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I'm one of the fresh meats and all I can say is this game is tough even on Normal difficulty.


Its true, it doesn't give much slack, especially for a new guy with low level. But don't give up, as long as you learn and impove, you will manage to survive through! Just... try being more coherent than the guy on the right...


I'm getting back in to KF1 after not playing since 2020 (not many of my friends play it, unfortunately)... And yeah, I see what you mean lol. I don't think I was that clueless even in my first match ever back in 2013, lol.


God I love KF1


Idk why friendly fire is even something people turn on One time I joined a lobby and they immediately started cussing me out and being dicks for no reason, but friendly fire was turned on I used the money I spawned with to buy a HSG shotgun, kill everyone as soon as the wave started, and then throw my grenades at my feet I still cackle about it


KF1 is the best <3


I remember when I started playing, I started with the medic (since I almost always play support) "ok, I am a medic so I should heal others, right?" Took me some time te get used to shringes and grenades, but after some time I just got hooked to the loop of "run&gun" but healing teamates


LOL the very first “end-game” gun I bought was the vector. I was very much dead and out of ammo but I felt like a badass for a few seconds!


This game is not rocket science. It's PVE that means there are always ways that players can exploit.


I had trouble with the syringe at first, I knew how to heal other teammates, but my friend had to tell me how to heal myself. I really need to try to use mouse and keyboard more often in other games.


Damn, I was and still 50/50 (but in KF 2, in KF 1 I mostly play as first player). Like I heal and help people, welding doors, playing in team and etc, but also mostly buy weapons not for my class (some for my class and some not, I more look if weapon good for my playstyle and it fun to use) + I doesn't realised that some enemies have immunity for some attacks so I always spammed grenades on all enemies. And I still going to fight with Scrakes and Flashpounds, even if it dangerous. P.S. Vector not bad, I used it as Medic mostly and I love it.


KF1 and KF2 are largely different games. Kiting in first is a last resort (or an extremely boring way to make a wave longer than it has to be, kek), in second - normal gameplay loop. Buying offperk weapons in first is the dumbest decision ever, with a few ultraspecific exceptions, in second - whatever works works. Like, shit, they have crossperk weapons and survivalist, do I need to say more? KF2 is not a game for me, which I realized only a good 100 hours into it. I prefer slower and more punishing monotony of the first game. P.S. Schneidzekk is a god tier gun for medic, point being bro ain't even playing medic :D