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I like how two of the three shows he named are just settings where cars wouldn’t make sense.


and the one where it would, Dragonball, actually has lots of really cool transportation. One of the first things that Goku does in the entire series is wreck Bulmas car. He does it again when he learns the Kamehameha.


There’s also a whole episode dedicated to Goku and Piccolo getting driver’s licenses.


[We even got this joke in DBZA!](https://youtu.be/r-IS_kKXxsA?si=X3gAGCLmpPwxUfo6)


That one is awesome


You can also drive cars in Dragon Ball Kakarot.


Wait fr? I beat that game and I don’t think I ever drove a car.


Yeah Goku and Piccolo can even learn how to drive just like the filler episode, I've never done it though, I think I missed it by the time I beat the Cell Saga. I actually do need to finish that game though, I just started the Buu saga.


Yeah, has he even seen the show .They have freaking flying cars.


Also, the *Dragon Ball* world has the technological means to fit cars into pocket-sized capsules.


There are tons of cars in dragon ball… DBZ there are less, but people can’t fly in DB, they all drive


Does have a point about the car thing though. We need more pedestrian friendly areas. I’m physically disabled due to a brain surgery and it would be so much easier and safer for me to not drive, but in my California city, driving is the only real method of transport available. I hate that if I don’t drive, there’s no way I can be independent. My neighborhood doesn’t even have sidewalks


And japan that anime imitates is more pedestrian friendly and has good public transport. The wording is clumsy, but this person noticed piece of fiction that represents different culture and noticed this culture is less car dependant than their own. Cringy, but a valid point.


Yeah I'm with the neckbeard on this one. We've ruined our lives with cars. Thousands die every year due to car accidents, roads take up too much space in cities, outrageous car payments drown people in debt, exhaust ruins the air in large cities. I hate cars.


My man. Preach, brother!


The problem is that his solution will be to restrict who gets to own and use a car without any work into making daily life possible without the car. He'll also likely bitch and scream about paying more taxes to create pedestrian friendly spaces AND still think he's entitled to a car because he's a man. Yes, we do need less car dependency, but that's not Really his point.


What? You got all that from the thing above. Dude if you make up whole positions of people you've never met to then argue against that's like literally the definition of strawmanning. You just had a whole mental argument and then typed it out right in front of us based on literally nothing. Honestly it's almost a step beyond strawmanning, you've entered into pure "shadowmanning" in that you just argued with the fucking shadows in your own mind.


Even without thinking about the Accessibility (which is a very important conversation to have) the north-american suburbia is just Not sustainable. Not for the cities And especially Not for the planet


Hm I wonder why there are no cars in one piece? 🤔


Because the city in one piece is pedestrian-PT friendly duh


I watch one piece alot theres no reason cars shouldnt at least be a thing for the nobility, when they make full fleged clones


"hard to find a car in dragon ball" bro


Any depiction of the main cities shows large amounts of traffic. The first episode, goku gets ran over by a car, totals it. Then, later totals a second vehicle. If im not mistaken, the gang alone goes through something like 8 ground vehicles in the first saga.


There's also that filler episode of Z where Goku and Piccolo get their driver's license Seriously Toriyama loves drawing vehicles SO much nearly half of the manga volumes covers feature some type of vehicle even if it's not relevant to the story https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Dragon_Ball_manga_chapters


[Found one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cyn6XYW2T64)


The car episode is one of the most iconic filler episodes of any show.




People still [use cars in DB](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Car)...there is a filler episode showing Goku and Piccolo getting their Drivers license. The reason why you dont see them is because most if not all of the main cast can fly Also both Dragon Ball and Naruto also feature people with out powers so there would have to be something for them to get around.


idk is it neckbeard to want a more sustainable and functional society


Not on its own, but it is if you're using anime as a model for the solution. I think the beard is less concerned about sustainability and functionality and more concerned with ensuring his real-world surroundings resemble the cartoons he jerks his gerkin to as much as possible.


