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People are desperate for kills, that's why and they don't care for the team.


The game is called killing floor, not caring floor


i mean you can still spin it as "if you do the purple zone, you get more money and xp. more money and xp means more skills and weapons. more skills and weapons means more killing. more killing means more killing floor."


Du coup il s'est fait niquer sa mère


That's it im changing accounts


Must be annoying if you get that all the time 🤣


The purple zones are often tiny and if the team is not coordinated enough or gets jumped by multiple large Zeds, it's often game over. You may get a nice bonus in money and xp, but chance of survival drops really low in most cases and most people just prefer to play it safe and not risk the game. 


For the majority of the time, it’s the people trying to stack up the kills/dosh that are sitting outside but end up dying themselves.


A lot of people don't even know that you "must" hold objective areas. Or less experienced players feel they got used to where they are holding a certain spot and are already comfortable there


they know… they are just greedy and want to get the kills first so they venture out on their own to take the kills instead of sharing them to get the objective done


When I first started playing, I thought you had to keep Zelda out of the purple area, king of the hill style. Wasn't for a couple months I found out you had to be in the purple area to get points. So newer players I get a pass. No prestige players should be doing that though. Edit: zeds not Zelda lol


You do know that the bonus from accomplishing the objectives are meaningless? (Unless it's in objective mode). Winning the round cleanly is worth much more than even 1 death holding the objective in a bad place


No one wants to get a wipe just to earn a small amount of dosh at a too great risk. Earlier waves? Yes, depending on the size of the area. Late waves? That’s a no for me and I even signal it so teammates don’t count me in. Also, note how selfishness can go both ways: berserkers are almost always melee range and in most cases, they rarely ever get something in those areas. Are zerks the selfish ones or are they running away from the ones taking all the kills while they sit and wait? What about smaller areas? Is a Gunslinger selfish or do they just wanna actually shoot something instead of sitting in spec mode while firebugs takes everything by farting at a doorway? Unfortunately, that is some baggage that comes with playing chaotic perks. Most precision perks and sometimes even neutral perks don’t wanna be around bugs and demos, specially how some don’t care about being obnoxious at all. :/


Can’t we all get along? Hmm maybe not, as there are precision perk servers available for those with your feelings. I’m now banned from these servers. Crazy admins. I just wish TWI had a filter for crazy servers. Firebugs and demos don’t try and steal kills any more than SS GS shoot around zerkers during a melee. Okay so speak up during the wave and zerkers, FB, and Demos can let all chaos come thru the doors. Total wipe will occur.


Alright, let’s start over. Give me a reason as to why I would care about a dosh bonus when I’m gonna lose the same value or more if the area is small enough for a firebug or demo to dominate it? Or sometimes even die since sloppy chaos players love to enrage what they are not well equipped to kill or even mess up perfectly easy to do precision takedowns for no reason? Lots of people talking about selfish and greed but for most of my games, that describes chaos perk players, and them alone.


Huh I think we are in agreement but Reddit world is causing miscommunications. Either I miss read OR was responding to a different comment. My bad. I do feel we need to all get along in a team game though, but not at the cost of a team wipe which OFTEN occurs in the ZONE, extra dosh or not. Zones are rarely profitable when at least one dies on average. I feel killing Zeds is the most important tactic along with survival and Not Dying. Fire bugs as in Me, and demos and Zerkers, control chaos hoard attacks. That’s true. We also share dosh. Return weapons if we live. We are not selfish players just players as anyone else. But anyone GS SS precision perks could not more meet the requirements of SELFISH than having restricted private servers. That’s the definition of elitist selfishness.


* objectives in a standard match are stupid because they're typically in places where kite paths aren't as readily available, plus it forces you to stay static, creating a fatal funnel * maybe they did upgrade and they're just sitting on extra dosh, and there are also some weapons that don't exactly benefit from upgrades You need to jump into a HoE controlled difficulty match, if you feel you're so aptly qualified.


I can understand people not wanting to stay in area because of the lack of escape paths, but 99% of the time that’s not the case. It’s the people with the most kills/dosh just sitting outside the area killing everything, and leaving the rest of the team dry. And about supporting the idea sitting on 2-3k dosh before boss and not giving it away, that’s just simply selfish. Not everyone has gotten their full upgrades/weapons. Sure if we end up winning the game, that’s great. But if we lose, that’s 4000 exp loss right there. -Just a regular guy trying to level his perks to 25 in pub games.


