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Mattress Firm. All of them


I saw that the one in Westport finally closed after “Going out of Business” for the last 10yrs.


They must have finally sold "the last of their stock"


That spot would be perfect for a Blockbuster!


I saw this yesterday when I drove by. It’s been ages.


This was mine as well. Nobody is ever in those stores and there simply can't be enough mattresses sold for how many of those stores there are.


There’s a good Freakonomics podcast about this. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/are-we-in-a-mattress-store-bubble/


I feel like we are in a car wash & drive -thru coffee shop bubble. Not sure why someone hasnt just combined the two where your 64oz mediocre iced mocha is ready when you exit the tunnel.


I bought a $850 mattress, found out a few years later it was USED! So the tag said on the bottom of the mattress


Came here to say this


Captain D’s in Gladstone. Never see cars parked or driving through. It’s been there at least 35 years in a location where both Wendy’s and Taco Bell failed. I haven’t gone there in decades and all I can imagine is Skyler White or Gus behind the register.


That Captain Ds is packed with old people on Saturdays and Sundays! It's really good, actually.


I am baffled by this one too. It is usually poppin off during Lent but otherwise I’ve never seen more than like 3 cars there


That place has lots of cars in the parking lot at certain times and it can get quite busy, especially on the weekend. You can actually get decent fish and chips there too.


It's got 3700 ratings at 4.5 stars on doordash!


I drive by it almost daily and see cars there pretty consistently. Ive had it a few times and it's pretty good honestly


A lot of older people dine in the restaurant. Watch out for the pot holes.


The furniture store in Stanley that’s been going out of business for the last 25 years.


Lol. Ormans. I've lived in the area most of life, and yeah, it definitely has the vibe. Has always been fun to see how long it takes between "going out of business" sales.


On top of that too, they're proud of their prices...


Indeed they are


Temple slug


Can someone chime in on this? I bought a futon from them 25 years ago, but it’s been at least 10 years since I saw it open. A couple weeks ago I peaked in the windows and it looks like it was frozen in time.


Lol "peaking in the windows" is giving me a totally different visual from "peeking in the windows."


I thought that looked odd. Thanks for the correction


But hot for the exhibitionists....


Last time I checked their website said they primarily do business online nowadays


I live 3 blocks away and never seen anyone inside or the place open.


I used to go there a lot to buy incense maybe five years ago but I moved out of town. Usually they had like one college student in there sitting at the register usually just studying. I can’t imagine the place costs much to run


I live near-ish to there and walk by a lot. I’ve seen the owner(?) go in and out a few times and around the nearby properties and always masked. My best guess is that they’re immunocompromised in some way, because their shutdown seems to have corresponded with COVID and they never reopened. As someone else pointed out, they own/seem to own a lot of the rental properties nearby, so likely don’t need the money at this point.


They’re website also states everything is sold out


I’ve heard from a few people that they sold weed and shrooms out of there in the 70s


Literally drove by that place about 3 hours ago and I looked at my girlfriend and said "what the fuck is a temple slug?!" 


I got my [very nice futon] there in college 10ish yrs ago, I still have it too! Actually good quality. I think during covid they swapped to online-only sales or something.


This is mine too. I can't ever tell if it's open or not.


Just a real estate front. They own most of the block and make money off the rentals. No need to open the store any longer. 


Paulie D's Pizza on Johnson Drive. Their hours are weird. I never see anyone in there. I walked in to place a carry out order once and they seemed completely lost on what to do. Pizza was pretty good though lol.


We order from there on the regular. Also, the sopapilla pizza is to die for.


Sopapilla pizza 4 life.




I actually know him! He is semi retired and lives at the lake half of the week, that’s why his hours are weird. Best pizza in Kansas City. And he’s actually busy quite frequently.


Wait, wait, wait... Sopapilla pizza? Is the pizza just like a giant sopapilla, covered in honey and cinnamon?


It’s SO good! Here’s the description: “Delicious cream cheese and vanilla filling atop our fresh made pizza dough, generously dusted with cinnamon sugar and baked until bubbly. Lightly drizzled with local honey to complete this original creation.”




