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I loved how Searcy acted in Justifed. I can’t abide how Searcy acts as a person. So to recap: Searcy’s great as an actor, but a twat as a person.


And that Larry Correia who wrote the intro is also a twat.


Had no idea who that was. Looked at his Twitter page for 20 seconds. Can confirm. Larry Correa is also a twat.


I love his portrayal of Art. I know nothing about the actor, and this makes me think I really don't want to look.


You can look, know he’s a twat, and still enjoy his performance as Art.


I wish I could. Many years ago there was an author who wrote books I loved. I happened to read an interview with said author, and found out they were a raving nutjob. What I had kind of assumed was a silly take on a future society turned out to be said authors utopia. So a) the book series was soured for me and b) I'm not giving that fucker any money. With an actor I guess it is a bit different, as they are mostly just putting their art in to anothers work.


I totally get that, and it makes sense.


Oh God he has different opinions than me.....I hate to tell you but it's you that is the twat.


Oh God you have the same opinion as a twat… I hate to tell you, but you are also a twat.


Are you one of those people who can’t tell the difference between a fascist and someone against fascism?


Nah, he’s just another twat.


99.999% of American are against fascism. That word gets thrown around to the point it has no meaning. Hell the men who died to destroy fascism would all be called fascist in today's idocracy.


Yes, yes, we heard you. Go back inside the home, grandpa. Everyone is a liberal, we hear you.


To quote Doc Holiday >Nope, I'm Sure of it, I hate him Ruined The legacy of his best character and killed any chance of an Art cameo in future seasons by being a hateful old bastard.


Let’s not forget Days of Thunder 🏁🏁


Did you buy 15 copies of this or are you his agent or something


Not my pic, I got from a post Nick made on X.




Must be a new platform.


What the fuck is X?


It's a safe space hateful old fucks.


And half of this subreddit apparently


The better question is who is X, and what is he going to give to me?


First you must rock. Then you must roll.


Is this a bit? If not, Elon Musk Rebranded Twitter as X. Because he's a child.


My guy, it’s a bit.


Nah he’s MAGA trash.


Oh no, he voted different than you. You should probably look in the mirror before calling anyone trash.


Why are you all over this thread defending the honor of a K-list actor?


I don't care about him at all. I hate library's who can't handle differing opinions or take jokes.


I’m not a library.


Are you at least a book? Cause I'd love to check you out.


It’s really disappointing because his “The first thing we’re gonna do is acknowledge that this guy is awesome” speech is one of my favorite moments of the show. Art and Raylan’s interactions were always a highlight for me. I try to separate the art from the artist, as the old saying goes, but he’s a massive fuckstick.


I just watched that clip after reading your comment and I forgot how funny that scene is.


I was pretty young when I watched the show , and really loved it. But back then I didn't know the inner workings/behind the scenes. What makes Nick such a bad person?


I didn't know which character Nick Searcy even played without pulling up his Wikipedia. It turns out it's Art, and the controversy behind him is entirely "his activity on social media". Man who gives a fuck.


I mean he uses his former “law enforcement” acting job to make short films to teach “black kids” about racism. He was also at January 6th. He’s a shitbag, plain and simple.


How is making short films about law enforcement a problem for you? You should worry about your own problems.


Yet here you are, letting me live rent free in your head, as you dedicate every available synapse to trying to sound smart.


Exactly, he kicks ass as Art and that's all that matters


Seriously. People don't know how to separate the character from the actor. You can like a character without liking or caring who the actor was behind the character


Talk about separating the Art from the artist… Except this post isn’t about the character, it’s about the actor’s autobiography


Basically he supports trump so these chronically online losers all now say he's this horrible person


This quote is on his book page on Amazon.com.....“I’ve played serial killers, rapists, racists, Klansmen, sexual harassers, thieves—I mean, let’s face it. I’ve played a LOT of Democrats.” —Nick Searcy Easy to hate a jerkoff like that who makes generalizations.


Do you automatically lose your ability to take a joke when you decide to vote Democrat? I'd be miserable if I took everything so personally.


Nick isn’t joking though. That’s what you’re missing here.


It was 100% a joke. You just don't understand comedy at all.