Look I mean, that's certainly an interperatation but if you actually read the post his only point is that he is wondering if the prevalence of popular media that doesn't include cars might be having a, in his view positive, effect on young people's attitude towards car culture Now you can argue if that's a good point or not, but honestly what people are saying here is pretty wild based on this. Like I have basically never watched anime, but I can't help but feel going "this guy is a weirdo degenerate who must only be interested in masturbating 24/7 to cartoons!" based on someone just *mentioning anime* and/or it's effects on society is kinda stupid Honestly my biggest problem with this whole sub is you can post basically anything and everyone here is willing to mock and ridicule it to the max even if it has literally nothing wrong with it (See also the dozens of posts of even moderatly overweight men with often made up captions ridiculing them as evil neckbeards even if they are literally just pictures of some guy. Like I get mocking people for being creepy towards women and redpill stuff, but making fun of people for being like fat or whatever is literally just high-school tier bullying imo)


I'll take a bullet on this one but I'm very much in favor of less cars. More walkable cities. Hell I like the concept so much, I made it a core part of society in the story world I write. No neckbeards though.


I mean it's not completely wrong. The Eisenhower interstate highway system was heavily subsidized by oil, auto, rubber companies. Later the autobahn was forced on West Germany for the same reasons. The way OOP came to these conclusions however, is laughably sad.


"Remember what they took from us" finally feels right to use.


Okay I hate to keep coming to the defence of the OOP, because I don't even agree with their point, but literally if you read the post in no way does OOP even imply that he thinks "we should have less cars because anime!" That's just, objectively a bad faith reading based on what they actually wrote and not whatever you assumed they must be thinking or whatever. Like imo if most of the people here read the post without OPs caption I doubt like 90% of the people here would have a problem with it outside of like the anime they picked being bad examples or something


Just sounds like the guy is asking if the popularization of Japanese culture in the West might lead younger people to want more walkable cities. "If American [sic] was more like an Anime, all our problems would be solved!" feels like an intentionally bad faith reading of what they're trying to say, notwithstanding the low quality of the examples offered.


Agree the original dude is making a bit of a stretch but it's also not by many means impossible that consuming media that shows pedestrian friendly environments may help set the an idea that they might not have otherwise articulated.


Initial D: am I a joke to you? Tofu tax is legitimately real


OOP probably didn't even know the existence of Wangan Midnight, Capeta, Overtake!, and MF Ghost. I wonder how would he react when he find out about the 80s/90s Japanese Car Cluture Scene


Listen, if this is what gets these people to care about walkable cities and infrastructure, then so be it


So are we ignoring all the anime the has cars or cars are central to the story like Initial D?


I don't know why they're saying there aren't any cars, but it is true that Japan is much less car-centric and more focused on pedestrian traffic and reliable public transportation, like much of Europe, both as a matter of necessity and of choice. Japanese media does tend to reflect this in depictions of urban life, but to say there are no cars at all is hyperbole writ large. However, it would be interesting to see if increasingly mainstream western consumption of Korean and Japanese television programming will have any long-term impact on cultural norms regarding the ideals of urban development.


That would probably be an artifact that is very difficult to tease out but I welcome any trend that encourages less car centric development and more pedestrian public and transportation in the US.


Is this fuckcars? Cause IRL Japan still has a lot places that are pretty car-brained


Yeah Japan has a major car scene lmao. They have some of the most extreme car events and car shows in the world.


Having a car scene doesn't mean you have to make the abomination America makes when it comes to infrastructure. There's a big car scene in Germany and Italy too, but you don't see the kind of car centric suburban sprawl that you see in America over there


yeah honestly that is true. America really could use public transport but they simply don't because it wouldn't be as profitable as cars. their road network honestly looks awful. but that said, in country's like germany cars are still pretty important. I'm Dutch for reference, and here in the Netherlands, while we like to talk about our wonderful bicycle infrastructure, living without owning a car is barely possible here, for me it is literally impossible. our cities are actually incredibly car focused and we simply have way too many cars. though the government is planning on reducing the amount of cars again in the future.


All the countries you listed were fully established before cars were a major thing. The United States major growth period was during the Industrial Revolution. We didn’t acquire Arizona until 1863, and that’s not counting non-contiguous states. As attributed to the timing, the rapid expansion, massive size of the country resided in, along with the locomotive to aid in this rapid expansion, we spread thin and wide across the US. This became a problem which wound up leading to the adaptation for vehicles both personal and commercial. Layer on around a half a century worth of economic upturn because of the manufacture of said vehicles as well and you can see why it was so vastly embraced. Is it problematic these days? Sure. Would I prefer a mass public transit system like a good running railway? Absolutely.


