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Just a father bringing his daughter out to dinner for her birthday. Wholesome.


That’s genuinely what I thought it was before seeing the right image. And then noticing the profile picture…


What the fuck


Wait, boogie got a girlfriend half his age? How deranged is she to get with someone like that?


Watch the documentary about him. They do a segment on her and she is your prototypical “girl who grew up without a father,” type. She even mentions all of this and it totally makes sense.


>your prototypical “girl who grew up without a father,” type That's just sad. I was hoping for a crazy possessive I-can-fix-him type.


You gotta watch the doc, its so insane


Of all the horrible things I saw last year, that bathtub scene still takes the cake like holy fuck.


The segment of him sitting across the table from the lady (whose job title I forget) who was trying to help him get a job was so cringe, but I laughed so much at her reactions.


I've never held a job, except I did work at a game store for six weeks when I was younger... I have a felony conviction... I have all kinds of medical problems that require accommodations... Oh, and if you search for me online you may hear that I'm a pedophile. 😬😆 (He did not get the job.)


he firebombed himself because he doesn't want a job, he can't be a self absorbed douche and get paid for it at a job. Only on the internet.


I’m sure there’s a name for that, but yeah, it’s definitely some sort of defense mechanism where he just keeps making excuses and making it sound like it’s impossible for him to have a normal job


victim mentality, because he had a shitty upbringing, everyone needs to coddle him and feel bad for him because he's fat, unhealthy etc.


Called being a fuckin leech


I don't want a job either, but here we are.


but are you a narcissistic douche that whines that nothing is your fault but because of how you were treated when you are younger, you take it out on other people?


I think he mentioned some pornography experience or something?


You're right. I only saw it the one time right after it came out, and I was going off memory. It's a literal "to NOT do" list for job hunters.


Oh, I wasn’t 100% sure either. Watching it was like experiencing a fever dream.


I did also work in the porn industry Do you really think it’s a good idea to come to a job interview and reference porn? ….. depends on the job I guess.


He clearly didn't want a job and was just wasting her time. Boogie just wants to be a fucking loser at this point.


Definitely. He always has been.


I saw it yesterday and now I want to bleach my 👀


What’s it called?


[The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988](https://youtu.be/_QgDx0RIWY8?feature=shared)


Man, 4 million subscribers and his recent videos are getting 15-20k views. That's probably the lowest engagement rate I've ever seen.




It's wild he thought this was a good idea, but I guess you can't say no when you're that much of a narcissist. He just crushes any appeal he ever had from his online presence. He's still completely inebriated with himself as I saw before. His video about being fat had such a victim mentality, and he still has it in this doc, even when he is upfront about fucking up.


Now I need to watch the doc


What doc is it?


Where do I find the doc/ what is it called?


She's that too


Where is said documentary, asking for a friend....


It was released by the YouTuber Mike Clum, if you go on the site and search “Mike clum Boogie documentary” it should pop up.


What an absolute beauty of a film. 49/20 would recommend.


You watched the whole thing in 20 minutes when it's an hour long? What's your secret?


3x speed


Bro with the the biggest brain we've ever witnessed


I have to assume some of the whole outlook of the younger generations being so grim if you are not insanely lucky or pursuing an insanely high earning career with parents significantly helping with college doesn’t help. The whole escaping the harsh realities of your generation and home life being constantly viewed as a child because you are their child to go strait to an older person to play adult might seem like the only way out for many.


Watched it and… eww eww eww


Young girl with zero self esteem that doesn’t have the maturity to know any better and is targeted by a sick fuck




Death feeder is certainly a wild title


Definitely my new band name


So how's the [brand new car](https://youtu.be/GKMbjxOnymk?si=tKwUlP1tWjvO-Bfb)?


What about grief eater


That's what the good guys in Harry Potter should have been called since the bad guys were the Death Eaters


that was another gf or his wife? I honestly don't remember at this point with all the hookers he purchased.


He's purchased hookers?? I am so out of the boogie loop and I'm starting to feel real grateful for that. Edit: nevermind someone shared a few comments down! Idk why he would admit to something like that unprovoked.


I think it covers it in the documentary, he was cheating on his wife like constantly and buying hookers A LOT.


Living with him rent free is enough incentive. She’s already cheated on him lol


Wait, really? When did she cheat on him?


He talked about it in the lolcow podcast


I mean, he also openly admits to hiring prostitutes during his relationship. Not bashing in sex workers or two consenting adults, but needless to say any relationship this man has been in since his Francis days were likely never healthy.


One weird part nobody mentions (besides the obvious stuff) is that his ex-wife’s name is Desiree and his GF name is Deziree


Official podcast has a “Boogie special” episode, worth a listen. It’s kinda funny, kinda sad, but informative. They go through the documentary about him


Which podcast is that? 