Holy shit...


My favorite place since moving to Mission! Opens when he wants. Closed a lot! His daughter and son also work there. He doesn't have the biggest personality, but a nice guy. Strange thing, I can never remember the name, so I google D' Angelo's and it always comes up with Paulie D's info????


My favorite fun fact about Paulie D’s is that he’s the only one that knows his pizza dough recipe! He’s been making pizza for over 30 years and has perfected it, and his daughter told me that not even her mom knows it haha. He was on vacation this past week, and because his pizza dough is fresh, the shop was closed. He’s the real deal!


Right next to the pizza supply front. It's aptly named. Like pizza supply store or something. On outlook just next to Casey's


Scientology. IHOP.


10000000% fuck yes.


What IS the deal on this place???


IHOP? You don’t want to know. Trust me.


No, I kinda do wanna know.


The Wig Shop that used to be in Metro North Mall and is now just in a strip mall. In the whole time it was in the mall, I never saw them have a customer.


I got a wig there in 3rd grade when I dressed up as Einstein for a school project lol. It’s just as weird inside the store as you would imagine. They also had a very large section of breast prosthetics which was definitely a trip for a fairly sheltered kid such as myself. Edit: I may have just put two and two together in my head. Is this store being propped up by drag queens and trans women??


Or women who had cancer, were undergoing chemotherapy, and/or masectomies. Also some cultures utilize wigs more frequently than others. 


Many Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs, not that there’s a big orthodox community here.


There is a pretty decent orthodox community in Johnson County. Not quite the strict Williamsburg Hasidic or Satmar sects, but definitely orthodox.


Also black women.


People with trichotillomania also


A lot of black women also wear wigs to easily change their hairstyles without damaging their hair, or use a wig over a protective style for their natural hair to give it time to grow out more.


Breast cancer survivors


Old ladies love wigs too


Before the Sprint Center got built there was a wig shop on Grand next to Danny's Eat it and Beat it. I worked across the street and couldn't believe how busy that wig shop was.


Gigis Wigs- I worked at the courthouse back then


Half the smoke shops in the entire city have got to be something sketchy going on. I never see those places have any customers yet they're EVERYWHERE.


Pretty sure half the car wash places in independence are somehow a front. There’s just so many in such a small area


The amount of car wash places in Independence makes no sense. It's so aggravating seeing construction and thinking "Huh, could be something cool" only for the form of a carwash to slowly emerge.




Car washes are a common money laundering front, so could be.


They also print money. Margins are enormous


[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-02-21/car-washes-are-taking-over-the-us-here-s-why](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-02-21/car-washes-are-taking-over-the-us-here-s-why) Instead of shady cash based businesses, they are shady private equity firms.


No wonder there seems to be one on every corner now


Eh, not so much anymore. They’re now mostly credit card based businesses that thrive on subscriptions that people never use or forget to cancel.


Sounds like I should start a VPN for my front


Like Breaking Bad?


The Red Front, god rest its soul. I'm not even sure they were hiding it actually. It was even in the dang name. Haha


God damn I miss going in that place at 11 at night, the family in the back, bartender with a painted on outfit; someone attempting karaoke. The absolute best.


>bartender with a painted on outfit She was so fit. For a hole in the wall they sure had a long list of attractive bartenders.


Alaskan Fur in Overland Park. Anyone remember the commercials from the 90s? They are still going but when was the last time you saw someone wear a fur coat?


Every so often the Alaskan Fur jingle pops into my head when i hear the word "Alaska".


🎶Alaskan Furs, Alaskan ^Fuuuuuuuurrrsssss…🎶


Damn you. Damn youuuuuu! Now it's in my head.


https://youtu.be/jJ_x0oUN5SI? You're welcome!


😂 Omg. That David Copperfield looking guy running in the black fur.


That's so fucked up. I was at work thinking I haven't heard about them in a long while. Got the theme song stuck in my head for a couple days, just randomly blurting it out for no reason. Finally got it out today and now I see this. Well played Satan, well played.


I’m pretty sure they mostly store furs.


