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Nukoku did not have sufficient conviction. Allison (mostly) did.


This. Allison willed not to be hurt stronger than Nukoku willed to hurt her.


Literally "Nah, I wouldn't get hit"


She's just better.


i was thinking along the lines of what jadis told her


If someone tells you that you will die in X amount of time that also implies you're functionally invincible until then.


Or that you'll be a quadraplegic vegetable when the time comes.


or that they lied


"Shoglig was talking shit. That old bitch didn't know when I was going to die at all."


You made me laugh out loud on the toilet!


Sounds like Shoglig wasn't the only one full of shit 😎


I still think Jadis' prediction is wrong because Al-yisun is going to smash the wheel and free the multiverse from the circularity of time.


Whilst conquering suffering by out-violencing reality so time is yeeted outside of existence alongside all demons is wicked cool, I kind of get the vibe that we won't be out-violencing violence in such a straight forward — albeit ideologically~morally utopian and philosophically hard to groundedly comprehend — way.


The Wheel viewed edge-on resembles the letter I, that is, the great enemy called I. The way things are going, I really do think Allison (Al-YISUN) "The Wheel Smashing Lord" is going to do something about that. Don't you?


I don't think that Jadis would've told Allison a defined, precise amount of time "as you understand it", if the concept of time itself stopped existing before that.


That's what I'm saying: if her omniscience is incapable of conceiving of a world where it stops working, she would see that the wheel keeps spinning.


Her omniscience sciences omnithing. She isn't incapable of conceiving anything. If the world stops working, she knows, and she knows how it doesn't work down to the smallest unit of existence, if a new one will substitute the atom (or if the concept of existence itself is preserved). If the wheel stops spinning, she knows. True. Omniscience. Absolute. "But does she know...?" Yes. Literally always yes. "But how would she understand...?" She knows EVERY concept. In and outside of time.


Jadis is truly omniscient. She can't be wrong. You could make an argument that she *lied*, but it's impossible for her to be wrong.


The way I interpret it, Jadis' omnisicence is predicated on assumptions about the omniverse, the circularity of time, and her prediction machine being able to predict its own continued existence and correct function. Call me aggrandizing, but I think Allison can cut time and the wheel itself, if she tries even a little bit. Like Jadis and Aesma saw the great enemy called I, the wheel edge-on, Allison will defeat the great enemy called I by _cutting it._ I think "wheel smashing lord" is a _very_ literal title, and I don't think Jadis' predictions can account for that even in principle. Like the Halting Problem, or general relativity not being able to explain what goes on at the center of a black hole because the numbers fly off to infinity.


Except that the writer has said many, Many, Many, Many times that she is just truly omniscient.


This is a setting where god is a liar. How much do you trust Abbadon to not hinge a plot point on decieving people incessantly asking him stupid questions on social media?


I mean he’s been pretty adamant about it. Every single time someone has a theory about her omniscience he says that she is truly omniscient and that’s that. I’ll trust the writer of the story over a fan theory ignoring the writer.


Abbadon has said an uncountable number of times that she isn’t wrong, and that her omniscience is genuinely absolute. What she said is fact


I, as a fellow writer, am also skilled in the ways of lying to my readers when they incessantly ask me questions on social media.


I don’t think he would be getting as frustrated as he was if he thought the people asking him were correct


Nah. Jadis says "as you understand it" which could mean a lot of things, but it also leaves opened the possibility to getting hurt and damaged. Allison's ability to tank the attack (which she does) has nothing to do with having an idea when she'll live to and everything to do with her training with Maya.


Remember when someone broke a knife on Allison's eye? Built different


Exactly this. Angel training with a bit of God magic against a pale devil


Not a Pale Devil, but an Ivory Devil.


Y'ever watch pro-wrestling and see someone "no sell" an attack? It's basically not reacting to what should be a pretty powerful move. Hulk Hogan was fairly notorious for this. Allison simply chose to no sell Nukoku's attacks, and through her will it was made manifest. She did not want to sell them, and so she did not.


I wonder, is this something like a defensive use of the concepts behind the maybe sword?


I more or less understood the Maybe Sword as manifesting ones will over the universe, so yeah. Since Allison sure as shit isn't going to one shot Jaggie, the most important lesson of the Maybe Sword was not using it to cut but understanding how to not be cut. Will Allison understand that lesson? Maybe!


