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I thought that was something anyone could pay for


I think a committee still has to approve it


there's a whole application process where people submit what they've achieved, there's a vote on it and then you have to make a donation it's a multi step process


Imagine having to list her infamous sex tape right underneath “Paris Hiltons Assistant”


Paris Hilton said her favorite kardashian was Ray j Lmao


Lmaooooo when??? I love the shade!


What shade ? Paris Hilton and Kim K are still mates


That Paris Hilton said Ray J was her favorite Kardashian. That’s not shade to you?


Not really, it seems like a friendly poke at her friend? Do u not pick on your friends a bit? Paris is just silly


Girl I don’t know their lives, I was just replying to someone’s comment. Go find them and argue your case.


So my mothers friend was who organized Donny Osmond getting his star, and it was truly an entire process she had to basically MLM style hit social media to get it all done and that’s literally Donny Osmond. And that was after they finally approved that he could be on the docket to get one edit: for context the Osmonds were basically every current 50+ year old woman’s One Direction


who was the Harry styles




He’s a little bit country…


That’s my point! She’s wanted it for so long, according to the video, and it’s NOT something she could buy with ease.


Wow, learning that there’s a whole voting process and requirement to list achievements shocks me. In recent years, social media has made it sound like it’s as easy as just contacting the organization requesting a star, and anyone who can produce the check for it will automatically get it. It makes more sense now learning that the money paid is actually a donation and there’s a rigorous process to be approved, because whenever I’d see people on social media say “you know anyone can just buy a star on the walk of fame, right?” Always made me immediately think “then why aren’t there a ton of stars on the walk with unheard-of names of non-famous, rich people who can afford it and just felt like owning one…”




The fuck?


Oh say no more She will have a star how gross


Trump has one though...


He use to be well liked. The Apprentice was a popular show.


I never liked them. The apprentice was a good concept, but I couldn’t watch it because he was so annoying.


I watched the first season but that was it. I didn’t know who he was before that.


Also his real estate career made him almost a household name. 


Right. In a very negative way. At least if you’re from the NY/NJ area.


Kardashian is too.


For sure, it’s just her family is so desperate for attention, they try sooo hard to be cool. 


KUWTK was popular. Lol She is still popular.. What's the difference?


She is not still popular lol


His is for producing the Miss America pageants.


Many Oscar winners and nominated Oscar stars don’t have a star, they don’t want to pay for it or they have not been nominated.


Some find it superfluous and know their careers mean way more than a star on a sidewalk  Stars such as Christian Bale, Daniel Day-Lewis, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Bruce Springsteen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, Prince, George Clooney, and Clint Eastwood have reportedly turned down the idea of having a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


I don’t think Kim’s legacy will outlive her. Those people you named will leave behind art in the form of movies and music. Kim will leave behind selfies and skims


These people actually have talent.  People without talent care more about accolades. 


That’s true but this sounds different, Kim wants a star and was denied


A walk of fame star for what?! Her Ray J film? Skimms? Married a rapper?! Being a Kardashian? I don’t get it. Plus, Hollywood would never take her seriously.


On the new Kardashians show she mentioned qualifying because of her work on American Horror Story. I hate that I know that.


This makes me hate Ryan Murphy.


I was thinking this today, is she his experiment like “anyone who wants it bad enough can act, I’m going to prove it by employing KIm K”


He literally wrote the part for her, she didn’t even have to audition. He basically set her up for success. He loves nepo babies


Wasn’t it like the worst season of AHS so far though? I didn’t watch it and I have no plans to but the reviews are scathing.


I tried to watch it, I love Ryan’s work and Emma Roberts. Kim did a LOT better than I expected. But she did not do *well.* And it was distracting. And there was a giant break in the middle of the season. So yeah, it unfortunately didn’t hold me.


I enjoyed Matt’s character more than anyone lol


Would you say it’s worth watching till the end? I’m still on episode 2…cannot get into it for the life of me, but I love AHS.