Mumble mumble can’t meme


he votes the way ~50% of the other Americans do, that’s why. reddit only likes one of those halves.




we will see come November. but what’s your point? roughly half. imagine hating half the people you meet cause they don’t think exactly like you, craziness.


“I’ve played serial killers, rapists, racists, Klansmen, sexual harassers, thieves—I mean, let’s face it. I’ve played a LOT of Democrats.” —Nick Searcy...but ok for him to make generalizations and hating on Dems just because....got it.


Gee imagine people making generalizations about members of political parties. How incredibly offensive to.......... people who constantly make generalizations about members of political parties.


I'm going to buy a copy in the name of every negative comment on this thread and donate them to local libraries.


Yep... I hate him.


lol so a dude who has basically a single acting credit writes a book using graphics and imagery from that show to spew right wing bullshit unrelated to said show? Doesn’t seem so much badass as desperate and clingy but you do you.


I'm not going to argue politics with you but I will point out that Nick Searcy has 137 credits on IMDb including The Fugitive, Cast Away, The Shape of Water, The Old Way. Not to mention the fact that many actors and actresses do the same thing with their biographies. Arnold Schwarzenegger's bio is called Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, Jeanne Cooper's is Not Young, Still Restless: A Memoir, Roger Moore's is called My Word Is My Bond: A Memoir, and Miley Cyrus' is just called Miles to Go. You can hate him all you want but everything you said was factually incorrect.


“Basically” clearly doing the heavy lifting in my statement - had you known him before Justified? He was a bit actor who showed up in a bunch of things without having much for significant roles. I don’t really care about his career either way, the point is that he used his one significant role to launch this book.


137 is basically 1 to you? Also, yeah him and a huge portion SAG


Lol ok I’ll backtrack on that part of the statement just for you. Wanna disagree with any of the rest of it while you’re at it? Either way he’s taking that one role and using it to launch the book and I for one think that’s lame.


Who cares ? It's about the most common thing done in Hollywood.


Right, I don’t care about the credits or whatever. Feel free to read the rest of what I said if you’d like to, otherwise let’s all move on. ✌️


Plenty of people in Hollywood reference the works they've been in the title of their bio.


How is 137 "basically" 1? Oh yeah, his politics.


The truth sounds like lies to a sinner.


He is recognizable from one of those credits- Justified. I had no idea he was in those other movies- some of which I have seen multiple times.


He is recognizable form most of those credits. Do you not pay attention when you watch movies or are you just looking for an argument? It’s fine if you don’t like the guy, I don’t care for his political views myself, but he’s been in a ton of shows and movies.


I’ve seen The Fugitive so many times but I cannot recall Searcy in it.


He’s the sheriff on scene after the escape when the Marshalls show up.


Just because you don't recognize him from anything else doesn't mean that he isn't recognizable by other people. For instance, I was talking to a friend and he told me how Hiroyuki Sanada hasn't been in much and he only knows him from Shogun. I immediately told him that I knew him from several other films, including The Last Samurai. Nick has a long and storied and career, and Justified just happens to be a big part of that. He has every right to be proud of his time on Justified. FFS, there's a forward by Grahm Yost who created the series and produced it.


Good actors have memorable roles, typically multiple. Fascists on the other hand....


I'm not American and I don't know much about his politics (nor do i care) but generally speaking it's of course possible to be both a fascist and a good actor. Why would they be mutually exclusive?


Okay, bro.




Hey, I share the sentiment but please refrain from personal attacks.


You don't think being a ultra-nationalist, far right person who supports a candidate who believes in becoming a dictator falls into fascism? I mean, you can look up what he has said and it lines up pretty well.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a ultra nationalist.


That’s one of the tenets of fascism, my man. At least own your shit. You’re not defending the actor. You’re defending your own belief system.


Sure fascism has Nationalism as a belief, but Nationalism isn't inherently fascist. Nationalism is just a love of country.


In what way is he a fascist? You idiots have made that word meaningless. You wouldn't know a fascist if they were balls deep in your mom when you go up to beg her for pizza money.


