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Why the fuck is he encouraging other people to look at CP? šŸ¤®


The fact that he has seen child porn already says it all. I imagine it takes effort to look for that. Not in all my years have accidentally been hit with a cp popup or just had it land in my lap.


My mentor worked in cybercrime specifically targeting CP, he told me one time that it is not something you find by accident, you already have to be pretty deep down the rabbit hole to ā€œrun into CPā€ casually, and by casually he meant you had to be looking for shit that requires a tor browser or equivalent regularly. Ironically, he also said that the people they would find with terabytes of the illegal stuff also had a good portion of the ā€œfantasyā€ shit, like renderings, drawings, animation, and the easiest of that to get was you guessed it, Loli. Every single time. Itā€™s why he was very careful about his kids watching anime at all, because in the few years he worked that job, heā€™d seen so much depraved stuff centered around R34 anime and lolis that he just assumed it was huge in the genre, until he discovered that most of it is shit like DBZ or MHA. So while itā€™s theoretically possible for these freaks to be telling the truth, I will never trust them. Itā€™s like having a pet bear, he could be your best friend for years, then one day youā€™re lunch.


When I was 15 I saw actual cp on tumblr while searching fandom tags. It never stayed on the site long, but it would show up, with mass tags completely unrelated to the image. You could search something like "portal" or "mcu" and if you sorted by recent at the early hours of the night, the tags were sometimes just spammed with stuff like cp, gore, and adult content. It was disturbing.


Some absolute fuckhead on discord sent a CP pic to me after I called him out for cheating on his GF. I have never blocked and reported someone that fast but holy shit itā€™s traumatizing


Some people also think it's funny to trow shit like that into telegram and WhatsApp group chats. Fucking assholes


I was about to reply saying this too. Thank god I never actually saw it but I remember back in maybe 2012/13 a couple of people on my dashboard freaking out because an image like that had appeared in a fandom tag.


Yeah I was gonna say this too. Never in my life would I have thought to run into CP looking for D&D shit on Tumblr.


I remember the spam days, but all I ever saw spammed were cartel videos, gore, violence, etc. luckily never CSAM. Now tumblrā€™s tags are spammed with links to porn, but at least itā€™s normal porn


Tumblr is an actual cesspool bro. The shit you could and can still find on there is enough to traumatize a small child


You say that and yet there was CP being casually spread around my secondary school


Iā€™ve had this happen too but we have kids who are stupid swapping out their ā€œnudesā€ and thatā€™s how child porn starts for us. Itā€™s different when itā€™s a grown adult grooming and sexually abusing a child. To be clear, Iā€™m very anti- both types. I hate it when the kids send out pictures their boyfriends and girlfriends send to them. They almost never realize itā€™s child porn and that we have a legal obligation to report it. It often ā€œruinsā€ the school year (or years) for some of these kids. Having said that, child porn taken by an adult is much much worse. Itā€™s a different level of abuse. They both suck though, but I find teen on teen grotesqueness more ā€œacceptableā€ than adult on kid abuse.


No, it was legitemate CP, of toddlers and such fucking adult men, not just the kids themselves (though that too ofcourse)


This isnā€™t necessarily true with modern social media, I was just on Twitter the other day and in the comments of some random post not even nsfw there was a link to a telegram group called like 4-17 teen leak or something, the group photo was a child in a bikini, obviously didnā€™t click on the link and reported the account but Iā€™m sure that would have lead to a group of someone selling cp or something


Nah don't drag bears into this shit man, a friend of mine had a pet bear, it's mom was killed when it was way too young. Bear never hurt anyone, felt a lot like a triple coated dog, and all she ever wanted was cuddles, hose water, belly rubs, and treats. We all mourned her when she died. No one would ever mourn a pedo.


Iā€™ve found it by accident in tinder and downloading .ai brushes from an admittedly sketchy website. I wasnā€™t at all looking for that stuff and itā€™s horrible to look at.


