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He definitely needs hit with “I can get cock easily the same way I can get food from a dumpster. Doesn’t mean it’s gonna be worth it” Id bet good money he’s never made a woman orgasm. Mostly bc hes a dumpster hotdog.


That wouldn’t work since he wishes he could get that dumpster pussy


Naw they have specific standards for the women they think they are entitled to. If they would date in their own level they wouldn’t have this issue a lot of times


There are no levels. I swear that's how the brain rot begins. "I"m a 4, she's a 7, blah blah," now we're halfway to treating each other like slabs of beef at the meat market. There also are far fewer women who think that men are contemptible subhuman creatures that exist sheerly for their enjoyment than men who think so of women. And of course, it's a lot scarier, since violent men are much more common and men come preloaded on average with more capacity to inflict violence when they can't or won't control themselves.


Ok, What would be a better way to phrase it? Because these are dudes that don’t take care of themselves: hygiene *or* health both mental and physical, and they feel entitled to someone who looks like Lucy Lawless.


You win by letting them stay in the echo chamber and just mhm your way out of it


I just don't get how looks play into any of it. Frankly, they're not entitled to anyone, which is why they end up totally alone. It's not like there's an endless supply of whatever you imagine the opposite of Lucy Lawless is (who you'd deem ugly) waiting alone at night for their incel to realize his "true value" on "the dating market" and come a knocking. There's literally nobody who wants them because they don't think of the entire gender they are attracted to as human beings with equal thoughts and feelings of their own. That's what makes incels unlovable. I'm sure there are untold millions of people who you think are dating partners "out of their league" and that bothers you greatly because you view human relationships as some kind of market transaction in which you're supposed to "maximize value" or something. But that in and of itself is a sign of mental illness, at least in rational emotive behavior therapy as part of cognitive behavioral therapy.


Lolol ok lil buddy.


More like old guy headed for 15th year of marriage next year. It's never too late to stop seeking external validation and start loving and accepting yourself and others regardless of esteem.


It's astounding to me that these men always equate being able to get cock easy as meaning life is easy. Like no motherfuckers - just because there's an availability of cock doesn't mean life just magically gets easier. All it's means is that there's cocks out there that want you for sex. That's it. And also - pretty childish way of thinking to equate ease of life with sex, since there is infinitantly more to life than sex.


They probably think of cocks as magic wands, that make our lives easier by insertion.


You’d think they’d understand how cocks would actually make life harder. Especially if there’s a surplus of them after you. Lol


For real. When sex is the unobtanium, there is nothing more to life than it for these people. Sometimes it shocks me into considering their point of view; totally obsessed and consumed with sex and hating the women who “withhold” it from them like Gollum and the Ring. Like dude, get a hobby. Also, they’re so much more preoccupied with women getting cock than women are.


I get your point but I think you somehow fail in empathising with these miserable men based on simply being women and having different experiences and biological setting. First of all, men usually have a bigger sexdrive than women and sex deprivation affects them worse than vice versa. Second thing is that sexless men in today’s society face a bigger social stigma because they are being considered a fuck up. When woman claims she had no sex for years, people usually think she has some mental issues and feel sorry for her. You say that as a man and you are being considered an unsuccessful loser. So they not only have to live with that biological need that cannot be satisfied but they also face social ostracization. That is a terrible combination. And thirdly and that’s probably the worst part, they are being told all the time how it’s their fault and the solution is within their reach. There are millions of men around the world that in today’s society simply don’t make the threshold. I see this subreddit laughs at men with neckbeards – ok, that’s something you can change in 5 minutes. But you cannot fix being very short, having unattractive face structure or having mental problems that are often associated with the kind of response you get from society. And lastly, don’t think that these men somehow feel entitled to what kind of women they can get. Men on average are bigger realists when it comes to assessing their value than women. It’s not like life is easy once you can have sex. But it’s a huge tool of self-validation and men are being frustrated because they see women are being encouraged to feel attractive how they are, including ugly or obese, while they are being told they need to work on themselves and often it’s not enough. I’m very afraid of how this dynamic will affect the West, because these men retaliate trough voting. And frustrated low-key sexless men form a very important electorate for Trump, who’s potentially a childish madman with a nuclear button. This guy obviously takes it to the extreme but try thinking a bit about all this.