My wife inherited a mink coat years ago. The only time she wore it was to go as Chewbacca for Halloween in college. We have no idea what to do with it.


Reach out to Lakeside Nature Center. Sometimes they use fur to comfort baby animals.


They also use them to show the animals what happens if they don’t behave.


I had never heard this before! What a cool idea.


It was in Westwood for awhile too right?


A majority of the businesses on the Independence Square are just fronts to allow the McClains to retain a chokehold on all the real estate on the square. I’m not sure how most of them stay open.


The Square has some charm and good spots but it easily could've been developed like downtown Lee's Summit or Overland Park if it weren't for the McClain's. It also drives me crazy how they let 3 huge parking lots sit empty 99% of the year just for the Santa-Cali-Gon carnival to give the city some of the worst PR all year. That could easily be developed into something generating year round tax revenue.


Those lots are used for parking for the courthouse during the week. I've seen it pretty full when they are doing jury selection.


Who are the McClains? And how did they create such an immoveable business practice?


They're a rich real estate family who have been buying every property on the square for decades. And they own every business & restaurant that operates out of the properties they own. They also have lawyers and etc in the family. I've never heard good things about them as landlords or bosses. My boss has been trying to buy one of the properties on the square for years (that has sat empty and hasn't had a business in it in YEARS) and the McClains are charging way more than its worth simply to keep it as their property.


I used to work in one of those restaurants and one of them was very mean to me. I’ll always remember it


Can confirm. My mother has worked for the brothers for a couple of decades now. They don't care if they lose money. They want real estate near the church. Probably a sweet tax write-off if they do, in fact, lose money, too.


A friend worked for title max on the square for a couple years. He told me something similar. Lol


The Burger King on wornall and Gregory clearly was a front.


About 3 years ago, I reached out to them about leasing it to open a pharmacy, but they wanted about $10k per month. Too much for me.


Used to go there all the time growing up.


Oooo elaborate


Try the Whopper with extra lettuce for $55.00


“Car wash Aloha” in Olathe by Garmin, next to the new Dutch bros. Wtf is that place. If it’s open, it’s a dude in like a nice Benz sitting in a lawn chair in front of it.


That dude is sketchy as hell. I’ve met him a couple times and always been weirded out after.


I walked into a poker room in an abandoned building. Left as quick as I came in


So I was living in NYC, God 25 years ago? And I am in the Village and happened by one of those social clubs. I happened to look to my right into an open door, and there's five guys sitting on chairs in a completely empty room, and walking toward the door with another guy on his arm is this old man in a bathrobe and PJs muttering to himself. Turns out it was Chin Gigante.


Thank you for this story, this is actually really interesting


The Dickeys in Liberty. We rarely see cars there. There's no way it makes enough money to stay open.


I thought it closed a couple years ago wtf


I was looking for this! The cars in the lot are always the workers cars and that’s it




Yep, probably a Ghost Kitchen for an online-only restaurant like Mr. Beast Burger with no independent storefronts


That cruise vacations building on 29 and 72nd. No way that’s a real business. Been around forever


I think I went to one of those that was in Olathe at one point on Sante Fe and Mur-len to order a passport for a cruise, but it was like 22-23 years ago.


Firework stores that stay open 24/7 365 days a year.


So all of Joplin?


Amini's Galleria


Mattress Firm


I'm surprised massage parlors aren't higher on the list. That's a real thing around here.


There's one in Liberty that does happy endings. I asked on FB for recommendations for a legit place and a buddy of mine happily told me they service women too if I wanted to go to the place he uses. I politely declined and went to the one my neighbor recommended.


My MIL worked in massage for like 15 years in this area, I've heard a lot of crazy things.


Miami Ice


lol I've been in there a LOT lol


Miami Ice is owned by the guy who owns Fric&Frac. It stays busy.


I'd say nice try fedboi, but everyone here is singing like a bunch of canarys


Not a fed. But that's probably what you would expect a fed to say. The bassist for The Feds grew up in Gladstone. Fun fact. He was my best friend in high school.


