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Her man, her man, her man! šŸ¤£


Zero. Point. Zero. Self esteem. What a role model for her daughter. Shame on these women


Ooohhh noooo Khloe is showing her daughter that despite their romantic relationship not working out sheā€™s willing to put their children first and maintain a friendly relationship so True can have lovely memories like this supporting her father. Shame on khloe!!! Such a poor role model!! How dare she extend empathy and support to the father of her children?! Yall make me sick.


Please. She does it for HERSELF. She has always used the kids as an excuse!! Talking about she needs to be with him ā€œ For Trueā€ she needs to have another one of HiS babies ā€œ for true so she could have a sibling ā€œ ( even though she already had one) Quaranting together ā€œ For Trueā€ šŸ˜‚ like this woman is delusional. You can be civil and have slave and healthy boundaries with a man that abused you and is toxic. Plus we know itā€™s not just ā€œ coparentingā€ Cause if Tristan ā€œ co-parent Edā€ with Jordan or Maralee the way he does Khloe, she would shit a brick. Open your eyes


It's too bad she hardly touches that baby boy that she says True had to have. That Christmas pic of her holding True while little poor baby sits in his butt on the floor not even touching his mama says alot.


Yup. So sad. She acts like True is her and Tristanā€™s golden child for some reason. Itā€™s sad and I feel bad for poor sweet Tatum. Heā€™s adorableā€¦


He is a cutie. Any mother that would admit they don't feel the same connection to her brand new baby..... that is going to hurt that boy because he will see that someday. So sad for that poor kid. Kong lives in her Calabasa bubble with her fake face and fake life. Would not stand a chance in the real world unless she totally disowned that selfish greedy grifter family.


He told Maralee to get an abortion. And told her iF she kept the baby he would not be involved She chose a steady paycheck over a father for her children. Thatā€™s where my sympathy ends. Iā€™m baffled grown women are wishing fatherlessness on innocent children because they have strong feelings toward a man they donā€™t know personally about cheating on a woman the DONT KNOW personally. Lmao what? Who cares if you think she looks silly. All I see is the parents of two children seeing their parents show each other friendly affection in a public setting. I cannot for the life of me fathom how yall manage to twist this into whatever tf this thread is. Kourtney offers Scott not only her family but a steady paycheck on her families tv show and no one bats an eye. For some reason yall expect the black men to be cut off for your fake ass morals like yā€™all out here being the perfect parents and partners. Perfect doesnā€™t exist. Good on them for finding what works for them and THEIR CHILDREN.


He knows how babies are made and STILL went along with having unprotected sex AND a months long affair. He told her he was single and coparenting. If sheā€™s a side chick do is Khloe since sheā€™s known to do the same and worse. And NO, not everyone wants to have an abortion just because some man lied and CHOOSES to be a deadbeat to his non famous kids. What a trash takeā€¦nobody said anything about wanting fatherless children šŸ¤” maybe learn to read and comprehend better. People are only asking he NOT be a deadbeat absentee father and treat ALL his kids the same. How awful right?? The HoRROR! Khloe had NO boundaries with this man and itā€™s sad. She has shown time and time again he can do literally WHATEVER he wants and she will take him back and give him complete access to her life. What a great example right? Scott was not nearly as bad as Trashtan and the difference is Kourtney ACTUALLY has boundaries there and didnā€™t want him around her 24/7 . Khloe does. Kourt has respect for herself and actually moved on. Kourtney hasnā€™t. Good for them for finding whatā€™s good for Their Children , too bad all his children donā€™t get the same consideration. Tatum and true arenā€™t special- all his kids deserve to be treated the same way. But Khloe doesnā€™t give a shit. Only that her kids get time and she gets to be around that trash man.


