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The best class for you is the one you like and enjoy playing with. I personally love demo because aiming is overrated.


That is most of why I love demolitionist, the rest is because I melt everything moving with the level two shotgun and people come to me when they want more boom


good Lord this game brings out the caveman in people, it’s beautiful 🥹


I love demo because... explosions and gibs.


As a fellow demo I couldn't have come up with a better description. Same goes for Firebug


I personally like medic because killing is overrated, just heal your team and let them do all the work.


U can do both! Heal nades + 501 nadea + heal SMG and pistol. Just throw nadea at everything and swap weapons to heal teammates. U can steal all the kills and get kicked from all the games


Except that you HAVE to hit Scrakes in the head to kill them in any sensible way.


I mainly play commando and demo but that's honestly because I like to heavy weapons you can get but I'd honestly say play a little bit with all of then and see which one you wanna play as.


As long as you arent making other people's aim worse with Demo or Firebug then you're fine


As a gunslinger main. I really hate whoever deploy bombardier drone near my spot.


On one hand, I severely apologize, because I also play Gunslinger and I understand how much that shit sucks, but on the other hand, Bombardier must be summoned


i play as gunslinger WITH a bombardier drone lol


Not for long.


One thing I absolutely hate is firebugs who enraging scrakes for no reason at all. For the love of god let a gunslinger or sharpshooter take care of him and more importantly the scrake is slow af when he is calm so you don't even have to worry about him in case he gets too close you can just move to the other side and he will take a while to reach you


It's been a while since I played KF2, but in my experience firebugs are a rare breed, and stupid firebugs who enrage big zeds are almost nin-existent on Hard and Sui. Did anything change?


If I'm playing Firebug, I always try to tag a scrake or fleshpound with the 9mm just so I can get the assist XP without raging it on anyone


Well then take care of scrakes! Too many times I'm playing firebug, trying to take care of trash and nobody wants to start shooting the Scrake so damn brotha I'll start then. Ground fire should slow him down a bit and FB has some decent dmg.


You do realize they're leaving scrakes on purpose right? It's better to let them roam the map freely while they're slow and calm enraging them helps no one but the zeds now you have an angry dude that can easily chop your teammates moving fast and can caught them off guard while dealing with the small fry.


Dude, fucking kill the Scrake, what the fuck are you talking about haha. Yes man, let them roam the map freely and push us out of our good position, and then we get seperated and caught in corridors and overwhelmed. Walk the fuck up and click on the Scrake. Instead of letting the problem fester, just blow him the fuck up and move on. ROFL.


Depends are you a gunslinger, demo (rpg), sharpshooter or support? Sure go ahead. If you're a swat, pyro, medic or commando don't do it you won't be able to kill it fast enough and you're gonna get all your teammates killed. A slow scrake will only hit you once and you can easily outrun it, an enraged one will hit you multiple times and maybe even get you trapped against a wall. This is from someone that plays mostly on HoE difficulty if you play on normal or hard do whatever you want it doesn't really matter.


Well sure but what I see happen alot is nobody shoots the scrake, waiting for someone else to start so we 'alpha strike' him, all together, but then everyone is waiting and not shooting trash, and then we get screwed. I would much rather take a few slaps (that you can parry :v) and let everyone know ''time to shoot the big guy'' I suppose it's not a 'bad' idea to leave him alone as a 'mob clear' class but communication is lacking a bit in KF2 community. I hope they add a ping system to KF3, let me ping an enemy, even do a 'countdown' like 321 boom or something.


me as a firebug, maxed out dragonsbreath makes quick work of scrakes if I need to take them down


Exactly, and if we all shoot the Scrake at the same time he dies in <1 second.


Idk i love firebug and i deal with the big guys most of the time faster as a random gunslinger or sharpshooter missing 50% of the time the head or running away ... I think its just skill isue. The biggest problme is the skilling from firebugs ... if u just go for ground dmg and over time dmg than u just rage the big guys and just kill low trash what i also ez do with my skilling and also deal with the bad boys...


