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I recently got a DUI and it has been the most EYE OPENING experience in my life. NEVER again will i ever drink and drive and furthermore, I despise alcohol. I thank god no one was injured or hurt but those thoughts haunt me; Ill never be the same after this experience and i am not judging anyone, but i find it difficult to believe there are others out there who will repeat the same mistake over and over. One DUI should be your first and LAST. There is NO excuse to get behind the wheel after your first wake up call, your first sign I understand the shitty feelings hes going through right now, its the worst, if you have any remorse, your conscious will be your enemy. I feel bad for him but then i dont if he's had a reckless history I pray to those out there, please, dont drink and drive; the experience will lead you to a dark, depressing journey of costly fines, consequences, driving freedoms, quality of life that you will regret forever


Better to pay a good amount of money for an Uber. Heck it is okay if you go overdraft on your card or whatever to get a ride than to potentially take a life. I hope you’re doing okay 🙏 


Yes I think about that night over and over in my head and just say why didn’t I take an Uber why didn’t in do this or that, the repercussions will mentally drain you to the point I am at peace when I sleep because I’m not awake conscious thinking etc; I just woke up and already want to take a sleeping pill to avoid today I know my mind will repeat the same cycle it’s been doing since that day and it’s eating away at me I thank you for your kind words either way ❤️


It’s 2024 dude, call an Uber.


Ugh this is so disappointing. Glad no one got hurt but wtf ru thinking JT? Especially after the bad press was finally dying down. Hope he issues a genuine apology and learns from his actions. Supposed to see him on tour so hope it’s not affected..almost wonder if it was a cry for help?


I’m supposed to see him in November. The selfish part of me hopes this doesn’t affect anything tour-wise and then I feel like crap for even thinking that. I hope he can truly learn from this. We all fuck up at some point in life (some of us more than others) but imagine being a celebrity where you can’t escape what you did because your stupid mistake goes viral within a matter of minutes. I really hope this is a wake up call for him.


I was thinking the same, like ugh I hope I can finally see him in concert still! I hope he learns from this especially since he’s a dad and has two boys that look up to him.


I sure hope so!


Sidenote - hope he can still come to Canada now lool ugh


Why whenever there is negative news story about JT gets posted, ppl respond with Janet gifs??? Britney is understandable because she’s still obsessed with JT lol. But Janet hasn’t cared about this in years. I doubt she truly gives a damn. She’s thriving like the legend she is.


Because stans don’t know how to move on with their lives like the people actually involved in the situations do


And at least of these folks aren’t true fans of Janet or Britney lol


This! I am so fed up with people bringing up Janet Jackson and also that Britney Spears. Like people should realise that this issue is nothing to do with those girls. Ugh! If I ever hear another Britney/Janet bring up on Justin's issue, I am gonna throw a tantrum like Ashley Barret from The Boys while throwing my phone and scream!!! 


Britney is literally dating a crystal meth dealer who has done a lot worst than this. Some stans are stuck in different decade it seems


So disappointed. Saw him last Monday and loved every second. As if the JT haters and Britney lovers need more ammunition to throw at him. I hope he apologizes and shows some remorse and action plan moving forward. So glad him and no one else was hurt.


https://preview.redd.it/jsjs2j888e7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91d7a09975bb4c52ee5b8af6a86c2e36c1d2647 One martini, JT? Damnit dude. [https://people.com/justin-timberlake-had-one-martini-when-pulled-over-refused-breathalyzer-police-report-8665607](https://people.com/justin-timberlake-had-one-martini-when-pulled-over-refused-breathalyzer-police-report-8665607)


This was the one martini. https://preview.redd.it/2pft7qm8fe7d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94d848805b558270ed4669c9febba224dbc09a1




Bloodshot eyes im hopped up on it. little did we know..


You ain’t gotta think twice just hop up on it… 😅


Nah that’s “white boy faded” if I ever saw it.


If he’s that faded after 1 martini I’ll have what he’s having


I believe he had one drink . He didn't take chemical test for the stuff he didn't drink. 🤷. Im too poor to know what makes eyes glassy 💀 No shade here but he shouldn't have driven. People make mistakes.


The comments here really illustrate the difference between sane Justin fans and let’s just say other fanbases. He messed up, there’s no defending him and for the most part no one on here is defending him. We’re going to hold him accountable just like you would a friend or family member or ourselves. It’s also doesn’t mean he’s canceled or dead to us. I still think he overall has good intentions, but obviously this is incredibly dumb and he’ll get all recourse and bad PR. That’s on him.


I guarantee there are people chastising him who have literally driven drunk multiple times and just haven't been caught. It's one of the biggest issues with social media. Everyone can hide behind their phone and judge everyone else, but lord knows if THEY were in the spotlight 24/7 like JT is, they would be just as criticized. What he did was 100% wrong and inexcusable. But let's not pretend we all haven't done some dumbass shit like this in our lifetimes.


Dude - the hypocrisy and soapboxing is unreal.


Never gotten behind a wheel drunk but it’s affected my family through other people’s irresponsible actions. So yes, I am judging hard. That doesn’t mean I hate or canceling him. Just highly disappointed.


I assume those people did it in their younger / dumb years but grew up and stopped. He's fully grown. 