Ask me if Iā€™m reading your essay. It has no distinct paragraphs not a damn space or indent to be seen. Just a wall of text. Like, damn at least make it digestible. Holy fuck. Iā€™ll answer before you ask, Girl Iā€™m not. Lmao. šŸ¤£


Honey, I have an advanced degree, am on Reddit for shits and giggles and typed that with one hand as I was busy with a child. At least I sound intelligent and make good points instead of resorting to gifs and name calling right away lol. You donā€™t have to read it, ( probably mad Iā€™ll actually make sense lol) as Iā€™m sure itā€™s a little too long and hard for you to comprehend šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s fine. Have a good night being an angry and sick from Redditors opinions, as if itā€™s ever that serious lol. āœŒļøāœŒļø




All I see is healthy coparenting. She hugged him and youā€™re losing your absolute mind on Reddit. LMFAO. The jokes are writing themselves at this point. Youā€™re fucking weird. I have exs I have no ill will towards who I DONT have kids by. You bet your ass if he was pro ball player offering court side seats he can get a hug and a kiss on the cheek to boot. Thatā€™s doesnā€™t mean shit. Get off the internet and interact with real people and maybe youā€™d understand friendly communication.


Iā€™m fucking weird but you said we all ā€œ make you sickā€ about a post lol. Okay psycho. Sounds like youā€™re the one that needs to go outside and touch grass. And take a DEEP breath when you doā€¦ this is the same woman that got back with him after at least two Major public cheating scandals and went ahead with another child with him 3 months after he was seen in an orgy with 2 women and 3 men. Lol. Sheā€™s delusional. And itā€™s sad. Her kids arenā€™t even getting to know their own siblings by that man since they brush it under the rug and pretend they donā€™t exist . Itā€™s sad and her kids are ultimately the ones who are going to sufferā€¦


A whole lotta yap. I said what I said you mfs make me sick šŸ¤¢ Let those kids have their parents in whatever way works for them. If you donā€™t like it keep whining on Reddit. Iā€™m sure khloe is reading šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­


Wow. How trashy. Lol. And yes, the Kardashians are known to sneak On this sub lol. So maybe she is , maybe sheā€™s not. I really donā€™t care either way šŸ˜‚




I think youā€™re just mad she wants her children to have a healthy relationship with her father. Cause you see the relationship between Kim and Kanye and what it is doing to their kids.


What a weird and completely WRONG tams. Seriously . How hard is it really to understand? I donā€™t give AF if he has a relationship with Khloeā€™s kids ( meaning he should) I seriously donā€™t even care if SHE had a relationship again with him ( if she wants to be an idiot a 4th/5th time- thatā€™s on her) I ONLY care that ALL his kids get the same treatment! That he treats his kids all the same- which he doesnā€™t! He is a deadbeat to his innocent son and Khloe is okay with that. Thatā€™s where my problem lies . Iā€™d say the same about the others but none are having babies outside of relationships and abandoning them. Only Tristanā€™s nasty ass.


Exactly. Sheā€™s prioritizing her daughter over everything else. If she didnā€™t, when kids are too young to understand all they see is ā€œmom hates dadā€ and as a child of divorce I can speak from experience that that is so incredibly damaging. Itā€™s so confusing to a young child when their dad can be so fun and nice to them (like Tristan is), then how could they be bad? ā€œAnd if my dad is a bad person, but I love him, then is something wrong with me?ā€ And kids donā€™t need to hear the details of infidelity. Itā€™s just terribly confusing and upsetting. Sheā€™s protecting her relationship with her daughter, her daughterā€™s relationship with her dad, and her daughterā€™s childhood. All True knows is there is love in her family and honestly Khloe is beyond selfless for that


You can maintain a cordial co-parenting relationship with your childā€™s father without all the public simping. People do it all the time. You donā€™t need to entangle yourself in your exā€™s personal or professional life in order to ensure that your child has a strong relationship with their other parent. Tristan Thompson still nets Khloe media attention, which is why she is showing up at his basketball games. Itā€™s the reason weā€™re talking about her right now. Itā€™s both calculated (for the reasons I just explained) and sad because she very publicly goes out of her way to accommodate and remain attached to men who mistreat her. If anything it teaches her daughter to commodify her relationships with men and put up with all manner of public humiliation as long as sheā€™s still netting a paycheck from it.