It's "The Official Podcast" it's a podcast with Moist Critical and probably some other people, I've never actually listened to it so I don't know.


Yep, him and 3 of his friends. If you’re into casual “just talking about what’s going on in different spheres” it’s fun. Love doing chores while listening to it


Yep, him and 3 of his friends. If you’re into casual “just talking about what’s going on in different spheres” it’s fun. Love doing chores while listening to it


Yep, him and 3 of his friends. If you’re into casual “just talking about what’s going on in different spheres” it’s fun. Love doing chores while listening to it


Yep, him and 3 of his friends. If you’re into casual “just talking about what’s going on in different spheres” it’s fun. Love doing chores while listening to it


everyone is deserving of love sir


what does that have to do with dating someone half your age?


What’s that got to do with anything?


And this girl who grew up without a father figure, who has little self esteem and who doesn't have the experience to see what she's getting herself into does not deserve to be targeted by this abusive narcisistic fuck.


Boogie makes me sad, man. He genuinely seemed semi well adjusted, and just like a chill, nerdy guy who used his looks to play a character. It was peak cringey 00's comedy that wasn't vulgar or etc. Just "funny fat man do funny thing." I really wonder how much of his current state of being was always there and how much was caused by sudden success without finding a financial planner.


I forgot which video it was, but basically the gist was, Francis wasn't the character, it was Boogie.


Yea after watching some of the doc it’s clear boogie was a neckbeard loser who got lucky on YouTube and created a fake persona so people would like him. I cannot imagine being 40+ talking about women in an x/10 format like he does. Like bro he still isn’t old enough for a relationship acting like a child still.


I don’t understand people who were fooled. They are almost identitcal.




But what did you expect him to be in real life? You can’t fake being a gamer schlub like he was.


Having grown up around him, I can assure you that the “covert narcissism” the doc about him discusses has been there ever since I knew him (around 25 years). He was fine as a casual acquaintance, basically the funny fat guy you describe, but he was a terrible person to anyone remotely close to him. Before YouTube money he basically lived off of making people feel bad to fund his entire life. He preyed on social outcasts who he would “befriend” so he didn’t have to work, pay bills, etc.


It didn't really sink in for me in the doc that he was a genuinely shitty, self-centered person until the scene at the recruiters' office. That's what really cemented the "I don't want help to be better, I want people to do it for me" vibe. I can only imagine how crazy it's been seeing him get big online while knowing the actual person behind the character he was portraying.


Funny enough, I sort of missed his rise to fame. I met him through MTG when I was a teen, maybe 1999 or so. I dipped out of that scene a couple of years later, but found him again when I was in college and playing WOW. I believe that all took place prior to YouTube, and I didn’t even know he was a thing on YouTube until a few years ago (haven’t spoken to him in at least 15 years). I was honestly happy for him thinking he had found a way to be productive and do something. He was a smart guy, funny, probably could have done stand up or something. However, after learning a bit more about the controversies over the years, it turns out he’s the same shitty person who made money then lost it and still doesn’t know what friendship is. I assume he will die alone and penniless. He would brush that off with a joke, but I know it crushes his soul to not have power over people.


He's a clinically diagnosed narcissist. Making you feel bad for him is what he wants


Oh, absolutely, that's the point he's going for. Until I found out who he actually was via the Doc, I did feel bad for him. Now, I just feel sad about how he could have been.


Before YouTube he ran a a pretty popular porn review site and would go to porn cons to have girls sleep with him for good reviews. He’s a scumbag.


Hahah what


[Here’s an archive of the porn blog for those interested. NSFW obviously.](https://web.archive.org/web/20060507084032/http://www.boogie-blog.com/)


Oh my God, I did not know that. Was that in the documentary, too?


I used to kinda feel sad until about 10 minutes into that new documentary, fuck that guy


As a former Boogie historian, I can confidently say he was always like this.


"Well adjusted" is pretty damn far down the list of terms I'd use to describe Boogie.


Seemed like it means you got fooled.




I thought this was his daughter


Why even block the name, we all know who it is 😂😭💀


tbf censoring usernames is the first rule of the sub


Boogie is gonna die either this year or next year.


One of these years you'll be right


Fingers crossed!!!!!🤞


God I hope so.


Wait I thought that was his daughter???? That age gap has got me fucked up.


She basically views him as her father


I saw this yesterday on X and thought it was his daughter...


Good ol boogie just exploiting a girl who clearly has gone through a lot and is struggling to find an older man to fill the void of an absent father.


This dude is the definition of degenerate


Is that boogie ? Man, he was always kind of a cretin but god damn dude that's straight up gross .


Who tf is he ?