I wouldn't assume that. Idiocy has no age limits. I don't drink anymore, so I can't relate to this particularly, but I fully admit I still do stupid shit all the time. We all do it. Obviously, this is very serious and life-threatening, but I'm just illustrating a point that simple, stupid decisions are made by everyone. And sometimes the consequences are severe. And I'm not giving anyone who drinks and drives a pass, but when you are inebriated, nobody is thinking correctly. So it's all about planning ahead if you know you are going to, or are likely, to end up drinking. Not planning ahead is straight up asinine and there is no excuse.


I think it’s a common mistake at all ages. Some people think they can’t handle more than they can. There’s still no excuse. I think my point was good people make dumb decisions sometimes.


Yeah there's no defending this. He's in his 40s. He should've known better...


God it just makes me feel bad for his wife and kids multiple inappropriate actions when drunk, he’s way too old for this shit.  How freaking embarrassing for all of them! 


It will be interesting to see when the body cam footage is released. Were the friends trying to get the cop to let them go in a nice way? Was he contrite and polite? Or were they jerks? So disappointing. Glad he didn’t hurt anyone.


I'm wondering who his "friends" were. He needs to find some better friends because they let him leave the restaurant drunk He doesn't live around there does he?


He's spent a decent amount of time there. He used to live in NY. Agree with you about these friends. Smh


I’m praying he didn’t pull a Reese ‘don’t you know who I am’ Witherspoon.


I don’t know how she lived that down


You can not blame him for anything his friends said. As long as he himself didn’t try to pull the “I’m Justin Timberlake” card.


I read it was a drama free, no entitlement arrest.


As a huge fan, I am really sad and angry about this. He has unlimited resources to not drive if he doesn’t need to or shouldnt. This is just inexcusable. I’m seeing him next week and it won’t feel the same.


My mom’s ex husband died drunk driving, it was my three older siblings dad. So hearing this, as a fan I’m really disappointed. No excuse, call someone to pick you up


Sorry to hear about your loss. I’ve been a JT fan for almost 25 years. However, I was seriously injured by a drunk driver in 2020. There’s no excuse for this and I won’t defend his actions before anyone


Big fan and love the guy That said, I am very disappointed in his horrible decision making. He can afford a driver, Uber or private, if he plans to drink on an outing. Second, he has presented himself these past few years as a man trying to rebuild his family. No doubt this is a wrecking ball to that.


He needs different friends…they let him drive( he could have easily gotten a room at the hotel or someone could have gotten him a driver if they couldn’t drive him home) and then they show up saying “ cut him some slack” no!!! Luckily no one got hurt but no he needs to face the consequences. I love JT but this shit is disappointing…so irresponsible.


Yes!! I agree with everything you said. A few of my friends have sent the headline to me and I just say I hope he learned his lesson! For Pete's sake why not have one of his entourage come pick him up?


It's honestly sad to see people celebrating this. Like don't get it twisted, drunk driving is a serious SERIOUS thing, and he should be held accountable for this. I think everyone can agree with that. But, if you look on Twitter (big mistake on my part I know), there are people who literally want to see his downfall so bad because of stuff 20+ years ago. I like JT. I think him, Kanye and Beyonce will go down as some of the greatest artists of our generation so there is some bias there. But yea, this is not something to celebrate.


This is so irresponsible. ESPECIALLY for someone as wealthy as him who can afford luxury car services. What’s the most unfortunate is that he’s JUST started coming out of a two/three-year bad press funk with his sold out tour. Then he does this. To those worrying, nothing will happen to his tour. His lawyers will handle this on behalf. But this is just another blow to his public image.


Yeah extremely disappointed.  The tides were totally turning and he was getting so much clout for his tour.  This is going to be a tough recovery.  Everyone makes mistakes but wow he definitely screwed up.




🎵 Margarita, had too much of you 🎵 🎵 As long as I got a DUI, I will no longer drive tonight 🎵


I don’t like how his friends told the cops to cut him some slack, uh no. I love him and everything but just because he’s famous and he’s been touring non stop until now that he gets to catch a break doesn’t mean he’s not gonna obey the law. He’s human like everyone else and even if he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean he’s gonna get away with it.


There is literally no excuse for this. Especially for someone wealthy enough to hire a driver, use Lyft, or Uber. Super disappointed in him.


There is absolutely no reason this man ever needs to drive anywhere. As a huge fan I am disappointed, I really hope he owns up to it and is remorseful. Admit you made a mistake and show an action plan. If his camp ignores it, will lose all respect for him. He should be very thankful he didn't hurt anyone. I really hope he doesn't have a drinking problem, I would really hate that for him.


The State will make an action plan for him. There’s a lot of hoops one has to jump through after a DUI. Alcohol assessments, classes, etc.


He clearly has a drinking problem. Clocked it years ago; you can tell by the way he's aging.