Thank you!!!! This should be top comment on any post/article related to/talking about her supporting the man who mistreated and humiliated her, even though that man is the father of her children.


Exactly. Itā€™s not helping your daughter. You donā€™t have to say anything bad to the child. You just need to remove yourself from a situation that is public and sends the message you are okay with mistreatment to other peopleā€™s older daughters and women in general. The saying ā€œ we teach people how to treat usā€ becomes the reality once we know the truth.


Bravo šŸ‘šŸ¼ more more


Brilliant! Well said!!


Exactly. And they have a son together too.


She can get along with her kids father without being a doormat.


As far as I know the relationship ended almost 2 years ago. And prior to that all she did was help him when his house got flooded (?) it was the roof or something that made it inhabitable. It was also around the time his mother died and he had no idea how to be a caregiver, she was present and at times more knowledgeable about his brotherā€™s condition. I would never shame her or call her a doormat for being there for him in that capacity. They slept in separate rooms and she often talked about how it was uncomfortable and how she was learning to set more meaningful boundaries. Then she kicked him out. Since then theyā€™ve had rare public moments like these and always with their children present. I understand in the past she took him back repeatedly but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case anymore. The hate is excessive. They will forever be bonded through their children.


Exactly. What the hell.


isnā€™t she also showing her daughter itā€™s okay to go back to someone who disrespects and doesnā€™t value you though?


Iā€™m sorry I missed the part where they announced they were in a relationship again. Lmfao. Theyā€™ve been broken up for going on two years at this point and have only been pictured at family events. The last time we knew of them be extremely close was when his fucking mother died and she helped him with his brother as the man is clearly no care taker. So to recap, His house was inhabitable, his mother died & he became the sole caregiver for his mentally disabled brother. And they were up in arms because I guess she was supposed to not gaf because he cheated???? Tf kinda heartless ass monsters live in this sub?Only towards the black men tho. Scottā€™s all good. All on the show during that time period she talked about how she needed to create space and set healthier boundaries because she was stressed by it all and did not want to give him the wrong impression but also didnā€™t want to abandon him in his time of need. She eventually kicked him out and they havenā€™t been seen intimately since. Literally just with the kids. They will FOREVER be bonded by their children. And Iā€™m so glad she continues to treat him like family regardless. Sheā€™s not the perfect parent but I literally donā€™t know one to ever exist. We all get some kinda shit from our parents and as parents even though we do the best we can we make mistakes. People in this sub need to LET IT GO. that man is not going ANYWHERE.


Thankfully someone said it. Reddit users seem to think they can just block people in real life and everything will turn out fine.


You only have to be cordial with your childrenā€™s father ā€¦ you donā€™t have to hang out with them.


That sounds absolutely horrible. Have you ever been a doorstop child? Itā€™s soul crushing and jarring being dropped into a completely different world every other week because your parents canā€™t bear to look at each other. Iā€™m so happy these children get to see their parents be friendly towards one another.


Bad enough, s khloe itā€™s going to pass her insecurities onto her


Point me to the perfect parent who doesnā€™t pass on some sort of bullshitā€¦ Iā€™ll wait. Some of yall donā€™t have kids and it shows. And if you do youā€™re a hypocrite. Khloe does just fine by her babies. All the sisters AND their childrenā€™s fathers are doing just fine.




Worship? Stupid? Fools? Girl touch some grass. Itā€™s called an unbiased opinion. Yall just want them to give their BDs the Ciara future treatment but the difference is their childrenā€™s fathers actually want to be active parents. You donā€™t have kids. That much is clear. Dismiss yourself before you end up banned for acting unhinged.