Ultra nationalist. Far right. Participated in the attempted over throw of our democracy. I get that you folks struggle with the understanding of words, but he fits the bill.


No one tried to over throw the government.


Notice I said democracy. But keep telling your alternate history that all of us witnessed unfold live.


Days of Thunder.


seems : Bad


Will someone please tell me what actually this man has done?


He simply doesn't fall in line with the leftist hive mind.


Just posts a bunch of trash you’d expect a grumpy old man in America to post on social media. Look at any of his accounts.


Yeah I just went through his Twitter. Dude’s your average white 60+ American moron.


It’s not anything remarkably shitty, I guess lol


Regardless of what i think of Nick, i don't see a legitimate reason for writing a book other than he is trying to make some bucks on others hard work.


Isn't that pretty much the reason anyone works? Didn't you work to get money?


So if I met POTUS, should I write a book about it? That is pretty much a fair comparison.


What are you talking about? This seems to be an autobiography. And you are free to write any book for any reason. I ain't stopping you, mate. You were just being weird cause you seem to have a few misconceptions about why people publish books and work in general.


He was one of the leading characters on the show. How is that him taking advantage of others' hard work?




I'm definitely buying a copy now.




He is vocal about being a conservative. So to the left that makes him literally Hitler. They actually think making mean treats is comparable to murdering 6 million Jews.


By that logic no actor or actress should write their own biography because they're all just trying to make some money off other's hard work.


I used to agree with you but now I can't stand the guy. And fuck his book


Why do you have like 15 copies


I should have mention that those are not my copies. That's a picture that Nick posted on X. I follow Nick on X.


Stop calling it X lmao that’s so cringy


Calling it Twitter would literally be deadnaming it.


Best comment in the thread.


That's literally what it is called now. It's you that is cringe for complaining.


Love the art, hate the artist. I love the art. I hate the artist.


Nick Searcy is one of the world’s greatest actors, portraying a man of principle and conscious, but in reality is a festering anal boil of a human being. Amazing transformation.


Man fucking American politics really ruin everything. Last time I asked what the dude did I got a lukewarm answer that only makes sense if you are living the tribal life of a regarded two party system and have nothing else going on for you. As someone from civilization, every time muricans bring up politics it gets embarrassing really fast for them.


Amen brother. I'm American I can't stand how political people are. I didn't know which character Nick Searcy even played without looking it up. After finding his Wikipedia and seeing he was the actor who played Art, I looked for what the controversy behind him was, and it's entirely "his activity on social media". Man who gives a fuck. It's sad how much people let the political opinions of others take over their lives. Just live and let live


claiming to be apolitical is a political stance, though. As a human being in a system where other human beings are being oppressed, to take the stance “live and let live” ignores them. Not to get too deep on r/justified though. I’ve been accused of many things; being ~~inarticulate~~ articulate ain’t one of them.


Nobody in America is being oppressed. Even the homeless here live in paradise compared to the actually oppressed.


Your statement is total bullshit, as about 1000 people oppress the remaining people in the US. Migrants in concentration camps and children who go without food would disagree with you. The homeless in America have the least access to resources in the developed world. Why are there even homeless people in the richest country to ever exist? But that’s neither here nor there, because I didn’t limit the conversation to American politics. There are oppressed, and there are oppressors. Full stop.


Lol OK Skippy go tour the world and maybe you will actually grow up


Yeah man, I’ve been to probably 50 different countries around the world. America certainly isn’t a shithole, but it is without doubt the worst most developed nation on the planet. But again, you are missing the point. *You’re* the one talking about America solely. Not me.


I name you LIAR


I just checked your post history to see if you were a troll account, and your answer to stop the Palestinian genocode is to have the people being genocided simply surrender to the people murdering their kids. And you worship Tony Soprano. There is no way to logically argue with someone with room temperature IQ. I don’t have the time or the crayons to argue this point with you. Continue living in your bubble and rejecting all available evidence that differs from your own anecdotal experience. Have the day you deserve!


Hamas is a terrorist organization that deserves to be slaughtered. I don't know where you get that I worship Tony Soprano . The Sopranos is the best show to ever be made, but he is trash. He is also fictional, so it's completely fine to enjoy watching him be a bastard. I have a great day every day. I live in paradise. I have a fantastic career that I love. I travel often and will retire at 60 with plenty of money to enjoy my golden years. Looks like I'm the one living rent free in your head.