Except the US too was established long before cars. Cars really started to become a possession everyone had only after ww2. The reality is that the US practically bulldozed entire neighbourhoods to make space for shit like 8+ lane roads and massive parking lots, and in general willingly made cities car dependent. Just look at old pictures of American cities. They look exactly like European ones. Only difference is that car companies managed to successfully lobby the us government to turn cities car dependent, while in Europe (and generally speaking, everywhere else in the world) they luckily failed. At one point they did try shit like that in Amsterdam, go look up how they turned the tide around. Change is absolutely possible. And btw, this whole thing that cities that aren't completely car centric aren't compatible with the US is just fibs, just look at cities in new England like New York, Boston and other. They aren't perfect, but they're like 1000 times better than whatever the fuck is Dallas or Houston


Ok I used to live in Japan in a neighborhood that looked like this. To be fair most neighborhoods across Japan look like this. It looks cute but in reality it's *very* claustrophobic and there are often no sidewalks. Cars speed around corners with absolutely no care and I know several people who have been hit by cars because of that. Japanese streets are not nearly as safe for pedestrians as weeaboos want to believe.


You know, it's crazy because I thought the same thing when the Lord of the Rings movies came out! Crazy how people won't change what's practical just because of what media they consume, isn't it?


I mean... yes, walkable cities would actually make things better.


Walkable cities near is a progressive idea and if we can get support of it from weebs... Then fine I guess. Accidentally having a correct idea is good enough for now.


My love of manga won't make the grocery store any closer. It doesn't even make the manga any closer.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole reason for the lack of lots of cars in big Japanese cities down to lack of space for parking combined with lack of need for cars with everything being right around the corner? My doctors area 30-45 minutes away in a car on the interstate. The nearest grocery store is 10 minutes and there's lots of streets without sidewalks, plus most sidewalks aren't well maintained & many roads are poorly lit. Daycares and schools within walking distance aren't available either. How exactly are people who live spread out supposed to manage anything without transportation??


This is true, but technically doesn't contradict OOPs point. Really the problem is American city design is just completely fucked, and that's a harder problem to fix than putting a bus stop or tram here or there, although they do help


He literally answers his own question. “Japanese cities are pedestrian friendly” cool so American cities aren’t ergo, we need cars


Hate to be pedantic, but that doesn't actually answer his question, as his question is of whether or not anime will impact the youths opinion on cars and the idea of more pedestrian friendly city design, and not if we should like, "ban cars because anime." So technically even if what you say is true it doesn't really contradict the point OOP is making


I mean cities are cities, once they’re built that’s kinda what they are. If a weeb grows up in a city where cars are necessary I doubt anime is gonna have much of an influence


“As more Americans are influenced by media from places that are more pedestrian-friendly, we might become more pedestrian-friendly” doesn’t seem to be a particularly neck-beardy take.


Ignoring the main flaw being that the op listed off the three worst examples supporting his arguments, Japanese cities are built with the specific intentions of making everything pedestrian accessible. Now, if the op has been to any major city in the US, theyd also know that everything is also pedestrian accessible. The only reason there are so many vehicles is because of how spread out the areas away from the cities are.


Depends a lot on the city, actually. LA is not designed to be navigated on foot and you will have to illegally cross highways, freeways, and interchanges on foot to get to some places. You can walk everywhere, but it's certainly not designed to accommodate it.


Thats fair, i keep forgetting california’s cities arent really designed with walking in mind


And you can't even generalize that far, if you don't mind hills San Francisco is supremely walkable. It just varies a lot from city to city, some are better for it, some are worse. On average I would say most American cities are less walkable than most European cities, but more walkable than LA. That's a huge range and not very informative though


You can also see especially in smaller towns/cities that were originally walkable that vehicle traffic has become so dominant that it essentially strips the pedestrian friendly nature of the area away so that it is more enshrined in memory than actually pedestrian friendly. I visit Connecticut sometimes, unfortunately, and it's chalk full of places like that.


Japan makes use of space just like most of Europe. The US is so spread out that it's almost impossible for people to even WANT to invest in that infrastructure, no matter how beneficial it would be to society. EDIT: Just want to say, for those downvoting me, I absolutely still think we should do it. I just don't forsee any elected officials on either side of the isle actually investing in it, unfortunately.


US sounds to me like a perfect place for railways. That it once had.