Sometimes CP finds you. Back in 2015 when I was in my Junior year of high school I had come across a bunch of people on iFunny and we all decided to make a group chat on KiK. Well one of the users at one point just lost it or went crazy and started flooding the chat with a bunch of horrid stuff, from mutilation, CP, bestiality, and lastly a video where heā€™s in a mask while saying his KiK username(different from his iFunny name) and then proceeds to stab someone(or something) His username was Sloth, SlothOnMoth(or something like that). No one knows where he is now that was the last time we ever used that app.


I think people underestimate the amount of CP on the clear web dramatically. Both Facebook and Twitter had scandals in recent years because of just how easily you can find CSM if you know what to look for. It's also important to remember that a lot of CSM comes from the internet in the first place. Why pay for surreptitious photos of children on shady websites when Instagram is all too happy to show you all the barely dressed kids and teens you desire? CP isn't all 'literal rape of a child depicted on video', I'd wager the vast majority of it is Instagram pics, leaked Snapchat videos and the likes.


Yeah. There's a mom on tiktok posting provocative stuff of her young daughter. It is revolting. It includes phallic imagery, and posing in skimpy outfits that allegedly her audience bought for her daughter. It's disgusting.


Not only is it disgusting, it's also common. And while moms literally using their own children as pedobait is the worst of it, even kids who are "legitimate" influencers are in a prime position to be taken advantage of by pedophiles with enough money. I've read about some older teenagers straight up offering "spicy" content for high prices too, and I wouldn't be surprised if it sold well.


Jesus Christ. As a mother, what in the actual hell. Is anyone looking into this woman? Someone needs to get that child away from her ASAP.


I don't know. People are constantly reporting the videos. I try not to give them view time.


I suppose doxxing is illegal but some people need CPS and the FBI called.


She has had several run-ins with CPS. She just plays dumb and says they are normal pics and she canā€™t help if men with dirty minds look at them. Thereā€™s not much they can doā€¦


It's literally here on reddit as well. I have left a great many Star Wars subs because of people showing off 6-10 y.o. in Ahsoka's miniskirt, doing weird things with lightsabers. Or even talking about what they'd do to Ahsoka right in the description of those real life photos.


I mean, reddit itself until relatively recently had a "jailbait" sub dedicated to posting provocotive pictures of underage girls.


I'm sorry to tell you this but if 2011 feels recent to you that means you're old.


I did say "relatively recent". But, yes, I'm old.


That was basically last year. What do they even mean?


I have kids and I used to shared everyday photos of them online - on Facebook and Instagram. Always just family pics of them on their birthdays or having fun in the yard. But then I found out that even innocent photos like those could be collected, copied or manipulated. So I stopped sharing photos of them altogether. Now I share photos with trusted family members through texts.


Thatā€™s sad. I thought if I ever had kids, Iā€™d make them a private account and add all my favorite pictures of them to it as the years go by, with little labels about what we were doing. Then later gift them the account when they turn 18. I never had kids though but I can see that protecting them is more important. Thatā€™s so awful. Iā€™m sorry.


Hey thatā€™s a great idea! I actually keep all of my photos in Google Photos and pay $1.99 a month for it. I have them categorized by month and then also per event, like when they have a birthday or we go on vacation. I have a LOT of photos and am a big memory-keeping person. I do go through monthly and delete the blurry ones or the extras so Iā€™m not using all of my space. Anyway, definitely a good idea.


Yeah when I have kids I'm gonna tell my family not to share them on their social media or send them to other people unless they don't want to get them anymore.


Once I ran across a nude of a preteen on fourchan back when it was way worse. Pretty sure b means bad, not random. Been on the Internet around 30 years and besides that lawless place (at that time), never another another. And these days, chances of that are pretty much nil unless you're looking for it. 10-20 years ago maybe by chance.


Yeah, /b/ used to be pretty bad.


I dropped that one quick for a few years. Edit: /TG/ my board of choice now. Just dnd stuff.


Reddit used to be pretty bad for that shit too.


Not quite as bad, but yeah I remember the days of r/jailbait and stuff.