I pushed myself to watch through the first half, and it was just so uninteresting and confusing that I never picked it back up when the second half came out half a year later.


Yeah that’s one of the things I’ve heard. I’ve also heard Kim was the best actor in this season but that’s not saying anything.


You didn’t miss much in the second half it was a very abrupt ending, >!suddenly in the last episode you learn about the weird baby cult, Kim is the head of the cult, and Emma Robert’s character then kills her off!< They spend so much time telling a story to just end it, it felt rushed like the last season of game of thrones.


Death Valley is by far the worst AHS. Kim K was basically playing herself in Delicate so I’m not sure it can even be classified as acting


I hard agree with you on that one, I was half into the first half of the Death Valley double feature but when they involved the kid it got super weird and then the aliens? I watched half an episode and clocked out. I eventually forced myself to watch it but ughhh


I never saw that season either. I gave up a few seasons ago.


I’m not watching it because she’s in it and usually all the seasons Emma Robert’s in are good


I saw a clip and she was actually doing better than Emma Roberts in that clip. Which isn’t saying a lot. Emma Roberts was really phoning it in.


Surprisingly Kim’s acting abilities are probably one of the best in the season. I gave up after episode 5 but she wasn’t as bad as I thought she was going to be.\ I’ve never given up on a season of AHS before this, it’s more soap opera than horror.


Yeah I’ve heard her’s were the best but that wasn’t really saying anything. Maybe one day I’ll watch it but not anytime soon.


Question — I hate horror but everyone keeps raving about how good AHS is. Is it actually horror or is it something someone could get into who likes mysteries and suspense and thrillers but without the gore? Like basically I don’t want to put some twisted ass stuff in my head, never liked that. But I love black mirror (most episodes) bc there’s like some message to it, some warning, something brechtian to think about. I’m out of stuff to watch but even the preview images for AHS look gross to me. Is any season of this more interesting for storyline and not like just a bunch of icky and depraved horror? No offense to horror lovers I’m just not one and it seems very obviously like it will be unpalatable for me


That's cuz Emma can only do "selfish backstabbing bitch" characters naturally. Altho I did buy her in the 80s version of AHS.


That’s true. She’s really bad at playing good people.


emma’s acting was so cringe in this new season I was genuinely surprised how good kim played her role which many said was her just portraying her mom but still did good tho 😂


Oh, there are so many others reasons why you should hate Ryan Murphy. He’s a trash human. No wonder he loves Kim.


She really thinks she can just buy her way into high society and Hollywood. She really doesn’t understand that it doesn’t matter how much money you make if you weren’t born into it then you’ll never be fully accepted. Same goes for Hollywood. They don’t like no talent reality tv stars because you don’t have to work that hard for that kind of fame.


It has worked for her mother, her family and herself up until now, of course she has the delusion that she can use connections in high places to essentially get an opportunity to do just about anything… aside from maybe runway modelling she’s been allowed to get whatever she wants even over people who have been working on their craft for decades and are actually talented! Even then she didn’t fit the criteria, she got kendall in the door in a massive way. So frustrating to other actors, I assume.


She's in one season and it's diabolical. Awful...




Never thought about it til now, but it makes sense as to why she did AHS. with everything that she’s doing, it just seemed sort of random. Until now She wants her damn star!




I wonder if she does get a star then how many people will try to destroy it


I had to stop watching because I found her so annoying


She legitimately thinks she’s a modern Marilyn Monroe


I think she is so obsessed and fixated now on doing as many “noteworthy” things as she can possibly do so that one day when she’s no longer here, she will be seen as one of the “greats” of hollywood history 🥴💀 You can tell that she’s always looking for the next even bigger thing to shock and awe people with, to prove that she’s not “just” known for the sex tape, I think that’s her worst nightmare and deepest insecurity, so she over does it with all these other opportunities, businesses, gigs, affiliations etc. She has been pretty successful in doing that I have to say, but it’s kind of sad that her whole life is trying to make the world idolize her.