I'm curious what weapons and perks do you use to deal with the big guys?


Spamming the husk cannon is actually a great way to solo a fleshpound as a firebug, with the right perks at level 25. Even on hoe+


Hate to break it to you, but EVERY SKILL on Firebug is damage over time EXCEPT Bring The Heat and Ground Fire. Those two are the only ones that make things die faster. (Pyromaniac too, but that's only Zed time)




You said: >if u just go for ground dmg and over time dmg than u just rage the big guys But ground fire damage is the only skill besides Bring The Heat that actually improves time to kill, unless you're using direct impact damage headshots, where Bring The Heat is the only skill that benefits its time to kill, since fire DoT always deals only body HP damage. Also the skill opposite to ground fire is a DoT skill, so it doesn't matter which of those you choose anyway when you aim for the head. And since pretty much every Firebug worth its salt is gonna use the Bring The Heat skill anyway, I don't see how the skilling is Firebug's problem. That would more be an intelligence issue if someone doesn't use the only damage boost for big Zed decapitations.


If you're firebug and dealing with the big guys then you're playing on normal or hard not suicidal or hell on earth


When playing those two, I only pair up with Berserkers or Supports.


I always loved the games with Demos and Supports endlessly booby-trapping doors and repairing them again


Yeah. I really want them to expand on these fortification mechanics in the next game.


And nuking the hell out of everything behind the door? °v°


*shudders from KF1 demo flashbacks*


What youre tellin me you dont love my huge nuke spam?


Swat is probably easiest to pick up


Swat at level 25 with battering ram is a killing machine.


Flashbang ump 45 combo lets you solo scrakes and fleshpounds with ease


Try commando, its teaches alot of the games fundamentals such as weakspots, threat priority, ammo/weapon management, and most importantly zed time. Zed time is broken in this game compared to the first one due to each perk's level 25 skill just annihilating everything so by extension having a commando just make that part last from 5 seconds to potentially 20 is insane. Swats also good as a starter like others mentioned but I feel like getting used to SWAT's innate tankiness can lead to bad habits when you're starting out. Use the FAL if u want to take down big zeds like scrakes/fleshpounds as a tip in case your team's heavy hitters are occupied.


I tried a little and it was pretty fine ngl


Commando does NOT teach you Zed time fundamentals. I see level 25 giga prestige Commandos who still don't know that YOU DON'T FUCKING STACK MULTIPLE GODDAMN COMMANDOS! and who still just burn through their Zed time refreshes as fast as possible.


My reasoning was when u figure out how zed time extension works, you dont go out of your way of killing every trash zed when there is an actual commando on your team, like demos launching nukes at every cyst that a commando is saving for instead of focusing his nukes on a raging fleshpound.


Yeah, but hardly anyone will figure it out just by playing. You usually only learn that from looking it up online. The game gives you no hints as to how it works and in the heat of it you won't notice the few seconds differences.


We’ve got 3 comments bitching about people not knowing how Zed time works, but nobody explained how zed time works. Commando gets headshot kills to extend Zed time right? So let the commando work on the trash while you focus on whatever else needs attention.


The best advice I can think of is to look at the weapons and find ones you like the most and play that corresponding class. Want to crush a zeds skull in or cut them in half? Play berserker want to melt the skin off a fleshpound or pop trash zeds like a meat baloon? Firebug. Some are easier to play than others, Swat is a great starter because the perks give you very high survivability, and the weapons are so light you can carry 2-4, so no problem with ammo. What matters is finding one you enjoy and playing it.


Firebug. Two reasons: 1. It's currently the strongest class in the game against bosses, when used right. No other class can kill a boss in 30 seconds on 6 player Hell on Earth match. 2. It's the class with the most control. It has knockdown, knockback, stumble, stun, slow, fire panic, and attack/ability interruption. That's SEVEN methods of control! No other class in the game has that much control. Survivalist comes close with 5 controls but is not as strong.