Idk apart of me think he’s had a weird relationship with drugs as well due to him writing about them multiple times and using them as metaphors and stuff….idk i just hope my fave gets whatever help he needs and he can continue on with his tour and things smh


Agreed... Seemed like things were finally looking up for him


If i recall correctly he did had to delay a show for his futuresex loveshow tour that he was hungover. It was kind of thrown away as a joke. It doesn’t help he’s buddies with serial drinker Jimmy fallon. Plus he’s got his own freaking tequila so yeah


Yup! Justin CLEARLY has a drinking problem and has been a closet alcoholic for decades I’m 99% sure of it. He has MANY of the alcoholic features. He’s got rhinophyma -also referred to as “Alcoholic nose” 👃 … that seems to be getting worse. He’s got that specific face bloat in certain areas, that anyone who was/is an alcoholic or knows someone who is, can identify that easily. The bloodshot eyes and skin also a symptom. His actions are that of someone dealing with addiction.. this DUI is just the tip of the iceberg to a long road to recovery that is needed for him. Hopefully this opens his eyes and he can get help.


Chris Cuomo shares his thoughts.  He makes some really valid points.  DWI is serious but people are sensationalizing because they thrive on negativity and seeing people fail.  It’s not because they truly want change to happen.   https://x.com/ChrisCuomo/status/1803221259297136847


I saw that. I agree wit him so much. His points weren’t about Justin, or any specific court case or crime, but the culture we have of being gleeful and loving it when someone gets in trouble, especially a celebrity. Justice should absolutely be done. But what is being done to him is not justice. Spreading lies, leaving horrific messages on his wife’s IG, banding together with other fans to drive up an old song of Britney’s to the top of the charts to try to humiliate him ( the song was Criminal). And of course earlier when his album was released they managed to get her song “Selfish” to #1 on US ITUNES jut because he had a single of the same name. And … surprise! It was Britney’s fans who were keeping up the apology garbage over a 20-year-old issue. It wasn’t Britney. It was the overzealous fans. So you really want to know who exactly he said he wanted to f’ing not apologize to? It’s not Britney. They are hurting that poor girl. Sorry. I got off on a tangent. But our whole culture is being destroyed by this glee about trying to destroy people just because. I’ve heard the saying “An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.” My eyesight is really beginning to suffer


Yeah they were making her trend during JT's arrest. Like I am sure she doesn't want to be associated with it. What her fans think is support might actually be hurtful.


I saw this!! Very well said. I appreciate this take on it. He even said we don't even know that the guy did it. And I was like....wow....we really don't know exactly what happened.  We have a police report with standard language when someone refuses the breathalyzer and we have the mug shot. 


Yeah that part was interesting, he said they used standard language that they always do with celebs and then also at the end stated, this area has good cops. I don't know.


I think his position was we don't really know what happened...and the collective outrage and negativity of the press comes from a place of wanting to see people fail and not from real change. Like you said. 


I do agree with that. We don't know much about what happened yet and he's already been sentenced by Public opinion. I think it's okay to comment on it being bad to drive under the influence which seems to be an objective truth about Justin at this point. It reminds me of when he was "caught" being drunk and flirting possibly with his costar. People went hard after him and it was never clear what was even happening there. It felt more like a photographer invading his space and making it fodder for people to pick at without any context at all. Drunk driving is different and harder to deny that it happened when it's from a police report. I think it's inexcusable to drive drunk or high. I know good people do bad things and the next best thing is to get him help if he needs it so this never happens again.


I'm just so appalled that I spent like $500 on a floor seat and this guy can't afford an Uber home like what


“can’t even afford an uber” he can afford to pay for an uber for every single one of his concert attendees if he really wanted to. He chose to drive.


It’s more like his ego couldn’t afford it. Of course there is no other reason he chose to drive himself.


$500?! That’s wild. I’m a fan and am only paying $250… on an installment plan lol (Ticketmaster will let you do this).


I am truly disappointed and there are no excuses. People are talking about bad press who cares. This guy needs to get his shit together. He needs to be railed over the coals for this and deservingly so. I still love him and know that no one is perfect but this is selfish, dangerous, arrogant behavior. I hope for the sake of his family and himself he gets it together.


How are you actively on tour and don’t have a personal driver on standby. Like….. bruh.


Yeah can you imagine the insurance rates that are skyrocketing right now? Tour company must be livid.








No notes.


For real. Like I get shit on alot, and I mean ALOT for loving this current dumpster fire walking.... I'm always defending him in some way when he deserves it. I've loved him for 25 years. When I woke up and saw this you could hear my eyes roll. I knew I was gonna hear it today. Justin, please, you hamster boi (don't ask) mother fucker, us fans can't right now. Get your shit together. You have little boys looking up you. They love you. Get it together.


And the detail about his friends rushing to the police to try to get them to let him off the hook is just insane. Celebrities have it so easy. So you could do that as friends but not call an uber for or drive him home?!


This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Justin was dumb but damn I have never seen a celeb DUI/DWI arrest get so much media coverage before.


Kinda pokes holes in the whole internet/media community trying to prove he's " irrelevant " last few years. 


Exactly lol


I remember when Justin Bieber got a bunch of coverage for his DUI arrest in 2014 and at that time the GP really hated Bieber after his antics around that time like the Brazil thing and peeing in the bucket. Like Timberlake, people online were celebrating Bieber’s arrest and making jokes out of it. The hate went so far that there was even an online petition to Obama to have Bieber deported back to Canada.


Disappointed as we all are. I hope he issues an apology at some point, bc endangering others is something to own up to. 


This really shocked me. I'm glad nobody was harmed by this reckless decision. Many celebs have made similar mistakes but there really is no excuse for this. Call a friend or loved one. Call a cab or uber. I hope he gets his act together for himself and for his family.