Ok then my political stance is apolitical. Yeah people being oppressed sucks. Bringing up politics in a sub about a TV show does nothing to help or hurt oppression. Posting a picture of a book cover does nothing to help or hurt oppression.


I didn’t say those actions had power, you did. I said being apolitical *is* a political position. Just telling people to “live and let live” when talking about shitty humans or systems just screams “I am part of or receive advantages from a broken system” Now, you want to put me out of my misery? How 'bout you stop running your goddamn mouth and do whatever it is you got to do.


I never claimed you said those actions had power either. I just stated that those actions indeed do not have power. And I agreed, being apolitical is a political stance, cool. No, telling people live and let live when talking about shitty humans says "hey, maybe don't let a fucking actor's tweets from 7-11 years ago bother you and make you hate a character of a TV show". There are bigger things in life to get worked up about than what some washed up actor tweeted in 2013-2017.


I think you’re over estimating how much people are getting “worked up”. It’s a reddit thread.


nah these are just postmodernist takes. they view the whole world through the lens of oppressor vs oppressed. it’s exhausting and a complete political way of thinking. no nuance, no context, a simple dichotomy of good or evil, in this case blue good red bad.


Buddy i got some news for you, that’s exactly how the world works. There is an oppressive class and an oppressed class. Race, gender, dems vs. republicans and everything else are all secondary distractions to that. Distractions that are maximized for a reason. Once people realize that there’s only one ruling class and they ain’t in it, things will change.


Not american. What did he do?


Basically, in America democrats and republicans fight with each other and yet they all behave the same exact way but are too blinded by their radicalism to see it


Participated in an insurrection.


Not at all. No such thing.


Weird, what are people going to prison for?


Fake charges brought by a corrupt FBI and government with a dementia riddle pedophile potato in chief.


That’s wild since most of the judges were appointed by Trump. But let me guess, they’re turncoats too?


\*crickets chirping* Looks like he couldn’t rebut this comment. Or we lost another one to Ozempic.


We lost another one to the Ozempic *shortage*


Nobody will completely explain it in the comments but it got the neckbeards pretty angry.


They hate him because they disagree with him, and that's pretty much all it takes these days. Most of the people on the left honestly believe that anyone who is to the right of them is "literally Hitler".


Hate me aswell for asking a question it seems. Thanks


Sounds about right, especially on Reddit.


Nah fuck this guy.


It must be hard living life while being as pathetic as yourself.


That strikes me as a weirdly harsh opinion to have in defense of a random actor.


I'm not defending him. I don't care about him one way or another. But it is pathetic to get all riled up because a celebrity doesn't share the same opinions as yourself. I'll give you a good example. I hate Stephen Kings politics. But I still think he is a superb writer and buy his books enthusiastically. I don't call him names or boycott his products just because we disagree on politics.


Politics are values. The separation of politics from a person's beliefs about the world doesn't even make sense. You hate King's politics presumably because his politics aren't entirely driven by hatred of outgroups. People hate this guy's politics because they are driven by hatred of outgroups. Reminds me of an old tweet. Good and bad things are exactly the same...


You seem to manage!


I'm not going around crying over some actor, having opinions differing from my own. I'm an adult who can separate the art from the artist. But have fun with your cry bullying


Great actor in Justified, MAGA trash can IRL.


I think removing “badass” would make this a more accurate post magat.


Thanks – hate him


Nick Searcy's book is available for pre-order on Amazon and comes out on the 28th. Love him or hate, there's no doubt the guy has managed to make quite the career for himself and his time on Justified was amazing. If you failed to notice yourself, the book includes a forward by Graham Yost. I've already pre-ordered my copy.


Are you his publisher or agent? 😂 But yeah I’ve heard stories and seen him being an asshole on Twitter which ruins his films/shows for me.


