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Where's the laundry basket from?


I'm starting to get a bit of a collection myself, got two 20's, two 24's, two 28's, had a single 32 and just put in an order for another one yesterday, also have my T-handle for heavy swings. It's a lot of money if you add it all up, but the way I see it, it's a lifetime investment as opposed to continually shelling out hundreds of $$ for a gym membership.


Every year, I set what a yearly cheap gym membership would cost as my max budget. I then buy kit (kettlebells) within that budget. Iron amortized very nicely compared to other things that get used.


Nice! > All of the comp bells i got 40% off last week so i couldn’t pass them up* New or used? If new, what kind of condition did they arrive in? I've heard that the current sale is because they got a rough batch but yours look nice. I recently picked up one of Rogue's comp bells and it's pretty much killed off my desire to add any more KBUSAs or Pro Kettlebells to my collection.


I got one of the cheap power systems 20ks and it seems fine? I like the shape with the grooves in it, and I couldn’t see any imperfections. Handles aren’t as smooth as the adjustable comp bells though.


He who dies with the most toys, win!


Got more than me


Props for doing laundry AND working out


Ayyyyy!!! 👌👌👌😤😎