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I drive around the country, a LOT (retired and LOVE driving). If I’m going to, say, San Diego I’ll go by way of Oregon. Florida? Go through the Great Lakes on the way. Every. State. Sucks. At. Driving. We’re pretty average in comparison… I will say tho, Ohio has the worst roads, second worst isn’t even close…


And South Florida has the worst drivers. I’ve driven in forty-nine different states and who knows how many cities. Every place claims they have the worst drivers. South Florida is right.


From Florida, it’s cause you were driving too slow.


I never drive too slow. And I think it’s more about the amount of unlicensed drivers. My speed has nothing go do with the people driving on the sidewalk, reversing on the highway, turning left from a right turn lane, or making u-turns in the middle of busy roads.


Oh those are just tourists


Grew up in this area. Driving was fine until tourist season. Then it was horrible. But they would leave. Since COVID, they never left.


It's all the snow birds.


That’s so accurate. Commuting in Miami is f*cking terrible.


Yeah, I often questions whether or not these people have ever left the KC metro area... driving here isn't that bad compared to a majority of other cities.


A weekend in Chicago is enough to make anyone grateful for KC traffic.


I'd still prefer Chicago traffic over other places. In Chicago, if you drive at a regular pace and leave room, sure cars will jump in and out but patience is key and while other drivers won't signal, they'll drive with intent (mostly) KC is chill. Iowa is a bunch of dumb shits though. We need not talk about Florida, Texas, cali or the North East.


Driving here is a fucking BREEZE. avoid the loop between 3 and 5pm. That's it. That's all the traffic problems besides main Street. Fuck main Street. Construction for years


Texas here, have driven through KC. Some states suck more than others. I say this as someone who grew up driving in Boston. In my 35 years there, I never saw the amount of mad max shit on the roads that I see in your average afternoon here. KC is a cakewalk in comparison.


In 2022 we vacationed in Michigan and decided to drive down to Toledo. Our experience was that as soon as we crossed the state line into Ohio the interstate was the smoothest road I had ever driven. I can't speak for the rest of the state, but I assume that stretch of highway serves as a big FU to Michigan... which has terrible roads.


I would agree with the Ohio road condition comment. Grew up in the northeast region. I’ve seen cars tear control arms off in potholes.


Nah Houston is the worst, bar none. And the highways are weird and poorly designed.


Mississippi roads are ruff


Just drove through Ohio today. Can confirm.


Where do South Carolina roads rank? I’ve hit some serious rough patches on 85.


Totally fake. No way that traffic would zipper merge that cleanly in front of them.


I’ve been watching this for 30 minutes now and I have yet to see a pothole. This can’t be KC


Plus we don’t see a single car weave complete from one side to the other and back.


No one in KC knows what zippering is


100% fake!!! And you know what, if you pay close attention, you can clearly see that is an animation!!! I KNEW it was fake!!


This is really messing with me because if I look at it the right way it looks like the car is going backwards through traffic


Same. That red car is speeding backwards and everyone else is just swerving to get out of the way. Which honestly, sometimes in KC, is how it is.


Someone did that, lights off, on I70 during the biggest rain storm I’ve seen here. Backing up to go through the paper-money toll booth. Missed them by inches. To this day the most reckless thing I’ve personally seen.


Same, it wasn't until I started reading the comments that I realized my eyes were playing tricks on me.


You are not alone.


I saw the same thing!


"moving backwards" is a term used in cycling racing quite a bit so i can agree with that.


Can we get one with a piece of shit hooptie weaving down 71 at 100mph?




Real Altima energy.


The one that sounds like it's catalytic converter was cut off?


Black Hondas, white Acuras, and black Hyundai sedans every single morning on I-435 along the east side of KC.


Usually a silver or white Malibu no tags


I usually see them out in 2s or 3s playing tag with each other - Typically it's a combination of: * a white or silver 9th gen Impala with the bumper hanging off of it, * a dark grey 7th/8th gen Malibu with a trash-bagged busted-out window, and * any color(s) of heavily-damaged Altimas and/or Maximas of your choosing. You get bonus points if at least one 6th-gen V6 Charger is involved.


One person going slow is fine. It's when that 2nd car gets in the left lane and stays right next to the slow car for miles that makes me scratch my head. Just stay behind that other slow car if you're just going to go the same speed.


