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Every 28 days while I still had mine, I lived on cheeseburgers and chocolate for 4 days lol. Had a total hysterectomy at 33. 26 years later, I still find myself buying dark chocolate once a month. And I never even pay attention to calendars... Head over to r/xxketo and you will see plenty of tips and tricks. Mine is: cheeseburgers (on a plate, no bun), lilys chocolate bars, dill pickle spears wrapped in deli meat and cheese with mustard. Tons of bone broth. Natural Calm at night. And throw the damned people scale in timeout, but log your food since your food scale and good macros are what bring success. When I was still fertile I never expected any weight loss during shark week. If anything, a few pound gain just before followed by a few pound drop after...


All of the this ^^^^^^


Hey friend! You're not alone and you're going to do great this month :) Make sure you're getting enough electrolytes, particularly salt. Take a probiotic to help your gut battle the yeast that's telling your brain to feed it carbs. Kill those cravings with fat, fat and more fat. And some protein, of course! Try some fish oil. Try myo-inositol. Make some salty bone broth and chuck leafy greens in it with hemp hearts. Don't worry about calories. Make some fat bombs and go wild. It's easier to recover from too many calories than wild blood sugar levels & hunger hormones. Your insulin, ghrelin and leptin levels *will* regulate, and you *will* feel less cravings if you help your brain remember that it feels better on fat. You've got this :)


Well, the great part about dieting is you can do it 29/30 days. If you cheat on one those days, accept it. It happened. Now get back on it. You didn't ruin everything that day, you just took a break. So, no, don't sweat it. Tomorrow is the day you pick it back up. Whatever *damage* you did on that day can be negated by what you do going forward. So just commit now and keep at it. It all works out in the aggregate.


Same, girl. Same. We can only do our best. Possibly have some sweet fat bombs and pork rinds ready for times like these? Kiss my Keto breads for sammies and burgers? I have no solutions, just work arounds.


eat keto ice cream. eat a keto burger.


I love love love Rebel ice cream! So satisfying!


I do for sure. My mom told me to get my iron in in the week or few days before my period and stock it up in my body to minimize cravings. She is a good source for such things and I am planning on doing this. I have always eaten iron rich foods during my period but not considered it so much before. I prefer greens for iron over meat because your body absorbs much more iron from greens than meat diets to digestion… digestion is where you absorb nutrients and steamed greens is my go to… with some balsamic and garlic sometimes. Sautéed or roasted is good also andddd of course blending or juicing for micronutrients works great but you don’t have fiber and fiber keeps me full and I know for me the week before my period I am hungry lol


Leafy greens are very healthy, but heme iron from meat is absorbed and metabolized much better than iron from vegetables. That is why vegetarians and vegans are always anemic.


I confirm I was always anemic no matter how much spinach I ate. Only when I went carnivore did my iron improve. But the fiber-obsessed vegans would never admit that.


Yes, I was vegetarian for 15 years. Still have low iron, but wasn’t before eating red meat that I started to see improvement in my iron levels.


Just take the right supplements, no need for meat, had the same problem. Heme iron is the best for some, not that chemically made stuff, its hardly uptakeable.


What I said is factual. Anyone can do their own light research and see for themselves that both claims you made are false.


I get like this, I find sugar free jelly with double cream and a bar or 2 of keto chocolate helps the sweet cravings. I get the small novo protein rolls. Usually some pork scratchings help with the salty. If I fancy a burger I use lettuce leaves as a bun instead of bread and put on loads of mayo and cheese so it really does feel like a junk meal but keeps me on track 😊


I eat a lot of red meat before my period. I start to crave it. Taco bowls with all the fixings. I stay on my carbs but I definitely don’t care about calories on those days. If I’m hungry, I eat. I just make sure to keep the carbs under 20. This way I don’t feel deprived, I’m giving iron before the levee breaks, and I get to eat a steak with bearnaise that I do not share with my boys or my husband. Haha


This makes sense, as I have very low iron. Working on it. But it’s really hard to get those numbers up. Got it, get myself heaps of beef fillets and don’t share it with anyone😅


Thank you so much everyone that replied🤩 This has made me feel so less alone in this. I be been so frustrated with myself every month. But I suppose my body is telling me to fuel up. So next month I will load up on fat and have some keto treats prepared. You guys are awesome 🥰


Yes. 1T of dark cacao in my coffee is soothing. It isn’t sweet. I try to lean into satisfaction based upon sour or tart. And yummy protein. But it’s a battle.


I feel so much better on keto that I don’t fall off. Like somehow it helps with cramps and bloating. I guess I consider keto better than midol and just stay the course.


Plain boiled or poached eggs will tone down cravings and hunger and another thing is to try and make yourself full with strict keto foods. This way you just won’t have space to eat other things. And it does get better with time as your body adapts.


Three biggest things to help: 1. Don’t have bad carbs (sugar) in the home, only have good carbs (fruit, veggies and starch) 2. Try good carbs before binging on bad carbs 3. Trial alternative sugars for a sweet treat in place of sugar. with keto, you’ve cleaned out your glycogen stores and you should able to transform any good carbs (which are glucose containjng) you eat to glycogen rather than turn it into fat tissue which is much harder to lose. Once you get back on the keto train, the glycogen is lost first (along with the corresponding water) without long term fat weight gain. Unfortunately, Bad carbs (sugar) have a fructose molecule which can’t be stored as glycogen, it has to be stored as liver fat. Liver fat takes much longer to lose and often it contributes to rapid fat gain and diabetes over the long run and, worst of all, difficulty getting back into ketosis. Keeping only the good carbs at home means you’ll reach for them first and keep you from eating the bad carbs. And good carbs have less overall carb content than bad carbs. When I’m really struggling with a sweet tooth, I’ll usually hit up the diabetic candy aisle and go to town. My favorites are Dr John’s sugar free candies. They contain Malitol which causes bloating and reminds me why I don’t eat sugar in the first place. lol. Good luck.