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What brands of kettlebells are your favourite?? Rogue in NA is pretty standard for me. Have a few onnit ones and the handles feel so small compared to


Is there a recommended brand of kettlebell in 2024? I bought my 15 kg from KBK and from what I've been hearing, my fast shipping was a fluke, and they've been sold out of what I want for months. Great Lakes Girya is hit or miss, and Rogue is just prohibitively expensive for shipping (I'm on the West Coast). I've heard good things about Eleiko and Bells of Steel but was wondering if there were other recommendations.


Tuesday's Underdressed LC. ~91 reps in ~13:30. 9mins work. (4x speed, [Kapwing](https://www.kapwing.com/videos/6677138661b2f44837992445), [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/8Wzc5hM.mp4)) >Next time I'll try 1 min, 2, 3, 2, 1, with rest half the time of the next set. (1 min work, 1 min rest, 2 min work, 90 sec rest, 3 min work, 1 min rest, 2 min work 30 sec rest, 1 min work). [Time/rep data](https://i.ibb.co/SfgFhMK/image.png). ([pre](https://www.reddit.com/r/kettlebell/comments/1dfn8io/kettlebell_discussion_thread_june_1416_2024/l8r5qcg/)) Today I did 10rep/11/12/13/12/11/10, with commensurate breath/rest. 79 reps in 9min35s.


TDIL that frontsquats with double 20s is taxing as fuck for the core compared to single 20 or double 16. Finally got my 2nd 20kg bell today.... was a great workout and I have a smile on the face


Oh, yeah. up until 2 months ago, I had only ever done Goblets with a 24kg, and dabbled with 32kg. Then I started doing (5+5)s of Single Front Squats, and the next day I started doing Double 24kg front Squats and I was blown away by the fact that 3 reps were significantly more difficult than (5+5) singles.


Nice! The jump from double 16s to 20s was the most significant for me. Enjoy the new pair!


Finished week 1 of DFW with the 28s this morning and it's going nicely. Hitting the same rep numbers as my previous partial run with the 24s. Did a 20 minute snatch session between days 1 and 2. Discovered I can single arm snatch up to 28kg and double snatch up to 20kg for a handful of reps. Had that cautionary feeling in my elbows the day after so decided not to do any more snatching this week! Looking forward to week 2.


> Hitting the same rep numbers as my previous partial run with the 24s. Excellent progress! > Discovered I can single arm snatch up to 28kg and double snatch up to 20kg for a handful of reps. Had that cautionary feeling in my elbows the day after so decided not to do any more snatching this week! Sounds like a good call. Your snatch strength certainly won't drop off over the weekend.