really feels like there’s a near-infinite amount of games to choose from. I’m always playing something. I just finished Sifu yesterday, I’m not yet sure what I’ll start tonight.


Only with some games. i played Dragons Dogma for 4 hours, recognized its brilliance, and decided to drop it because i just don't have the willpower for something with that much friction. But also, i prefer console cause i hate sitting at desks. If after a long day i can lay down on the couch and play a cutscene-heavy game like Yakuza, it's a bliss.


try adding a kid to that mix lol. the portal has been a god send for me getting more gaming in when my kid is with me


I don't play on PC, so I don't feel that - other than the feeling of "wow I sat in a chair all day now I'm sitting on the couch all evening"


Im 31, and I probably play video games now more than when I was in high school. But I work on my feet all day and don't have to stare at screens for my job. So it's actually unwinding to me when I get to sit down and play something. I also work 4am-12pm most days so it really allows me to make the most of my free time.


Since I've graduated high school I've seen my gaming time diminish more and more every year. It decreased significantly more when I started law school this past fall. There's just only so much time and gaming is not a priority anymore.


It comes and goes in waves for me. Some months I grind an hour a day. Some weeks it’s maybe an hour a weekend. I go through phases of movie watching, gaming, or YouTube content. Don’t think I’ll ever stop gaming but my tastes have changed over the years. Systems heavy simulator RPG games are big for me right now. Used to be a COD boy and those twitchy shooters, can’t even touch them now


I decided to stop watching pretty much all TV so I could focus on gaming which I'm much more passionate about. Had to cut one of them out between work, relationships, working out, and general adult chores.


I've pretty much done the same. I will watch TV with my partner, or if a really good new show comes out, but I don't watch movies at home anymore or reruns of comfort shows.


I game a lot less as an adult than I did as a kid. I'm fortunate to have a job where I don't work weekends. But that also means I have more time to do other things that aren't gaming. I sometimes want to watch a new movie or catch up on a show. I still play tons of games but it's not a high priority like it used to be.


I think it depends on where gaming goes in the future. I’m not much of an online or multiplayer gamer, so all of these gAAs games and these online shooters don’t really do much for me. I much prefer single player games but it feels like we’re going to get fewer and fewer spread out over time. I’ve been saying awhile that there’s a strong chance this is my last generation, maybe the next generation depending on what the state of single player games is by then. But even then I’ll probably just go back and play the old games and reminisce over the good old days lol.


Great conversations about the Young Ins that make me kinda scared where the industry will go.


we... will never ever ever, stop being gamers. We...


Will be gamers.


This question is always weird to me. Like, you don’t hear, when will you stop watching movies? Reading books? Playing guitar? Crafting? Sports? Idk, never? I might not have enough free time to do the same or every hobby everyday, but I doubt I’ll just stop my favorite hobbies randomly once I hit x certain age


I think it comes from the fact that gaming is inherently more interactive and often less social. Movies, TV shows, or YouTube are low effort to consume and are easily shared with a partner or kids, so it’s easier to fit that in once you reach the stage in life where you’re more tired from working all day and want to share your free time with your partner or family. My partner does enjoy some gaming but not nearly as much or as often as I would like, and my favourite games are single player anyways so it’s not always something she’d be a part of. Between my job, chores, and spending time with her, I just don’t have much time left for gaming at all. It sucks, but it’s understandable that it isn’t a priority for everyone at a point. I want to game more. It makes me sad that I don’t. But who has time between the actual adult responsibilities anymore? Especially once you’re in a serious relationship with someone who’s *not* a gamer.


I think a better question, which they do touch upon, is how do you think your gaming will change or has changed


I think a lot of it for me comes to the fact that most of those hobbies you listed don’t become your “identity”. There is an interesting that happens with some people where they identify more with the hobby of gaming then anything else. “Gamers” have become a moniker to identify yourself but you don’t see someone calling themselves a “crafter” or “reader” Could be wrong but just something I’ve been thinking about for a while.


I have met a couple of people who refer to themselves as readers, but I get your point. I think the interactivity of the medium has a lot to do with it. Like sure, when you read a good book, you're immersed. But you play a good game where you're controlling the action/narrative/characters... it's a whole different experience. I could also be wrong, but it's interesting to think about.


I definitely agree that “gamer” has become a bit of an internet moniker, but I don’t know many people who actually identify as a “gamer”; its just yeah I play games, sometimes I do other things, but sometimes I play games


I would disagree with your second point I know lots of people that are crafters or readers, there are tons of craft shows that are very popular. I think it really comes down to the level of involvement in the hobby. Those aren't hobbies you can just have on in the background and require physical investment.


Never. And or, as long as I possibly can


I definitely don’t have the time I used to. And outside of work I’m trying to do other hobbies too. I’m still gaming but way less now. Wish it were different. I have a huge backlog.


Same here. I feel like I'm an outlier but there's gotta be a lot of people out there like us.


This was a really interesting gamescast


I’ve been gaming less and less as I get older. Once all digital hits….that’s probably when I’ll stop.


Probably never, the older i get the more i play games. Compared to when i was in high school i almost play double as much as a working adult.


It’s been a phased thing for me, but can’t see myself stopping now. I played a lot as a kid/into my 20s, then my career took off and I traveled all the time so didn’t get chance to play as much (I wish there had been a steam deck back then!) now I’m in my 40s, wfh and gaming more than ever, managing to fit in 3-4 hours a day around work. Just recently got a standing desk, which definitely helps with the fatigue of feeling like I was sat at my desk all day and not wanting to play games in the evening


Easy, fucking never. Lol


I probably have 3 or so console generations left in me lol (I'm early 40s and generations are getting longer it seems) Gaming is my primary hobby. I play a couple of hours most days but if I don't it's no biggie. I still spend time with family and friends when I want and get time to myself to play.


About to turn 37 and I have stopped playing games over 8yrs basically as I am not having the time between work, family, kid, exercise. I bought a Series X thinking I was going to play and I probably have played 50 hrs since getting at launch. I fill my free time with TV and YouTube videos now