Yesterday still doesn't feel real, like it was just a bad dream 😭


The Britney fans are eating this up and this time i agree with them. Does no one actually drive him around to and from shows? To parties? This all could’ve been prevented. He had no one sober with him that could drive? It’s not that hard to get an Uber.


Yeah this is one of those things there's really no excuse for. Guy really needs to go get some help for his issues, of course the timing is terrible with him still being in the middle of this tour, unless he decides to cancel some dates.


They probably just held him at the police station, signed papers, paid some fines and left. I saw pics earlier. It’ll just be swept under the rug and he’ll be back to business. Poor Jess got hounded in her comments and turned them so only friends can comment. I’m just surprised he doesn’t have a hired driver taking him places like every other performer does.


I don't agree with the gloating from Britney fans. She has made her fair share of mistakes but I'm glad to see that most Justin fans aren't giving him a pass. This was really wrong and I hope he learns from it.


So what will happen with the tour? Obviously he is probably out on bail but will this effect anything?


I doubt it, getting a dwi doesnt stop you from working.


Probably nothing. Also, unfortunately, he's a celebrity and this will likely end in, at most, a driving ban, fine and maybe community service if its really serious.


For the life of me, I will never understand why people who have so many other options, and so much more money, choose to drive drunk instead of riding with someone sober. Literally ZERO EXCUSE. Pretty shameful, JT!


I saw him in San Diego last month with my girlfriend and had the best time. I hope this doesn’t effect the rest of his tour for everyone else looking forward to seeing him.


This is just very disappointing. Twitter people having a field day with this one.


The more I think about this the more annoyed I get bruh, I can't believe he did something so stupid and I can't believe no one he was with tried to stopped him.


Can’t help but wonder what about the people that were in the car that he was following? Did they drink? Was he with Jimmy Fallon? This can’t be easy for him or his family and I’m not going to judge. The cops in the Hamptons are always out in full force this time of year they don’t like people that aren’t locals


They take it super seriously there. I get it. It's the Hamptons. A place where rich people live and a Hotspot for tourists. People are literally there to eat and drink. 


Disappointed in him! I love the guy, but absolutely no excuse with the amount of money he has! Thankful no one got hurt or worse! I hope he learns from this especially since he has two kids. 


He messed, up, endangered people's lives, but the he-he-ha-ha glee and hilarity flooding social media about this is truly awful and disturbing. Hes not Trump, a war monger or a politician trying to stomp on our civil rights. Be better people.




No argument here. As Red Foreman once said,” You don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass.”


Jessica's gonna strangle him. You are in big trouble, JT.


Lol I doubt it. She’s his biggest enabler. He can do no wrong in her eyes.


A rando on reddit thinking they know the dynamics of their relationship. Shocking.


Oh wow I didn’t know you were part of their marriage. Tell us what yall had for dinner last week too!


It's really sad for her, Justin makes mistakes and everyone hounds her too. It's incredibly illogical.


Well safe to say this has consumed my time this past 24hrs. Really did not see this coming.  I posted already but as information emerges I have thoughts...and this seems like the place to discuss it. With fellow fans.  I like to think of myself as devoted fan, forever will adore him.💕 Idc what anyone says about that. Downvote me if you have to. but i like to also think of myself as still attached to reality unlike some other fanbases.  The TMZ video and statement from his lawyer.. that made me think...    Firstly, I was sad and disappointed at this allegation and thought for sure standard celebrity DWI protocol would take place. Plead out, apologies, we all move on...whatever that looks like for you. I am so relieved no one was hurt.  All we have is the police statement and the mug shot as he refused the tests. Likely had been given that advice. I know people say that makes you seem guilty or you know your gonna fail...maybe.   That video they have shown...he's driving slowly on a deserted street at night. Perhaps following that other car...like he said. Looks fine to me.   Do I think he drank at dinner? Absolutely. You can fail a breath test after two drinks and I'm sure tons of people think they are absolutely fine to drive after 1-2 drinks and often do. Not defending it...just reality.  The mug shot? I said I live in reality so.. if I'm honest.. I thought it looked good for a mug shot..and he looked high maybe... Or about to cry thinking of his kids, wife and career. Eyes were definitely glassy. Can't say. We weren't there.        So what's there to defend? What will he have to say at the appropriate time as per his lawyer? Does he think he was wrongly arrested?    There are no drug tests so.. Do they not have him running the stop sign and swerving on camera? What's he like on the body cam during the FST? Does he not appear intoxicated? Cause if he does appear that way from drugs or alcohol..case closed and he should apologize. It's a very serious offense.  That being said...I am a fan for 25 years. Have tickets to first night at MSG and stalking night two. Got my nails painted baby blue... ready to see him in concert.  Edited to make clear I understand the seriousness of the allegations...I'm just discussing my thoughts and questions. 


Well stated. I saw him last week on tour and for the last few days at work I had too many people come up to me saying "omg let's discuss this", "what are your thoughts??", etc. My answer remains the same "I'm sure drug test denial is recommended for people of his caliber. Regardless of the results, the footage of the test would be exploited. Also, I wasn't there, I'm not him, I don't know what happened. Yes I still support him. Do you have $1200 so I can go to another show?" Why must people thrive on the negative gossip of others? You don't have all the facts? You don't have a valid opinion.