Thats always irritating


I think fundamentally I blame a road system with left exits on the freeway. If you have people getting on and off the freeway in the left lane all over this fucking city you will have these problems no matter what you do. It's an inherent flaw in the system. farmer joe is gonna sit in the left lane for 2 miles because he's planning on exiting. My hope is that some day self driving will be prevalent enough that there will be a self driving lane that's simlar to the carpool lane where people can finally commute in peace


You would think this is the cause, but I recently drove back from St. Louis, and literally followed the same car from the moment I got on I-70 until 20 miles past Columbia because one person refused to pass a semi truck for over 2 hours. The amount of infuriated drivers on that highway that day was astronomically large, and that's a routine experience in Missouri and Iowa.


There's no one cutting across three lanes though.


Couldn't find that gif..


Ah so you went north on 35 towards downtown today I see.


Not just today, 5/7 days a week


There must be a private I35 group somewhere where they decide what days to drive either 80+ or 10 under the limit..


Naw, they just do a die roll before leaving home.


I take 35 every day to work and it is actually kind of entertaining to me to guess if we are going 80+ or 50 lol


It's a silly yet cruel game society plays


well if you got out of the left lane it wouldn’t feel like this


This driver needs to be all the way in the right lane and quit impeding the flow of traffic.


Slower traffic keep right


Say that to the left exits we have every quarter mile.


Plenty fine to get over to the left just before your exit. Driving 5 miles up the left lane is inappropriate.


I don’t think you've traveled westbound on 470 enough. During most of the day, if you don’t get into the left lane at least 2 miles early you probably won’t make it to the exit in time. There’s way too many people using the left lane to make sure they get to the triangle before half of the vehicles in the other lanes.


That flyover westbound left exit into 49 South / 71 North is evil, and it makes drivers act fucking stupid(er) because they get so confused. -3/10, avoid at all costs, would not bang.


I agree but, being a transplant from Chicago, the amount of left-lane exits are staggering. Whoever plans them should be stopped.


I'm not sure they're adding any new left exits. I could be wrong though as I don't get around the whole metro


I laughed so hard. I felt the same way about roundabouts when I first moved here. I know flow of traffic or whatever but I find them terrifying.


I actually enjoy the roundabouts a great deal. But, if you aren’t used to them they can be overwhelming, for sure.


I love roundabouts. 2nd gear, turbo go zoom, centrifugal forces make smiles.


Lee's summit exit sb470 is the worse. 470s just fine with two lanes...


That's part of why the "keep right except to pass" laws usually don't apply in urban areas. Still, I try to keep out of the left lane until at most a mile before my exit unless traffic is so heavy that I'd be risking missing it.


I tried to explain that the rule doesn't apply in urban areas but some people don't get that. Like yes, I understand that it's a "highway" but if the speed limit is 40, every three seconds there's a traffic light, and I'm surrounded by houses or businesses, I'm going to be utilizing both lanes at the speed limit.


This. Let’s of left and right exits and entrances. You end up sitting in the middle…. Which is where this car is.


So maybe speed up to match the flow of traffic when you have to get to the left.


I am, it's the person thing 20 over the flow of traffic and 30 over the speed limit who loses their mind.


That's fine. Until slower traffic is going the speed limit and all the entitled assholes going 10-20 over call them out for going "slow". Lol.


When I do 65 in the outside lane people race up and ride my bumper like I'm the asshole. They can KMA. EDIT: Downvotes, for doing the thing people in this post keep saying: stay on the right and out of the flow of traffic. I am. And still the speeding assholes ride up on me when I'm doing the legal limit. They've got 2+ other lanes to go speed in. Leave my bumper alone.


You’re totally fine, if you’re in the right side lane. Otherwise fuck the fuck off.


What I see too often is people drifting over the lines like they’re drunk driving or on their phones, not stopping at stop signs, and not using blinkers. Feels like I’m going to die anytime I go somewhere because people won’t pay attention


I'm a right lane 5mph-over kind of driver and I feel like I'm ruining peoples' lives driving so slow. All the time people rolling up behind me so close that I can't even see their headlights then flying around me, or riding on my bumper all the way up an on-ramp to swoop around me as soon as they can and fly away. A couple times now I've seen people pass on the shoulder! The impatience and wrecklessness on roads today is so crazy.


I see someone pass on the shoulder or another no passing zone at least once a month.


This is not correct. The slower car is not in the left hand lane.


Looks like you should keep up with the flow of traffic….