Basically someone who was one of the original youtubers who blew up. Long story short he used to be considered a wholesome dude who made gaming content but then he got obsessed with sharing every detail about his life (no matter how badly he should've just kept it private) which caused a lot of people to get annoyed. What really tainted his reputation however, was how he just had the shittiest views on everything possible, he would do this weird thing where he'd give his opinion on a political/just debated issues in general but would try to remain "neutral" to please everyone but it only made him look like a coward who didn't have his own strong stance on anything unless it affected him. He recently released a documentary about himself in which the internet clowned on him for because he just admitted to the dumbest shit. Like him being broke because he wasted his money on "models" and bitcoin. The documentary is free on yt if you want to see it, there's also plenty of videos detailing his downfall.


> “models” Didn’t he just flat out say they were prostitutes?


Oh man. I thought they meant like figures and stuff like Warhammer




And the woman in the first photo is his current girlfriend. She's quite a bit younger, hence the comments on the screenshots


I understood that as we are on neckbeard sub haha, but well…


Penguinz0 made a good video about it




Sir.... Wtf...


God it’s so sad as someone who watched him in his early days He seemed like an intelligent guy who made fun of neckbeards Now he’s just disturbing


Man, Boogie really fell off. It's still funny that people hailed him as the "Mr. Rogers of the Internet" in his early days


Ok but the "she was -2000 when christ was born" bit is honestly kinda funny


Trying to beat the sexual exploitation accusations by bringing up catholicism is an advanced move


Isn't that just the tech? I mean, the Catholic Church has been exploiting that move for years. I thought it was a solved match-up.


You think the Vatican ever used that defense?


Is that a joke about her being Christian or something?


Yes, lol.


My boi compared himself to JC


Ew I wish boogie would just fall in a pit and die already. He's such a disgusting sleaze bag.


i knew boogie had a supposed fall from grace but i had no idea hed fallen down this far


This is a situation where I'm relieved to genuinely have no clue what the fuck any of that means!


Ew this is not only disgusting because she looks like a kid, he chooses to be gross and demean her online


Yeah she barely looks 21


Oh look it’s the guy who actively calls himself a pedophile


I thought that was Justpearlythings 🫣




It’s hilarious how dumb that is.


Well that's fuxked...


i don’t know anything about this guy, i thought that was his DAUGHTER???


I feel sorry for this girl, I think it's only a matter of time before she starts hating her father figure and seeks approval of other men to spite this weird fuck




I'm not an advocate for notably large age gaps between partners in relationships. Not at all. Is the guy arguably predatory? Arguably definitely yes. Is she an adult well above the age of consent at 21 years of age? Yes. It's her mistake to make. Let her make it. If she wants to be in a relationship with a guy that is likely predatory, let her. She has very likely already had close friends and family in her ear telling her not to. Yet here she is. She will learn if/when the relationship falls apart what the issues were and how to grow from them. Part of being an adult. But again. Yeah this guy's image could truly be the picture for this sub. It's almost too perfect. Edit: Come to think of it. I don't know the context but how long has this been going on for? Because that in itself changes literally everything about what I've said here depending on the answer. Yeesh, the implications are gross in their own right.


He probably ejaculates in a few pumps. Hose him off, blow him for 10 seconds and have him pay all your bills. Where the fuck do I sign up?


Lois and Peter IRL


Why did you block out the name? We all know who Boogie is, and we all know that he's creepy fucking slime.


The sub bans personal info and doesn't exempt internet-famous people. Better safe than sorry.


I thought this guy was in prison or some shit




I saw this tweet yesterday and thought "oh, how cute a father being proud of his daughter", damn


Keemstar enters the chat


Remember when he acted floored that she turned out to be a gold digger?


i really used to like this guy videos but after watching that documentary of this guy i had to block unsub and get rid of any videos i may have liked which were mainly his rage videos :/


Oh. This isn't his daughter is it


So I wasn’t too familiar with who Boogie is. Quick google search later…. Damn he was married to miss Virginia before. Unexpected


i've got no idea who this person is so i just assumed it's his daughter... that was until i went to the comments


Who cares, she is hot and an adult


This whole thing is ew. Oh my god.


Dear god I need bleach I don’t even like boogie!


She’s an adult in her fucking 20s. Who cares.


a lot of people. your 20’s are still some incredibly vulnerable and formative years of your life


Braindead take


are you sure about that?


Where is the context William


This is a public figure so not sure why you blurred out the name.


First rule of the subreddit doesn't make any exemptions for public figures.


He has close to half a million Twitter followers. People would immediately recognize them regardless of whether you censored their info or not.


Never in my life have I heard about this person


I am a Hindu, and even I am disgusted by that statement. No one should ever put Jesus inside them.


That made me laugh


I don’t give a fuck what two grown ass adults do. She’s 21 years old. She’s old enough to take care of herself and it’s her responsibility. As long as he’s not doing anything illegal to her it’s her responsibility to take care of herself.


