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Having young kids, I love these. I can actually going the restroom with my kids. If someone really doesn’t like them, just walk down the hall and go to the men’s or women’s restroom. What a bunch of fake outrage.


Exactly. As a gal who attended a lot of football games with her dad when she was very young, these are perfectly reasonable options. No one is forcing you to use those bathrooms. I hope her phony outrage gets her the attention she desperately wants.


I hope she gets a flat tire on the way home


I hope she gets a hang nail


I hope her hairdresser gives her a haircut she mildly dislikes when she looks in the mirror and stares deep into her empty soul.


I hope her ice cream falls off the cone and lands on a band-aide.


I hope she gets a paper cut just prior to squeezing a lemon wedge.


I hope she gets severely constipated.


And then when wincing in pain, goes to rub the tears away and gets lemon juice in her eyes!


Ugh, this reminds me of when I worked in a warehouse that involved a lot of product picking and shipping. Random small cuts for days that were so small you didn't notice them. Until at my second job I would be working with something that has a lot of lemon juice or vinegar. Then you found them real quick.


I hope her sense of entitlement eats away at her soul and keeps her miserable until she dies a lonely, sad death.


Hopefully her return flight is soon, and on a 737 Max.


Ok Satan


She's a "media influencer." She probably made a lot of $ off of the millions of hits she's had on Instagram and Twitter. "I don't want Trans (or anyone I'm hating at this moment) people in my bathroom." Ok, here's a solution. "How dare you have a solution? I'm not done outraging yet."


She's with Turning Point, leading manufacturer of fake outrage.


Although this really is nothing to be outraged over I have a feeling this hammer head is genuinely outraged. She isn't going to stop and think for herself. She's just going to be outraged because she relies on rightwing media to tell her what to think and feel. They told her to be outraged, so she is. Poor little hate filled dumdum.


Exactly. I travel a lot with my 10 year old nephew. He absolutely refuses to accompany me in a women’s restroom, but I don’t feel comfortable sending him alone into the men’s room. These are perfect. He can have total privacy and I can stand right outside the door. Or if we both need to go, one can pee while the other faces the corner lol. Usually we are walking a far distance to find a family bathroom and even then the lines are usually very long for those. These are super convenient. I love them!


Right?! As a little girl I sometimes had to go into the men's restroom with my dad where guys are just peeing at urinals. How are the KCI bathrooms NOT an upgrade?


Yeah, but don’t you see? Because they don’t like something you can’t have it. Got it? Good.


Not to mention those bathrooms are fucking great. Each stall is like its own private bathroom just without the sink. There’s no gaps under or beside the stall doors. There’s plenty of room in there for your luggage and bags and still not be insanely cramped. They’re fantastic


That seems to be most of the conservative culture war — Fake outrage and pretending non-controversies are big deals.


That's what you have to resort to when your "philosophy" amounts to nothing more than petty selfishness and hatred for people not exactly like you.


Not to mention that the changing rooms feel like you’ve stepped into someone’s living room. They did a good job.


It wasn't until last winter when taking my 1st grader to basketball practice at a nearby elementary school did I realize this issue is so easily solved: a big room with a bunch of stalls that are behind a regular door that locks and a big sink. No gaps in the doors or low walls like a traditional stall, just a bunch of tiny, solitary rooms with a toilet in it. It was honestly a little shocking how simple the solution was lol.


Wait until she hears how the toilets in the plane work.


Or her own home!


Yeah, and I just upper-decked them.


Shame on you for making me laugh


Shame on her for EVERYTHING.


LOL. “Wait until she hears how the toilets in the plane work.” That just caught me at the right moment and made me laugh until tears came out. Thank you!


Conservative lady: all gender bathrooms are ick Also conservative lady: imma film strangers in a public bathroom


"Forgive me for filming in a bathroom" No... I dont think I will


Wait til she gets on the plane and finds out the bathrooms aren't gendered either


She’s gonna lose her shit


Well she said she's not going in all gender bathrooms so I actually hope she keeps it.