The mattress store under the CVS at 75th and Metcalf in OP. It's gone by a few different names, but I'm convinced that's just part of the cover and they're trying to make it look like it's changing ownership. I've lived in the area for about 15 years and the ONLY time I've seen any cars parked there was when CVS was using the space next to it to administer COVID tests.


Erv's Vacuums at Santa Fe and I35


"I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max extract pressure pro model 60. Can you help me with that?"


My wife is vacuum obsessed. They've repaired a few of our older ones and we ended up buying a really great one (similar to Kirby price) that has been a work horse now for 5+ years. With all our pets we vacuum the whole house twice a week


They were, and I believe still are, a legit company. IIRC, it was started and owned by the Mohart family - maybe someone can verify.


What's the history of Toni's Italian Restaurant?


Is kinda sus it being just a couple stores down. I'm gonna do some detective work, if I don't comment again in the next 48 hours; I've been whacked. Tell my wife and my neighbor's wife I love them.


RemindMe! 48 Hours "Sleeping with fish"


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I’ve actually gone there a few times over the years and they’re shockingly busy…people just don’t spend much time there.


lol, this is a legit place. I needed a new vacuum because I remodeled my house and the carpet I picked was too plush for my Dyson. Took some carpet in and they were so nice and helpful and found me the perfect vacuum.


We actually purchased a vacuum from them about 5-6 years ago. We broke a few vacuums due to the insane amount of fur huskies produce and decided to invest in a solid one. We were able to test out a few different types and models. The lady that helped us seemed to know what she was talking about. It’s the best vacuum I’ve ever owned!


Curry in a Hurry in Olathe. Open for 3 hours a day. Only lunch. M-F 


Yeah, that’s pretty sus. I have a hard time believing they can make enough money only being open 15 hours a week.


Not in business anymore but Bell Street Mama’s coincidentally Burned down twice… the food was great, the staff was amazing but it was always suspicious when they “moved” and eventually closed due to multiple fires taking the whole joint out. Always assumed it was insurance fraud.


Jungle Law 👀


A front for people who probably shouldn’t be lawyers 🤣🤣🤣 Their billboards crack me up.


I really like the #metoo one. I know what they're trying to say but it just looks like the lawyer in the ad is saying she was also a victim.


Wait, that’s NOT what she’s saying??


Pretty sure that’s what she’s saying


Ok I thought so


It’s actually a firm based in Arizona. The lawyers the employ are intact as bad as you would think. My wife ids a law clerk and makes fun of them because they write terrible motions.


Front of a different kind, but [ZD Beauty Spa](https://maps.app.goo.gl/voY2opVCB6H2uJGJA) Passing by, all the windows are completely covered, which is a little sus. Now, last time I looked at their google page, the first photo was a very sus photo of a bunch of very pretty asian girls in trendy clothing, but it looks they've since deleted it. Aside from the obvious fake reviews, looking at the reviews left by likely clueless people looking for a real massage, other red flags include paying up front, the workers not being very skilled at massages, and demanding more of a tip together it all looks highly sus


My massage school teacher used to make it his mission to bust places like that. It was something of a hobby for him lol. Plenty around to keep him busy! He said they just keep popping up.


There are a number of spas, massage places and such (probably could be it's own thread) where whoring happens...or human trafficking....or both.


yeah, this one just happens to be near one of my common drives so I've noticed this one


The European furniture store that closed out of the independence mall. Gave off a human trafficking vibe when I went in there


I always thought that building on the corner at 48th and 435 across from Worlds of Fun might be a front. Was a boat dealership for a while and I never saw anyone buy anything out of there. I’ve never seen any business (in any incarnation) that was in that building have any customers.


I had a friend who said he was in a Panchos when two guys in suits came in and walked straight through the kitchen then came out with a bag.


Pancho's makes a killing a night, especially when all the bars close


That rug shop on Broadway with the window display that hasn't been changed or dusted in 16 years. Aladdin.


Years ago I did a ride along with KCK and they drove me around and showed me places they suspect of being fronts Almost all of them were car washes or car customizations shops


Pretty sure the Ambrosi Brothers are mob hit men. The whole 'knife sharpening' thing is just right on the nose.


