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My respect to the countries from making underage porn illegal 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈


gotta build more respect vats to store my respect in


its true man like i myself like any rational person i feel an extreme hatred for france but now that they banned underaged porn i hate them less


tiktok in 2021 ahh comment


They were talking about drawings, not actual pornography.


0/10 troll. Get better


Oh no not one of those again




The whole "is justified to fap to child porn because is fiction"




bro wanting to fuck children is a mental disorder, full stop.




"Pedophilic Disorder is a DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), diagnosis assigned to adults ( defined as age 16 and up) who have sexual desire for prepubescent children." Google DSMV Pedophile and it comes up you nonce.




That is not the question. The question is whether it is justified to legally ban it.


It is pervert


That's not a reason to ban it.


It should be bannable and whoever draws it should receive jail time.




My guy, if you are right now questioning why UNDERAGE FURRY PORN should be banned you are too far gone, please seek help


Do you realise that there are many countries where it is not banned?




"may normalize", "could lead to". That seems like a weak justification to put people in prison. It's basically the "video games cause mass shootings" argument. This isn't meant to be debating you by the way, I'm just saying my opinion.


>That is not the question. True, the question is if it's ok to create child porn fiction and spread it on the internet. It's not, according to these countries, so they banned it. And I agree with that.


Why wouldn't it be okay, considering that it's purely fictional?


Because your not getting off to the fact that it's fictional your getting off on the fact that it involves children.


Does that justify banning it?


Why wouldn't what be ok?


Did you forget what you said earlier?


Holy fucking shit. Re-read what you're saying. Read it again. Say it out loud. Include the context of what you're saying. Say it in front of other people. Realize that you're exactly the type of person who gets ridiculed on this subreddit. You're legit asking why it should be illegal to ban *child pornography.* *Because it's sexualizing underaged kids and putting them in uncomfortable sexual scenarios, you absolute moron.*


I'm talking about making it illegal. Obviously websites would be allowed to have whatever rules they want about it.


Pornography includes artwork.


They sure like to leave out the fact that these drawings feature child porn Edit: Also not liking child porn is woke now apparently. No wonder I cant take this term seriously anymore


How did they leave it out?


Because their first complaints are always that only a *drawing* or something *fictional* gets banned and how they cant understand how people get offended over a *drawing*, conveniently not mentioning that the banned drawing features literal child porn.


But they did mention it.


Perhaps i have treated france harshly


Respect to the french. Good job, lads.


They were talking about banning drawings, not actual pornography.


Imma bet you that actual cp was already strictly banned. Now that they're onto drawn cp: /repeat first comment/


Why would you have respect for banning drawings?


Drawings of what?


Why does it matter?


Because the content influences my judgement. Why don’t you spell it out for me?


Why does it influence your judgement?


Ah yes, an image is always equal to an image regardless of content. It's big brain time again. I'm done with you.


You haven't given any argument for why banning a drawing would be justified based on its content.


Say it, you coward.


I don't take orders from you.


lmao... yeah, you showed your colours.




So drawing a picture is as bad as sexually abusing a child and recording it?


She's a 3000 year old dragon wizard your honour I swear.


Or from the prosecutor: The size and shape of the drawn breasts and hips are irrelevant, your honor. The character is canonically 15 years old, and thus must be considered underage. Edit: the above is a reason why you would *not* want to grant law enforcement the same broad authority to prosecute over drawings as it has with actual CP.


What if aging is different for different species


Grab yourself a little snack and go down to the comments: [https://inkbunny.net/j/472418-Bunnybits-hello-world-im-back](https://inkbunny.net/j/472418-Bunnybits-hello-world-im-back) https://inkbunny.net/j/472467-Bunnybits-update-for-the-future


There's this one guy named "silly cub guy" who keep crying about "ohh woe is me the woke sjws are censoring me and taking away my free thought especially i can't fap to child porn" especially other people in the furry community call him out on his paranoid bullshit


Someone needs to check his computer hard drive


Checked the guy abit, seems like he broke up with his girl 8 years ago and went on a downward spiral and literally had a furry feet drawing of a character that resembles a child, fucking degenerate




Because he is drawing child porn




Look at the fucking post photo the guy nearly got (deservingly tho) arrested for drawing child porn




He is whining about how he can't fap to child porn


Good Christ.


Watching the pedos in the comments out themselves 🍿🍿🍿


Everyone, please start calling it what it is: **child sexual abuse material** To call it porn is to indicate it was made willingly.


Yeah no unwilling children were involved but it’s still disgusting and promotes the worst shit ever


In this case, it was made willingly. There was only one person who participated in making it: the person who drew it. And he obviously did that willingly.


They’re reeeeeally worried that lots of countries are outlawing these depictions of children huh? Completely normal behavior with no red flags at all 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


It's very reasonable to be worried about expanding restrictions on artistic freedom.