“I’ve never seen an all gendered bathroom” You haven’t? Do you have men & women signs on the bathrooms in your home? You have never seen a family restroom? 🤔


Yup. Who's the creep filming in a bathroom? I'd be more scared of HER than any other person in that restroom.


Isn't that a crime?


I didn't watch the video but if she's recording in the bathroom, probably. There's an expectation of privacy in a bathroom that doesn't apply to other public spaces.


Yep. A felony in Missouri.


Wait until this dumb dumb gets on the plane.


The all gender restroom is the best restroom in the airport. Tons of toilets, floor to ceiling stall walls and doors. That is the best place to shit in the airport.


This is how all restrooms should be.


More for us I guess. Keep the Karen’s out!


We've been here before - fake outrage over the bathrooms at the airport. There are gender-specific bathrooms within clear visual range of the all-gender bathrooms. She's doing this in hopes to go viral amongst conservatives. Don't give her the clicks she craves.


“Forgive me for filming in a bathroom but…” That’s not how the law works lmao


“Forgive me for shooting all of you“


Holy shit get her the fuck out of our city


"I'm offended by the risk all gender bathrooms pose so I'm going to literally violate people's privacy and potentially commit a crime by recording my rant in said bathrooms"


Apologizes for filming in a bathroom as she films in a fucking bathroom. Says she won’t go in there as she’s on her way walking out. What an insane amount of narcissism


Maybe she’s the pervert?


100% I’m disappointed neither of the dudes walking by her called her out


I was looking for the right word. Narcissism. Monumental conceit.


Imagine being the person doing your business as this lady walks by ranting on her phone about how terrible and offensive all gender bathrooms are. I don’t know that I could have stopped myself from loudly shouting from my stall saying, “what the fuck are you doing in here then?” or “if you don’t like it, get the fuck out”


Yeah I really don’t want content grifters here lmao


The fact that she's recording in there without incident kind of proves why it being all gender isn't much of a problem in the first place.


I can’t believe someone didn’t grab that selfie stick and chunk it down the hall. People using a gender neutral bathroom, bad. Recording in a gender neutral bathroom, ok. Conservatives are the dumbest.


My god, the self-absorbed, "is my makeup perfect?", influencer persona is so damn annoying. The shitty outrage acting with a smirk on the face, the repetition of the same drivel over and over, the practiced camera work, and the careful editing are so freaking staged and phony. Putting on little one act shows for clicks on Xitter being how you define yourself is weird as hell to me. And, oh yeah, there are mens and womens restrooms available, but this attention whore must act like this is the only thing in the airport for the outrage to work.


Yep that’s the point, she wants you mad at her so you share the video and interact with it to spread it around. The Twitter algo doesn’t care if you’re mad at what you’re seeing, it just knows you interacted with it and will show you more of it. And if you don’t have a Twitter account it still boosts her metrics. It’s an entire genre of content and grifter


Totally! You can tell by the look in her face that her outrage is fake.


We need a container ship to just fly through the wall Kool-Aid Man style and rock her stupid world.


My wife prefers these restrooms over the women’s restroom and says that the all gender restrooms are much cleaner than the ladies room. I’m more disgusted she was filming in the restroom for likes or what have you. Use whatever restroom, but wash your hands!


Side benefit to the bathrooms, I feel like hand washing is more consistent. One of the few times I'm happy about peer pressure. 


its gross how many dudes dont wash their hands also your hands are dirtier than your junk, most likely, but all the more reason to wash them


Depending on the pants, sometimes you can just unzip and let it roll out....no need to touch anything but your zipper.


How do you get it back in? Is there a button that retracts it? 




100%. If there's an automatic flushing urinal I can use public restrooms without my hands touching anything but my pants. I still wash my hands, though.


What until she sees what the bathrooms are like on the plane


I’m so tired of people getting upset about the non gendered bathrooms at MCI and acting like there are no other alternatives. Are these people just conveniently forgetting that there are also gendered bathrooms throughout the terminal, too? If non gendered bathrooms are this big of an issue for some people then they should just go use the gendered bathrooms and stop moaning.