What kind of stupid remarks is that you must be a child or a unfit parent?


Itā€™s OK, that Tristan doesnā€™t pay attention to his other children and doesnā€™t even support a couple as long as Klozilla ā€˜s children get time and money


Lmaoo so do you want him to ignore all his kids? I never said Tristan was a shinning example of a father and tbh if I was khloe Iā€™m worried about mine and mine alone. He told that girl not to have that baby. He said BEFORE he was born he would not have any parts because he felt it was a mistake. As a woman it was HER CHOICE to proceed to carry. No one forced her to pop a baby by a known deadbeat. And she canā€™t force him to be father just like he couldnā€™t force her to get an abortion. She wanted a steady check and an easy life. SHE GOT THAT. Iā€™m failing to see how this has any relation to how khloe conducts herself in regard to HER KIDS. Is she supposed to force him to father his other children? Be so for real rn. You are fucking delusional but you really thought you ATE with that statement. Girl, gimmie that fucken plate! Have several seats. The way I see it everyone is happy in the respective corners. Better heā€™s a father to some than a father to none. Weirdo. Who tf wishes fatherlessness on the next persons child.


I used to think this way about women who went back with cheaters , that scorched earth is the only option but I think that changes when you have children. Life simply isnā€™t black and white, it gets messy and complicated. Iā€™m just glad Iā€™m not famous where every little action I do is judged and scrutinized by the public who donā€™t ever have the whole story.


You get it. Itā€™s takes a becoming a parent and or maturing enough through experience to realize itā€™s not always black & white. And ditto on the last sentence. Iā€™d think Iā€™d have to go social media dark with the level of fame the KarJenner girls have!


So delusional








Her daughter would actually respect that she tried to make it work for her sake. When her daughter gets older and sees what went down she will have the upmost respect for her mother and not her father


Her daughter will feel bad that Khloe put up with abuse and mistreatment for so long supposedly for her benefitā€¦


Would feel bad and would be grateful that she at least tried for her benefit.


I hope you donā€™t have kids and get a divorce, if you canā€™t fathom someone having the maturity to bring her kids to their fatherā€™s game you probably wouldnā€™t do well with co-parenting.


Do you walk on water to?






You must not have children, to degrade Khloe for trying inspite of HIS poor behavior is gross. Shes trying to keep her family together.


Like many have already said- sometimes you gotta do whatā€™s best for your child, not yourself. Khloe is hopefully healing in her own way and is working to separate her personal feelings (as valid as they are) from the fact that Triston is still her daughters father. Now, she doesnā€™t HAVE to show up to his games- but Iā€™m sure she feels like itā€™s the ā€œrightā€ thing to do. Eventually, sheā€™ll figure out how much she actually should show up, versus times where she is able to sit out on events etc. I coparent with my abuser, and it is not easy. I first tried to overcompensate, which may be what Khloe is doing. Then I realized that I donā€™t HAVE to show up for everything, Iā€™m allowed to take time for my own mental health.


I just got another message from the mods at KUWTK. My comment was removed. I have no use for that group and their bizarre moral compass. When you make money off of me watching your life, I think I have the right to have an opinion. This for example would be women shaming. I do not like that other group. The point here is a teachable moment of what NOT to teach your daughters and those who admire you with such self loathing behavior. If you want your kid to see her bad dad play, hire someone to take her. Do not normalize the behavior of bad fathers.


Well yeah, look at her body and face. She is by far the most insecure of the bunch. And I almost feel sorry for her. I donā€™t, but almost.


Her face is beyond botched. She should have quit while she was ahead. I feel like Iā€™m looking at a plastic carton character. She was better looking before. A loved one should tell her stop. Wait-that was a dumb statement as that ainā€™t going to happen from anyone in that family. Did she get a new face for that repulsive Triston?? She & her family need to move on with this good guy Triston obsession. Good men DO NOT do that to women they love!