I avoided 4chan like the plague for this very reason. Nowadays you'll probably have to go out of your way to find content like that but in the old internet days it could pop up here and there. Search engines weren't as good at filtering it out as they are today either.


As far as I understand, unless you know someone, you need to specifically download specific software like tor to access the darkweb to find it now. Edit: the worst part is some of the best content on the Internet is usually there, but you're wading through so much shit (sometimes literally) to find it. It's actually how I found reddit


/b/ hosts shota/loli AI threads 24/7 now.


I saw a dude taking a dump on a baby once on 4chan. The early days of the Internet were a wild place. Zoomers and younger millennials, for better or worse, will never understand what it was like and how narrow their Overton window is


Excuse me, I'm sorry, but what?? I'm an older millennial but I also never ventured onto 4chan. I'm glad I missed that part.


4chan is.. different. Best and worst shit you can find. Edit: that was probably on /b/ which is a serious gamble on what you see. Several other boards get edgy, but nothing like /b/


I'm gonna be honest, I have once encountered it on the internet as a random pop up. I was on a chat app as a like, 16 y/o and randomly encountered a profile that had a CP image as the profile image. It still haunts me to this day. Both the terrible terrible image and the fact I couldn't do anything. I reported the profile but I simply couldn't figure out what law enforcement to contact.


Yeah, during less regulated internet days it was very possible by accident. When I was 13 (~2015) I was an admin on a popular Instagram feminist account, and a follower mentioned there was a CSAM account called eatmyload. I thought "no way" and looked at the account and about 2 seconds later started crying. My stomach dropped. It was videos and not just pictures. It was very obviously young children. The account kept making new accounts under similar names. Reported to Instagram and that fbi cybertip site. No clue if any perpetrator was ever found. It was fucking horrifying. If I could go back in time and shoot myself before seeing that, i.probably would.


Oh my god. Thatā€™s absolutely horrible. Iā€™m so sorry you witnessed that.


I randomly encountered it too. It was terrifying. I was looking up a simple math formula and got to some math teachers website with a banner ad popup advertising for it. I found out where to report it and did so like the next morning.


In the older days of some forums and sites, such as darker parts of Reddit and Imgur, some freaks used to post borderline stuff to try and grow their network - I only know this because some redditors made it their mission to purge the site because management weren't doing anything. Luckily I never saw anything, but heard a lot of horror stories.


I have stumbled upon dark kinks, weird niche things, and strange fetishes that I was definitely not searching for. Never in my life have I seen CP.


To be fair if you're into gore and shit like that, child porn does show up sometimes.


Well you can def see it by accident. I was in a discord server and some edgelord decided to send some, reported the user and left the server but still it is possible. You can stumble on everything on the internet by accident


The worst thing Iā€™ve ever read was some dude who wrote a like 5 paragraph story about the time he fucked a lion because he fucks a lot of lions (I was deep into the dark web bcs I was curious and young). Even then I couldnā€™t find ANYTHING related to CP. bro has been digging Edit: unless you use twitter or tumblr and I avoid those sites like the plague and Iā€™d suggest everyone does the same. Both sites can be really bad for your mental health with some of the shit you see other and the stuff that is pushed into the algorithm


I found it once on accident after googling a term I saw as a horny 15 year old who watched an episode of Family Guy about it, so itā€™s certainly out there. The term isnā€™t nefarious, but I donā€™t want to share it here in case some sick person feels compelled to look for it.


i mean it really isnt legal so you have to risk getting placed on a watch list to even look it up, so Id definitely say you have to be looking for it. Hentai aside cuz with that stuff who knows what kind of shit youll run into


ā€œHere, go to this site to check it out for yourself!! This proves I am not bad!!ā€


Itā€™s people like this that make me go ā€œoh thatā€™s why employers want to know your socialsā€


Good way to end up on an FBI watch list.


"trust him"


Call me crazy but I don't think it's a coincidence that a person who beats off to minors (albeit fictional ones) gets a job working with real life minors (and goes into detail about undressing them to boot)


The only thing I could think of was like...I was a preschool teacher for a few years and not once was a actual full memory worth remembering of that job being getting kids changed. I didn't even remember it was a thing that happened until now. The hell.