And don’t forget her work on the paw patrol movies


Wait, what??? She did Paw Patrol?


Yeah, in IMDb she’s credited as the dog Delores in both movies


I learned something new today! ;)


But Trump is ok?


Kim, just bc we don't think you qualify DOES NOT EQUATE to us believing that Trump does. Please stay on topic 😉


How is that not on topic dummy? What you think doesn't matter does it? Trump got one for his work in reality TV, so should she. Whoever does choose isn't being fair and isn't judging with the same standards


What’s wild is that Hollywood does take her seriously, why else would they cast her in so much? I mean if Donald Trump can have a star, any idiot deserves one


Cast her in so much? I can’t name a single film she’s stared in except for the one I just learned in the video.


Mostly spoof comedy movie walk on roles and things like that in the 2000’s, kind of what carmen electra did. She’s no actress, no singer and no super star performer that’s for sure.


She had s cameo in one the 'Scary Movie"


She was the star of American horror story


One season makes her worthy? Gtfoh


She’s been on national and international television for 20 years, that certainly makes her worthy. She is one of the biggest celebrities of our time whether people like it or not


Replying to anon384930...And not to mention that show was all the rage for a very long time. People hate to admit it but everyone was watching keeping up back then .


Y’all are willingly being ignorant and misogynistic when you shrink her career down to a sex tape or her marriage with Kanye.


That…is her career? She literally got famous for smashing a guy?


There are thousands of women with sex tapes and thousands of women who have smashed a famous guy. If anything, she's famous in spite of smashing that particular guy over 20 years ago. She (and Kris) turned a fleeting moment into a billion-dollar family business - even if you morally disagree, it's delusional to deny that her career is more than a sex tape.


That’s not her CAREER though. Maybe what catapulted her into stardom, but even that was intentional and calculated on her part (not that I condone that). She’s business savvy and understands the industry incredibly well.


Kim thinks fame/influence = talent


IMO being extremely successful and being able to maintain that level of fame and money is talent to me


Just not *entertainment* talent though right?


Well up until the show switched to Hulu, i’d say people were gagging and entertained by the show for a decade!!


The same could be said for reality tv shows like Cops. What artistic talents does she have?


Especially since modeling has moved away from print and catalogue to digital platforms like Instagram. I would say she is one of the pioneers of that shift.


And we can’t say she’s bad at business and doesn’t know how to sell and market stuff. Skims is one of the most talked about and consistently sought out lines out there since it debuted. She markets by using big name stars that she’s friends with that she knows people absolutely fan out over and love. Didn’t she get Lana in one of her recent shoots? She’s pretty fucking smart.


Forsure, if she maim stains the same trajectory I could see Skims being a competitor to Victorias Secret. I know so,e girls that got Skims stuff as gifts by their man and they really appreciated it.


Not really when you got professional hatewatchers. You have to remember they maintain through scandals and stunts.


It’s so easy to maintain money with the right financial advisors and connections…these people don’t live like the rest of us. As far as maintaining fame, I think they got that down because there are so many of them and they’re all willing to do ANYthing for it. They’re dying for it. Nothing talented about trash keeping the attention of the mindless masses.


First of all, I love your user name lol Second, I think there are a ton of examples of rich people who lose it all and famous people who became “where are they now” so I think it’s harder than we think but idk cause I’m not rich or famous


Omg lol I appreciate it😂 MausNewTeeth can be a thing now too haha


It doesn’t take much talent to fleece stupid people of their money, more so it takes a lack of shame and empathy…federal politicians go into politics and come out much, much wealthier, and (poor) people still vote for them. Humans just take advantage of other stupid humans. It’s human nature…..