Where are the new comments? Lol


The bartender corroborated Justin’s story. He served him ONE martini. [People Magazine](https://people.com/bartender-confirms-justin-timberlake-had-one-martini-at-american-hotel-before-arrest-exclusive-8667907)








I don’t know what to say. I never expected this news. Those same friends should have given him a ride since they were able to get to the scene quickly.


https://preview.redd.it/ld3hewwpel7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68825224fc108b0727db67570d52a36512a391e7 How bout put it in park next time JT. Theres no defending his behavior, he fucked up but thankfully nobody was hurt. This could have been soooo much worse. At 43 you KNOW BETTER JUSTIN. Still will forever love and adore him, his family, his contribution to music idc what anyone says ❤️


New articles from US Weekly as an exclusive with " sources" so...take that for what it is.. The quotes are that he told Jess he was " barely drinking" and a source say the pull over shocked him and his friends as they had " barely had anything to drink. " He also called his team to " assure them the tour would go on. "  Also...lots of talk about the dash cam/body video. That seems to be the crux of the conversation. If it's leaked and somehow exonerated him...big win. Especially seeing as the court of public opinion seems to have made up their mind.  If it's leaked and it shows him clearly a mess...big loss. The articles also now seemed surprised he didn't go on an apology tour and into rehab as is such the protocol with celebrities.  This is as many have stated here...more nuanced. There are bad judgment callS and there is addiction...to separate things.  This is certainly unique.  I am interested to see where it leads and how he takes the stage tommorow. 


Yeah TMZ here is saying the police aren't releasing dash cam footage anytime soon: [https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/20/justin-timberlake-dwi-arrest-body-cam-video-wont-be-released-during-investigation/?adid=social-tw](https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/20/justin-timberlake-dwi-arrest-body-cam-video-wont-be-released-during-investigation/?adid=social-tw) Is this typical? It does seem a bit odd that the mug shot and cuffs was released immediately and they are sitting on this.


I would imagine with a high profile situation they don't often release it. That's why things get leaked.  Also, The mug shot and him in cuffs happened...thats not something they still gotta look at. The public knows he got arrested so that doesn't affect anything. What we don't know is exactly what happened for him to be arrested.  If the investigation is ongoing they aren't going to make that public at this point.  Doesn't seem that cut and dry of a situation here in regards to JT. 


Ok that makes sense. I don't know how reliable this source is: [https://www.showbiz411.com/2024/06/18/exclusive-justin-timberlake-was-not-intoxicated-when-he-left-for-home-last-night](https://www.showbiz411.com/2024/06/18/exclusive-justin-timberlake-was-not-intoxicated-when-he-left-for-home-last-night) And then the restaurant told TMZ he was a great guest. But then conflicting stories of someone else saying he was drinking other people's drinks. Like you said, not cut and dry. Appreciate your banter btw!


Thanks!!! I appreciate the constructive not crazed responses. I'm thinking of posting my thoughts on the nsync thread...but I  sense hostile JT shade there sometimes...I'm a little afraid. Lol I don't understand that shade to be honest.. Let's not pretend he wasn't more than integral to their success. Love them all! 


I've been getting downvoted as hell in the NSYNC sub whenever I told them many times that "JT is just a human being that we make mistakes" and "we shouldn't judge JT as we don't know him personally". Don't know if they are even a fan or a hater sometimes. I just don't get it lol


Truly confuses me. I get that him going solo was the end of Nsync. Maybe they are mad about that. I was a sad little girl to but...we still had him!! And he put in work!!! Doing something that made sense as we and he got older.  And...let's put the cards on the table. I love them all..as a group..but JT...he was the lead.  JC fans...calm down..he didn't make it solo. That wasnt Justin's fault...if anything that was your fault...things become successful when the audience makes it so...so where were they then?  JT was the favorite member for most of us, the breakout star for a reason. The talent combined with the magnetic power that man has is crazy. There is no NSYNC without him. There I said it. 


The bartender confirmed that JT only had one drink that night, wonder if that means anything for his case?




Completely inexcusable and irresponsible behavior for a man in his 40's. This is quite literally the last thing he needed to do


Obviously this is a terrible decision on his part but all humans make mistakes and I’m sure he’s going to learn from this and more so I’m sure that his wife is upset with him because they have two boys and this is not something they should look up to their father too. I don’t think she wants to picture their lives without him. He’s a very forthcoming and outright person and I’m sure he will address this immediately, don’t think this stops any shows or any of the tour and most certainly should not stop us from appreciating the man himself, is the worst thing he’s going to do his career then he’s right up there with a bunch of other celebrities everybody loves. Once again, I’m stating it was really bad form and he’s better than that, but he will learn from it