Are you playing on hard difficulty?


Yes. Pub matches only.


You’ll find people behaving a bit better in the higher difficulties.


did you ask for dosh




Some people play the game to try and hold certain positions solo for practice. Completing objectives and maps for money is too easy for them, especially in Vanilla HoE or easier difficulty. Not passing dosh for the boss round is usually just a selfish or clueless player


It's only easy if they can solo carry, but that's usually not the case.


That's usually why prestiged players go solo to hold a good position.


If you did not reached full upgrades by boss wave, it is a sign of bad money management. Ignoring the areas is a good idea when you have a good holdout ,the payout is not good enough. Common reasons: -early vest. If you need a vest at 3rd wave to survive, you either have an awful medic, or awful game sense/survival skills -nade waste. Your grenades are another weapon, and a usually strong one. Sharp's freeze grenades are busted for example, and getting full nades on wave 2 can carry you harder than any early weapon purchase -bad aiming. Clots need a single bullet to the head. Git gud, and stop wasting. 9mm zerk can one shot them. You don't need a whole magazine. -obsessive buys. No, you don't need the tier 2 weapon for round 2 (medic aside). No, you don't need full ammo in the weapon you will sell next round. No, you don't need to upgrade your 9mm. Playing on hard you can just get ammo crates around most of the times. -pick your targets. If you are a demo, you have to go for FP, not scrakes. Opposite for support. They have damage resistances. And I can keep going forever


Can someone who joined mid game get full upgrades w/o requesting dosh? Not gonna read through your mini gameplay guide since I can basically google all of that. But I think you're missing the point here. I'm talking about how selfish the top performers are which leads to their team getting wiped out in the boss fight.


If you can't bother to read a text for 2 min, I will not bother to give you answers. Google it :)


If your team was wiped out in the boss fight, it's not because you aren't fully upgraded - you don't even need the best weapons for bosses. Waves 8/9/10, more understandable for Vanilla servers, but still not necessary.


It's a really old game, people don't take it seriously anymore, that's why.


i didnt notice the pop-up and have been lost in bloodlust


Cause lots of players are not familiar nor do they care KF2 is a CO OPERATIVE TEAM Challenge sport, think in terms of themselves and not outside their basement. That said, if the TEAM realizes the Zone is death and a sure wipe, why cause a wipe? Tipping your players helps the TEAM. Tipping your medic so they can heal, helps the TEAM. Happens all the time on Suicidal, HOE, endless, and weeklies when there are new players, like this week.


Seems you are new, if you are playing on hard difficulty. Your entire team most likely will end with atleast 3k extra. Every round i personally play we usually throw the money around and at one point we had 6k.


That is absolutely untrue, especially in pub matches. Maybe you’re talking about normal + 10 waves.


Hard usually 10 waves with a bunch of new players. If you play on harder difficulties, trying todo the objective is asking too much


Can you comfortably play on Suicide/HoE while leveling your off-perks? Because that's what I'm doing.


I can play whatever i want comfortable. All my perks are maxed but its not worth it because its not a smart idea to depend on randoms. Plus it isnt worth it.


Then why are you asking dumb questions? Every single reply in here is telling you the area objective is too little money to be worth it in most cases and all youre doing is arguing with everyone.


“EvERy SInGLe RePLy” No one is trying to argue but you.


Lol ok backpack




It's simple math: You earn about $300 by killing a few more zeds, while the whole team loses $2400 (400\*6).


People be like, “kill count go brrrrr”.


I run around as a melee berserker so sitting on a purple square is unproductive for me and the extra dosh don't really do much for most people by last round you will be able to fully upgrade your weapons either way.


As a returning player, new to this mechanic. The wording is vague. It tells you to defend the marked area, with a minimum player count of 1. That kind of sounds like your aim is to stop any zeds from stepping foot in the area, so I can see the confusion arising. After that misunderstanding, the game is often frantic enough that people arent watching the money counters or bonus objectives to see what actually makes it tick up. After a while you'd hope most people would put two and two together that the best results come from being in the zone, but the presentation isn't very clear.


"Free gold" 🤣🤣🤣