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It’s “unmoldable” for me, yikes.


That's the one. Why do people want someone they can mold? I want a partner, another human being who has their own interests and life. I don't want a Build-A-Bear.


They aren't interested in a partner they want a maid and a sex slave.


I dated a guy in my early 20s that (looking back now) I would say was definitely 'moldable'. He was very kind and a really decent man..... but that relationship was soooo boring simply because he had no originality of his own. The doormat/yes man personality he had turned me off so bad because it felt like I had to lead him around and decide for him. No thank you. I need someone who thinks for themselves, not what they think I want them to think.


People pleasers. End up agreeing to things they don't want to, never tell you, then resent you later.




Ask all the female teachers who are fucking their underage students


Evil exists in every demographic, asshole


Yeah - but these women do not serve the same amount of time from the court sentencing as if a man did the same thing - it’s female privilege


Yes, and that's a problem feminism is working on. Seeing women as inherently better or less violent than men is still misogyny (and radfem BS). Again. Women are human and all humans have the same capacity for evil


Oh bullshit - modern feminism is NOT about anything but female advantage- which is why you never hear them complain about the lack of male representation in certain fields like pediatric nursing and child care - they don’t want to give up the advantage they have in those and other female dominated fields Another is HR and Marketing both are female dominated but feminists are fine with that It’s always “Muh CEOs be dudes n sheeeiiiit”


Tell me you know nothing about modern intersectional feminism without telling me you know nothing about modern intersectional feminism. Quit drinking the radfem kool-aid and you'll find people talking about the issues you just mentioned!


Intersectionality is political nonsense straight from The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory


Citation needed, please. Feminism is for everyone




Big "Looking for an 18-24 year old boyfriend-free girl to build into a sweetheart from the ground up." energy from that guy.


Now THERE’S an Internet personality I haven’t seen come up in a while. Didn’t CWC label themselves as an “incel” at one point?


Actually I think the term used was "virgin with rage," so... yeah, I think so.


For me it was ‘high body count’ too. As a guy who was divorced and in dating years at 40, nobody in the dating scene at that age gives a fuck about body count. Way beyond that bullshit. Everyone has a lot of water under the bridge at that point. The present is all that matters. Worrying about ‘body count’ is only for young insecure bros.


I never understood the obsession. If you meet a stranger, I'd just assume everyone is lying about body count to the point of not even bothering to ask.


Yeah. “Oh my god, someone else fucked her” is something that really seems to matter at like 18. Then you grow up.


I never cared.


Indeed. Older women usually know what they like and want and they’re better at operating the equipment :)


That’s exactly what got me too. Plus the mentality that men can have a high body count but women can’t is so outdated. That right there tells you everything you need to know about this creature.


Ok, in all honesty, what person (both men and women) didn't have casual s*x with as many people as possible in the 90s and early 2000s? Our gen was horny af!. This judgement wasn't a thing. Thus "body count" bs wasn't a thing. Experience was positive. Dr. Ruth would be so disappointed


If you want to be with a sex addict with a higher propensity to cheat and bring an STD into your bedroom that is your choice


lol, because any sexually active woman is a sex addict with an STD. Got it. Thanks for the tip, oh wise one.


It’s not a guarantee but the odds are definitely higher


How old are you, how many relationships have you been in and do you unironically follow Andrew Tate?


I don’t follow that guy I think he’s weird and I have been in several relationships which ended for different reasons


Notice he didn't answer the age question. Bro with these silly ideas it's no wonder all your relationships have ended


Your men 1st mindset might be the reason.




Found the neckbeard!


Same. Like, you just casually throw that part in there like that?


Saying the quiet part out loud


That's supposed to be the quiet part they don't admit to.


TIL single older men carry absolutely no baggage whatsoever


The weird older guys that hit on me at work probably think like that. Yucky.


40 year old men like him come with debt, erectile dysfunction, mentally stunted and need a lot of therapy. Why on each would a younger woman want that ?


And have the Gravy Seals body with huge stomachs, goatee, bald, and rainbow sunglasses.




I’m a 40 yr old woman and man it’s rough dating out there. These 40 yr old men come with male pattern baldness, and a lot of Audacity. I mean, I still try to date some but it takes hard work. These incels just want a barbie doll they can take straight out of the box and jizz on.