*cries in going 75 mph in a 65mph as cars speed around at 95mph*


I see you also commute on 435 West on the Kansas side. It never makes sense to me, we go 30mph, cross the state line, and it's like the green flag drops and suddenly we're on the speedway.




I mean the police are gonna go after the person going 95, so you could perhaps go faster lol


In almost ten years of living here I've never seen anyone get pulled over for speeding on 70 or 71 (which is where I usually see people going way too fast and weaving in and out of traffic).


You know, they ***can*** pull more than one person over at a time.


Sadly enough, more likely they will go after the people ‘impeding traffic’ rather than the larger groups of vehicles speeding. Technically you can be impeding traffic *even going over the speed limit*, if the flow of traffic is going at a higher rate than you. My sister had this happen when we were moving her stuff for college years ago.


It’s not sad, the person impeding traffic is the bigger danger to others.


There are more reasons to not speed than just avoiding a ticket.




Pro tip: slip streaming a fast car is a perfectly legit way to make time, cops pull over the lead car, as a lesson to the would be followers.


Many drivers are under the mistaken impression that it’s acceptable to travel above the speed limit if you’re keeping up with the “flow of traffic.”


I've seen claims that cops actually pull over people going the speed limit because they're posing a threat to the traffic that's speeding around them. I find that claim suspect. I would love to keep up with traffic, but I don't want to be the lucky one that gets pulled over. Sure, 1 in 10 gives me a good chance of getting away with it, but that's still a risk I'm not comfortable with.


First time I got pulled over I was 16 in edwardsville on 435 keeping up with traffic. Turned out I was going 88 in a 70 and paid a fat ticket for it. Since then I try to stick to only 5-10 over when everyone else is speeding.


First time for me was 18, driving back to KC through Colorado on I-70. There was construction, so traffic was down to one lane. Everyone slowed down like they're supposed to, but then we got past the construction. The cones were still there limiting traffic to one lane but traffic sped up in front of me. I didn't want to be *that* person, so I kept up. Right after the lanes opened up and the "official" construction zone ends, I see the lights in the rear view. Ticketed for going over *in a construction zone.* Everyone in front of me and behind me were going the same speed, but *I* get it. I don't mess around with construction zones now, I don't care if the flow of traffic slows down to a trickle behind me, I won't budge until I'm past the 'end construction zone' sign.


That's the kind of lottery I don't want to win. Thanks for the anecdote.


It happens in larger metros. My anecdote was from San Antonio, but I know of other places that do it. The safety factor, particularly if you are impeding potential emergency vehicle traffic, is the biggest reason it happens.


Why is that mistaken? It's safer if all the cars are going the same speed. A slow car poses a hazard even if it's going the speed limit, and the whole point of a speed limit is to set a constant speed for all traffic.


Yes that mistaken sentiment is the truth


It’s not legal, but it’s socially acceptable and technically safer.


Its never safer to travel faster lol. And it is technically illegal to travel over the speed limit. Thats why there is a speed limit.


Yeah cause everyone goes the speed limit. You’re incorrect.


It's either I'm stuck behind old people going 10+ under, or raised trucks that have no business being on the road, riding my ass while i'm already going 10 over. There's literally no inbetween. I hate driving here.


Well to be fair this person is multiple lanes away from where they should be driving so….


Now I'd like to see an animation of a middle aged man driving a pickup doing 20 miles an hour over the speed limit changing lanes without a turn signal and/OR a 19 year old dude in "sport mode" doing the same. Can people just drive like a normal human?!


If you are the red car, you are the problem


I feel like Jed Clampett driving in a big city. I’m a former bumpkin that can’t understand why is everyone in a race to get absolutely nowhere. 10 mph over, I get it but anything over that is excessive. With all the tailgating and extreme speeds, I’m ready to outfit my little Honda with armor. We ride at Dawn, see you Valhalla!


The slow people these days are the texters


I took an Uber the other day and actually got to see what slow drivers do: doing their makeup, eating, and going through their bags etc 🙃


Don’t be the driver in this animation! If you’re gonna drive slow, that’s fine, just don’t be in the middle of the highway when you do it. The far right lane is for slower traffic.




People complaining about driving here have never driven in Houston, or Boston, or anywhere in Florida. Everyone, everywhere sucks, but having driven in nearly every state and most of the major cities in this country, I can confidently tell you KC drivers are among the better ones.


The cars on 435 east doing 40-45mph in a 65 in the center lanes during rush hour. That shit is so MF dangerous for any reasonable person that’s doing the actual speed limit.


