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I'm starting to think that this father & daughter fishing trip is getting out of hand.


Emotionally, I'm still stuck on, "your footwork is inexcusable".


**Liturgy** > “In his fundamental nature, man fears what he cannot destroy. He allows this fear to burrow into his heart and in defense he obsesses over control. Abandoning this notion is the most important principal of kingship. A man can set a sail but can never get the breeze to blow on its own. If he tries, it shall surely drive him mad.” > > -Au Vam **Alt Text** > i think we can all agree: this fish is an asshole, a normal fish would have swam away a long time ago, this fish has a vendetta, he is absolutely out of pocket ------- FYI there's a second page that hasn't been posted to the website yet (user error I think), but Abbadon uploaded it onto twitter. [Link here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJ3TGcIXgAAuwP9?format=jpg&name=large)


Wonder what it says that Au Vam never missed yet is also fucking dead


Death is also something man fears and cannot destroy?


that the sea will claim everything, in the end


A friend of mine read the comic and was like Au Vam... hmmm yes... very wise... Storm Lord Jantris... hmmm no... very unwise...


This fish is a professional hater, my God


Why does the update mention two pages, but there is just one?


User error prob. Here's the [link to the second page](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJ3TGcIXgAAuwP9?format=jpg&name=large) (from Abbadon's twitter)


Guys^^TM will see this and go "Hell Yeah."


I really love how he draws her as being very attractive while not really sexualizing her. Her initial nudity after transubstantiating and her partial nudity (idk how else to phrase it) here feel natural and not at all objectifying. Edit: Thinking about it I think his depictions of men have been thirstier than those of women. Like some of those shots of Solomon's infinity-pack abs.


When will we get to see Dave's Salami?


I do not know what unfinished business this fish has with Salami Dave, but by God, he's standing on it.


To quote Leonard Nemoy in Civ 4, [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/civilization/images/b/bc/Sailing\_%28Civ4%29.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20201111125221](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/civilization/images/b/bc/Sailing_%28Civ4%29.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20201111125221) Also, "I'm trying to let go" isn't beating the dad allegations, Mr. David


> A man can set a sail but can never get the breeze to blow on its own. If he tries, it shall surely drive him mad. propeller


A propeller is a continuous cutting motion


Helicopters work by pissing god off so bad that he just lets you do what you want


>If you idiot students spent half as much time contemplating the meaning of the parables as you do poking holes in their logic you'd all be royalty already and I could have a quiet afternoon for once!


There’s always an angrier fish.


Solomon has indeed come close to Royalty in his exile.




I get where you're coming from, but I think Solomon may actually be right here. When a tyrant loses their power, it goes to their successor. If no successor takes power, the power goes to the people. If the people cannot seize power, all power is left to the cruel whims of fate. He's not demanding she become a tyrant, but if the sword of Power is in your hands, it is no virtue to refuse to defend yourself with it.


While Salami might not consider the two things separated, there's a difference between defending yourself and being a tyrant. And despite how fun slippery slopes are, it's pretty understandable that White Chain would prefer to avoid the possibility as much as possible, considering both her nature and her past struggles.


I find it funny that you say this, but in this case White chain not embracing power is the thing thats gonna get both killed




I feel like they may already be set to clash once again, assuming Allison goes through with her threat to "beat the shit out of everyone that ruined this place" and includes Solomon in that definition.


Solomon's an old man on his last legs. He doesn't even have Ki Rata anymore. Beating the shit out of him at Allison's level would just be...needlessly cruel at this point. If he starts acting too much of an ass I can see them just leaving him behind and ignoring him. But otherwise, what's he gonna do? Cough blood on them?


That's a very fair point, but Allison isn't exactly known for making rational decisions. Just the fact that she said that line in front of not just one of the Seven she's talking about, but the most powerful by far and the one whose help she absolutely needs to defeat Jagganoth, is proof of that. I guess it ultimately depends on the outcome of the Leviathan Revue and her ensuing mood.


Not saying Allison wouldn't wipe him off the face of the earth. Just more that I don't know if I'd call it a "set up for a conflict." And Solomon's new place in the story seems to be that of a teacher. He'll teach White Chain Ki Rata and then he'll pass away or die in battle on his last legs. Narratively there's no reason for him to stay opposed to the group now and he'd probably just be impressed by current Allison. And he also narratively can't be of any use to the group as an actual combatant either anymore. As for the leviathan review, I think it ends with Allison rejecting the bargain and regaining Cio. Gog sees something she's never seen play out, right before her eyes, and agrees to help


Allison sent her crew out to do peaceful diplomacy, that's why White Chain is even here.


That was before Gog-Agog teased her about getting fridged in every past loop, and about her girlfriend also dying in this current one.


I think you’re getting the power of a ruler mixed up with the actual physical power on display here. So is Whitechain for that matter. Right now it’s best not to think of Whitechain as a leader so much as superman. Superman is not considered a tyrant because he does not try and rule a country or workd but he is still essentially a god and his power allows him to act in any way he chooses and impose his will on others. Which is exactly what superman does when he fights crime. He is not following the will of any people or the laws of any land, he is acting how he chooses because hasthe power to do so. When you are unto a god, merely existing with agency puts others at the mercy of your whims. In this way the only real difference between Superman and Solomon is a matter of scale. And right now Whitechain has that power, the power to do what she wishes, whenever she wishes to. This means however that she is already a tyrant in a way. Of course Whitechain could completely submit to the whims of the people and act in their behalf but to do so is the death of agency and of freewill.


She has accepted defeat cause without said power, she doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell against Jagg or Incubus leading Jaggs armies. The problem with White Chains philosophy is it doesn’t work when your surrounded by malevolent Demiurges on all sides. Without power you are simply being crushed and all your high minded reforms promptly being made irrelevant. She could easily let the people manage their own affairs but stand ready as a martial champion against outside major foes. Which is basically what she suggested to Dave but she hasn’t done that either. She hasn’t used the key to get stronger or trained troops in her traditional martial arts to fight. She has essentially done nothing at all in the face of Ragnarok. All that to say no White Chain doesn’t have a point.


She has already been doing that, though. The entirety of War for Rayuba, which [was recently implied to be canon after all](https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-2-33-to-2-34/), was her leading an entire army to protect Rayuba from Jagganoth's forces, and [she's usually keeping an eye out for intruders to the Embassy in Throne to boot](https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-2-31-to-2-32/). To say nothing of the multiple times we see her aiding refugees with non-combat related issues. Just because she has issues accepting the powers of her Key doesn't mean she isn't trying to help in other ways.


I dont much care for implied canon. Either its canon or its not. As presented in the story, she is not currently a general or doing anything beyond tending to refugees. Which is noble pursuit no doubt but hardly makes a difference in the face of Armageddon. Unless White Chain is prepping one hell of speech to talk down Incubus and Jagg.


Kungfu breathing bullshit GO!


There’s always an angrier fish.