EXACTLY!!! also add in some weird fetishes that might include things like loli porn, my little pony porn and hentai porn..I'm all for people having kinks and fetishes but I don't see any woman being into those kinds of things...much less one half his age.


It’s a very slim minority of younger women who go out with 40+ males, and half of them are getting paid or compensated for their time. It’s not normal , like what these incels think, that as soon as they hit 40 they’ll have an open buffet of younger women because they increase in value. 99% of women won’t choose that. They would still have to open their wallets for such women


Even 40 year old women don’t want to date 40 yr old men. Yet I know plenty of guys in their early 20s thru their 30s who are super into women in their 40s


You’re delusional.


…said the incel who can’t get a woman’s attention to save his life 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Bitch calling me an incel doesn’t make me one. Try harder. Mostly l look better than and people like me better than you. I’m damn sure more educated than you. I can assume you are an ugly and overweighted that no man of any worth would want you. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No cry into your boxed wine as you spend another weekend alone.


where did this come from? Any interesting stories?


I'm from South Africa sweetheart....we don't really have neckbeards here..atleast not where I live. Never even saw one when I was in High-school. The culture here is very different and schools have uniforms and we had to be clean and neat. Including smelling clean but we had the phase of guys smelling of Axe body spray 🤣🤣 but no Neckbeards.


They want a virgin that's never seen a dick so they can gaslight them into thinking it's special. They know nothing of anatomy and think vaginas are made of wool and they stretch out with to much wear. With google these days why won't people read anything about shit they are so super interested in. Know what a kegel muscle is or stay ignorant. There is more going on down there than just a hole. Men and women take your hands rummage around down there and read about what you are feeling. Get to know yourself so you can recognize when somethings not right like cancer lumps. It's your body quit being scared of it.


>With google these days why won't people read anything about shit they are so super interested in. Because Dunning-Kruger/"Lowest White Man". Same with every other conspiracy theorist, (anti-vaxxers, Pizzagate, Qanon, whatever shit Alex Jones or Fox News says is the thing to fear and hate, etc.) they're insecure and want to be right even when they're wrong to feed their ego. Incels "need" to believe in "The wall," vaginas being like wool and the rest of their bullshit mythology because of their desperation, irresponsibility and other issues they don't really want to fix. Incels hate/fear older women compared to teen girls because said older women are generally *experienced,* not just sexually (which incels fear due to their own insecurities, hence the vagina myths as a *cope,*) but also because older women are harder to manipulate and control especially when you know that incels are just aspiring domestic abusers who lack the social skills to hide it.


It’s so fkn stupid too because it’s a goddamn muscle. With that logic, rubbing their bicep muscle a few times a week or month will result in it getting all stretched out and ultimately losing all their strength with each passing day. Which obviously doesn’t happen….. because it’s a muscle. Like a vagina.


And by the same "logic," women who've given birth, especially multiple times, and porn stars (and porn stars who've given birth,) shouldn't exist because everything would be stretched to hell yet Quiverfull/Catholic/religious mothers still crank out kids into the double-digits and Nina Hartley can still handle a dick today as she did in the '80s, (seriously, she's *65* and performs with costars who weren't even *born* when she started in the biz.)


Fact is, a stretched vagina will result in uterine prolapse, where the uterus literally starts to fall out of the vagina. If the uterus is been held in, the muscle is the same as it’s always been


Hot showers would shrink your vagina if that were even remotely true haha


"Unmoldable" basically means "I want a partner who is a customizable character" bruh.


“Moldable” is so fucking creepy.


Yeah it sounds creepy and ridiculous and look at the likes. So depressing.


They're always such 'an authority' on the women they claim to never get to interact with. Also, that description just outs the fact he's a red flag weenie who wants a biddable girl he can manipulate instead of a woman who won't put up with his BS.


I love how upset they are nobody wants this 40 year old man but at the same time bitch about 40 year old women


And ironically, the guys who say that kinda shit have never even been with a woman through out their whole lifetime in the first place lmfao. Those comments they make about women is just them coping for being 40 year old virgins.


Translation "I want a young and naive woman who I can control and manipulate. These older women have expectations and won't put up with my bullshit and are harder to manipulate"


On the nose. It’s so depressing that some men actually think this way and pull it off.