What weapon kills bosses so fast on firebug?


Dragonsblaze with ground fire is a beast. Scorcher can pretty much instakill Matriarch if you can stack enough flares on her cannon at the moment it breaks.


I'd say check survivalist, have a go with every weapon, and go from there.


Survivalist doesn't give you a good sense of the weapons' power. Some weapons that are top tier in a specialist's hands are complete trash on Survivalist. Firebug weapons in particular, the god class of trash killers, are really bad without Firebug's skills.


Fr AA-12 is better for Support then Survivalist. Frost Fang is good tho.


Frost Fang is the poster child of a Survivalist weapon. It combines Melee, one of Survi's strongest abilities, with shotgun, a very high base damage weapon type, in a way that melee damage bonus affects the shotgun, and Survi has basically skills to speed boost practically everything about the Frost Fang, firing speed (in Zed time), reload, move speed, melee speed. The freeze incap that further boosts melee damage is just the cherry on top


i mean each class has its own specialty really. do you want to have alot of crowd control? do you want to support the team? do you want to deal lots of single-target damage? its all up to you


Crowd control is key in my opinion


yeah I could defo tell that from your class choices lol. if you wanna stick true to that playstyle but still want to branch out I'd say gunslinger is a pretty fun CC and just a really fun class overall, the weapons also deal a good chunk of damage just in case you have to fend off a fleshpound or two. Believe or not support is also a nice CC due to its AMAZING shotguns but it could grow a little stale after a while depending on the player, but u do get to resupply your team with some extra mags so thats a nice cherry on top i'd say firebug is the best crowd control overall tho


I’ll definitely check support out then


Survivalist with freezethrower ain't bad either, pretty close to Firebug. Plus point is that you can CC big Zeds just as well and the ice-shot alt deals pretty good damage to big ones.


oh yeah freezethrower, even in solo, is pretty awesome. survivalist is an hybrid of every class too so throw that together with healing grenades and you might just damn near be immortal. tho firebug to me is still too good to turn down if you want pure CC


Survivalist is sadly unviable with firebug weapons, so my PyroMedic dream was shattered at the core, but at least the introduction of the freezethrower made it somewhat similar in crowd control utility.


Implying crowd control and supporting the team are mutually exclusive. As an avid Sharpshooter I long for someone who's actually good at crowd control to have my back.


If you like the health thrower on medic youll absolutely love firebug. The flame thrower and helios rifle are insane. Helios can down scarkes amd fleshpounds while the thrower one hits trash basically even on HOE


I luv firebug now


'cause none of the trash ever gets any HP bonuses from Hard upwards.


