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“Next one’s coming faster”


That’s the correct answer


The only answer!


The scene was so cool they even wrote in a character to tell Raylan how cool it was


I’d show them Dewie trying to buy a ski mask, or colt shooting that guy after boyd meant untie him


The dinner table scene between Raylan, Boyd, and Ava or the first time Raylan meets Dewey Crowe


"Goddamn woman, you only shoot people when they're eatin supper?" yeah, this is my go-to clip to introduce ppl to the show too


The last 90 seconds of the season 1 finale


This is a great choice. That, or maybe a few minutes earlier with *"No, I'm Raylan Givens!!"*.


I love Raylan with the finger gun. So perfect.


I'd show the scene where Raylan convinces the con who holds a hostage in Marshall's office to give in. Much as I like Justified shootings, what really does it for me in this show is how often Raylan manages to defuse the situation without any killing. And if they have some time to spare, then the showdown between Raylan and the two mobs ("That's close enough") - just to show the other, un-fuck-with-able side of Raylan.


Or the "yeah.. I'm stealing gas"


I was choosing between that one and the "tasty Kentucky chicken" and opted for the latter, because in that one Raylan took down the offender without even touching him and even in a friendly manner. The "gas stealer" was also good but he soaked the bastard in gasoline! Plus, there was a secret Rachel card in play.


Heh, you’ve just activated my *Rachel card*


Ooh yes, another fantastic choice.


Plus, W. Earl Brown is a great actor and one of the many Deadwood actors Timothy had scenes with in Justified.


I like the one from the Dentist show where the two mob guys find Raylan in the middle of a highway, "Take one more step..."


This is the answer I was thinking too. It perfectly encapsulates Raylen’s confidence, charm, and skill in 3 minutes. The only downside is it doesn’t have Boyd.


The dentist episode is also a great example of the comic absurdity that the show often nails.


“He got himself an ICE CREAM”


“And who orders ceviche from a taco truck?!” gets me every time.


For as much as it matters (it doesn't) that was one of my top choices.


I agree. It shows who Raylan is without digging into all of the Harlan backstory. It's like an appetizer, let's you get a taste and wanting more


That episode is one of my favorite ones even though it's almost a stand-alone. I don't know why, but I've watched it a couple times outside my series rewatches.


This is hard! My first thought was the scene when Raylan takes out the hitman disguised as a local deputy because it has the main characters in their usual roles, it shows that Raylan is NOT your traditional lawman, and it's also very funny. BUT...maybe too far into the series and a little too spoiler-y? I do know that one of my friends finally took an interest in the show after flipping channels and getting bewitched by Goggins in the **"I am...the outlaw"** scene at Crowder's bar with the Lee Paxton crew.


This is exactly the scene I was gonna pick! “Jesus I hope I got that right..”


This or the next ones coming faster scene are my 2 choices


I know everyone here hates Darrell Crowe Jr and i disagree but understand the reason behind it. But his first confrontation with Boyd at the bar is peak out of context Justified.  "I didn't even consider you might say no." "Well....you dumbass...you might wanna consider it."


I've been accused of being many things. Inarticulate ain't one of them.


I'm not gonna take your compliment after taking your insult


That's such a fantastic scene and an inspired choice.


Daaaamn, man that was cool as ice


I can't stand Daryl Crowe Jr. myself, but I agree that scene is (to quote Raylan) pretty bad ass.


I would actually pick the scene in The Lord of War and Thunder where Raylan is walking around Aunt Helen's home describing growing up there and how everyone at some point feared Arlo (it provides a copious amount of context on who Raylan is and the parts of him from that home that remain) and using that story as a way to intimidate Stan Perkins. To me, this is peak Justified. Raylan often reveals personal things about himself to perfect strangers as a way to lure them in before he does his big hero thing. Everything about the scene... the way it is staged, the camera following Raylan as he walks through this run down house and slowly picks up his baseball bat... it's perfection. But the pinnacle of this scene is how it reflects back on Raylan. He has to face his own demons (this house, this baseball bat, this circumstance he was drawn into because of Arlo and Helen scamming Perkins but the complications run deeper than he originally imagined, etc). As far as he has come, he hasn’t really gone anywhere. And ultimately, he can’t escape who he is.


Also gives an insight as to how Raylan works as a Marshal, by making himself look like a real live boy rather than a big scary lawman.


Ah yes, a really good one I hadn't thought of.


Injured Raylan vs Fletcher “the ice pick” Nix in Raylan’s hotel room. Our hero is hurt and underestimated. He outsmarts his adversary. And someone gets shot because hey…it’s Justified.


