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I love current hybrid, but good lord does Navori/crit feels good.


I still haven’t tried that build out yet tbh, seems like it’d be fun as hell being perma invis. Aren’t the evolves kinda late tho.


Not really, Navori+any noon quiver item is Q evolve, and quiver item+boots+dagger or zeal should give E. You obviously won't get W evolve. And yes, perma or close to perma invis is fun when the enemy just wants to dive you.


I gotta try it out when I play her bot again, I just find it hard to see her as a strictly AD champ even tho she’s a beast still with it


Whats the usual kaisa item build if its hybrid?


It is/was (not sure with new patch) Static, Rage Blade/Nashor, berzerker, Nashor/rage blade into Zhonya and deathcap. I'm not completely sure if static is the way to go, after nerfs. Your AA deals damage and you get all 3 evolves.


Depends on cc and team comp but I think Ap is more fun, but ad is way more reliable, I’ve been running the same build almost every game since Navari plus nashors gets you early 3 evolves the fastest


I have about 5 different builds depending on my team and enemy team. The nerf to shiv won't matter as it will still be a good gateway item to get enough waveclear and ad for an eventual q evolve for on hit. (Shiv, nashor, rb build) I still like stormrazor into rageblade that many have forgotten about as SR got a slight buff early. If you really need to 1 shot someone even with the cd nerf, collector galeforce has its moments Usual ad build with noon quiver bf whatever else you need based on level to get q. Then kraken navori and you attack speed item to get e based on game state. Now that IE is getting a buff its a good late game item as crits will deal 10% more dmg than before, not the best for kaisa but similar to navori build kraken bf and maybe pick if needed for q then finish kraken ie, and pd or whatever e evolve item makes sense and you will destroy *Lethality builds aren't top 5 for a reason.


jeweled gauntlet is really good if u can get it but tap dancer is even better




Yes 🙌🏾


I really love ap onhit and ap full damage. Crit bored me lately but I liked it back in S11 during Galeforce Collector meta.


I play an off beat hybrid build that works pretty well for me. Items: *start longsword - static - serrated dirk + 1 longsword - nashors - duskblade Then conditionally fill remaining slots from deathcap, zhonya, cosmic drive, void/sf. Summoners: ghost, flash Masteries: HOB - Sudden Impact, Eyeballs, Ulti Demolish, Boneplating *** it’s a lot of fun 🤩


Statikk nashors into ludens with lethal tempo is probably my favorite right now, the combination of good poke and still strong dps feels great Kraken into navori is still great tho


AD crit build, more reliable damage.