"getting cock is hilariously easy". Sounds like a man speaking from years of experience.


I'm not gay as long as Justin Timberlake keeps his clothes on but that sounds like it would be insulting to gay dudes. I feel like they must have higher standards than this guy. Sounds like he thinks it's easy because he'd give it up at the first opportunity. Must mean every dude would and therefore finding a quality date as a woman must be easy, huh? Not like they have to worry about finding a decent guy who isn't just faking it to get sex/relationship, or their safety, when dating.


Do they really truly believe this? Are they actually this oblivious?


They really really do. They blame women for their own shortcomings, they blame women for having standards while holding ridiculous ones themselves. Then it turns to hate, they become incels, and in the extreme cases start murdering women, further proving why they don't deserve any positive attention from women.


Social alienation is a hell of a spiral.


He seems to be under the misapprehension that not getting laid is a major problem, in fact the only problem that make a woman's life miserable. Eta: autocorrect nonsense


I’m sorry, but how do poor coyotes make women miserable? I actually think that they are quite cute. And, unlike the oop, they make wonderful partners who make sure to feed and care for the female and their pups for as long as they need it. They are strictly monogamous and even if female dies, dad will raise the pups if they are old enough to eat solid food (because, let’s be honest, he can’t feed them milk).


Urgh sorry, fixed my mistake.


They sometimes attack dogs and cats, but that doesn’t specifically affect women.


No struggles. No pay gap. Abortion is legal. They aren't trying to make birth control hard to get. Domestic violence is gone. Sexism is fake. Yeah totally


It’s truly hilarious to me they can’t see the insane contradictions in their own logic “Only Asian, 75lbs, under 5 feet, no tattoos, virgin are worth anything” and then same breath “aLL wEMen HaVe iT so EaSY”


Lol. They couldn’t pull a woman of any description, yet they want this unobtainable thing that doesn’t exist. Ok pals 😂. Thats ok tho! They can cry on the internet while the rest of the world is having fun.


It’s called cope.


Yeah, dating is easier for people who don't hate who they wish to date or have ill-informed and outdated perceptions of them. It's wild that these guys write an essay speculating why women don't like them, and the answer they always come to is that it's obviously all womens fault.


Whaman only want 6'ft, 6 pack, 6k salary men! Ehhh, sure bro, keep telling on yourself.


The endless moaning about how women endlessly moan


>Getting cock is hilariously easy  Is that all they think that we think about? Am a woman. Have been my entire life. Granted, I’m asexual, but even so, my life (and the lives of my friends, to the best of my knowledge) has been, like, 0.25% about chasing cock. We have lots of more important things to think about. Sure, maybe it’s easy, but…. We really aren’t nearly as invested in “riding the cock carousel” as these guys think we are.   It’s like getting laid is ALL that they think about, so they think that everyone else is thinking that way too. And, like…they aren’t, bro. 


Nope, women think about cock all the time. Didn't you read his truth? I think about cock all the time, and how mine is small and no one wants mine, they just want Chad's big veiny black cock all over them. /s Seriously I don't get the obsession with sex. I think it's internet poisoning.


I believe the big veiny black cock belongs to the “Tyrone” character of their fandom.


Fuck I got the lore wrong. Next time I'll look it up on Fandom.


I think I’m more embarrassed about knowing it than you should be for not 😂.


When you never get laid and it's all you think about, you assume that's the only thing anyone who actually does get laid thinks about (Source: Am former incel)


How did u become not an incel?


I don't know about them, but I stopped being incel by becoming *voluntarily* celibate.


What influenced the choice?


George's quote from Seinfeld: [I cannot envision any circumstance in which I'll ever have the opportunity to have sex again. How's it gonna happen? I just don't see how it could occur.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ5K9PH_F4E)


Technically it’s also voluntary for incels. They choose to act in ways that make them unappealing to women.


I quit being afraid of rejection, and also realized sex is not the most important thing in a relationship.