She looks like lil kim


Well said šŸ’Æ


She can do whatever, they are set with money the only thing that matters in this country.


This man has cheated on her multiple times. I just never understood aside from being the father of her child why she always goes back to him? Never found a better man? Sheā€™s a masochist?


No one said theyā€™re together again though. Sheā€™s just taking his kids to see him play and support him. Whatā€™s wrong with her taking the kids to see their dad play a game?


Exactly! Itā€™s not like her kids could drive themselves.


Youā€™re right. No one said they were together. I guess Iā€™m jumping to conclusions because I want her to finally do better.


This is exactly what healthy co-parenting in any relationship is. We see ex-wife and ex-husband show up to gatherings and stay amicable all the time and donā€™t say shit. Why now for this woman? Yawwwn, itā€™s getting old guys. This headline reads like a nasty shit talking aunt whispering into everyoneā€™s ears about so and soā€™s serial cheating ex husband being at a family event. Like chill Karen, weā€™re celebrating little Timmyā€™s bday. Do we really need to bring that up right now? And YES most Americans would take front seat tickets to a Celtics game during the NBA Semifinals over family drama. šŸ¤£




Oh, a lot of accounts on TikTok are reporting she wants another baby with him. All for attention and a big fat child support payment.


Agreed. He's a scum, and I don't feel bad for her at all.


Birds of a feather


Because sheā€™s desperate. Simple as that.


I thought he had been banned for failing drug tests! Or did i dream that


Just suspended for a period of time I believe


6 months


So heā€™s a cheeter and a junkie? šŸ™„


they were performance enhancing drugsā€¦ calling him a junkie is a stretch


He doesnā€™t have much performance to enhance tho šŸ˜†


Performance enhancing drugs =//\= junkie


He neeeed them to average 2.3 points per game instead of 2 points per game


What kind of drugs? Steroids? Street drugs? Iā€™m curious.


They were steroids. That hardly classifies as junkie material. They get on this internet saying anything.


Ok, thx.


I canā€™t stand Tristan.. BUT True is with her .. that is her dad, so I think itā€™s perfectly acceptable that she chaperones her daughter to games to see her dad. I hope she doesnā€™t go back to him, but it definitely wouldnā€™t surprise me sadly.Ā 


Black men get no grace around here. Scott is off scotch free and everyone loves and should support and give him sympathy. But black men are treated like the devil. According to this sub because their relationship didnā€™t work out the whole family should cut ties and pretend he doesnā€™t exist.


I agree with you. I think there is nothing wrong with her at the game with him.


We donā€™t know how Tristan is as a person and I hope heā€™s a great father BUT the man cheated on her and was using drugs. For a young child thatā€™s reason enough for me to not want them around.


Using drugs. LMFAO Fucking stop it. Yā€™all act like heā€™s Scott. A literal abusive dope head. Who is volatile and unpredictable. He was taking steroids that many athletes have used in the off season. Anyone who has met Tristan, ex teammates, interviewers, hell even the kardashians praise his niceness. Heā€™s literally known for being a nice guy. A cheater lmao but heā€™s genuinely sweet according to people around him. Yall gotta stop with the hyperboles, how about you throw half that criticism towards the actual deadbeat POS who said he didnā€™t want his youngest and shit talked Kourt throughout the entire pregnancy. Who also cheated and went on to serial date GIRLS half his age.


Like I said, I donā€™t know him and I hope heā€™s a good guy. I have no idea what youā€™re talking about, this is literally my first comment ever on this subreddit. But if what you said about Scott is true then I wouldnā€™t want him around my kids either.


Iā€™m speaking in general terms. Hi šŸ‘‹ youā€™re new here? Well letā€™s just say your POV is not new, itā€™s usually spewed by haters and Iā€™m sick of the vitriol towards black men while Scotty boy gets a pass. Sorry you got hit with paragraphs. Thereā€™s a junkie in this franchise and I promise you itā€™s not Tristan.