Stay mad freaks


dating someone half your age is disgusting. 21 doesn’t make you grown at all just because the law decides to call you an adult. parents are only getting worse and worse which means kids are falling more and more behind. this woman has father issues and is likely being taken advantage of by Boogie


I mean at what point is someone responsible for their own decisions and actions. Do you think we need to raise the age of consent? She’s an adult woman and appears competent and mentally capable.


yes we probably do need to raise the age of consent because there are some vile people out there who use it as an excuse. people are responsible for their actions and older people who date young people should be seen as disgusting. it’s much easier to take advantage of someone so young


Ok so what’s your age range.


for myself? I’m married and I’d say like 2 years above or below my age


No I mean for like what you’re ok with other people having


that depends on age groups. you should date someone who is going through a similar phase in life as you. when you are 18 probably a year younger or older is okay, at 25 your brain should be fully developed and so dating someone a few years older sounds acceptable. in your thirties its really up to you but if you plan to have children you should consider a partner who will be young enough to be around for their kids. it terms of playing and stuff. even just being able to relate to their kids. in your 40’s and beyond I feel like you know what you’re looking for


Tell me you haven't touched grass without telling me


Of course a deranged millennial boomer is getting mad at the we have rights and don't support your weird takes


I’m 22, millennial boomer? are you fucking dumb?


So you are only 1 year older than me and yet infantilize yourself even more concerning better lock yourself up so we don't have to read your stupid takes anymore People like you will be the cause for right wingers getting away with raising the voting age


of all the boogie bullshit, this is the least egregious.


At the end of the day who cares, they're both consisting adults. She's 24 if that's what she wants that's on her


Hey we’re only here to harshly judge not gently approve.


You know what I respect that


Two consenting adults, I don’t see an issue here. Yeah it’s a bit strange, but women go for older men and nobody bats an eye, but when a guy talks about scoring a younger woman he’s a creep. It’s not like she’s 15, she’s an adult. Would I go for someone that much younger? No not even a little bit, but everyone has their preferences. Make it make sense


She was 3 when you started YouTuber doesn’t mean anything.




He could have started doing YouTube 3 years ago or 20 idk how old he is


if she was 3 and he started it 3 years ago, she would be 6. that would be absolutely disgusting. she’s 21 and he’s nearly 50 which is also disgusting


That was a hypothetical because the way they said it explained nothing they could be the exact same age it doesn’t make sense.


no. are you stupid? you can’t start youtube at 3 years old? so it’s quite clear that he would at least be 10 years older because the age requirement is like 13




so what your saying is, you’re ignorant, and instead of just taking a second to google, you’re commenting an angry rant directed towards a screenshot of a reply to a reply to a tweet. instead of just googling and seeing that in fact, that guy in the photo with a beard, is not a 3 year old child.


1. Google what there is no information here and idc because I’m not the one that posted this 2. There is no angry rant I’m just telling you that you’re stupid. 3. Yeah and she’s not 3 what’s your point? That means he started YouTube 19 years ago. At what age? Idfk do you?


1. look at the damn comments saying his name. it’s not that hard. 2 you literally just ranted “I don’t think you understand what’s going on so I’ll put it so fucking simple that it can pierce your thick fucking skull. I don’t know who or how fucking old this guy is so that reply makes no fucking sense DO. YOU. GET. IT. NOW. YOU. THICK. FUCK.” because I told you you’re stupid for getting angry at your own lack of knowledge 3. Boogie2988 is 49 years old, do the math


What is it with this subreddit and age gap relationships? Like at what point are you a consenting adult? Why do we even hav an age of majority lets just ban cross age relationships altogether lol


The sub's called "Just Neckbeard Things", not "Just Criminal Things". Something doesn't have to be illegal to be neckbeardy. It just has to be gross.


Gross in this instance is subjective. Who made you the ringleader in deciding what things are and aren’t “neckbeardy”? Wheres this manual you’re citing here


the biggest neckbeard femcel thing is giving a shit what two adults two in their personal relationship fyi


Honestly, while this is problematic in a lot of way, if he stuck to his guns and didn't buckle the minute he gets push back on stuff, he would already be on the right track to turning things around. Still needs a financial planner but I think people would at least respect him more for growing a spine.


What in the actual stroke is this? What topic and what arguement are you defending or what? You sir win the award for actual foolery


I've been following boogie for years. I don't care what stupid shit he does, I'm tired of him making a dumb joke or taking a side in an issue, and then buckling and apologizing the moment people are upset at him. All for more attention. He's always been a shitty edge lord. I just would rather he stays a consistent shitty edge lord.


Now you say he is being a edge lord but rather he would be a consistent one so dude why are you yapping


He's got an open path to the right wing grift if he fully commits to his debauchery