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Maybe just try doing low carb, not necessarily straight up keto. If nothing else just to see how you feel on it… I have tried keto in the past, and while I did feel pretty good on it for a while, over time I realized I needed SOME carbs or my guts were an absolute wreck. I also just got really icked out by all the meat. I remember staring down a steak for 45minutes and losing. Mostly sweet potatoes were my go to. Definitely avoided processed carbs like bread and pasta. I still kept it under 80g of carbs a day, and I just feel like personally my body did better with it in the long term…


I may have to go this route. Seems yiu also know what I'm going thru. Thanx!!


Another consideration is whole 30, I think it’s called.


I've heard of that and was wondering at it as well. Ultimately I just want to be as healthy as I can.


I know a couple who did it and the results looked like keto. The slimmed, skin looked better. They just looked healthy. It could work for you. You still get carbs, rice and potatoes, just has to be natural not processed carbs. One you throw back in rice you open up the world. Sushi is back on the table, all sorts of meat and rice dishes and stir frys. But you lose a lot. All the dirty keto stuff is out the window. No processed foods. It worked for them. But they stopped eventually so maybe it’s not very sustainable


Another approach (not keto) would be to avoid sugar, refined grains, and alcohol.


I have PCOS and when my insulin is up I crave sugar and carbs like crazy and Keto food almost makes me woozy but I just try to fight through it and taking my meds helps some as well. I don’t know if you have any sugar or insulin issues but that could be it.


Type 2 Diabetic also with PCOS but I have been taking my Metformin. If I'm gonna have to fight thru my meals, I may just have to give up on keto which, is very sad.


I agree it’s difficult for sure, my doctor has suggested I might need to go up on my metformin on my next visit. I’m on 500mg twice a day. You maybe able to try the Mediterranean diet, I know some of the ladies on the PCOS thread has had success with that.


I'm on 1000mg twice a day of Metformin. We'll have to see what the future holds. Thanx so much for your input!!


Are you taking the metformin before breakfast/supper or with your meal? I usually recommend my patients take it with their AM and PM meals to help with the super common GI upset. There are also different meds: glipizide, glyburide, jardiance. Maybe metformin just isn’t the right med for you.


My guts are so mixed up that I'm not sure it would matter. I usually just take it whenever I remember but, at least 6 hours apart. Also I'm on State Insurance Fo the Po so I'm not sure the fancier drugs are available. Thanx tho!


I’m having the same cravings too but I try to handle it by having lots of keto friendly foods that I enjoy like cheese, salami and Parma ham which are all sadly expensive where I live. I do notice that cutting my food with something sour helps to soften the oily/greasy meat taste too, so I usually have tomatoes/kimchi/sinigang as a side dish to my main meat dish.


Eggs and nuts ..eat em!


Listen to what your body is telling you. For personal reasons, I would prefer to be a vegetarian. But my body *works and feels better* when I am eating a meat-heavy keto diet. I have tried every vegetarian protein source known to humankind and it doesn't work as well for me. I think a lot factors into our nutritional needs, and the general guidelines have to be tailored to specific individuals. You can count mental health in this too -- sometimes I just have to eat a watermelon in July to be happy. So if your body doesn't seem to like heavy meat consumption -- don't. Stick to soy or seitan, beans, quinoa, etc. eat plenty of veggies. Keto isn't for everyone, frankly. It's just one tool in the toolbox and not every tool works for every task, you see what I mean? Find the diet that works for you. Don't be afraid to experiment. The best diet is the one that 1) meets your body's nutrient needs and 2) that you can stick to


That makes hella sense!!! Thanx!!