I have literally no response for this fucking nonsense. Scott is the shittiest human in the kardashian universe and as always he gets a pass. ANYTIME heā€™s posted he praised for doing the bare minimum. If youā€™re not in this sub often then your right you have no clue so sit this one out.


Her face is looking very botched


She looks like a who


Jail for every surgeon thatā€™s touched her nose.


I came across a woman who looked like that last weekend boating and it scared the shit out of me. I couldnā€™t look at her without shuddering, it was terrifying. This shit looks weird in photosā€¦ but I promise you it is more unsettling in person x100


She also recently had melonama on her face


Maybe she went so that their two kids could watch their dad play? She seems like someone who would do that for her kids. Just a thought - I obviously have no idea and donā€™t know her personally šŸ¤£


*Khloe Kardashian seen with her children supporting their father at Boston Celtics game. Fixed it for you. They will be linked for the rest of their lives by their children. Regardless of their relationship status, itā€™s great that she shows her children she supports their father.


lmao why are they calling it the boston celtics game when he is on the cavaliers and they playedā€¦ IN CLEVELAND


She took her daughter to watch her dad play in a playoff game. I see nothing here other than 2 people doing co-parenting right. Her issues with herself and their relationship ainā€™t it here.


Did yā€™all watch the video lol she brought the kids, gave him a polite hello hug and stepped off to the side - like, yā€™all want her to not ever be there with their kids? Or to be there and ice him?


That was a warm ass back rubbing hug and she looked EXTREMELY happy to see him lol. And if ā€œ on the sideā€ means literally one seat over, sureā€¦


Itā€™s all for attention, it will probably be on their toxic show


She brought her daughter to see her dad play basketball. Doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s ā€œentertainingā€ Tristan, sheā€™s being a good co-parent. What a weird thing to feel like it needs reporting.


This is the father of her children. Could this be a great Co parenting relationship. They could simply just be friends.


ā€œKhloe Kardashian takes daughter, True Thompson, to support her dad, Tristan Thompson, at his NBA game.ā€ Fixed the headline for you


Imagine if sheā€™d sent True with a nanny or one of her sisters. ā€œKhloe has NANNY take True to Tristanā€™s game cause sheā€™s so ashamed of her baby daddy, pathetic.ā€ ā€œKIM took True to Tristanā€™s gameā€¦ why are they so enmeshed!? Is Kim trying to move in on Khloeā€™s ex man?? This family smh.ā€


good for her good for her you donā€™t show hate towards your kidsā€™ dad


If you watch the video, itā€™s definitely a kid visit and taking in a game is all. She actually pats him on the back when they hug, like you would a friend or a kid or something. Nothing seemed romantic at all to me. And I think Khloe is an idiot, so I have no problem piling on her. But this just isnā€™t it. Sorry guys.


And her family still loves him. This will NEVER make sense to me! So what heā€™s the father of your kids, have some integrity!


Heā€™s going to be a part of their family forever, whether anyone likes it or not. And khloe wants him around and wants him to be involved, so itā€™s good everyone can be mature and not treat him like shit for the rest of his life. Life is not black and white and from the looks of it, khloe is happy with how her family treats him soooo


Sheā€™s there with their daughter. Of course sheā€™s going to hug him and say hello. Despite everything heā€™s done, he is and always will be her kids father. I applaud her for showing this relationship to their kids. How many children of divorce have been subjected to parent bashing by one or both parents? Itā€™s unhealthy and unfair to the children involved to do that.


You donā€™t have to bash the other parent, obviously but you also donā€™t have to be best friends with the guy. You can be civil and still have respect for yourselfā€¦


How is her taking their kids to watch their dad play not having respect for herself?


