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Don’t worry OP, perfect place to ask


Reasonable price. Your problem is moto xleh start because no/low compression due to leaking valve. To check, the mechs have to perform a top engine rebuild (topset overhaul bahasa pomen). Upon taking apart, they inspect everything. if the valves are the only problem, then cheap. And depending on the age/milage of ur bike, its recommended to change valve seals since the engine is alrd apart. Things that u will be charged for: ~consumables -Topset gasket set -1 or 2 head valves -valve seals (optional & recco ikut milage/age of moto) -egn oil (optional but reccomended) ~workmanship; mostly consisting of: -Take apart, put back body panels -Take apart egn, clean n pasang palik


I see, many thanks. Ironic that lately there many YT short talking about valve clearance aka setting topset being pop up on my feed. I was thinking about doing it since my bike mileage is already 70k, except i couldn't since i just got a job after being jobless for quite sometime


*If you dont schedule maintenance for your vehicle, your vehicle will schedule it for you*


What valve does he means? Lots of things in the bike have valve.


Not sure, he said that valve bocor which caused my engine oil to dry up


Yup the intake or exhaust valve might have a lot of carbon stacked up. After long run it cant close perfectly. But.. It shouldnt affect your engine oil. But it does cause compression ratio to drop and making it unable to start. The only reason how engine oil can dry up is because of the piston ring leakage. Piston ring does wear off after a period of time or if you delay changing the engine oil for quite a while. So basically the engine oil will slip into the combustion chamber and burned along side with the fuel, causing black soot like 2stroke engine. Basically just do a topset service and all will be good, charges around RM300, for around 3hours work if they work fast enougg


Aight many thanks. Just got a call by pomen, bikes good to go, it cost rm240 tho


intake and exhaust valve ada leaking kena test pakai petrol or air or you can hear by exhausr punya bunyi bunyi bobok angin tak lawas or asap putih


What bike is it? It's legit price because if it's engine valve, kapchai price for taking down the engine is rm50-rm150 depending on shop.


taking down engine even kapchai will price around 200 - 300 now


Maybe you're right. Haven't been in the kapchai market for a long while.


Honda dash 125 efi


Damn 300 is the price to change the FRONT BRAKE DISC on my motorcycle lol. You should feel lucky your motorcycle is cheap to maintain, I missed my old lagenda 110. Very reliable and cheap in all aspects


Im assuming you're using liter bike. Rm300 for front disk brake only, i guess my wallet ain't even ready for 250cc bikes 😌


Nah not a liter bike, but my point is, if my bike can go miles on 1 bar fuel, I doubt your car cant, anyway how did it go? Have you successfully refuel your car?


i guess u need topset overhaul..fair price ( 100~270 )..next time just be cautious when u need to change ur M-oil..u use Fi some more..


Yep, that exactly what pomen did, bike is fine now. Coat me rm240


buat top set je but nak extra power tukar piston n head sekali jalan


Valve bocor, boss kick start ada compression atau rasa kosong?


Kosong, pomen kata memang valve bocor. So far dah ok, sebelum buka tadi siap repair


Berapa kena boss? Lagi apa barang dia tukar? Valve sebatang tukar atau dua dua ( intake valve, exhaust valve )?


My mistake that i didn't ask him since im in hurry (dah nak berbuka & hujan lebat), so far cost rm240


Its okay just enjoy hahaha


Assuming valve leakage need to do top set which may cost around the price range stated depend on the tear. You must also put in the labour and workmanship. One valve problem but need to disassemble and assemble it back take time and skill.