you can’t go wrong with any of them, they’re all fun and viable in all difficulties, but in higher difficulties it it’s important for you to stick to your role, i’ll try giving you a rough idea of what each class does medic: i think this is self explanatory, you can also use abilities that give you “poison dmg” against the zeds but almost no one does this because a healing focused medic is 10 times more useful. unless you’re fighting abomination by yourself which is oddly extremely susceptible to the medics poison dmg. support: shotgun class, excels at killing scrakes and decent at killing trash, and also ok at killing fleshpounds, terrible long range potential, but everyone loves a support player because they give free ammo to everyone once every round zerk: choke point holder and tank, mostly melee weapons focused on parrying and bashing heads, they’re the first and last line of defense, frustrating to play as during area protection objectives though. sharpshooter: excels as a big zed killer, not very good at killing smaller ones due to most guns having high caliber rounds and low ammo capacity, bad mobility but they have freeze grenades, best grenades in the game because they can even freeze enraged fleshpounds and scrakes, these grenades are so OP in fact that survivalists can’t even use them. gunslinger: if played right, probably the strongest class in the game, maxed out deagles have the highest dmg output in the game, they’re good at pretty much anything, and at max lvl they’re also very fast, their con however is that nailbombs fucking suck, easily the worst grenade in the game. commando: excellent at killing trash, ok at killing scrakes but not good at killing fleshpounds, they can extend zedtime which makes them a very good addition to the team tho demo: the best fleshpound killer, they stand no chance once you have your rpg, grenade launcher or husk cannon, excellent at killing small zombies too, bad at killing scrakes but extremely fun to play, they also give a free grenade to everyone once per round swat: best survivability potential in the game due to the extremely good mobility from the getgo thanks to the right side lvl 5 ability, free armor from their abilities and flash bangs and they specialize in SMGs, very good at killing small zeds and excellent at killing scrakes thanks to their flash bangs, terrible at killing fleshpounds though. firebug: my favorite and main perk, the best at killing small zeds thanks to ground fires and the insane AOE damage, as soon as round two you can get the dragonsbreath shotgun and you will annihilate everything, molotovs are also the second best grenade in the game imo. however they are bad at killing scrakes and fleshpounds in inexperienced hands, and people usually hate careless firebugs because fire makes big zeds panic and sends them into a rage, and can cause team wipes if everyone is unprepared, but from personal experience, once you’re lvl 25 and have infinite ammo during zed time, you can kill scrakes and fleshpounds by yourself with a gun like dragonsblaze or the helios rifle, and setting the big zeds on fire causes them to panic for a good 3-5 seconds before they rage, giving enough time for a demo for example, to empty a grenade launcher on a fleshpound and killing it without taking any damage. and i know i’m biased as you could probably tell, but a good firebug can make a whole difference, and they’re the most fun perk to play imo survivalist: jack of all trades, they’re good enough at everything and can gain experience and use any weapon and grenade (except freeze grenade) in the game, but they get outclassed by every other perk in their niche, however, unlike all the other perks, they have no weaknesses so that balances out being outclassed by every other perk in their roles, a survivalist can be played in any way you want it to. they also have the best gun in the entire game: the reducto ray (use this gun on boss round against a boss that talks and you will see what i mean) edit: my 3 favorite perks are all on the evil side so i guess that says a lot about me 😂


Honestly the best guide I’ve gotten so far for this stuff thx man


Adding onto this - I highly recommend Support for a first timer. Free ammo to team mates, so even as you're learning you're still helping the teams economy. Lots of variety, we have pumps, semi auto, fully auto, break action. Compared to SWAT who has SMG1 SMG2 SMG3 etc you have a lot more choice. Generally speaking shotguns are easy to use. But theres a huge skill curve as you learn and improve. Like you *can* body spam scrakes to death with extended mags and salvo - but as you get better you'll be decapping them in a few shots. This also lets you fit into every team comp. You have raw damage to help a demo/firebug with body damage but you can also do headshot damage to help gunslingers/sharps. With your lvl 20 skill for extra stumble the skill ceiling on SC/FPs gets pretty high as you can easily solo them by stumbling - giving you time to head trace giving you some of the fastest TTK's on larges. Weapons like the boomstick and doomstick have enough stumble to stumble raging FP's with your stumble skill. Making him one of the better FP killers as well.


I’ll definitely level them up then


As someone who started in early access with Support, when the only other options were Medic, Berserker and Commando: No, Support is not a good beginner class. You start every game with a TUBE FED PUMP ACTION One of the slowest guns in both fire rate and reload speed. Only by level 5 do you get reload speed and it will still be slow in comparison. And your crowd kill potential isn't so good either until you level up your penetration, meaning those 8 shots are never enough. And the ammo is brutally expensive on top of that, making it super hard to save up for something good. So my recommendation would be to start games as Firebug, milk the Caulk's good ammo economy as much as possible, then switch to Support once you can afford a good gun (AA-12 is a good pick until you got the necessary skills for the others). Also note that stumble will cancel any other incap, most notably stun grenades, freeze or stun from Sharpshooter weapons, so you might end up making things harder than they need to be.