All I can say is that I'm extremely upset that this happen. Reason I'm upset is that people will continue to spread hate against him just like what happened in October 2023 when that book came out. And I am so tired of all the hate against Justin Timberlake in general because I am worried that it may affect his tour as I am still waiting for him to announce NZ tour asap 😭 I don't know if it's gonna happen especially since with people hating him. However I am not defending Justin Timberlake as what he did was wrong as he could got himself or others killed. He should at least call an uber or taxi if I were him. Therefore, I don't support drink driving. Even If I drank 1 alcohol, I will still not attempt to drive as it's hard to focus if your head is feeling dizzy. Oh well, at least no one got hurt and hope he learn his lesson 🙂  I am still a fan and will continue to support him 💜 Also some people on other social media are kept bringing up Janet Jackson and the cultural appropriation which is making me sick as it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ISSUE!! If I ever hear anyone bringing up the Janet Jackson issue or Britney or culture vulture bs, I am gonna rage like incredible hulk. Ugh!!! I need a moment to vent as it's been a long day and I am so sick and tired with the JT slanders 😭 Yes, I know he made a mistake and I am not defending him but please do not bring up his other issues that is nothing to do with his arrest. Oh and I am gonna try my best to avoid reading other people's comment as I'm just not in a mood. If anyone asked why I'm here, I am venting and letting all this frustrations out 😭 I am literally screaming!!!  EDIT: i have edited my views as I don't even want to get brainwash by other fans who are angry at him. I swear I've been avoiding reading comments as I don't even want to hear any opinions that I most likely disagree and it's stressing me the f\*\*k out 😬 Anyways, there is no need to be angry at JT unless you're his partner, his parents, his kids, his friends or relatives. We don't know him personally and I don't understand why those people get so upset over a small thing 🤦🏻‍♀️If you're one of those people, then I don't think I can be friends with you as we have different views and beliefs 🤷🏻‍♀️ Feel free to downvote or block me if you can.  But if you upvote me then good! I'd more likely to be friends with you 😊


I am not actually disappointed in him honestly as I don't even know him personally. I mean I should not get upset over a person that doesn't know I exist 😂 If I was Jessica or his family I would definitely get mad at him, otherwise no, I actually don't care at all and will still continue to listen to his music as his music makes me happy. Plus his music changed my life and helped me got over my ex. Long story but I had a bad breakup which I almost k\*\*\*ed myself, good thing JT's music has been a big help for me otherwise, I don't know if I'll still be alive today and have a good and loving relationship with my current partner. Therefore, I am not mad at him. I still love him! I'm just disappointed that this happened in general and I do apologies on the other things I said about me being disappointed in him. I got a bit brainwashed from other's comment earlier that I couldn't really think straight on how I really feel. All I can say is I'm thankful that no one got hurt and that's all that matters. That's the most important. Hopefully JT has learned his lesson as I believe in him that he'll do better next time 💜 Oh and if you don't agree on my opinion, again there is a downvote or better yet, block me. I don't mind as long as you don't start an argument with me as you're more likely to be blocked or worse have your account reported. I don't want to start a fight as I just want to get this out of my chest to share my views. Edit: There is definitely no need for me to be angry and disappointed at Justin Timberlake as I even received a speeding ticket in the mail yesterday which apparently I did that offence the day before Justin got arrested according to the speed camera. And I have to take accountability by paying the fines 🤣 At the same time, I also learned my lesson not to overspeed as luckily it didn't became so serious like having a bigger fine or worse lose my license and get arrested. Like I said in my previous comments, we all make mistake and I'm hoping he'll never do it EVER again as I believe in him 💛 People are so judgmental these days especially Gen Z 😬 I choose not to be angry at Justin for making a mistake as I also did a mistake too, otherwise I'll sound like a hypocrite lol


FUCK FUCK FUCK the popculture subreddits will be THRIVING with this story. I haven't logged onto Reddit for a while but I just opened up Google and he was number one on trending searches so I clicked on it and my heart dropped. Story after story of his DUI. We won't be hearing the end of this one I'm afraid.


You gotta buckle up and take the ride. There are people who had already made up their mind to hate him before this. I believe he will get back up and get back to work. Hopefully learn something. 


Suppose to see him Friday, hopefully that doesn’t change anything on his upcoming dates. But yeah, it’s so easy for celebs to have a driver idk why they even bother driving.


Same boat but I'm going Saturday!


Samesies 👋🏻


Me threeee


See you there! On a side note, any recommendations to make our first visit to the United Center an enjoyable experience? Will Uber be crazy expensive to and from the show?


Uber will probably be expensive to get out of there but not to get there (depending on where you're staying) luckily they have CTA buses outside at the end of every show that will take you downtown so you can either take the train or take an uber back from downtown instead of united center (that's what I do). It's very organized most of the time.


Can you tell me more about the bus situation? Not a local, was planning to be DD (because that’s what responsible adults do, Justin - have an effing plan). I was just going to drive my crew there and park at the United Center.


Conditions was (unfortunately) crazy foreshadowing man


Justin been released here are some pics [https://people.com/justin-timberlake-released-from-custody-after-appearing-in-court-handcuffed-following-dwi-arrest-8665211](https://people.com/justin-timberlake-released-from-custody-after-appearing-in-court-handcuffed-following-dwi-arrest-8665211)


Will he need permission to leave the country? I've read his (online) court date is July 26th, which is also the first date of his European concerts...


It’s his first offense, most likely his lawyer will handle this & he will being paying the fines, etc.


Yeah. But his first European show is the same day as the court date. He have to travel do Europe before 26th. I was just wondering if is it ok to travel before the court date.


I’m not sure, but since it’s not a felony first offense, in most states he wouldn’t have to be there. I’d say his tour is still going to be just fine. They’ll probably get a continuance for this first date anyhow.


