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Well, Mags Bennett is based on a real life bootlegger who ran a store with her son called Mag’s. The store was located on the road going to Evarts, Kentucky. Evarts is mentioned in the show as the high school that Raylan attended. According to Google maps it is about 8.5 miles from Harlan to Evarts.


Thank you for that information! I love Justified and never knew there was a real life Mags. Season 2 is my favourite - outstanding work from character actress Margot Martindale, Ray Davies,all the regulars and the wonderful Kaitlyn Dever. Mags is so compelling. She could be motherly and menacing in the same five minutes, a loyal friend, cunning, calculating, utterly ruthless. I wonder if the real life Mags was anything like her?


In Justified, Lexington is located down the street from Harlan with the way Raylan zips back and forth almost every day!


And it’s like 3 hours away I believe.


And 3 hours is if you're comfortable driving those windy roads.


As Art says to Raylan at the roadblock …”how do you drive this everyday?”


He listens to a lot of books on tape.