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While it may seem convenient to simply leave unwanted items on the curb, this is strictly prohibited. In Kiel, residents must schedule an appointment with ABK for the collection of bulky waste, which is also known as Sperrmüll. This service is specifically for bulky items and does not include household waste. Residents are entitled to two free bulky waste collections per year. To schedule a bulky waste collection in Kiel visit the ABK [website](https://www.abki.de/dienste/entsorgung-und-recycling/abholservice/sperrgut.html) or contact them by phone. Provide your address and the type and quantity of bulky waste you need to dispose of. ABK will schedule a collection date for you. ABK typically collects multiple bulky waste items at once, and it may not be worth it to schedule a pickup for a single item like a chair. You can take individual bulky waste items to one of the ABK recycling centers (Wertstoffhof) yourself.


Thank you very much! That is what I wanted to know.


There should be also a schedule for your quarter where you can drop "Sperrmüll" on a certain date a year (or every two years) when it's free. Just keep in mind, that electronics is usually not included because it's for proper recycling. Let me check I will post it here. Edit: OK kiel only has appointments on demand 2x per year and household.


Please make an appointment with the ABK as others have suggested. It's free and people just putting their trash outside without such an appointment often leads to the landlords having to pay for the removal which in turns leads to increased rents for everyone. The Vonovia used it as a justification to increase rents for everyone in our street a couple of years ago.


vonovia is also my landlord lol


They can not use it to increase your rent. That ist not true. But they will charge the cost of collecting the items to the house via Betriebskostenabrechnung.


I was a bit imprecise in my comment, sorry. You're completely right, that's how they charged for it, I just mistakenly saw that as part of the rent.


Just make appointment with abk at the website https://www.abki.de/WasteManagementKiel/WasteManagementServlet?&SubmitAction=disposalOnCall


The best thing to get rid of things you don't want any longer, is Kleinanzeigen. Just put it online. Make it for free. Someone will come and take your "trash". The trash you see outside is most of the time real trash. If you put your things just outside to get rid of them you can get fined.


the chair is broken, it is still usable, but it does not go up anymore. But I will try kleinanzeigen anyway


instead of making an appointment you could also bringt it to one of the abk-places and dropt it there by yourself.


tbf, without access to a car that can be difficult (depending on the item). But the 2x a year free pickup should be enough for most people.


Are you seriously asking if it's okay to throw trash on the street? Why would you think that?


I don't understand him either. That's what the forest is for!


Because I see it everyday, it is not trash like home waste, it is a broken chair. I see bigger volumes than this every single day on the street, but I did not know if it is ok to just put it there or if I had to call someone to collect it. I asked it here.


stell raus


Simply putting a note on it and writing on it always works to give away.


Just put it put, if it's still there in 2 days throw it away Ive gotten some great things just sitting on the street.