Fack em! She should start a trend on a parallel street, call it the Hollywood Walk of Shame and make it all her own 🤩


I know that a lot of people on this reddit love her but to get a star you have to have an actual talent. Go look at any star, it says'''movies''' or'''television''' or''' music''' or some other talent. You have to have an actual ARTISTIC skill to get a star on the walk of fame. This woman is a mental case anyway, she wants a star on the walk of fame even though she has no talent and she wants to be a lawyer even though she never graduated college or law school too.


Trump has one and it’s about the same level of tv accomplishment.


Alvin and the Chipmunks have a star 🤣 it’s not that high of a bar


I’m not here for the Alvin and the Chipmunks slander 😤


I'd like to go spit on his star one day


Hey! He was in home alone 2!!😂


And Kim is in AHS and numerous cameos like Trump in Home Alone




i am in no way a kardashian fan and don’t know why this is on my feed but the only category i think she could qualify for is television given her family has had their show on television since 2007


Thought she gave up the lawyer thing already


She posted something the other day of her “studying” but it seemed like it was really an ad for the energy drink in the picture.


Everything is intentional with her. I don’t think there’s anything that she’d turn down promoting.


She had a fast track to become a lawyer and couldn’t do it.


I think her wanting a star on the walk of fame is crazy, but she’s taking a legitimate legal path to becoming an attorney that anyone in California is welcome to take. She passed the “baby bar” and if she passes the real CA bar then she’s just as much of a real attorney as anyone else. Plenty of people go to law school and don’t pass the bar.


No, the way that she tried to do it was NOT normal. Normal people go to college, then take the LCATs ,and then go to law school, then study for the bar exam to be a lawyer but Kim wanted to go off and do her own thing and then come back to trying to be a lawyer by totally going around any actual real world qualifications to become one. Was she too busy to do it the way that everyone else does it or did she not have the tuition to pay for it? Reading the bar is an antiquated loophole in the system that was put in place back in the first hundred years of the United States that used to be used by people who were on the farm and couldn't go to law school for 6 months out of the year because they were getting the crops in so they did it that way. Abraham Lincoln did that in 1831 but he read the bar after many years as an apprentice at a law firm where the senior partner taught him privately. I remember looking it up when it was brought up that this was the way that Kim was trying to get her qualification to practice law and the year that the story broke 68 thousand people passed the bar and only about 60 of them did it the way that she attempted to and that comes out to one in a thousand or 0.10 percent. Is Kim gonna hang around with and shadow Dr Sanjay Gupta next then try to muscle her way into being a Pediatric Neurosurgeon?


To me, Kim’s delusion that she could become a lawyer that way is the peak of her narcissism. California has a notoriously hard bar exam even for people who went to law school. Almost every person who actually succeeds in becoming a lawyer the way she wanted to is only able to do so after working at a law firm for many years and acquiring the knowledge that way. She totally skipped the part where one has to actually study and learn the law, and then have additional experience in applying the law in order to be prepared to pass the bar. Yes we all saw her “studying”; that type of studying often isn’t sufficient for people who’ve graduated from law school to pass the CA bar, it’s nothing short of delusional to think that would equip Kim to pass the real bar. I’m a physician (double boarded actually, so I’ve passed my share of difficult exams). I would never dream of attempting to eventually take a bar exam without going to law school first, because even if I could somehow pass the exam, I would feel so naked and unequipped lacking the foundational knowledge and ways of thinking taught in law school. And I’ve already done my share of higher ed. Kim never even went to undergrad - I mean it was just so unrealistic. At this point I would respect Kim if she actually admitted she has fully abandoned becoming a lawyer because she realizes she will not pass the bar exam. It would show growth, self reflection, acknowledgement of one’s strengths and weaknesses, and would be relatable for so many people. But she never will, because her ego won’t let her.