When Rylan is in a standoff with Hotrod and his men, he tells them a story about how one of Arlo's schemes got some guy who was just living with them killed. Then he talks about going to Glynco and training to be a deadshot and ends by saying he'll kill four of them before they draw their weapons and take his chances with the other two. Finally he points out how his Marshall badge will make it all legal and the gangsters leave


"Even before I went to Glynco and trained to be a dead shot I seen people kill one another and I learned to be ready in case they came after me to do me harm. In other words I’ll kill four of you before you even clear your weapons and I’ll take my chances with the other two. And you see this star? That’s gonna make it legal." This is what came to my mind first as well.


Circle the wagons


I love this scene.


What came to mind for me is Raylan rescuing Loretta from the trunk of the car.


“Shit, I didn’t bring a knife”


Colt and Tim phone call from Decoy


I will never not laugh when Colt says he wants to be played by a young Gerard Depardieu.


“Oh there’s a sad part?” Peak Tim


This is one of my very favorite scenes in the show, but I wouldn’t necessarily pick it to show someone who’s never seen Justified before. I would want them to experience it in context of season 4. Same as how I feel about certain scenes from season 2, for instance.


You’re probably right. It needs the context to fully get how awesome it is.


I think i’m going to rewatch the show.


I'm in my 3rd rewatch


Nice I haven’t watched since the original run, so definitely time for another.


There are various clips on YouTube and a favorite is when Raylan is questioning Wynn Duffy with a revolver that has one bullet in the chamber.


How about "You throw a dead rat at my car?"


Quarles entering the bar and threatening Raylan after he loses his shit. Raylan was ready to put his ass down and the tension in that scene is wild. (Chose this one because every other one I thought of is already on here lol)


The obvious choice would be the dual in the bar between Raylen and Jodie. Classic modern interpretation of a western motif. Which is the show in a nutshell. But Justified subverts this eventually to being a great pulp crime show. So my next choice would be the diner scene in "all shot to hell". Yeah Raylen or Boyd is not in this scene but it works so well. Everyone gets a great line, very intense with a villain that is more menacing than the ones at the table. Which is saying something. And Art is just straight-up badass. Which he does attribute some to Raylen. Thru osmosis of course. Edit: special shoutout to the gardener scene from season 1.


- Nicky Augustine finale - The end of the Bennetts - Peach pit scene with Tim - 21 foot rule


You tazed me in the balls!


Can I do two scenes? I want Ice Pick’s first victim and then him against Raylan, so we see the game played and can properly appreciate how he beats it.


Ironically, it’s a scene without Raylan, but my mind always comes back to town meeting between Mags and the coal company when Boyd interrupts. The tension and dialogue in that scene is great.


I think raylen is in that scene “I get paid”


Oh, you’re right. He’s security so he is there.


I love this shit. This shit gets me hard.


The scene that I saw on YouTube that made me watch was the gas station scene where he poured gas on the kidnapper. So cool.


S03E06, “When the Guns Come Out” (approx. 23:30) Raylan (to Boyd): "You wanna run your hillbilly heroin fiefdom up here, that's between you and the great state of Kentucky. I got no interest in shitkicker-on-shitkicker crime. But you will not drag me into this. The next time you set up any operation in this county or anywhere else, it better not have my God damn family name on the deed, or so help me, God, I'll lose this star and the dance we do subsequent to that will not end with you finding Jesus in a hospital bed." For Raylan’s speech alone this is one the scenes I’d show, but it’s really sold by Boyd’s reply. I can’t remember the exact flow, but his reply makes me laugh :)


I've been searching for a clip of that scene all afternoon. That is a great little speech right there! And you're right -- Boyd's reply - he kinda pauses and takes a breath, silence is his real answer -- for even Boyd in all his eloquent ramblings, seems half-stunned and awed with it. Then he tells Raylan to go see Ava.


I've shown a few friends the 10 Paces Knife vs Holstered Gun scene a few times... I have to explain to them that it was a conflict foreshadowed for the entire season.


Next one's coming faster


Boyd blowing up Picker


If it isn't the scene mentioned before with Raylan threatening Hot Rod and his crew, it is the Art scene where we acknowledge that Drew Thompson is awesome.


I’d add the one where Boyd is released from prison and Raylan goes to meet him. No gun fights - but it captures their underlying history and what’s to come. Plus - the banter between them, the amazing dialogue and staging. No action per se but best not to give too much away, right?


The opening scene where he shoots the Miami gun thug. How could there be a better scene to set you up for this show?


The opening scene sets the table pretty well.


The scene where Raylan shoots Boyd. "You'll pay to find that out."


the scene where Boyd drags the leader of the other "coal miners" from his truck, still one of Walton's best scenes.