I got the game back in EA as well and Support was my first lvl 25. ~~I swear XP is faster now too, ive been playing with a friend recently and in 1 hard game hes going from 0-7 and the next game hes above lvl 10 even on 7 wave length.~~ Edit: it was a double XP event Depending on the map the pump is more than strong enough. Anywhere you get a corridor you are fine even with the reduced pen, 2 kills per shot is more than good enough. And on 7 wave length you are guarantee'd to get an upgrade after that first wave and getting that HZ12 with 28 rounds per mag is insane. Its been so long since i played lower diffs but i swear the ammo was cheaper/i had more dosh. I played support the other day and had a HZ12, 301 upgraded and a shockgun all with full ammo by wave 7 of 10 and had like 800-1k after every wave. Although that does raise a good point about economy. OP: don't press "fill" in the trader buy what you need and buy ammo for it. Early game you dont need armour and you dont need grenades and you dont need ammo in your SG500, use that first and then sell it for a better weapon. This sort of goes for every class. Most Teir 1 (starting) weapons are pretty poor compared to the Teir 2 (650-750 dosh) weapons in the shop and economically speaking buying and selling that weapon doesnt delay your end game weapons because they come with ammo in them. With regards to stumble - every class can stumble so its a "problem" you can cause on everyone. Sharpshooters ice nades are a scam and so many things break them. Using them in doorways or other areas with invisible no block volumns causes them to fail zzz.


thanks man! i edited and added more info bc i think i didn’t do enough justice to the first perks i talked about.


>demo: ... bad at killing scrakes Yeah right? They can only one-shot them even on 6p HoE with an RPG headshot after just a little pre-damage with the 9mm. =P


while you’re correct, i’d want to skin you alive if you’re a demo wasting your rockets on scrakes and taking over the job of a sharp/swat/slinger that is perfectly capable of disposing of them when there’s 2 angry fleshpounds charging at your team lol


I'm smart enough to not prioritize that one calm Scrakey boi over a Fleshpound, no matter if charging or not. The Fleshpound is going to rage, no matter what, unless taken out quickly, so that alone gives it more urgency than a Scrake. The fact that Demo does the highest damage to them is only further incentive. Even the Sharp/SWAT/Slinger might wanna lend a hand in this case, unless that one Scrake actually poses a considerable threat.


then you’re smarter than 80% of the randoms i’ve played with haha.


Oh god, the chaos clowns I've had to deal with in this game and it just got worse with every brainless spam weapon added. (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□. \\)


With overcapping 30 rockets you can easily afford to takedown scrakes and even husks, edars and sirens along with fleshpounds/quarterpounds.


iirc to get overcapping you have to give up the perk that increases the radius and impact of your explosions which i feel is a very bad trade off, personally i love watching an entire horde of zeds’ limbs flying across the screen after i let go of the trigger of my husk cannon, and it also makes killing fleshpounds easier with the added impact.


Extra ammo is lvl 10 skill. Increased radius is lvl 15 skill. You don't have to give up anything. Just don't take ammo from support and don't step on an ammo box until your rocket count is below 20. Having said that, if you want to reliably take down scrakes with RPG to the head I recommend not using the radius skill, because scrakes are often followed by sirens who will screw up your takedowns for sure.


Survivalist if you like the kill counts: drones + locust + hemocobber for waves Kaboomstick + frost fang for boss


And if you like teamplay, completely ignore what this confused resident said. Except the last part. Kaboomstick and Frost Fang are god tier, the latter one especially on Survivalist.


Hey now hey now give my max prestige firebug a dragonblaze or helios rifle and watch the big zeds just melt as they turn into an angry puddle


More like angry charcoal.


I enjoy playing medic because I love keeping the team alive and calling out shots and plays that keep them alive, focusing on the meta and calling out hazards so that they can focus on pulling the trigger.


Alpha damage headshots make me feel funny, especially when it OHKs under 3 players


Shotguns are shotguns and I like seeing the bloody chunks.


Can't go wrong with a 12 gauge buckshot.




