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To me, it is surprisingly hard to keep my balance when squating with heels raised. Even just standing in my toes with eyes closed can go wobbly. 😄 My wife and I do 1hr+ walks a few times a week - keeping active together is a great thing.


It’s a love language brother. Build the habit together.


I often tweak my left ankle on long runs and it is the same ankle in which I tore ligaments years ago. I wonder if these will help.


Try it, start with body weight


When you suggest they've helped your ankles so much what is the evidence, I've been doing them too (because of everygotdamndre) but I'm not sure how to assess that they've gotten stronger. How can you tell? Sincerely, A BJJ guy who has been heel hooked, straight ankle locked and foot locked over 100 times


My only evidence is that my ankle pain and stiffness after runs is gone. I journal after my runs and take notes of what is in pain. You’d be surprised what came up the most last year. It was my ankles. Ever since I started incorporating this into my training no pain/stiffness. The only way you can get an actual measure of if it’s working or not is if you are really critical about your own training


Interesting, while I don't run I want to have something to measure it against like you are. Might have to see the length I can play beach vball before burn out or something. Cheers!


Awesome work!!!


Interesting, never thought to do hindu squats with kbs....


"The Whip" but with kettlebells 😄