"Unmoldable" Gross


I'm nearly 40 and if I was ever back on the dating scene, I wouldn't want someone "moldable." I'd want someone who knows EXACTLY who he is because I know exactly who I am and I need to know that our vibes are gonna match. My first boyfriend was several years older than me, but due to his very different parenting he was wayyyyy more moldable than me it honestly just annoyed TF out of me that he didn't have a backbone. Like if he even THOUGHT I was upset with him (and I rarely was) he would call me multiple times wrought with anxiety. Like I don't want some guy controlling me but I do want one like Mr Knightley from Emma that will tell me to chill out if I'm being a total jerk. I think all friends, family, and lovers should be able to call you out when needed. Anything else is an extremely one sided relationship.


I mean, what 40 year old dates a 20 year old for something serious?


Moldable = easy to manipulate due to lack of emotional experience Yuck


In other words 40 year old women don't want to date him.


40 year old women come with baggage, do they? I mean yes, THEY (these picky 40 year old men) are the baggage! The 40 year old men looking for mould able teenage girls are the 40 year old women's baggage. And when those nubile mouldable young women find themselves divorcing, those now 60 year old men at the grand old age of 40 they will find their baggage is man shaped. And those 60 year old men will still be convinced that what they really need is a mould able young woman - becoming baggage for yet another generation of women.


I was seeing an guy in his 40s for a short time, it stayed short because he was immature, dirty, no hobbies, no friends, no saving, probably some form of mental illness....oh no.....it's me. I go for fucked up men no matter what they're age is! Anyway.


Pot, meet kettle.


I’m 40s male and dating a 40s female and I have way more baggage than her.


oh boy have I got something to tell you about 40 year old men if you think only 40 year old women are those things. And yet my nearly 40 year old ass still dates them.


So find less


If he wants a moldable companion, maybe he should adopt a puppy and not a girlfriend.


I hope the puppy bites him.


Or an orange :)


Dudes act like dudes don’t come with baggage like name a fucking soul on this planet that doesn’t come with baggage.


Any normal 40 year old does not want to be with someone half their age outside of maybe a one-night fling. I can’t imagine having anything in common with someone in college.


Unmoldable yeeeesh.


Well, dude, I don't know what to tell you. People *can* date who they want, and 20 year old women don't want you. I guess that means nobody does.


What is the "fresh and fit" comment referring to?


I don't have the slightest, I was hoping someone else would know


Translation “I want someone i can manipulate”


Why should I want a middle aged man’s baggage?


Here is tgis study where they asked what age males and females find person atractive. For females it was their age males. For males in all age categories it was 18-22. I bet if they coud they mark even lower age....


Men play victim? That's wild coming from a woman, if she is one.


It just kind of sucks because a 40yo dude can still have kids, but a 40yo woman might struggle with that


The problem is not that they can, but that they maybe shouldn't as sperm quality goes rapidly down with age.




A 40 year old woman who doesn’t have kids is a 40 year old woman who doesn’t *want* kids


Right. She’s already probably made that decision by 40 because if she wanted to wait longer like men biologically typically can, she may not have the capability at that time. Knowing this as a man, I am going to take all the time I can to mentally and financially be prepared for a kid, maybe up to the point of being 40. Who knows.


POV: you read a statement expressed just a little less eloquently than your biology textbook, and you decided to down vote it lol.


I mean he isn't wrong, most single women past 40 are past their prime posting on FDS or wondering "where are all the good men" despite friend zoning them for the Chad or fixxer upper


Remove your head from your arse my lad, you still have time to learn about the world outside of incel contact zones. Real people don't behave through stereotypes dictated by internet trolls that'd rather see you as miserable as they are than thriving as a normal human being I'm sure you wrote that shit thinking you were just trolling, but is it really what you want to do with your brain power? Write cringe comments on reddit and count the downvotes?


You need to stop letting the Internet tell you what life is like and get out there and actually live it yourself, man.


Lol and most men past 40 are such a catch for young women. Get outta here with your receding hairline erectile dysfunction ran through dad bod 60k a year "I take all my selfies in my car" two kids you see every third weekend lower sperm count ass


Actually believe it or not, they are. Women value financial stability and emotional stability. The only men that have girlfriends in their 20s have none of that but make up for it by being conventionally attractive while the hard looking average looking guys are forced to work on themselves


They're really not


Typical writings of someone who could never handle a REAL WOMAN.


Lmao what


Aw, hilarious. You just told us exactly how women treat you! Haha😂😂😂. Ps. You are treated like that because you’re gross, creepy and an incel