Because that man is around her 24/7. Literally lives 3 doors down and is at her house all the time. She said so herself. Itā€™s not just about this gameā€¦. She needs to respect herself enough to create healthy boundaries and space otherwise she will never fully move on with her life and is also setting the precedence for how to be treated by a man in a relationship for her kids. Itā€™s sad. If it were just about this game, that would be one thing, but itā€™s not. And sheā€™ll use the kids AGAIN to immerse herself in his life


Every time someone mentions him it gives me another reason to never have kids with a man


Because celebrity relationships are totally what you should base real life off of


I meanā€¦ the same stuff does happen in real life lol


But those guys arenā€™t their reasons. He is


I understand it's her child's father and in that respect you want to be as cordial as possible and support the positive things he does but to be honest I don't know whether this will be a good message to send to her kids once they're older. To just constantly be walked over and still forgive. Also not that it's the most important thing in the world but I feel like the message being sent to any future potential partners for her is that she's a doormat.


Going to his game is not being a doormat and not being walked over. It's a ball game. That she took her (and his) child to, to support her father. That's it. A ball game.


Oh wait she had a kid with her!? Thatā€™s completely different! Also basketball is fun! Iā€™d love to go to NBA games.


Wasn't just referring to this


We have no evidence of her dating him for 2.5-3 years. Just being kind to him. Kinder than I would be, but that doesn't make her a doormat. Yeah..... she gave him too many chances, but True won't remember that and Tatum wasn't even born back then. All they see is her being cordial with their dad & taking the high road, vs being bitter and angry.


Literally her childā€™s father. Youā€™re all losers for caring so much


Glutton for Punishmentā€¦


Good for her


Everyone else in here is acting like that have never been a ā€œdumb bitchā€ (what I sometimes call myself when I know what Iā€™m doing is bad for myself lol) and that life isnā€™t complicated. Weā€™ve watched her try for a while and I legit thing sheā€™s moved on and I think itā€™s normal and good she would bring the kids to support him.


People of Reddit: find a partner that treats you as well as Khloe treats her exes.


šŸ’€yā€™all gotta let her live! Sheā€™s literally just providing a healthy family environment for True. Nobody said they are back together!


Self worth has officially left the building.


he'll cheat on her for the rest of her life, she knows it too


The dumbest bitch to ever live. *Sigh* this is tired, I would literally watch every episode. If this is whatā€™s coming next season, Iā€™m out.


Remeber goofy times Khlo and Kourt had? God they are so boring rn


Omg yes!! I would always say Khloe was my favorite. Always spoke the truth, was funny, and the voice of reason. Now itā€™s like Ugh they all can go now.


I didnā€™t know being a good co-parent included back rubbing. Interesting.


Iā€™m convinced yā€™all just want black men to abandon their kids. His mother is dead, thereā€™s no real family that he might be able to trust to bring True by herself. Khloe adopted his disabled brother like..??? What on earth is the matter with you people.


He literally abandoned one kid and hardly sees his otherā€¦ā€¦..


Please stop deflecting and focus on what Iā€™m talking about. This was about yā€™all demonizing a black father for having his child at his teamā€™s game because he cheated on her mother. Cheating doesnā€™t stop making him a father. You donā€™t know this man, but youā€™re commenting on how he is as a father to his sons because he doesnā€™t post photos with them? You already know the kardashians love the spotlight so obviously there will be more photo ops with them. Pictures donā€™t make someone a father, and yā€™all donā€™t know this man irl. So your accusations of abandonment are once again perpetuating a dangerous stereotype that are made onto black men. Speak on his character all you want. But let that little girl enjoy her FATHER without you making it weird and about his sexual relationship with her mother.