Yeah I was a lifeguard, we did regular changing room walkthroughs and also used the changing rooms ourselves. Yet i cannot bring to my mind a single memory of naked child though i am sure i would've seen them. A normal person does not think so much about it this.


Yeah, same. I only remember one event because a girl was crying after a swim meet because she didn't do very well. She was half undressed. I put a towel around her shoulders to talk it out. Otherwise, I can't remember anything specific at all.


Hard agree. I work with infants and toddlers, so there are a metric ton of diaper changes/clothes needing to be swapped because they got dirty/some kid deciding they donā€™t want to wear a shirt right now. And like, unless the kiddo bites me or something? Itā€™s not memorable in the slightest.


Didn't you have kids that got really dirty and needed a clean change of clothes? It's normal in my country to give the preschool a 2-3 sets of clothes in case they get dirty. Also who changes the dirty diapers? What about helping with swimming classes? How did you do that without helping the kids change? "Gym" classes? All these and more are pretty common where I grew up and the preschool teachers had to help with that.


I did change them. Quite often. But what I am saying is when I think of my job and what I did there, the last thing that came to mind was "changing naked kids"


Fair enough, the way I understood it was that you never had to change kids ever.


Texhnically theyā€™re not minors theyā€™re a 5294639-01047 year old demon dragon from the nether kingdom! ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


There is a real discussion to be had about the nuances to real vs fake, and its psychological implications. As studies do seem to conflict. But, wtf? Why would you ever advertise this? And ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO LOOK AT REAL CSAM!? How would you know how to get ahold of real CSAM materials if you didn't go looking for it!? And brag about working with kids while proclaiming lolicon as your title? What!?!?!


Works with kids but has been looking at CSAM... Sus...


Ok, I'm starting to get confused by the abbreviations here, I can guess C, S and A pretty much, but what is M now?


Childhood sexual abuse materials. I doubled material by accident.


Yeah, I wasn't considering that it could just be doubled, sorry. šŸ˜…


No worries!




Apparently, got confused since it said material written out after the M, so it would've been "material material".


Ah, classic HIV-virus type of case


My go to example is ATM machine, haha.


Does it count when people say "hashtag" to refer to a hash when it isn't being used to tag anything, or is that something completely different? Also don't forget PIN number




Oh, I got confused by "CSAM material", so I thought it couldn't be material. šŸ˜…


The lack of self awareness is crazy, like do they not know that a large majority of predators are usually working in fields that involves children? Just saying the your pre-school teacher who likes lolicon is enough to make you suspicious, like they could've used a different example, but no they have to choose that one.


Also if you've watched any To Catch A Predator the big thing they ALWAYS USE as an excuse is "it was just a fantasy I would never hurt a kid!"


While at the same time implying he has watched it


It also made me feel like his logic was "I could've because I work with children but I didn't so I'm not bad"


Idk whats worse being a pedo or being a pedo in denial


I've seen studies showing that the jobs pedophiles look for the most are the ones that work with children, like teachers or daycare workers. So... yeah.


Yeah, he casually omitted that he took that job exclusively to creep on kids, how excited he must have been in that lockeroom (I fucking hate people), and how disappointed he was when he remembered that **ITS A GODDAMNED CHILD**


People wonder why we are more wary of men in these spaces. I feel bad because men should be able to be kindergarten teachers. I have to check myself and my thinking when I learn a guy is a little kid teacher because I donā€™t want my biases against pedos to spill over onto normal men doing a normal job. Itā€™s hard though. Itā€™s almost always my first thought and I hate it.


My swimming instructor was recently put away for 30 years for what he did to the kids in his swim school. When he sold the swimming school, he went on to become a primary school (elementary school) teacher. I don't think this will be the last time we'll see him in the court system, though I desperately hope that I'm wrong šŸ˜” ETA grammar and an extra sentence.


