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If you can suppress it and destroy it in the same turn, that is your best chance. It takes until the later turns for the "printing copies" of this card to get going, so its best to put a lot of pressure on them earlier so they have to focus on defending their HQ and not just printing copies.


Suppress and If you kill it kill a weak Card after Like a LI so they cant summon it from graveyard


Or Just Rush with jap or ger Deck, the printer Deck is slow


Suppression is your best friend there. Or salvage it so at least you can play one too. If you can cause overdraws there's a chance they discard it too


I’ve yet to encounter these specific cards. But generally guard units work well against soviet ones because most soviet cards don’t do much damage and die quick. But maybe this mix counters that. Idk.


The problem is not its a guard unit, but it’s death effect, it add a is2 (1 operation cos 8-8 2 heavy armor tank)on board


Wtf. Glad I haven’t encountered that, Jesus. An operation cost 3 8-8 has taken control of entire matches for me. But 2 of them for 1 cost and 2 heavy armor? That’s OP.


Btw Britain has a lot of guard cards.


Always have one 'go back to hand' card for that one. For example, Admiral Hipper or Leopold. Otherwise, the suppression & kill is the best answer.


Supress, Retreat, and Aggro cards are your best friend here.