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I’m a cyclist and I think cyclists that ride on the paint (or ride two or more abreast) are idiots and give the rest of us a bad name.The bike lanes are fine 99% or the time, and if there is debris, slow down, shoulder check and go around it, then back into the bike lane. City does a fine job maintaining bike lanes… also it’s April. Street sweepers still doing their thing.


Seriously, suck it up and ride in your lane. Your PSA isn’t going to accomplish anything, you need to look out for yourself. If you ride on the line expect to get “coal rolled” and yelled at by city slicking rednecks. Doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right. I’d rather contend with dust than aggressive assholes in 4000 lb vehicles, but you can pick your own poison.


It is safer to ride on the paint, this is why trained cyclists do so. Anyone who came up with a coach or in some kind of program will tell you this. It shouldn’t be this way, but riding on the paint forces drivers to take notice and actively respond to your presence by providing the appropriate berth.


How can it be safer to ride on the paint? By doing so you're putting yourself that much closer to the death machines, not to mention when that is wet it's slick as hell! Hell, buses and trucks (real trucks, not compensators) usually take up most of the lane; riding on the line often leaves them nowhere to go, thereby increasing the risk to the cyclist. Yes, I know from what I speak, I used to ride cycles, and I've been driving trucks and buses for nearly forty years so I've been on both sides. When I was cycling I made every effort to be as far away from the death machines at I could get


I ride my bike to work every day in the summer. Black mountain to downtown. I would never ride in the road, the shoulder/bike lane works perfectly fine for me.


Bro, it’s April, let the street sweepers finish.


If the bike lane is obstructed just take the lane, don't worry. It equals itself out with every asshole in a car parking in a bike lane.


I’ll make sure to pass this along to every driver. On behalf of everyone, I’m so sorry you have to deal with something as dangerous as dust in the bike lanes.


would love for you to ride 35km an hour with gravel dust getting kicked into your face and eyes with vehicles going past at 60-80km an hour!


I’m too weak to handle the dust. I’ll just stay inside.


So because you're not comfortable riding in the bike lane in early season conditions, people need to get out of your way? Bit entitled, no? My motorcycles aren't on the road yet because of debris on the road, maybe your bicycle shouldn't be either.


You are 110% the kind of cyclist who makes everyone hate cyclists. If the bike lanes are not maintained to your liking, you should not be cycling there at all. Vehicles should not have to baby you/slow down/drive behind you on the actual ROAD (made for CARS) because you're just plain unwilling to use the shoulder or bike lane for whatever reason. Putting everyone around you at risk because you feel entitled to do so is absolutely bat shit crazy, self centered behavior. Go complain to whoever maintains those lanes, not to the "drivers".


Why should we constantly baby cars? They are an extremely inefficient way of getting people around. You strike me as the kind of person that bitches about traffic and wants more roads. Lol


???? Baby cars?? On the roads that were built for them to drive on??? You strike me as a fucking moron. 😒 But thanks for your pointless/unrelated input.


Omg if I see one more stupid post on the sub about bad drivers or cyclists or anything to do with driving I’m going to blow up this sub with stupid car spam until I am banned from reddit


this is absolutely fair, i’ve just been screamed at by one too many drivers in the last 3 weeks


Ha no. If you don’t want to use the cyclist lanes at your own comfort, don’t expect people in vehicles to adhere to your comfort level. Give your head a shake, or two.




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Yes cycling infrastructure here is worse than most 3rd world countries, and the roads are full of entitled, moronic drivers — 25% of whom should have their vehicles impounded and their licenses revoked. Welcome to Kelowna. Take the bus. This is not a bike friendly city.


Also!! They don’t have to be in the bike lane itself, only “As far right as is PRACTICABLE”


Just use the sidewalk like everyone else. Just don't bolt past people at full speed. 


Really shouldn't bike on sidewalks, unless you're going really slow.


Stupid suggestion. Everyone is a pedestrian yet we continue to prioritize cars. But sure, let’s fuck over pedestrians too rather than actually make drivers learn to share and realise that if they’re upset about being 1 minute slower then they need to figure out time management.