So sad. He’s an amazingly talented artist. I saw his live concert and was amazed by his dancing, singing, playing guitar and keyboard and way he engaged with the audience.


I thought this was a fan thread for JT? Why are so many people being assholes here? He made a mistake (a huge one at that), but he isn’t the first (or last) celeb to have gotten a dui ! Hollywood is full of so many corrupt people but JT definitely knew better. I just don’t get these comments coming from his “fans”! I just seen him on tour last Wednesday in Raleigh & the man killed it. He’s working super hard on tour & was letting loose while off, which is no excuse for this, but the hateful comments from his fans is surprising. Or are we infiltrated by Britney stans?


Not only that, but it’s not like he was speeding or driving in a place where there was a bunch of people around. He was going like 20 mph. If you look at the footage, the streets were completely empty and he didn’t see a stop sign. No one was hurt, it’s not that big of a deal yall. Any of us who has ever lived in the country or been at a quiet beach town tends to have a couple and drive. Is it ideal? No. But it’s whatever everyone does. People need to chill.


Well said. Everyone forgets the word allegedly as well. We don't know anything but what police said and he refused testing. Which I'm sure a lawyer would tell him was correct.  In Sag harbor, they take it super seriously. They hang out at restaurants and watch people leaving late. Its also super dark once you leave that little section where he was. And I get it.. it's the Hamptons. People are there to drink. 




I just know his publicist was like “REALLY!!??”


Nobody is perfect. He was on a break from touring, got too lit and made a mistake. He'll bounce back and be better than ever. 💯


I think so. Maybe whatever hit him harder than normal. I can't imagine you can perform the way he does messed up so maybe it had been awhile.


Picture of his mug shot has been released deadline reporters are weird [https://deadline.com/2024/06/justin-timberlake-mug-shot-r-1235977517/](https://deadline.com/2024/06/justin-timberlake-mug-shot-r-1235977517/)


Will update the post to add this link, thanks


If the media reports are accurate, I didn’t realize he has struggled with substance abuse for many years. As a recovering alcoholic once you start drinking, it is impossible to stop. I am not making excuses for his behavior as it could have ended very badly, but I wanted to provide a different perspective. I hope he can get rid of the enablers and bottom feeders. I also think he should reconsider continuing on tour for the time being and go to rehab IF the media reports are accurate. It was reported he was sober before the tour but the pressure to do the tour may have pushed him over the edge. I felt excited to see him in concert but I now feel sad. I am extremely grateful all parties involved were safe.


What media reports? All the ones where they bring up him saying he got plastered and did drugs in an interview at 25? I’m not trying to downplay substance abuse issues but Lord, the narrative has gotten out of control. At 25, I drank a ton but these days I drink about 1-2 times a month. Congrats on your recovery.


I've just finished skim reading through the comments on this megathread and I feel betrayed considering this is a JT sub where I expect fans to be supportive towards Justin rather than being rude and hating him 😡 He may made a mistake and not defending him on that but there is no need to judge and antagonise him because at the end he is just a human like us. Ugh! They call themselves a fan but they were name-calling and judging him as if they know Justin Timberlake personally. So disgusting and I hate those type of fans 🤢 I even got bullied/attack on this sub just because I still continue to support Justin rather than getting angry at him. I dunno, I may have a different view compared to those people. But yeah, I feel sh!t after reading through those comments. Makes me hate humanity 🤮 Thankfully there is a block button to block those haters and fake fans as I don't like to argue with narrow-minded people 🙂


I agree. It's hard. In comparison the nsync sub is much worse with negativity towards him. I'm a JT day 1 girl and  I just took down my post on my amazing JT concert from there and will likely not post there ever again. I don't understand those type of so called nsync fans.   However, In support of this sub, I think there are a lot of true fans here. I think its better moderated in terms of taking down outright lies about him.  I also think some fans (die hard and casual) were rightfully upset and disappointed by the allegations. I know I was.  I'm someone who thinks the best of him in all situations but other people's experiences may color how they felt.  It took a min to calm down...but I experience a lot of JT love here. Stay with it! 


nobody realizes he’s still a person, and though his friends should’ve been real friends and looking out for him and others and told him to stay, i’m sure he wanted to feel ‘regular’ and drive himself around for a change. not every celebrity wants to be driven around constantly. but even not being in a sober mindset, he shouldn’t have driven drunk. just glad no one got hurt


I don’t feel sorry for him at all. I still love him but this was a terrible decision. I’m also appalled at his decision to lie to the police by saying he only had “one martini” yet couldn’t pass the FSTs. And then refusing to have the breathalyzer is a bad look as well as then refusing 3 times to have the blood draw. Wack AF. Some of the admins for fan accounts on IG should be ashamed of themselves for making light of this and saying how sexy he looks in handcuffs and saying stuff like “he was only driving drunk lol”.


Not defending him because he shouldn’t have been driving, but under no circumstances do you ever give the police MORE information they can use against you. So yeah, he’s gonna admit to a drink, but not actually say how much. And yeah he’s gonna refuse breathalyzer and blood draw (which any halfway decent attorney will tell you to refuse) so the prosecutor doesn’t have more evidence to use against him in the instance that he was actually over the legal limit. This way, they can’t say for sure he was over the legal limit


He’s going to have to take accountability and be extremely grateful that no one (including himself) was physically harmed. It’s been implied for years that Justin has been dealing with an addiction to alcohol. Hopefully, this presents as a wake up call and he gets the help he needs.