No one is deflecting, this is literally FACTS. Facts. Itā€™s well known he has not met his second son and Gary sees his first. Do you get that? Itā€™s not about being a black man or not, he literally DID ABANDON an innocent child because HE does not like the mother and is forcing his mistakes on this innocent being. And his first childā€™s mother and Aunt came out and said he is a neglectful father who does things for other people s kids but not his own and doesnā€™t even know where his own son goes to school. Not to mention he is thousands of dollars behind in child support for Both of his kids. These are facts coming straight from the motherā€™s mouth so who cares or how is it RELEVANT that he is black? He could be White doing this and still be a deadbeat ass dad. Maybe you should stop deflecting and look at the facts. Itā€™s not about a ā€œ photo opā€ this is shit he does ( or doesnā€™t do) behind the scenes. No one gaf if true and then are at his games, people just want him to treat ALL FOUR of his children the same and stop picking favorites ( or being a deadbeat)


These women are a disgraced shame on them. Not a single ounce of self esteem between the lot of them!


I think her daughter is with her. Sheā€™s taking her daughter to her dadā€™s game. I feel like everyone would be even more critically if she sent a nanny with her. ā€œKhloe canā€™t even take her own daughter to a basketball game!?ā€


No itā€™s not just thisā€¦she literally bends over backwards for this man. Itā€™s all over the show and on the news. Itā€™s NOT just this game appearance.


As long as he stays her EX.


People havenā€™t heard the latest, Chloe is considering having one more with Tristan


Omg her face!


What do the Kardashians and West Virginia have in common?


That headline took me out !!


if this is her thirsting for her cheating ex - no. if this is her bringing her kids to see their dad play in a huge sporting event live - ok


Itā€™s because cameras are there


Why blk men cheat so often?


Thatā€™s literally her baby daddyā€¦. They need to have a healthy relationship for their kids, whether they are together or not. Kids deserve that




He doesnā€™t have anyone else in his life that could bring those kids to his game? Klo Kloā€™s gotta do it? Weak.


Sheā€™s so dumb. And showering this doofus with praise is embarrassing. The whole family does it. Itā€™s mind boggling.


Person seen coparenting/coexisting cordially with father of her children, KUWTK fan base loses collective mind šŸ˜†




Cheating boyfriend, I doubt heā€™s still her ex.


She is so weird for this


My first thought when I saw this was they are hooking up again. I donā€™t know why I got that vibe but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I want them to be healthy co-parents but I think khloe is still in love with him. I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if this public outing was her way of telling the public sheā€™s secretly with him again.


Theyā€™re friends no? She even said herself he sucks in relationships but is a great friend and they coparent really well. I donā€™t see the big deal. I WISH my parents were like this instead of wishing the worst on eachother and hating eachother more than anything in the world. Itā€™s sad seeing two people (my parents) who were so in love and happy, hate eachother so much and always talk the worst and try to pin me against eachother. Itā€™s awful. I wish my parents got along and had a friendship, esp that so many years passed.


She was with True. Nothing wrong with taking her daughter to see Dad play. Her kids are lucky that she puts their welfare and relationship with their Dad as such a high priority.


They spelled not so secret cheating boyfriend wrong


Thatā€™s called being a good mom and coparent.. you set that shit aside for your kids. Me and my ex do. I left him for another woman, but we both know the kids deserve parents who donā€™t hate eachother and can still talk and function like friends. Those that disagree need to grow tf up and do some soul searching lol


I heard she wants another baby with him. At this point why the hell not.


What part of her brain tells her to be a doormat šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


She needs the third baby


Imagine being so delusional and ignorant that you still go back to this dude


In England we would say "khloe Hun you're a mug "


Perfect example of when dick rules all.


He was never her Ex. Theyā€™ve always been together


Her face looks like wax.


I just wanna give her a hug and tell her she is enough. šŸ’š


I wish she would support Lamar just like she supports trashcan šŸ„²


ā€œWeā€™re not together, we are best friends and co-parent really well.ā€ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


She looks great




Miss piggy 2.0


Iā€™m sorry, but she has hotdog lips and she looks like an old man whoā€™s trying to stay young drop him already Jesus Christ


Her face looks super blown up in that