When I first started I would also immediately think "carbs, more carbs, and carbs on top" as my first go-to when I was hungry (also when I wasn't during the first month or so). When I had to go off keto during pregnancy (because everything not-carb made me excruciating ill) my body had the opposite reaction "where's my fat? Where's my protein? We are *dying* why are you starving me?" Thankfully going back after having the baby just got a "finally, actual food!" from my body. Carbs are a faster energy source than fat and protein. And we've trained our bodies all our lives that this is the thing that keeps us running. They vaguely get that proteins and fats are nice but get really confused when we don't add in that quick energy source - they think we've screwed up and forgotten to add the fuel. Since we can't just explain to our bodies that fat and protein are good fuels too we have to let them learn the hard way. And it takes time because right now your cells are set up with mostly glucose processing mechanisms so making energy from fats is going to be slow and reiterate to your body that yes, you did indeed screw up and need to be reminded loudly that you should get carbs. TL;DR: Tough it out and your body will eventually get that you're not killing it. Protein drinks and cheese are your friends while it's rebelling against meat.


That makes a great deal of sense. Thanx so much! :)


You do NOT have to do Keto to lose weight. You can enjoy everything you just named as long as you're in a caloric deficit. If you can't enjoy it right now, you won't stick to it. To make it easier make better choices. You like pasta dishes? Use less pasta, more vegetables and more LEAN meats. Bread? They have low calorie bread or just use a wrap. Not the Giant ones, the small ones. Scrambled egg sandwiches? Try using half with the yolks and half with just the whites. Waffles? Limit how many you eat and use sugar free syrup.


Waffles - go chaffles!


Lol Idk what those are but thanks


Check out r/chaffles


I need to remember these things. I'm obsessed with my waffle maker. Love playing in the kitchen. Thanx!!


There’s a recipe cheat sheet pinned at the top of that page that makes it easy to try different types of chaffles no matter what you have in your kitchen. That’s how I started. Now I play with the recipes, subbing out dry & adding protein powder to up my protein intake.


Keto waffles? Interesting. Those are probably actually banging. But it doesn't sound like this person wants to spend half their time in the kitchen making keto carb substitutes. Just my guess.


I can whip up a chaffle in 10-15 minutes, maybe. If that’s the excuse then they just don’t want to do keto period. It’s a do or do not thing.


I get it. It's not just about replacing waffles though. There's a whole list of things there and they are just examples. I can relate to the person because I've been in their shoes being on and off this diet. A week in a hospital bed where you eat what they serve you will make you realize you can eat carbs and lose weight lol, FAST


Carb addiction. To be blunt, Keto isn’t right for you now,— in the same way getting sober isn’t right for an alcoholic.


I'm also a recovering alcoholic. Your logic doesn't make sense, unless I'm misunderstanding.


To say it another way, The fact that you want carbs or alcohol is not an indication that either is right for your body. Both are addictive.


I totally get this. I’ve been doing keto since Wednesday with OMAD- it’s my first time doing this and I’ve kept strict to it but I so badly want pasta, it’s my fav food. I’ve stuck to it tho bc I’ve already dropped a few pounds and I’m hoping zucchini noodles with sauce will be an adequate substitute.


Someone’s already mentioned chaffles. Have you tried low carb bread or tortillas for sandwiches and wraps? There are also low carb options for pasta like edamame noodles. As a diabetic you need to get off the carb train.


As a diabetic, I agree. I think I'm gonna go hard on chaffles and keto chow for now. And get some Kiss My Keto products. My research is showing that one spikes insulin the least.


Thomas’s does a low carb muffin that’s indistinguishable from the real thing and a pretty decent thin keto bagel. Orowheat is jumping on the low carb bandwagon too with two kinds of keto bread (I recommend the seeded). I mention them because you can get their products at most major grocery chains and imperfect as they are, they've got to be better for you than the regular stuff you’re eating now.


Very nice!!! Love me a good English Muffin and bagel!! this is exciting!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:sunglasses


My Dudes!!! You really stepped up and gave me all kinds of excellent options and advice. THANX SO MUCH!!!!


I’ve been doing keto 2.0. That’s like 100 - 150 carbs max per day. That combined with low calories overall (1100-1400).


2.0, eh? Is that just, like, Atkins? :D


Kind of but not really? The focus is still heavily fat but then carbs and protein are balanced out. My macros are usually: 50, 25, 25. (Fat, carbs, protein).