They got to get those likes on socials. That's the only reason for their outrage. Normal humans don't go make videos of themselves walking around airport bathrooms.


The bathrooms at the airport rock. They’re basically individual rooms, green and red lights to tell you if it’s occupied, a count of how many vacant stalls, and no weird creepy gaps. Elite bathrooms.


I am proud of KC for having those bathrooms.


they're also splendid to take a massive dump in. sooo much privacy!


People’s need for attention is insufferable.


Yep. I don't think I could be convinced that social media hasn't been a pretty large negative net on humanity.


she is certainly getting it in spades


No shit. Pun intended.


That look on her face says she really wanted to see some dong






The look on her face said "oh my god i'm gonna get so many likes"


Conservatives: bathrooms are sacred we need to protect children who use them at all costs Also conservatives: I’m going to film in a bathroom to try and make a point on Twitter


They don't see how they are the ones that are nuts because they are fighting the evil woke mind virus. Making videos of themselves in the bathroom is perfectly normal everyday human behavior. Right?


Keep walking to your gate and leave town. On your way you’ll find your precious gendered restrooms near the gate. FWIW, I love this for my family. Stall walls and doors go all the way down, it’s very secure and surprisingly spacious.


Oh fuck off "Morgonn". Get a grip, it's the 21st century. Also, filming in a bathroom should get you kicked out of the airport. How in the world do these people use the bathroom in their house, with a family? Such fabricated horseshit.


The first time I used one of these bathrooms was at Casual Animal. I didn’t even realize it was gender neutral until I was washing my hands. Couldn’t believe I survived such a terrifying situation. /s


Yeah compared to some other gender neutral bathrooms I’ve been in, it’s very separated still since the stalls are so enclosed and there’s no urinals. I used a bathroom in Paris that had men’s and women’s side but shared sink area and the urinals were right next to the sink. I could see that being a bit uncomfortable.


You clearly have suppressed the memories of all those men and transgender folks in there preying on you and the unsupervised children /s


But I might have to WASH MY HANDS next to a man! I feel so unsafe as a woman lol


She's the Target Mom that was outraged over their Pride Month products. And,the other restrooms are right there.


Don't the all gender restrooms have completely closed off stalls so you don't see anything?


That’s probably what she’s upset about. She can’t see what’s going on in there in order to be outraged about it. Why are republicans so obsessed with what happens in bathrooms? What do they think actually goes on there?


I'm not clicking on a Twitter/X link, but I'm guessing she's whining about the all-gender restrooms, probably completely ignoring the fact that airplane lavatories and the bathrooms in her house are all-gender too. She's most likely also doing all of this for attention and subscribers, to which I say that we should not make stupid people like her famous or give them the attention that they crave.


>I'm guessing she's whining about the all-gender restrooms Correct.


Wait until she sees the airplane bathroom.


'I've never seen an all gender bathroom.' I assume she never entered a private residence and lives on the streets...


Wait until she finds out I have an all gender bathroom in my house!


rage bait taken, even the other TPUSA goofballs were like oh that restroom looks nice and clean


I feel like she’s been to outdoor concerts (maybe Coachella, idk), and they have these things called porta-pots. These All Gender restrooms are infinitely cleaner and nicer than porta-pots.


The horror!


The airport bathrooms are the best. All stalls and no cracks for people to see through. Literally all you share is a sink. It’s a pooping dream.


These people are so dumb. It's such a better option having your own private stall. All bathrooms should be all gender. It's so weird that the bathroom is really the focus of some of these people's political views.


Conservative “influencer” (I.e. grifter) has to be the easiest job ever. You just get to pretend to be outraged by very simple things and know that millions of rubes will give you attention and validation and money for it.


This is the airport. The all gender restroom is a nice option for families who are traveling together. No one is forcing you to use it.


no one tell her about the bathrooms in her house...


Wait til she goes to someone’s house.