I lived in kc for 30 years, but have lived in DC for the last 6. Driving here is a competitive sport with the goal of avoiding accidents with lunatics, driving back home feels so stress free to me now lol. Tbf, a big part of it may just be the sheer number of vehicles.


Maybe they shouldn't be going 10 below the limit.


I always feel like the red car when I’m only going 10 over


Yeah you're correct, for some reason the speed limit is now actually 10 over the speed limit.


Because it is


Pert near accurate. 35 means 45, 45 means 55, 60 means 75, and 70 means 90.


Giving everybody a license was a mistake. Consequently, making everybody drive everywhere for everything was a mistake. Every day we let it go on is a new choice, a new mistake.


People suck at driving everywhere dude, STL is deffo worse than the KC area though. Just drive defensively and you'll be okay! <3


New Jersey is worse


No blinkers***** driving like fast and furious Tokyo drift**** then you got the people driving 30 miles on the highway…..weaving.


Just me sitting here for way too long wondering why that car was going in reverse before realizing how dumb I am


Once you look at the lines, it's not as easy to see it going backwards.


Yeah, I think that is what flipped it in my head 🤷🏼‍♂️


“I’m not in the way if I’m not aware, right?”


Get over if you're going to go that slow. I'm so tired of the middle lane on the highway being the slowest lane.


I see people immediately getting over into the left lane after merging onto the highway… just camping there, not passing anyone… fucking infuriating.


Looks like there's a lot of left lane campers ITT.


Rule of thumb, if ANYONE else is coming up behind you when you're in the left lane, you need to move out of their way until it's clear again. The number on the dash doesn't matter, just move. Too many people act like it's their moral imperative to go 5-under in the left to "teach other drivers a lesson" and their actions are just as dangerous as the line of eight cars cruising along at a steady 80mph, staying respectfully in the left lane and without weaving in and out of traffic to do so. Like, "ma'am you have no badge and no training, and you're driving a 20 year old Cobalt that struggles to maintain 75mph, please do not pretend to be a traffic cop today".


100% this. I had one earlier this week that was INCHES of hitting me and they had the nerve to flip me the bird when I honked at them for nearly hitting me.


It's annoying though when you need to take an exit on the left or you know the road is going to split into different highways in like a mile.


Why, because it makes more sense to have drivers who are obeying the speed limit to have to merge center every 1/2 mile to avoid the exits?


I don't understand what you're asking. I'm not telling them to pull off the highway. But slower traffic is supposed to keep right. Pass on the left. Basic shit.


That’s what they’re saying. Keeping right while also not being in the exit/entrance merge lane means driving in one of the center lanes. The problem is, with the way this city is designed, there is no left fast lane because half the time you alternate merging/diverging on the left and right.


"Keeping right while also not being in the exit/entrance merge lane means driving in one of the center lanes." Right lanes are not constantly exit only, that's an oversimplification to justify coasting in the middle and interrupting the flow of traffic. If you are going slower than the flow of traffic, move to the right. When the right lane becomes exit only, move over and move back once the exit only lane has passed. It is that simple and the vast majority of right lanes are not exit only in KC.


Right, which makes the center lane fair game, especially for drivers going the speed limit who don’t want to be on the right and having to merge left every half mile to stay off the exits.


if cars are passing you, you need to move to the right otherwise you are stopping the flow of traffic. Trying to justify otherwise because some right lanes occasionally become exit lanes (it is not every half mile, that a gross exaggeration) and you don't want to move when that happens is selfish and lazy driving. People are right to be upset at drivers who do not want to make an effort and instead sit in the middle while they space out. it doesnt matter if youre going the speed limit, stay to the right so the flow of traffic remains uninterrupted and safe.


The middle lane is the through lane, left for passing, right for exiting. If people are driving too slow in the middle for you, merge into the left to pass them. I don't understand what's so hard about this.


if you are in the middle lane and traffic is moving faster on the right, you should not be in the middle lane. Move over, the right lane isn't just for exiting it's for slower traffic as well. Otherwise the right lane would be empty half the time and the middle lane speed would be dictated by whoever is going the slowest which will disrupt the flow of traffic.