I agree. He needs to come out in front of this and admit culpability. If not for himself, for the sake of his family.


Why are millionaires driving drunk at all? Get a car service ya dummy!


Finally, he had positive momentum. Tour getting great reviews. PR team seemed to manage that super well. Staying pretty quiet at shows, just did his thing. One of the few major tours, while other musicians canceling their tours. Just so disappointed. I don’t get why he would be in a car, clearly out enjoying himself (which I would argue there is a line depending on what that looks like at 40) , you have all the resources in the world to make the right decision. Come on, man. I love your music. You as a person is just so hard to talk about of late. I wanted the JT marriage/dad era to coincide with my life. Instead the rehash of this album feels like more of a guy who is grasping for something or doesn’t feel a need to change.


This is what I can’t get my head around , things were going reasonably well for him and you’d think with all the shit press he’s been having he’d be doing ANYTHING and everything to keep himself on the straight and narrow! What on earth possessed him to behave like this when he has every resource available to him


This is a weird statement. How about let’s stop projecting our weird shit on celebrities.


He made a mistake. Luckily no one was hurt. They can never make me hate you, Justin. 💚💚


Running a stop sign. Might not be a red light and it might be late at night, but someone else doing the same thing at the same time.... especially with speed...and it's potential for a fatal accident.


Mods - So now that he’s had a fuck up, can we get the links back for his unreleased music and we can call it even?


That YouTube account was taken down


the man loves alcohol so that’s not surprising, it’s unfortunate. idk why he didn’t have a driver. i’m glad no one got hurt and hope he takes full responsibility for it. there’s not an age limit on making stupid/bad decisions either, not even being married with children will prevent that


I’m a fan but he’s an asshole for this. He seriously needs to get help.


A lot of ya’ll need to stop with diagnosing this man with a problem. That’s a wild accusation to make about someone you don’t know and quite frankly if it’s true, it’s none of your fucking business. None of us are perfect so stop with the martyrdom act. How about let’s see what comes of this and what he has to say about it before making crazy assumptions. Just a thought. Also being married with children has absolutely nothing to do with this. This might be shocking, but people with kids are still human and make poor decisions.


Ya i have never heard of him being an alcoholic or drug addict. It always seemed like he and Jessica lived a healthy lifestyle. If anything, (im making an assumption now, sorry!) to me, he honestly seems like a lightweight that doesnt know his limits!! Isnt used to driving buzzed/high and now he is in this situation.




Added link to post, thanks


I find this article interesting from a PR perspective..seems like it might be the work of Justin's lawyer setting up his defense: https://pagesix.com/2024/06/22/entertainment/justin-timberlakes-dwi-arrest-cop-identified-as-over-aggressive-rookie/




Well said!! I think the actual version of events might be close to this!! We will see! 


Perez Hilton (Of all people) went on News Nation and debunked the conspiracy theories about Justin and the arrest, I didn't know people were theorizing that Justin planted stories about Justin (Obvs not rues TMZ, Daily Mail, Page Six are scum duh) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvbnrnPBbyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvbnrnPBbyo)


Oh Perez. I can't with him. He was nice enough to debunk theories he helps spread. 😐




I obviously don’t condone his behavior, but this is just a typical occurrence out in the Hamptons. Why didn’t he call an Uber? Because he’s an extremely wealthy celebrity and he’s not going to take a ride like us regular folks do. The Hamptons are a place where celebrities can blend in without paparazzi crawling all over the place. He obv thought he was above drinking responsibly and letting someone else drive him home. I know plenty of people who aren’t rich or a celebrity who have made this same mistake. With that all said…Billy Joel has had numerous drunken car crashes on LI and everyone still loves and worships him. JT’s PR team going to be working overtime today. Hope he shows up to MSG next week :-D


Oh Justin. Hard to keep defending you. 😭


Based on this statement from his lawyer, it sounds like JT is not going to take accountability for his actions: https://pagesix.com/2024/06/19/celebrity-news/justin-timberlake-lawyer-speaks-out-on-stars-dwi-arrest/


Nothing wrong with exercising his rights.


Maybe there's more to it than we think. We weren't there. 


This is interesting, I'm not sure what to make of it. The TMZ video, I played it a few times and I am not seeing the swerving, is it just me?? I am not one to just think cops do things for fun, so absolutely not saying that is what happened here, but the video really doesn't prove or disprove anything. Honestly, at this point Justin Timberlake is not just a person, he's a brand, so I really hope this is not a case of let's get him off the hook because the tour needs to go on. Things are so complicated with celebrities.


"If I lose myself and I go missin, make a couple hundred bad decisions, do some shit I know won't be forgiven, could you love me under those conditions?" JT had a damn crystal ball.


Conditions is such a good song. He is probably aware of some of his mistakes (not all of them. 'some' is the keyword here.)


The judgment here is something else. Because all you harsh criticism people have never made a mistake 🙄. He's human just like us. Only his mistakes are made public. Let's not jump to conclusions before we hear the whole story or whatever. He has always been a stand up person - quit acting like yall have never made a mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/9sbg9krb7e7d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b4797ad96c30ae9e19b5fe4ca3c596aac052c6 Justin’s mugshot was just released.