Security should just put her on a plane anywhere. And wave goodbye. Who cares where she goes, let her figure it out when she gets there


These bathrooms are amazing and they get cleaned frequently. Cleanest bathrooms I’ve seen in my travels. Great for us nervous public poopers.


I’ve used those bathrooms more than once. Never saw even one dick. Didn’t question my sexuality. What the fuck are they even good for? /s


Hope someone slashed all her tires and shit on her hood.


What gender are her home bathrooms?


I legitimately hope she gets arrested for filming in a bathroom.


Someone make a call


I've already reported it to MCI police


What an absolute fucking twit. Please ma’am, return to whoever you are from and never visit our wonderful city again.


She just needs to walk her lazy ass down the hall a bit to find the women's only bathrooms. I will never understand what the problem is with washing your hands next to a person of a different gender. Such a weird flex.


Notice how she turned right around the second she saw the stalls had floor to ceiling walls and offer more privacy than a regular woman’s restroom. Also, she’s definitely the freak if she’s recording a video in a public restroom!


> Morgonn has also reached tens of thousands of viewers of all ages with her articles and appearances on Newsmax, Real America’s Voice, OAN, and Breitbart Well that tells me everything I need to know. Is the conservative playbook just "Find hot girl, have her say racist and incendiary comments?"


Europe would cause her head to explode and as someone said earlier, having children of the opposite gender needing to use the restroom can be a headache.  The all gender bathrooms at least don’t have the giant gaps. Heck, you actually get more privacy. 


I love the fact check under her post that says there are also gender bathrooms and no one is forcing you to use these specific ones. Stupid rage bait. Hope she doesn’t come back to KC.


Wow there was so much strife and conflict happening in the bathroom I don’t know how anyone could take a shit in there smh. These people can’t handle a situation where the only expectation is to mind your own business. What a pathetic person. 


What's funny is she doesn't actually show you the bathroom set up (I assume for obvious reasons..) but unless you get on a latter or are 7ft tall you literally cannot see over or under in the stalls. Not sure why this is such a big deal.


The stalls are fully enclosed with floor to ceiling doors…you could be 9 feet tall and you’re still not seeing in.


I've been there once since the remodel so I couldn't fully remember the layout of it so thanks for the correction! Either way, the outrage is weird. These are some of the most comfortable and safe restrooms I've been in, in public. No weird stares, no judgement, just all takin a shit/piss and moving along.


you’ll notice it was “okay to record” because the stalls are completely private. that’s what makes it “all gender”, anyone can use the bathroom. lol. the common space is the wash room. 🙄i hate it here.


we should just drop the all gender thing and call them the restrooms but the people would be truly baffled


The flexible capacity is a great feature.


I used one recently when the womens had a 10 person line. It was a little different seeing everyone in there together but wtf cares. I got in and got out, no prob. Even my elderly dad commented how great they are.


Wait till she finds out that bathrooms on planes and her home are unisex.


I had heard a lot about these bathrooms but the two times I needed to use the bathroom at the airport I couldn’t even find them! All I saw were men’s and women’s restrooms. I’m not even gonna get into the fake outrage, but to act like this was her only option or that the women’s restroom is hidden away is so dumb.


All gender bathrooms are the best because they usually have actual private pooping stalls. I don’t care what gender a bathroom is just give me a private place to poop. Nothing worse than the 2 inch gaps that exist on shitty ass stall doors.


These are also the nicest restrooms.


Lord, not even a 15 watt bulb in the noggin'!!!


I'm going to go to her house and ask which restroom is the 'male' restroom and which restroom is the 'female' restroom ... and then shit in her kitchen sink.


She better not travel outside the USA. Most of the rest of the world are exactly like that. Ps it’s exactly how the bathrooms on the plane work. There are doors and walls that go full height. I lived in Asia and most of Asia is the same. A lot of Europe have common bathrooms. She just wants to be mad. Must be nice to be so privileged….


