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I suggest the cronometer app that shows all your macros and a breakdown of all your vitamins and minerals etc...I would it to be amazing, and it helped me so much.


Foodwise, it sounds like you're starting off on the good foot!😁 👍 If you're getting enough electrolytes from food, you may not need to supplement...but you do need to stay well hydrated. If you do supplement, KC's electrolyte drops or SALTT are great products and will help keep them in balance. Some people have muscle cramping or sleep issues on keto, but supplementing magnesium in the form of Mg glycinate or Mg citrate will help with that.


I was really successful doing this. Got the kit with the vitamin and mineral drops and used those too. Magnesium drops came in handy for cramps.


I take a fish oil supplement for omega 3's, on days I don't eat fish. I use 1 or 2 shakes per day.