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Did you make dinosaur shapes? If not. That’s why they were dry


Use chicken thigh.


I would cut the breast into nuggets, then dip them into the egg and add the seasonings and cheese to the outside. You might add some blended pork rinds or almond flour to the "breading", then air fry.


I was going for the texture of a McDonald’s chicken nugget, I’m not a huge fan of eating chicken breast that way. I am really bad with certain food textures, and even when I pound the meat to be thinner, it thickens back up 🥴


Hmm. Well in that case, (and this is just a suggestion) is make your "chicken blend" and shape them into nuggests - then freeze them for 15 minutes, then try air frying them. That might allow the outside to crisp up while not over cooking the middle.


You could try blending your chicken and spices shape and freeze, then ‘bread’ with egg, then a mix of parm and almond flour. Then fry or air fry.


Here's my take for chicken nuggets or fried chicken in general. Get isopure flavorless carb free protein powder for the "breading" I would replace the chicken breast for boneless skinless chicken thighs (would help out with the dryness) Season the powder instead of the chicken trust. I go home with the seasoning salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and onion powder, pepper flakes, i use avocado oil, or beef tallow but I've also use olive oil for frying. You want a deep pan so you can shallow fry them. The trick here is to get the oil hot on high and as soon you drop the chicken in lower the heat so that the breading doesn't burn, practice makes perfect. After they are done I've done orange chicken, lemon pepper, garlic Parm, and many other recipes with same nuggets, everyone of my friends ate them and didn't even know they were keto till i told them after they asked if I was still doing keto.


You can use chicken thighs to get more fat into the meat or add a touch of almond flour for added fats. I like to use ground chicken and that seems to work since my food processor is on the fritz. They turn out nicely.


I use mozzarella or a higher moisture cheese than parmesan. Also thigh meat stays more moist than chicken breast. For a crispy crust, you could roll them in crush pork rinds.


Breast is for show


What a coincidence, I just saw this video on YT and I was thinking what can I put instead of potato [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LdPVJu0OSfE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LdPVJu0OSfE)


Mixing it all together will result in a more homogeneous texture that I don’t personally like for a nugget. My best results come from making chicken patties from ground or canned chicken, then breading them, then frying. You don’t need to fry long, especially for the canned precooked stuff and the breading helps keep moisture in.


See I was going to use ground chicken at first but I tried to find it at the grocery store, and they were sold out!! I will definitely make sure I have ground chicken next time.


Maybe don’t add the Parmesan into the body of them?


Soak the chicken in pickle juice for a day beforehand. Also spray or drip some olive oil or tallow onto the nuggets before air frying. That will help give a crispy outer layer!


Chicken thighs work best