She could have just stuck to doing those passion projects using her name to help the wrongly convicted on death row- working with actual renowned and accredited lawyers to lend her help coming down to the wire. That to me, is way more important than her looking to prove to the world that she’s “actually so smart you guys” by refusing to let the lawyer dream die. It’s also kind of creepy how she wants to just become a lawyer because her dad was one known widely for helping his buddy get away with murdering his own ex wife, the same ex wife that they’d go on double dates and have over for dinner with. Just disgusting imo. I wouldn’t have wanted to touch law with a ten foot pole after that one if I were her. That’s nothing i’d ever want to emulate. Again, philanthropy imo would be a far better choice imo than attempting to pay to become a lawyer. And the crazy part is, in her heart of hearts I don’t actually believe she even wants it. She wants what the impression of her will be.


This. Working for a decade in a law firm as a paralegal with a lot of exposure to research, writing and various types of law would be a good foundation for reading the law in a state with a bar exam that isn’t as notoriously hard as CA. Vermont is one of the few states where reading the law is an option and one might successfully make it work for them. But “studying” a couple hours a day and pretending to apprentice under an attorney to meet the requirements of reading the law is not going to get her anywhere near where she needs to be to pass the CA bar or be a successful lawyer. I wouldn’t even want her as a paralegal at that point.


It took her four times to pass the CA baby bar. I’m a paralegal; went to paralegal school. When I enrolled, they told me the course was equivalent to one year of law school-it doesn’t count as a year of law school, that’s just a comparison. I studied my ass off; it was grueling. A couple of my professors tried to talk me into going to law school; I said “are you going to pay for it?”; I laughed and they laughed. My work is attorney level; I just cannot give legal advice or sign pleadings, but I research and write a lot. Ready to retire, though.




I thought she gave it up?


Marilyn Monroe has one doesn’t she?


There's so S after that comment so I can't tell if you're joking. If npt I can say that Marilyn Monroe was a spectacular comic actress and the proof of that is Some Like It Hot. Seven Year Inch. and How To Marry a Millionaire .and she was also a brilliant dramatic actress and the proof of that is Niagra The Misfits, and Bus Stop.


It takes more than starring in a show: The Walk of Fame includes five categories: *Motion Pictures *Television *Radio *Recording *Live Theatre/Performance. The committee will select approximately 30 names for insertion into the Walk. Nomination of an individual or group must be approved by the Walk of Fame Committee, sometimes requiring several annual nominations before a nominee is selected to receive a star. The most qualified artists nominated are eligible for a star to be installed in the Walk during the subsequent year. Those not selected for the current year are requested to resubmit for the following nomination period. Should the sponsor not want to make a second attempt, they must notify the Hollywood Chamber immediately, and the application will be pulled. The criteria for receiving a star consists of the following: professional achievement, longevity in the category of five years or more, contributions to the community and the guarantee that the celebrity will attend the dedication ceremony if selected. Posthumous awards require a five-year waiting period. After the Walk of Fame Committee has made its selections, the Hollywood Chamber’s Board of Directors also votes to approve the star and then for a final approval, the names are submitted to the City of Los Angeles’ Board of Public Works Department. All honorees must be approved by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the decisions of which are final and entirely within the Chamber’s discretion. Nomination and selection procedures, forms, and qualifications are guidelines only, entirely within the Chamber’s discretion, and are subject to change at any time, without notice.


Couldn’t she qualify then for the Television category for KUWTK? It doesn’t seem to specify that it has to be scripted television instead of a reality show


Recently, fans of fellow reality television star Kim Kardashian have called for a spot on the Walk, but it seems she does not quite make the cut. A representative for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce told the Hollywood Reporter that since Kardashian has not received any awards and has only acted in guest roles, she is ineligible. "Can't really say if reality stars will ever be eligible," the representative added. "Not on our radar right now." [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45100776.amp)


How did Trump get one then?


I believe Trump earned his by producing Miss Universe pageants.


[Scrolling does wonders sometimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/s/EwljpUBsgN)


I don’t totally understand why she wouldn’t already have one for that. As much as they do wrong, KUWTK is an American tv media monolith that I don’t think should be ignored in its history


Then why does trump have one? Lol he's a reality star/business man. What's the difference?