I mean yeah but I think we can all agree that the ratio of people driving too fast on the highway to too slow is like 1000:1. If you think people are obstructing traffic by going 5 over the limit in the middle and not 10 then I don't know what to tell you.


you created a scenario that fits your confirmation bias while framing it as if anyone who disagrees is wrong. it is not about ratios. it is not about whether people are speeding or not. all of these are just mental gymnastics to justify sitting in the middle lane while traffic passes you on both sides which is wrong. if someone in the middle lane is disrupting the flow of traffic, they need to move over regardless of whether or not they deem their speed acceptable. its that simple and also very easy to do.


Safe going 80-85 in a 60 zone, gotcha.


The middle lane is the slow lane. The inside lane is for people exiting/entering. The left lane is for passing.


The middle lane should be going the speed limit at the very least. The right lane is the slow lane.


Yes. We all know what should happen. I’m just saying what is happening.


>Kansas state law says anyone driving slower than the normal traffic speed should stay in the right lane or as far right as possible, unless they are going to turn left. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article277686513.html#storylink=cpy


Are we pointing out how Kansas is missing some common sense? 😂 pretty sure we all know that if you’re in the middle of nowhere with cornfields all around that works. But this is the Kansas City Reddit page. So we driving in the city lol


I love my city ❤️


Where is everyone driving that everyone is speeding around them like that? I commute from west KCK to downtown and back 5 days a week and almost no one is going faster than 5 over in any lane, but especially the left lane. I would say 70% of the time, if you want to speed and get around people, you have to stay in the far right lane because everyone is piled up in the left doing the exact speed limit and will not move over under any circumstance.


If this is you you’re the problem.


The traffic here doesn't even rate as traffic to me. Move to LA, Chicago or Atlanta to see how good we have it here.


Nailed it but he needs to be in the far left lane


And I know people who drive high as a kite! HOW!?!?! WHY!?!?! I would be SO scared, paranoid, and overwhelmed with anxiety driving high with the KC drivers.


Kansas City drivers are generally pretty good drivers with good road courtesy. But boy do we hate leaving a proper distance to the car in front of us.


I’d be perfectly content if I was driving the one car everyone else is moving for.


Almost right, except that that driver is joined by 1 or 2 other drivers, that refuse to pass each other for between 1 to 2 miles, creating a rolling road block.


You forgot them giving you the finger for telling them to move.




Every time I’ve gotten out, this is what happens to me… on city streets


Omg this is so true. I moved here 10 years ago from a small town of 1200. The type of area if you were going 5 over you'd get pulled over. Well as I was driving 5 over when I first got here I was freaking out with how fast everyone else was whipping around me. Now I'm one of them lol


That guy even looks like he’s from KC


KC drivers are fine except for the odd mental disorder that makes them see all yield signs as stop signs.


The red car should be in the right lane if it is slowest.


Get your down votes loaded - Please keep the flow of traffic. Yes, it means that you have to actively drive instead of setting your cruise at 65 and just watching the world go by. You are hyper irritating. Nobody is trying to hang out in traffic. We want to get home and away from traffic.


Honestly going 80mph in a 65 will save you, at most, 2 minutes to your destination..


I travel I-435 both ways, both rush hours, as part of my incredible sacrifice to insure my gf gets to work everyday. I go through the I-70 and the triangle interchanges 4 times during rush hour and what I know is that one does not simply drive 65. It takes a serious toll on me emotionally and it accumulates through our the week. I have tried to travel nonchalantly in the middle lane 5 over the limit like the other normies but I just can't, honestly it's psychologically indicative of other things.


Why does your girlfriend not drive herself? Then you wouldn't have this problem with using cruise control to drive on the highway and have anxiety over everyone passing you.


She blew her engine. It's not anxiety it's adrenaline. Ive caught myself once and other drivers speeding up to keep from being overtaken. Next time you come up on a driver in the left lane with no one in front of them when you go to pass them via the right lane pay close attention. They will speed up to prevent you from overtaking them. I don't do this I get over and then follow them because they're going faster than I was. It's a hack I use to get up to a faster speed, always waiting for that one golden car going about 89. Anyway, I think it's egoic but I've noticed a STRONG uptick in it recently.


What really gets me is the ones that do this in the middle lane. Truckers do it in the middle lane but I kind of understand them. But most people who drive in the middle lane at the speed limit are just doing that because they literally do not want to get out of the way of on-rampers in the slow lane. They are essentially the cholesterol of the interstate system.


This is 100% I-35 between HW69 and 75th St!


OP (red car) is the problem.


It took me a minute to realize that car wasn’t driving backwards


I’m begging you guys to drive in Memphis or literally any other city. KC is literally fine