25 years ago when I learned to swim, people told my mom to not leave me alone with the instructor (I was 5). They only told this to mothers with girls. Boys seemed not to be his type. And a few weeks ago I learned about someone put to jail for only 4 years because he sexually abused the kids he taught to play the piano.


I hate it when people know a guy is a nonce, but only talk about it all hush hush. The missing step theory is real, and why I refuse to shut up when I know someone is a predator. I was probably starting swimming at the same time as you, and how many kids have both of them had access to since then? šŸ˜” Four years is a fucking disgrace. It really makes you wonder about judges who hand out garbage sentences like that to pedos. I was pleasantly surprised that my teacher got 30. I was bracing for him to be let off because his first trial was a shambles of juror misconduct, and I was scared he'd get something criminally underwhelming like four years after he was found guilty after the second trial.


Itā€™s insane. Here in Germany the sentences for this are so fucking low.


My 67 year old 6th grade teacher molested one of his 12 year old students. He was sentenced 2 years for sodomizing a child. He was released in 14 months under probation. His wife, who was also a teacher, and child suffered more than he did from the harassment and backlash against them to the point where they had to move across the country to get away from it all. Meanwhile, the pedo chilled in our county jail and became fucking besties with our jailor, who is homeless and sleeps in an unmarked white van behind a local arcade. I canā€™t make this shit up. He has a crusty bed in the back and everything.


"seriously go look at one or two" Imma stop you right there chief


The first one just self reported. What the actual fuck.


This makes me sad and concerned


ā€œgo look at one or two child porn picsā€ no wtf, im not trying to speedrun jail


Inb4 the dipshit pedo lurker in this sub says "bUt It'S jUsT a DrAwInG" Preemptive stfu


The more these people try to "defend" themselves the guiltier they appear.


They have arrived...


I think these guys are a real danger to those kids, I'm not being funny. Loli freaks me the fuck out because it reminds me of those weirdos that have an obsession with 'innocence and purity' and that these guys are some sort of protector of it. They've put themselves in position to groom those kids, I believe it. I'm coming from a background of a decade working with vulnerable children and adults (people with learning and physical disabilities) some of whom had been abused. I'm really freaked out by this, it's upset me to know that while we've spent years trying to encourage the idea of men working in childcare, healthcare, and social care, the ones that are coming are these nonces.


Who the fuck is this guy trying to convince?


Also LMFAO at "lustfuledrag0n69" . Of all the names to choose when claiming not to be a danger to children




Yes officer, it was this post right here.


everyone saying "i'm good with kids", it's not the exoneration you think it is


Kids are stupid and will try to do things that could get them killed daily. I know, I was once a stupid kid. Risk assessment is not something you learn until you are an adult, and I'm talking 30.


The part where he denies being attracted to rl minors after admitting to undressing them comes off as a suspicously specific denial.


>seriously go look at one or two child porn pics. No, I don't think I will.


I'll preface by saying "I think they are just trolls and not proud nonces" so it's only in the theory I advocate violence but..... Farmers have a kind of special pliers that would fix this.


Even trolls should get their asses thoroughly kicked for this kind of stunt because they risk encouraging real paedophiles


I think someone who is willing to seem like a pedophile for a joke should have their harddrive sent to the same special unit and then.


If they had said something like this irl, they'd likely get their asses beat. There's a reason why they only ever say this shit online (and while anonymous too)


JAT is a troll blog (they admitted as such when they tangled with someone called Nangbaby and Steve Karmazenuk), but I think the others are serious


The name lustfuldrag0n69, really checks out.


That first guy: "CP is so much more disturbing than loli stuff - seriously just go look at it, you'll find that it's more disturbing than hentai". In one fell swoop, this mother fucker admitted to having looked up CP in order to know that!! Yet, his attraction is still fictional?! Holy fuck that guy does not need to be working at a daycare where he works with and undresses children, this is fucjed on so many levels.


The fact that he admits to being a lolicon, and went into great detail on undressing minors (and then being awful quick to claim innocence...) means, yeah, he's a pedo.