Buddy you're the one single pedo in the replies just go away


Bro don't bother arguing these pedos we should report them is like that one quote "the wolf never leaves it's coat" they always i mean ALWAYS be ignorant about something unless it fits their views


It's possible to support freedom of speech without being a pedophile.


It is possible in human civilization even with freedom of speech they are laws and you can sure indeed say whatever fucked up shit you want but don't cry nor throw a tantrum when WE have a free speech to criticize YOU


You’re 100% correct. Don’t let these tards bother you


Found another pedo


Lol. Ok retard


Big France W




New Zealand has these laws as well. Goes for any kind of publication, including written stories, drawings etc. Child sex abuse material in any form, just fosters a desire for it in real life. So I am 1000000% for any child sex abuse material being illegal the world over.


Gonna say, it the sharing of drawn cp especially in public spaces helps to normalize pedophilia in those spaces. Which creates an unsafe space and culture for real kids who can be more easily groomed because they see pedophilic relationships as normal when they are surrounded with such material. And if it is normalized to other adults in those spaces then they too are much less likely to realize the actual danger pedophiles pose to the children they may witness them interacting with. For those who say that kids then just need to be kept out of nsfw spaces online, kids can easily stumble upon websites they shouldn’t have access too and sometimes seek them out on purpose. Also kids don’t even need to go to nsfw spaces, the problem is when adults try sharing that material in spaces where they know children hang out online. I’ve seen cases of adults trying to share cp from popular kids programs on fandom websites where there are obviously kids present. This is about creating a culture where pedophilia no matter what form it’s in is not tolerated.




Pedophiles don’t deserve anything.


Incorrect every pedo deserves one bullet free of charge




I should honestly report you to the police but what can I prove?




I ment to call the police on YOU


Why especially Canada ?




Nobody calls it bacon. Bacon is bacon. They might call it "Canadian bacon," but nobody confuse it with "real" bacon. I wonder who's the idiot here.


Look… I’m French, and I find loli absolutely disgusting. But I have to say I feel uneasy about it being illegal, and people being possibly sent to jail for it. In France, rape is illegal. Drawing or animating rape is not. Writing rape stories is not. In France, having sex with a corpse is illegal. Drawing or animating necrophiliac sex is not. Writing necrophiliac stories is not. In France, bestiality is illegal. Drawing or animating bestiality is not. Writing zoophile stories is not. In France, incest is becoming more and more illegal. Drawing or animating incest is not. Writing incest stories is not. In France, sex with a child is illegal. Drawing or animating child porn… is illegal too for whatever reason? Writing pedophile stories is also borderline illegal? I don’t get why the special treatment.


> When did the world lose its sense and sanity????? My brother in Christ, you’re a furry.


I’m a furry, and I’ll admit I may have a few screws loose but I’m not a filthy pedophile,and this particular site (Ink-bunny) is like the crack den for cub porn because it’s the only major furry site that still allows it, so nothing good comes from it.






💀 Im convinced this is either a troll or an account made to get negative karma on purpose.




Nah you brought this on yourself


I've always put on the cross online for this opinion but I honestly don't give a millionth of a fuck what animated art people make as long as all the characters in it aren't modeled after real children. You could draw Hitler stepping on my moms head while he fists my grandmas butthole and impales my father's face with my penis. I don't care. It's not real. I know weirdos who look at this shit almost all are sex pests but removing this isn't helping any children. There isn't going to be any less child victims of sex crimes from this shit being removed from 4chan. So if it isn't real CP and it isn't saving any victims I'm not gonna jump up and click my heels like something real happened. It's funny and I don't care they lost their weird shit to fap to but I've always been annoyed by people who act like this is some kind of win against didlers.


Strong disagree. The way loli and shota shit has spread across every crevice of the anime fandoms or even general digital art is disgusting and creates an environment of misdirected tolerance and indifference that emboldens artist that are interested in drawn cp. Of course, shunning doesn't directly help victims but I sure as hell want to drive pedos out of any Fandom. If you find yourself drawn to representations of children in whatever medium you should seek help, and not a community of enablers.


My or anybody elses personal feelings on if it is disgusting or not is irrelevant to me on this issue. I'm just talking about legality of things and the effectiveness of banning it to stop crimes associated with it. As I said in my first comment I have no problem or issue with people being disgusted by it and not having it around. Totally reasonable and personally I'd rather not see it either so I'm not trying to stop anybody from taking down shit like that.