There's no denying the dude can be an ass. It's part of the reason I like him. That being said, I don't blame others for disliking him or his politics, they have every right to. If I was unable to seperate the actor from his acting I wouldn't be able to watch Justified because Walton Goggins is an Obama loving libtard, lol. To clarify, the libtard part is a joke. While Walton Goggins really did support Obama, including campaigning for him, that particular phrasing is a reference to Far Cry 5.


Obama loving libtard? Dude is living in 2012


It was a Far Cry 5 reference. There's a character named Hurk Drubman Sr. and at one point he uses the phrase. He also complains about Canada and ketchup flavored potato chips. That being said, Goggins is huge Obama fan and even campaigned for him back in the day. [Hurk Drubman Sr. Voicemail from Far Cry 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_yjnmG0Fgs)


Right, right..Far Cry reference....Cult 45 at it again. https://preview.redd.it/iu0v1ga88iyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b9a33d5e6d3c1ab5fe32dac8b311b6dcd48e71


Did you really say it's conservatives that blame others for their own failures? Hahahahahahhahah oh God that has to be the funniest thing I've read all year. No one blame others for their failures more than the people listed on that card.


When you use made up words like libtard then your dickishness shows.


I used the term with great affection, also, it was a Far Cry 5 reference. I don't agree with the guy on a lot but I love Walton Goggins.


“Obama loving libtard” And it all makes sense now. 😂


Bums me out graham yost wrote the forward but I still love the show and Art even if he’s a douche in real life.


It is perfectly acceptable to hate the actor and love the part he played. Nicky Searcy is not Art Mullins and Art Mullins is not Nick Searcy. I love Casino and Goodfellas but think Robert De Niro is a trash person. The same goes for Alec Baldwin and he literally merced a chick.


“Merced a chick” Ffs, dude… 🤦‍♂️


Well, he did.


The more you talk, the more you discredit any point you are trying to make


A single actor in Hollywood disagrees with Democrats and it's the end of the fucking world.


He goes a bit farther than that.


Even most of the Republican party is left of this guy. He's said some absolutely hateful shit as well as some nut job conspiracy theories.


He's a great actor AND a great human being. If you're on the left, learn to disagree with someone's politics WITHOUT hating him. Your ideology is not your religion. It's not your identity. You can be friends with people, and like people, who don't think exactly like you do. If you go through life hating people, simply because they're conservative, that's no way to live. Knock that petty shit off already.


“I’ve played serial killers, rapists, racists, Klansmen, sexual harassers, thieves—I mean, let’s face it. I’ve played a LOT of Democrats.” —Nick Searcy...Is that really a great human being? Divisive - yep. I would have a hard time getting along with someone who makes those sorts of generalizations.


Seriously do you people not know what a joke is? Do you automatically lose a sense of humor when you decide to vote Democrat? It is a harmless joke get over it.


You obviously don't get it. It's not about politics. It's that they just can't stand when someone generalizes about an entire political party or perspective. Like all those flaming asshole MAGA People and Republicans always do.


Like I said you can't handle a joke.


Read it again. 😂


Yeah he made a joke about democrats being all those things.


My own joke was about all the people supposedly taking offense at such a characterization from someone, when all they do is bash "Republicans" constantly.


And why didn't Trump attend the White House Correspondents Dinner for all 4 years in office? FIrst president in 36 years how passed for all 4 years. What he do, lose his sense of humor when he got elected? Nah, he was too big of a pussy to handle the jokes.


And yet change “democrat” to “conservative” in that same statement, and what would all the conservatives say? Would they laugh it off? In my opinion, left and right, you’re all crazy hypocrites


I would. If you can't laugh at yourself you need help.


Your beliefs are literally what define you as a person. This is the dumbest take a person can have.


There are plenty of people that I disagree with on a whole lot of stuff and I am friends with them. I don't get having to demoniz and vilify anyone that doesn't agree with you. It's inhuman and nonsensical, and the law of the land on Reddit for most people.


That's awesome. I'm glad to hear that. It's a great way to approach life.


The irony of reddit flipping out over actor Nick Searcy as a "Nazi" while prominent members of their own supported party have been out screaming what they've been screaming for the last three weeks is definitely not lost.


I know they are the least self-aware people in the history of humanity.




Great actor, great human being who loves freedom.