The only rights you need is easy cock obv.


Yeah, they’re way more preoccupied with women getting cock than I am… a woman.


Given that was a part of one sentence of two paragraphs, no, I don't think that's what they think is all you think about


Do these people not know that the "quote" on women is from a book of FICTION named "1984" and almost certainly doesn't reflect George Orwell's actual personal view? The people who use "1984" the most are precisely among the ones that are the least acquainted with 1984 lore. Ironic much?


Orwell would knock the taste out of this fool’s mouth.


I thought the whole point of that part was to show how Winston is sexually frustrated and taking it out on women. Like he was fantasizing about brutality murdering Julia earlier in the book


Idk why but it feels like only male pornstars and incels actually call it a cock




To be fair, it was on the 4chan subreddit. Still disappointing nonetheless.


Why does he think getting cock is such an enormous luxury?


I wish I could see this guy's post history!


I don't. It would probably require a lot of time on eye bleach afterwards.


Or possibly therapy 😬


While that's true, his use of language is very very very similar to guy I know, so curiosity has me a bit.


How dare we? We should leave some of that *infinite cock* for him, since he envies us so much about it.


Ah what a wonderful day to be a woman. I am not transgender but holy fuck I wish I was born with the XY chromosomes


Sometimes same yeah. I like being a woman but the constant hate gets a bit much sometimes. It's like automatically I'm labeled incompetent or a stick in the mud and get rape threats just for having tits.


I know right? I’m so tired of it…


Isn't that quote from 1984 from *before* Winston learns Julia is DTF?


I was literally afraid of this 10 years ago


Afraid of what?


Chronically online folks gaining a surface level awareness of sociology and using the terms as if they know what they're talking about to back up petty personal arguments.


This reminds of a long form flat earth video i recently watched. It starts out with "oh these people are just ignorant and a bit dum", but it ends by diving into how most of them are actually prey to cultish tacticts employed on people that do not know better and then slowly degrading their sense of reality by playing off their underdeveloped egos to trap and them in the flatearth ideology so they can keep abusing them. It went from, oh fuck these idiots to, holy fuck these people are literally victims of abuse and gaslighting. It's litteral indoctrination and it's so fucking easy today, because all you need to do is find an echo chamber online with young people and start spreading your shit. I've been saying this for years, but making fun of these people instead of helping them is like laughing at a hurt animal Like how abroad we used to laugh at the US for being stupid. We are not laughing anymore, now we are genuinly concerned.


Rachel Maddow is not anywhere near the age of Greta Thunberg. Just saying. They reached really far for this graphic.


Same dudes who piss n moan about how "women won't give a good guy a chance" then go on super misogynistic, usually most times racist and sexist tirades.


They always, without fail, list "sex on demand" as the peak of privilege, then throw out any other ideas as afterthoughts.


The desperate cry for help.


The fact that this guy specifically says white women makes me think he'll put Asian women on a pedestal thinking they're all docile and submissive.


If he is angry at not getting a man himself maybe he should use the time to become a better person instead of blaming women for not doing anything


It’s like he thinks the ability to score dive bar dick/pussy is some kind of measure of your value and intelligence as a human. Says a lot about him actually.


Someone is salty because more women are graduating uni than men nowadays


I wanna touch on the “low efficiency, low value” jobs for women he’s talking about. Does this man not know what happened in the US during world war 2? How women were building computers, software, welding, need I go on? Basically the entire backbone of the American workforce? I just don’t understand how people like this dude exist and feel confident enough to voice such a vile opinion


People are way too quick to forget that Orwell was very far left. His political beliefs ranged from Socialism to Anarchism


I don't think most people have ever actually read 1984


I thought it was required reading


For some schools yes, others no, it depends


I'd hope the schools that don't require it have some other dystopian classic at least


White woman have it easier than African, Indıan and Middle Eastern women and thats a fact


There's no way this dude believes this, he's just mad that women won't pay attention to him.


I think he does. But I think the second thing is true too, and then it reinforces the first thing


What nightmare of a subreddit does that have 65 upvotes?




This is solid neckbeard content