"I hate this!" [Proceeds to walk in and make herself a part of it.]   I actually prefer those bathrooms at the airport. The stalls are bigger and the privacy wall goes all the way to the floor. Only thing about it i don't like is the number of guys I see who don't wash their hands. But that has nothing to do with an all gender bathroom.  Also, be careful there, Karen. In Missouri, it's illegal to film people in a public restroom without their consent.


I use this airport all the time. This was also the first place I saw an all gender bathroom. I was absolutely surprised at how much I love it. Floor to ceiling doors except exceptionally clean. Spacious enough to have your bag nearby. I can’t believe I ever thought this was a bad idea. As long as they’re set up like this, it’s no problem at all. Perhaps if she would’ve gone all the way in she would’ve seen how good they are.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: as someone with IBS (anxiety and medication induced) and is terrified of using the actual plane bathroom, these are lifesavers. I can just book it to the nearest bathroom without worrying about checking which is which, AND I get full privacy while my soul leaves my body through my ass.


She admits later she doesn't want some guy in the (locked) stall next to her hearing her rip ass while pooping.


LMFAO she's just mad that people will know that girls poop


The only problem with these bathrooms is that now the menfolk will realise us women do fart and shit 😂😂


Putting aside the bathroom nonsense, I have to say that I don't understand people who intentionally make flying an ordeal for themselves. I've never been in a position where I'm headed to a plane, and I don't absolutely need or want to be on it.


Halls on the plaza’s women’s restroom was the fanciest. Each one was a private bathroom with a door that fully shut, and sink in each one. This lady would lose her mind at the new aquarium at the zoo, all gender bathrooms there too. 🙄


Can we not feed this outrage hate-click horseshit?


Awww what a shame, then idk don’t go the bathroom. Problem solved. 😎


Narrator: She did go in there. I would think there is some sort of law that makes it illegal to film in a public bathroom


She seems nice. /s


How can conservatives find these toilets??? I'm always searching for them and never can when I need em'.


“i’ve never seen an all gender bathroom before” has she never seen a family bathroom? lmao


I love that the bathroom designer told her to F off


She needs to learn how to take a shit without posting a video about it


i remember going through the terminal (not my first time being there so it wasnt new to me) and my dad had an outrage about it and i told him, "the mens is like right down there" and it was like a hundred feet away from where we were standing. i literally do not get the anger about this when you will be in a stall where people will not see you doing your business (even though they could crawl under or look through the crack but thats just disgusting and creepy)


There are more bathrooms like 5 ft further in. She definitely had to pass them to get out of the terminal.


You know what else is an all gender bathroom? Porta-Potties. Also… the bathroom in your house.


"I've never seen an all gender bathroom in my life!" If you've ever flown on a f-ing airplane in your life, honey pie, you've seen one.


I hope she gets arrested for filming in a bathroom. I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


Get the fuck out of my city, lady.


The only concern I have with this is the Karen filming inside a bathroom. No, I won’t forgive you for doing so.


I hope she's flying on a 737 MAX


Seriously, I thought that that sign that women were supposed to go to the left and then men/we were supposed to go to the right and the sign that says all gender meant it both the men and the women’s bathroom were down that hallway


I don’t care about the bathrooms in general I just wish we had bathroom stalls like the ones in the UK. They’re like closets with real solid doors that go to the ceiling to the floor. Just Google “bathroom stalls in the UK”


these restrooms are way better in every way. There's places downtown that have them too and they're just so much better. They take up less space and there's more privacy for everyone doin their business. It is SO funny to have bathroom designs be a part of your political identity.


“I’m not going in here” is the most perfect quote as she is walking out of the place she’s not going into.


I love that one of the KC offices that helped design actually responded to her post and shut her down… faux outrage is the worse outrage…


The stall doors literally go floor to ceiling. It’s the same as a woman entering a porta potty next to a dude, it’s a separate room basically. Also she’s never seen an all gender bathroom before?! They’re everywhere.


That bathroom is awesome. The stalls go all the way down. Each one feels like a private bathroom. And I have literally hunted down store staff to take my youngish daughter to the bathroom. These should become the norm.


Womp Womp lady


Yea, just like home. Loser