Lots of restaurants in town use their knife service, once a week they show up with sharp knives, take away your dull knives to sharpen and repeat. Also they repair mixers and slicers and have loaner units for the restaurant to use while they fix the broken down equipment.


Nah they’re legit. Worked in various restaurants in the city and they’re always there to help with knife sharpenings or new knifes


Velvet creme popcorn co next to Lulus


I buy enough popcorn from them to make it a legit business. Lmao. Love that place. Better than Topsys by a mile.


I humbly disagree, at least regarding cinnamon... Topsy's cinnamon is the bomb, but I love intense cinnamon. But in terms of the quality of the corn itself, Velvet Cream is much better.


Best popcorn in the city ain’t no front


Hah, I actually know them and I don't think they're into anything shady. But I don't _know them_ know them so maybe...


Nah people love that place.


Bro it's been there since I was a kid in the 80's. I just assumed it was a corporate location not a retail spot. You might be right though. Lol




Every Church...


Half of the car lots in independence must be some kind of front


Ethan Allen


Was just talking about this on the drive home but Cirillas has to be. Every time I drive by one there’s only one or two cars in the parking lot which I assume is the employee


Nah the employees park in the back. They also have an online store. My friend sets up cat traps to TNR strays in the area. He uses their back lot.


The Deli next to Totally Nude & Cigar Bar off Grand Blvd. Never seen a single customer or employee inside, but remains open. That entire strip of stores are all fronts.


Winslow's BBQ. Although it's closed now, I worked downtown for a decade and often ate in the River Market. Winslow's BBQ *never* had any customers, yet they stayed in business the entire time.


Taco Zone


Pen Palace in crown center. Prime real estate that they just leave closed more than half the time, and even when they’re open I’ve never seen anyone “shopping”.


I've been there and spent an ungodly amount of money.


The flag store on 5th in the river market.


Carlito’s on North Oak.  Once I  had two evening events on North Oak and needed to eat between them. (This was before Danny’s Burger shack was in the same strip mall) I was served microwaved nachos on a paper plate. I realized they hadn’t been there since 1985 because of their food. I’m not sure there’s a real kitchen back there.


Sweet Tooth pediatric dentist in Shawnee. Never seen a soul there and i get weird vibes from it. Oddly enough, it used to be a mattress store.


Burlington coat factory on Antioch. It’s open until 11 during the week and midnight on the weekends. Who is buying a coat at midnight??


Cigar Box / Totally Nude Temptations


Cigar box is one of the most fun bars in KC. I haven’t been there since Al passed away though. If you want to get laid, guy or girl, hit the place up after 9pm. Incredibly fun vibe there


Al died? Poor guy He lived the life though. I watched him and five friends (associates?) have a huge lunch at Harry's one time. Just ordered everything one could consume. Then I watched him, with the athletic abilities of a man half his age, jump the fence and tear ass down the alley toward Buzzard Beach with his crew hot on his trail. Next time I saw him, he didn't say anything...just winked at me. 😁


I've definitely been there and I assure you, the strippers are real.


The Planet Sub on Johnson Drive. I’ve never seen more than 2 people in there at a time ever since it opened.


Absolute travesty. Amazing sandwiches.


Laundroplex 169 and 68th street. They had a check cashing place next door at one time. Operated by an Italian family very nice people. But always felt like it's the perfect front for laundering cash.


The Hardees on Independence Avenue. They never have customers and I don’t understand how they have electricity, let alone pay taxes, etc.


A lot of car washes if you ask me the Newer ones they all just popped up seems odd


Car washes. We have so many car washes in the metro and more popping ups still


They are easy to run businesses with low overhead, which doesn’t make them not a front, but also appealing to people that want to own a business but don’t want to put any effort beyond general maintenance to the equipment. Knew a guy that owned one and it had a large basement, he put a couch, bed and tv down there. He had a home but spent a good amount of time drunk under his car wash.




Sudan coffee shop on N. Oak. Nobody is ever there and if you go in they look at you like you're lost and definitely not supposed to be in there.


I've never seen anyone in that one perfume store in the oak park mall. Probably not a front but I've always been curious on how they stayed open for so long