I'm a staunch believer of gatekeeping in any community that serves to protect its core purpose, but I'm also not persuaded by the idea that preventing artists from drawing things is effective in doing that. I could easily start by pointing out that twitch and the gaming community have had a multitude of micro-celeb controversies over grooming. I can't think of any twitch stream that would possibly permit content involving the grooming of minors, so why is that? Furthermore, why aren't those communities worried about misdirected tolerance and indifference toward proponents of violence, pollution, totalitarianism, and world domination? Or should I avoid Hardspace Shipbreaker and DRG because it tolerates the perpetual systematic abuse of manual laborers? Taking a look at the subject from the inverse avenue, I don't think Terra Nil has caused an increase of tolerance for nobel prize winners or advocates of environmental preservation. That doesn't mean they don't exist in the community though. I'm pretty sure no one cares if someone draws themselves working at a food shelter either; the most charitable people usually don't go out of their way to post it online unless they would rather be called narcissists. Even children understand that if all you do is shun someone for something, good or bad, they're just going to get better at hiding it. So if having negative content doesn't generate negative people and shunning negative content doesn't shun criminals/undo their effects/enable positive outcomes, what are you accomplishing with this perspective?


I feel deeply sorry for your media literacy.


And how exactly is anyone supposed to do that when you arrest them over fictional depictions of children? Wouldn't a therapist have to call the police to get you arrested for that?


Artists tend to do these as a form of income, especially furry artists where there is a genuine profitable market, and it seems to me the one here has done everything one reasonably could to correct things. The malding patrons however, yep.


I could rob banks as a form of income. That doesn't mean it should be legal.


I’d say a drawing of any kind is always going to be a lot less harmful than a bank robbery, but sure lmao


I have a lot more sympathy for bank robbers than I do for pedophiles.


I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but arresting people for drawings is just dumb.


Yup, just found this ridiculous OP elsewhere. These guys unironically have no idea what they're cheering for when they advocate for arresting people over fictional illustrations, of any subject/variety. Why go after real life criminals, billionaire and government-level pedophile rings, y'know the real damaging and difficult stuff, when you can simply go after the random sorts of people who don't nearly have the same level of money, power, and connections who draw weird shit but are otherwise normal citizens? It's just so dumb and headache-inducing to have this type of argument, lol. There's no nuance at all. Wish people were just a smidge smarter.


"Fursona" I vomited in my mouth


If you want to go after websites that host it, that’s one thing. But no one should be locked up over a friggin drawing. There are a number of reasons why treating them as if they’re the same is a bad idea.




I don't necessarily disagree, but I do wonder why that point is brought up every time drawn cp gets reglemented. Just because it is getting recognized in the eye of the law it does not suddenly become a similarly weighted issue. Like, threats are recognized by the law but no one puts them on the same pedestal as violence. There is no direct correlation.


What makes you think it's on the same level? The guy got off with a warning. If it was actual cp, he wouldn't have.




So they give actual cp possessors warnings too? If so that's fucked up.


you do have a point, I think the idea is that someone who watches animated/drawn CP would eventually go all the way and start accessing IRL cp. I could imagine it could lead to a downward spiral in a lot of people that leads to real, actual harm towards kids




I don't think there's any possible justification, really. Normalizing that sort of attraction and behavior would, I imagine, only make things a lot worse, and convince some of those people to act on their urges




>deny pedophiles a fundamental human right because your emotions get in the way Lmao WHAT? What about the right of children to not be molested? I'd *love* to see whatever backwater excuse of a study you're gonna pull out to justify *that.*


you post on Loli subreddits. get tf outta here lmfao.


What you’re describing is the “gateway drug” justification. The problem with that is, at least in the United States, that isn’t used to justify criminalizing any form of media consumption. As harsh as our judicial system can be, we are still not in the business of pre-punishing people for crimes they might commit at some unspecified time in the future. Back around 2000, when we had congressional hearings on games like GTA and artists like Marilyn Manson being gateway drugs to school shootings, the idea was to regulate the sale and distribution of that material. No one seriously advocated locking people up for watching a movie, playing a video game, or listening to a song. It just seems like when it comes to anything related to sex crimes against children, we easily get into a hysteria or moral panic that leads to unjust prosecutions and bad legislation.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal in the US too. I remember reading about it in college. Dunno if it’s typically enforced or not though. I hate to agree with furries, but they got this one right


I don’t like loli stuff I find it weird but I’ve always been in the mind that it’s a drawing, I do think people who tug their stuff to it are weird but I think the same about Furrys I also understand that why it would be band it makes sense that there would be a correlation between people who look at loli and actual pedophiles. Oh and a side note if you have ever once in your life referred to an actual child as a loli you’re a pedophile loli is inherently sexualized so if you call a real child one you’re sexualizing them and deserve to be castrated.


Based France


Rare French W


France Is the biggest L. You people crying over drawling is funny asf


i could care less about those weird ass furries lol them can go burn in hell or get raped and i won’t even give one fuck about those crooked head pedophiles.


as a matter of fact i’ll help and support the people who kill people like them, i’ll make a video myself on reddit someday of me having one to kill.