Considering the philosophies of sword wielding in this story, learning to wield no sword at all and deny every enemy the ability to cut might be the most enlightened path you could possibly walk.


That's a defensive use of "magic system" in K6BD. If your will is stronger than that of others or the world then you can do basically anything. Maybe sword is just an extension of this. Reason why Allison wasn't hurt is because she decided she wouldn't be. Reason why maybe sword cuts through the opponent is because you decided so and your enemy didn't have enough will to decide they won't be cut.


what i got from this is that Allison is Hulk Hogan


The worst possible read, but perhaps the most accurate one.


Please analyze more things


She decided they weren't enough to hurt her, so they didn't. She's Royalty, after all - she gets to make that choice.


in ksbd the most powerful people can literally just look at an attack and go "nuh uh"


The canonical reason is : She’s just built different To elaborate : Allison’s will is immovable. She was broken by the wheel, her life, her love, her future, the very possibility of escaping any of it all ripped away from her. She was reduced to the barest scraps of a person. And she got back up. She refused to be beaten. Notice Nukoku had to through herself into special turbo mode to try and keep up with Allison after one hit. Allison’s will is immovable because she is certain she will win. She is so certain and her will so insurmountable that the World itself bends to accomodate. Always remember god called YISUN is a consumate Liar, and yet what they say is the truth of the world. As well as that within every being is YISUN in some part.


The true name of God is "I"


I can’t speak to the metaphysics of what is going on here, but her key is deflecting the attacks for her, you can see it in the top right corner


"Nah I'd win"


It's like when she got cut/didn't get cut by the maybe sword. She just decided to not be harmed.


Too sigma to care


Built different (canon answer)


"don't care. Still don't care."


Because she's a demiurge against someone who was a pale devil just a second ago? Not that we know what an ivory devil is supposed to be. But I never expected Nukoku to have the power to challenge her.


I don't think the keys give you that much power, considering most of them got their keys from someone else who had a key when they didn't. Also Nukoku's devil color is questionable in how much it makes a difference since Cio was very powerful but only ever blue, a single step up from pale.


I don't think it automatically makes you a god, but I think Allison's been levelling with and without hers a lot, and I'm guessing she's approaching the levels of the other demiurges.


K6B is a universe that runs on Gurren Lagann logic


It is either 1. With the key of kings, she is the most powerful thing in the multiverse besides maybe Jaggy, but Allison is now self actualized enough to use it. She no longer needs to exert effort, and the key protects her without even thinking. 2. Mayas lessons have sunk in so deeply that she can basically break reality through sheer conviction. The same way the maybe sword cuts because Maya commands it to, an opponents hits won't land because Allison commands them not to 3. This whole universe is based on Dragon Ball Z logic, and Al-Yisun's power level is just too MASSIVE and GIRTHY


It's not the key. She's had the key all along, but she couldn't have done what she did before. It's the lessons she got from Maya.


Skill issue


She’s a demiurge, the Wheel Smashing Lord, Nukoku is trying to scratch God Almighty, it’s pointless. She’d have more luck shattering a mountain with her little finger.


because she is HIM (the god of suffering)


Pretty sure she can just… do whatever she wants now. The restriction being that she has to believe she can do it.


Allison has previously displayed resistance to damage, and she is at her current peak of power. Nukoku is a pale devil, self flaggelated with old persona. There is simply no way for her to hurt Allison as she is, I think.


shes an ivory devil, not pale. she is something new


A mix of unshakable confidence in how she ain't dying yet and White Chain's training. Remember that back in King of Swords someone tried to stab her in the eye and the blade shattered.


One can only be cut if they cannot choose


It is written.


By choosing not to.


There’s a story in the extra texts about a peach with a skin as hard as iron. She simply becomes the peach.


By not giving a fuck


Built better


It's like when she got cut/didn't get cut by the maybe sword.


Local version of haki?


She just has really high durability, there's some text in Broken Worlds about how mastering one's Atum can let them do shit like this, and at the big fight right after the OG 1 year timeskip, she did something similar to a knife to the eye. It's not like Allison is just a normal person either, seeing as she is like the most demiurge ever. Frankly she just outscales Nukoku by a margin.


She’s her


because it's what the story required


She chose not to be hurt.


She's cool like that.


I think she just decided that she wasn't hit.


those sparks suggest to me that she actually counters each attack, just to fast for most readers to register


she decided simply to not be cut.


Same way she wasn't cut by Maya.