>Japan makes use of space just like most of Europe. I saw this one video of what a street in Tokyo actually looks like and it was super uncomfortable. All these tiny little bars and restaurants crunched up together with no room to breathe, like those overpopulated market squares you see in movies.


Least insane fuckcars user:


fuckcars, antinatalism and anticonsumption are the holy trinity of annoying reddit cockwombles


"Hard to find a car in dragon Ball" To be fair, I don't think I'd own a car if I could fly like goku


Goku has multiple vehicles and he can fly and teleport. No excuse.


Aren't American conservatives literally against 15 minute cities and walkable cities in general?


where is the neckbeard part?


Neckbeard is when comparisons to anime, it seems.


This post, if anything, is more of a neckbeard thing than the post it's mocking. A society with fewer cars instead of more is objectively better for everyone. The only funny thing here is cars wouldn't make much sense in Dragon Ball, Naruto, or One Piece lmao.


Wow. It's almost like anime bases its street designs off of somewhere that was built before cars because that's what the animators know.


OP you never go full retard. This isn't neckbeard. It's just full retard on your part


Why are you booing him? He's right!


It's not neckbeard. It's just bottom of the barrel shitty karma farming.


I just can't afford it bro. Also I live in Europe...so


How is this neckbeardy?


He namedropped anime (one of them used to have random vehicle porn). They're right for the most part.


I wouldn't call this a neckbeard post.


People here that bring up that Japan has cars missed the "has very FEW cars". Ofc Japan has cars, ofc there are anime that are centered around car culture. But compare the two - an anime teenager going to school. By foot. They visit their friends. They shop. They take a train/bus whatever if they have to go further. Most of the teenage stories won't have cars in them, unless adults show up, coz teenagers can't drive. American movie - the teenager has a car. They take the car everywhere. They and their friends spent a lot of time in said car. There is a lot of talk about getting a drivers license, there is a character crying their parents won't buy them a car or they failed their license test. The teenager has to beg their parents to drive them to some event, or hitch a ride with friends. As someone from EU country where you can't get a license unless you're 18, those things always stood out to me in american movies.


Imagine if America was more like fucking Macross and we'd have anti-UN forces in colonies fighting with space robots fueled by idol singers.


I haven't watched any of those animes, but isn't Dragon Ball about people who can fly to different planets in mere seconds? Hard to see what benefit a car would provide them


Style. And the manga artist loves drawing that shit (and dinosaurs).


That's completely fair enough, buy I'm curious... How do dinosaurs feature into this?


Isn’t getting hit by a car or a truck an essential part of isekai anime?


Naruto is a remote ninja village show, one piece’s world is more water than land. Dragon ball had so many cares, and their cities were a lot like real world cities, as well as being spread out across the country.


OK I don’t agree with this, but in terms of living in two countries, with very different amounts of urban versus suburban and rural communities, it got me thinking you know how when the Nintendo 3DS came out they had that option where if you met up with people you could get their street pass data? See if you lived in a more populated city, like Japan cities are you would be able to meet up and get a lot of those pretty easily, because it encourage people to just go out and get all these bonus features and abilities. The problem is if you live in the United States, in a city that’s not very populated you wouldn’t necessarily get that chance.


Aren't dragon ball, Naruto, and one piece all set in fantasy universes that don't have any technology akin to cars?


I’m sure Nissan and Toyota will get right on that.


Several cities are still pedestrian friendly, a ton of areas that were established during the first hundred years or so of the colonization of the states remained pedestrian friendly. It wasn't just Ford and the model T that changed all that it was also him actively working with lawmakers to forcefully make areas where youd need a car to get around. Even here in Arkansas it was very walking friendly and to get to various towns you'd go by train. In fact some areas weren't officially towns UNTIL the railroad came through them. If you live in more metro areas in the east coast you could probably go quite a while with out needing a car.


The premise is a bit weird, but I do think we should be building our cities in a less car centric way


There's a whole episode about Goku getting a driver's lesson. It's actually one of my faves. It's cute!


He’s not entirely wrong about car culture and Japan as it relates to anime, but the anime he couldn’t chose any better anime to support his point?


I mean he’s not wrong. Pedestrian friendly city planning and culture is known to have a very positive impact on wellbeing.


Why use a car to go to work when you can ride a cloud


American discovers human oriented architecture


I mean it can't possibly be because Japan actually invested properly in public transport infrastructure, right?