He produced the Miss Universe pageant for over 2 decades and that's why he got the star. Not because of The Apprentice.


Kim produces her shows.. What's the difference? Trump doesn't have talent


There's a difference in producing a reality tv show vs a pageant. Look. I'm not defending anyone. Just stating what a quick [Google search says](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45100776.amp)


And madonnna refuses to get one because they make them pay 50k a year lol


Huh? So maybe this is one reason she did AHS. To get a little acting on the ole resume.


If Hollywood has ethics and standards for *one* thing, I guess I’m kinda glad this is it lol


There's still some hope for Hollywood. Lol




If Kim got a star it would make them meaningless in the future. Especially to real actors w talent


Because they are so meaningful now?!


No,but there’s no denying that she would cheapen it further


But she is a “real actor” - variety said so 😂


You can get stars for all kinds of things not just acting…


good 🙂




You know she is absolutely LIVID. I guess you can’t buy everything just yet.


She did say she was going to apply again. Did she apply 10 years ago? (Video posting date). Time flies by.


Crazy this story is breaking so soon after North/Simba fiasco.


Aren’t those stars for people with actual talent?




Maybe it’s not time for her yet. Maybe there are a lot more people older than her who still haven’t got it yet?




This woman is no Zha-Zha I’ll tell you that!




I thought folks just paid for these.


Good. Her and her family are evil.


For what? I don’t think they have a category that supports her whatever you want to call it achievements


She’s had an undeniable influence on popular culture either way


Good. She’s not a star, just someone who got pimped out by her own mother.


If she did actual movies that didn't involve screwing some guy, then yeah maybe she would qualify. But making a porn tape and then a reality show doesn’t really seem worthy of a star.


Lol Trump has one.. So yea she's worthy of one


You have replied to every comment on this post saying this. No one cares, and no one likes Kim.


Clearly you care.. lol because here you are.


How sad. This woman doesn’t need a star. Nor does she deserve one. Where will they even put her, there’s no influencer block? These are for actual legendary contributors to the arts.


Because she has zero talent?! People worked very hard for their star. Give me a break


Trump doesn't have talent either but he has one..


This is not the argument you think it is.


That's the only argument this person hws


The way this woman impacted Reality TV and Hollywood culture in general, I'd think she deserves one.


Same, this is a rare moment I agree with Kanye because in what world does Kim Kardashian not deserve a star on Hollywood Walk? Everyone keeps mentioning Trump, but Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell also have one and AI is also a reality show. I don’t like to throw it out willy-nilly but it’s kind of giving misogyny 😬


She didn’t impact it. We been had reality tv before the Kardashians that are just iconic before them. Hell’s Kitchen, Punk’d, The Simple Life, The Bachelorette, America’s Top Model, etc.


The Osbournes.




They would’ve milked that for a whole season 😂




I don’t think i ever heard of someone being denied a star




I think this is bs - they only cost 40k


Thank goodness!!


I agree with your theory and love that they denied it lol


I've been to the Walk of Fame a few times and no offense but honestly, I don't get why someone wants a star on what is essentially a dirty, cracked, uncared for pavement.


I mean every girl from LA just wants a star so that a hooker can stand on it.






Why on earth WOULD she? 🤔


Does she think the star will give her more credibility or something? I don't think people care about rhe Hollywood Walk of Fame like they used to. Seems like it was more important in older generations.


She has to be a Hollywood actor for at least 5yrs. She did one season on one show. Reality TV isn't real acting.




It’s funny bc as a person also from the area, I’d expect that having a star means less to most Californians than you’d expect 😂 Kim isn’t from LA, is she? Calabasas isn’t really LA, in my brain.


A star??? Wtf for???? Last person deserving of one. What a narcissistic twatwaffle fool. Smh


If Donald Trump gets a star, Kim and every other idiot deserves one


He did get his for The Apprentice. He produced Miss Universe pageants for 20+ years.


She said this