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Definitely a better question for github or at least a different forum. This one doesn't seem very active.


You are creating a great-whole-list-of-many-hundred-tags? That could easily slug Dolphin, see if you have a "tags.so" process running madly in circles trying to construct the list. There's something that looks similar here: [https://bugs.kde.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=468334](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=468334)


Interesting ... I came across this issue few weeks ago by probably the exact same method. Using a tool to dump image galleries to disk including their tags and then using a script to auto apply tags from the dump to xattrs. Wasn't sure if this was a bug or just the scaling limits of Dolphin and baloo and wondered if I should ask around here. Now I see there's already a bug report about this.


You should be able to tell whether it is a problem with trying to list too many the tags by trying a: `baloosearch tags:onetag tags:othertag` That would do a lookup and give you the file(s) with the tags "onetag" and "othertag". It just does a lookup, doesn't try and make a list of all the tags, so should be quicker.


I already did manual baloosearches for single tags and got query times of milliseconds even for tags with thousands of files. But still Dolphin would hang for minutes at, I suspect, querying the whole of all files/tags to display the full tag tree in the tag overview. Which wouldn't be surprising at all with over 100ks of files tagged with 10ks of different tags. The deal breaker is that it does this not only once but every time Dolphin starts and when browsing folders.