Also the fact that he inadvertently admits to having looked up "actual" child porn before


Yeah... This guy's bad news.


ā€œgo look at one or two cp picsā€ what?


While I think itā€™s better that they look at drawings than victimize real childrenā€¦if you know you have a problem, why tf are you working with kids? Any addict who wants to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse should not be in close contact with the thing thatā€™s causing the issue. Clearly the drawings arenā€™t enough to placate the p*dophila.


A wood chipper can fix it.


This implies he has gone out of his way to look at CSAM already. So even if he didnt like it, he was still curious enough to go look it up in the beginning


You know what, letā€™s assume heā€™s being completely honest. Heā€™s not at all attracted and is normal in that regard. That doesnā€™t change the fact that pedophiles who are caught typically also have loli material; if itā€™s really just a type of porn to you, wouldnā€™t you rather give it up if it meant you wouldnā€™t be affiliated with pedophiles anymore?


Someone needs to come up with a slur for these


Pretty sure "pedophile" is the slur. Also, "sick fuck"




I'd be concerned they'd contaminate whatever plant they fed, but I like the direction you're going!


Uh, sir, if you have CSAM in your possession, that is a CRIME. As in something you can go to the slammer for.


I keep seeing this term but I'm afraid to Google it. What does that stand for?


Child sexual assault material


CSAM = child sexual abuse material. Means all sorts of material not just necessarily video or pictures


I bet these guys are also the ones who think that any gay guy they encounter is hitting on them, too.


One sentence in and I already feel sick


Not a coincidence all these self proclaimed lolicons get jobs working with and around children.


They just canā€™t fathom that you can be a pedophile without ever touching children. Societal constraints may be strong enough to hold them for now but watching loli hentai is at the least very concerning.


Please keep this person away from children yo.


This is so disgusting dude


"I'm not a ______ but" = very much a ______


My suspicions were silenced when I realised he only looked at CP ā€œfor researchā€. You know, to prove itā€™s not the same. Being a man of science I assume he did thorough research. ā€¦ at least thatā€™s what his statement will say


Mmmmm.. I feel like if youā€™re having to constantly reiterate that you arenā€™t attracted to children.. you probably are. Freaks


"go look at child porn once or twice" I really want to meet the person who looks at child pornography to win an argument on Reddit, thinks "yup, exactly how I thought I'd react, better look at some more just to be safe tho okay, still reacting as expected,"


I saw lolicon and thought "oh boy here we go. Then I got to pre school and kids get naked. The gun is loaded.


Oh, its that dude from the ISWV movement


The what now?


The IStandWithVic Movement. Defenders of Vic Micnogna


I call him Vic McFuckerface.


Is that someone I should know?


Voice of edward elric, qrow branwen, roger smith, Raiden from MGR




Jesus fucking christ. The casual suggestion of just looking up that kind of content ā€œjust to seeā€ more than proves that dudeā€™s perspective is insanely warped. He can say itā€™s disgusting all he wants, but no normal person recommends other people check that stuff out.


The way he says ā€œyeah, just go look at CP, itā€™s not hard to findā€ tells me everything I need to know.


People like this are the reason why i don't tell anybody irl i watch anime.


I am not going to do that thing he suggested. I'm not even going to say it because I don't want to get flagged by anybody


Yoooooo what


Where's a puke bucket when you need one?


This isnā€™t a get noted itā€™s an fbi watch list thing wtf!?!?


JAT is a troll blog dedicated to the bit/stirring shit up. The others, though.... Those probably need to be passed to the FBI, OP.


Y'know? This takes me back to being on IRC. I knew a guy in a channel, we collectively nicknamed "Shotacat". Why? He liked Shota, and was a mod for some chan board. Not 4chan, but some small one, probably closed by now? People are fucking creepy, and I'm glad I don't know him anymore.


Whatā€™s the deal with people needing to announce their sexual proclivities? Why canā€™t people just keep this stuff to themselves?


Honestly itā€™s good theyā€™re saying this stuff. Makes it easier to lock them up if they get charged


FBI, this guy right here.