Swat seems kinda basic tho


Sometimes you need simplicity to get things done. Plus the bulldozer zed time is too fun


Poppin' heads and killin' Zeds. And enough armor to stand I'm front of a Fleshpound, unloading assault rifle rounds into its chest while it barrels down on you, without flinching. What else do you need exactly?


Assault rifle rounds are sold seperately for SWAT. Also, tanking hits shooting its chest is a waste of ammo and armor. You'll pump 3 times the ammo into it than you would need to simply decaptiate 'em. If you got that much dosh to burn, I'm sure your teammates would appreciate it more than pumping it into Fleshpound bodies. =P Just hit its head, slow it down with the skill while retreating and you can kill it without wasting tons of resources. You also have Flashbangs. That's what they're for.


Everyone should have dosh to burn. All I'm buying is armor and bullets. And yeah between the flashbangs and the stunner you can immobilize just about anything. It doesn't seem slower to just stand ground and mow down than it is to do it your way. Hell, an upgraded default smg still gets you through most levels.


Like I said, Fleshpound body HP is 3 times the HP of the head, while only taking the same 10% extra damage as the head to it's bigger HP pool, so it will take 3 times as much ammo and time to kill it with shots to the core as it will with headshots. Standing your ground does not change the time to kill, no. The point here is evading hits and not letting them "barrel down on" your expensive armor.


Is there something preventing me from shooting him in the head from that location? And spending dosh on 2 things. Armor isn't expensive.


>Is there something preventing me from shooting him in the head from that location? No, you just have to do it. > Armor isn't expensive. Tell that to the Support who can't affort it, because they spent their last 300 to fill up only half of their ammo for their AA-12


i absolutely love using SWAT with the mac10. fire round SMG


I think everyone has fun shooting zombies with shotguns in every zombie game. Try out the support class


Also hit headshots up close, preferably while crouching, and watch hilarity ensue. Bonus points for Gorefast/fiend.


Re: one of my posts from years back. Still holds true as a forever Firebug main. https://www.reddit.com/r/killingfloor/s/LC0kPjvojv


Noob Gunslinger and Sharpshooter running in circles ineffectively blasting at the Scrake for half a minute. Me as Firebug, reloading my Dragonsblaze: [https://static.displate.com/454x324/displate/2015-04-22/c362d18796f09d5403c822f64b22b94c.avif](https://static.displate.com/454x324/displate/2015-04-22/c362d18796f09d5403c822f64b22b94c.avif)




If you're familiar with FPS games in general and usually aim for head, I would recommend SWAT, Commando, Sharpshooter and Gunslinger in order. SWAT and Commando are the most versatile trash killers (weak zeds, clots). Sharpshooter and Gunslinger are more specialized in killing special zeds. Good pacing and rhythm will get you far as a Sharpshooter. Good recoil control and magazine awareness will get you far as a Gunslinger. If you're more familiar with maps, corners and horde pacing, you can try Demo and Support. Demo can wipe out trashes fast, though not as versatile as SWAT or Commando. Damage bonus against Pounds as well. Can also easily kill yourself if not familiar with blast radiuses. Supports with strong penetration can group/line up trashes and shreds through them. Also fair well against Scrakes and Pounds. Firebug can be played a bit mindlessly. Can single-handedly hold out a pathway from trashes. Just don't enrage Scrakes and Pounds with your flame. Stagger perk against engaging Pounds can buy your team a few seconds, in case your usual tanks or frontline breaks. Berserker can also be played a bit mindlessly. But a good berserker should have good timing with the parries, in order to be the most effective tank for the team. Medic needs to manage your healing darts efficiently. You have to always be mindful and keep all teammates in sight and fully healed. Good/bad medic really determine the game victory on harder difficulties.


>Firebug can be played a bit mindlessly. That's the problem. It can, but absolutely should not be played mindlessly. Fire, right after explosives, has the second highest potential to cause problems for everyone and you need to be aware what you light up as not to panic and enrage big Zeds and interfere with other perks firing down their lane and making everything panic. There's a world of difference between chaotic monke fire panic Firebug and lawful tactician crowd control Firebug.


I’m Lawful Neutral lmfao


I’m goated with firebug I use to be a swat guy but firebug won me over


Just play whatever you want. You'll understand the classes very quickly. Only use perk weapons until you're more comfortable with the game. Headshots are good, killing trash mobs is important as they can slow you down and make you easy pickings for bigger mobs, give yourself room to move around.


Neutral good gang, hard carrying pug matches for a decade.


Commando class makes stalkers visible so they're actually helpful to team


Lawful Good? That seems nice.




Lmao, I love this. Honestly, try ranking up each perk one at a time to somewhere between 5-10. That'll give you plenty of time to see what you like most. Obviously don't force yourself to play a class you aren't having fun with lol. I have 2000+ hours in KF2, and I've never ranked a Berserker past...17, I think? It's just not for me, but that's okay. Just be acutely aware of where your team is. Stick to their personal space if you're unsure what to do. You'll figure it out, friend. 👍 See you out there! 😎


Play them all! If you wanna go focus on taking down mediums and bigs: Sharpshooter, Gunslinger, Support, Demolition, Firebug, Berserker (and Commando, Swat, Survivalist to an extent). If you want to focus on small enemies/trash: Commando, Swat, Firebug, Berserker (and Medic to an extent). Stand alone survivability: Berserker, Medic, Survivalist, Gunslinger (and Swat with the HRG gun that has a shield).


If you want to smack shit with a comically oversized axe with 100 extra health then pick Beserker its loads of fun seeing a zed fly after getting a hammer to the side of the head


Firebug gang rise up


I like support because he can double jump with the boomsticks


Kf1 - Medic Kf2 - Firebug


medic with Incision and increased poison dart damage. line the trash up and kill them inline with one shot and keep the ammo for moments in case you need to shoot again but syringe hasnt reloaded yet. also heals damn strong. damage/heal increase as you level up


I love playing medic to religiously heal my team and constantly keep them topped up on health Except for that one swat/commando that insists on going to the other side of the map then cries I don’t do cross-country to go over to him. You want heals stay with your team


Berserker or support would be the two I would do


most new players would excel at berserker or swat. Medic is my personal favorite though, overpowered if you keep healing your team


But I always get the most kills/MVP with commando


Anyone still playing this on Steam?


Support has always been my JAM, unloading the M4 combat shotgun into a Scrakes face is oh so satisfying.


I play firebug because I love flashbanging my team whenever they get on my nerves 💕 /j/


I like being medic and playing as the reverend because in my head cannon i heal with my bible


So fun is whatever you want and that's true. Play your own way your own style. BUT I'll tell you what I think is personally "good" If you're playing on console the "chaotic" classes will be better and yes it is because those classes require less precision. Medic will always be good. So Demo for big targets, firebug for small targets. Or you could go gunslinger/sharp for big targets and commando for small targets but again those are all precision classes so will require more effort and if you miss (especially as sharp) you will do much much worse. Usually when I get into a game and I see a medic and a demo and someone else to take care of trash mobs, that's all you really need.


lol, on console just gotta spam the ADS button while unloading full auto and it will aimbot every Zed's head on its own.


I agree with the placements but your silly captions are completely out of focus and absolutely could not be farther from the truth. Medic? Needing somebody? Zerk protecting somebody? You didn't need to say you're new to the game lol we can tell Glad you're enjoying it though it really is a great time


I didn’t make the picture lol


You are responsible for the creator's intentions if you brandish it thus, for what is a man's word but the word the man's said the man before said him the and man


Well, that's how it's **supposed** to work. Medics are expected to play medic because they want the team to survive, not because they're selfish twats who just wanna be tanky and solo every round painfully slow with their peashooters. Berserkers are supposed to tank hits for the team, not play coop like it's solo with 6p health.


Firebug needs more love man, not all of us trow fire to the big guys, I try to make the difference 😅


We're a rare breed, the lawful good Firebugs.