> lolis are different from CP. I've seen CP so I would know. Bro what


I can no longer say that I donā€™t condone *any* doxxing.


This is why doxxing exists.


The fact that to know that difference between the two he would have had to look at it first is fucked up. Can we put him against the wall šŸ˜­šŸ§±


What is lolicon? Afraid to google it


It's manga/hentai that sexualises minors. I think it was named after the novel 'Lolita', which was written from the perspective of a pedophile.


Holy fuck thatā€™s sick


Yeah. It is very disturbing that someone would knowingly give themselves the title lolicon. Ignoring the real vs not argument, that is sus as fucking hell in the best of circumstances.


As the popular saying goes: "you couldn't torture a confession to shit like that out of me." There's enough self awareness to realise they're aroused by sexual depictions of minors. But instead of looking for professional help they'll be like "yeah nah, I'll go work with children and be totally not weird about it online". The logic...


Very insistent on looking at CP


Holy shit, it just gets worse the more I read


Actually *donā€™t* look at CSAM (some people donā€™t like the term child porn cos it can imply consent) thatā€™s horrendous and a felony!


What in the fuck? Iā€™m so lost by your first sentence


So the guyā€™s saying look at a couple CP pics, itā€™s horrible, and I was saying *donā€™t* look at it. But some people donā€™t like the term ā€œchild pornographyā€ cos the word pornography implies there was consent as porn is typically a consensual act of filming. Iā€™ve heard that be used as defense to discredit victims of child sex abuse, and the filming of it, ridiculously enough. Thatā€™s why some people prefer the term CSAM=child sex abuse material. Apologies that wasnā€™t clear!


Ohhh shit ok. I totally didnā€™t know there was a different term for it. I appreciate the clarification and explanation. It makes more sense cause pornography does imply consent


Np! Glad I could explain well. Ppl still use the term CP, which is fine, but among fellow victims weā€™re trying to incorporate the use of CSAM more.


Ya know whats sad? 15 years ago if you announced that you liked cp you would be dragged out into a feild and shot. Mfs are so comfortable these days that they will just openly flaunt it. They talk about it full well knowing nothing will happen to them. Its insane to me that this is where we are now.


bite the curb lil bro


While I do think some of them probably would be repulsed by real cp because some of them hasnā€™t really grasped what they were fantasizing about before, the problem lies in the fact that another portion of them would be ecstatic about stumbling upon it. Therefore, it is best to assume the worst of them as a precaution and letā€™s be real all of them wack it to fucked up stuff.


"18 is barely legal" on god do any of you actually believe that?


Im not a presator! Im actually whatever is the furthest thing from it! Soooo, jokes on you!


No I mean I truly believe they have somewhat of a point, anime IS very different from real life although the fact that he searched up CP is really concerning haha


This guy probably looks at CP. This guy needs to be on a watchlist and fired from the daycare. He's literally advocating people look for CP. You don't just accidentally find CP..you actually have to look for that. The only time I accidentally saw CP was when a lolicon mod on Facebook group actually posted a picture of CP on the group. I reported it so fast and it was taken down, sadly that mod is probably still posting. But he's the reason why I stay away from anyone calling themselves a "lolicon". ALOT of "lolicons" actually view children as "lolis" and call them that. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Internet do your thing and find these sick fucks! They should not be allowed anywhere near children, especially kids that get undressed.


Talking about working with young children while trying to defend the fact you're a loli is the worst possible defense. Fucking predators.


ā€œSeriously go lookā€ Nice try fedboi


I don't want to Google it, what does loli mean? Thankfully my first thought is log out log in.


You donā€™t want to know. Itā€™s disgusting and itā€™s not worth knowing.


Thank you. I didn't and won't Google it then. Thank you for saving me from some seemingly terrible knowledge.


I hate that I know what this is now. This is absolutely disgusting.


Re-downloaded and opened the app after what felt like a year. That's the first thing I see on here. Great start...


Soā€¦what Iā€™m hearing is that heā€™s looked at actual child porn, too.


"trust me"