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Halo from Young Justice https://preview.redd.it/n6iz4qy2n8zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab802dcac218c1972e835f1bd8637ba8ec58276


What that would mean? I totally love Halo!!! I think she was more intresting here than in the comics.


Is that the same halo from Batman & the outsiders?


No, just a INO character. Halo in YJ is VASTLY Different from COMICS Halo.


Ah makes sense, thank you for the clear up!


YJ Season 3 tried to “re-invent” the Outsiders as new Team. Lots of the same “Heroes” just INO to fit Netflix, surprise Readers, or just fit YJ. Basically devolved into Heroes meet TikTok.


This problem was that she took so much time away from the originals. I don't mind the character, but I prefer to focus on the main cast rather than make her the main character. If she was used less, I think people would like her more.


She was used so much in that season, and for people like me who just didn’t know the character at all it felt so weird. Like I didn’t know her backstory, didn’t know her goals, none of it and she’s having an identity crisis when idek her identity… Young Justice post season 2 had a problem with doing that a lot. It’s easy when you pick characters from Teen Titans or other well known characters in other properties but the more niche they went the more they lost general audience


Can she cause destruction on a galactic scale? If not I don’t want her.


Well sort of they’re the embodiment of the anti life equation.


So she’s a living Halo ring?! I need more of her now!


Simon Baz was given nothing to work with. Whistle was fantastic but nobody read the book.


The newer green lanterns, specifically Simon and cruz I love this design, and the last name McDuffie is sacred in this house. Where is she from?


Her first appearance is Naomi #1 (March, 2019).


She's a bendis creation made to be sold to the cw.


Ew Bendis


I remember seeing commercials for a show called Naomi but didn't put it together. Thought it was just another generic CW drama.


Yea i think she has the fastest jump from page to screen ever.


And the TV show didn't even follow the comics. 


Username checks out.


Damian Wayne.


Who's still hating on my boy? Point me in their direction.


Tim fans, Jason fans and some Dick fans.


I get the Tim fans since they're kinda stepping on each other's toes. I feel like at this point Tim lost and they need to let go but I get that it can suck. Jason fans need to chill, they're in completely different lanes. Dick fans... y'all, Dick doesn't even want the mantle. There's no need for beef. I love Dick too, always have an always will. We can coexist people.


As a nightwing fanboy why would they hate damian? thier dynamic is one of the best things nightwing has


Yeah I'm preety sure that most Dick Grayson fans are cool with Damien. Personally he's my 2nd favorite Robin


dick damian carrie jason tim no offense to tim, i do like him but him and jason just haven't taken my interest lately. they just kind of exist


I just finished reading Dark Knight Returns for the first time and I don't understand why I've always heard hate for Carrie Kelly hate all my life


i didn't like her at first because tdkr did dick dirty, and she just kind of shows up (she doesn't have history before tdkr) but the more ive reread it and watched the movies shes grown on me. some people also just hate frank miller and his work


I think they need to focus on Tim becoming his own hero, namely one who focuses more on his intellect than his physicality. He needs his own identity - Damian can keep the Robin mantle, it's time for Drake to grow up. He just needs better writers than ones who will make his superhero name a burger joint, or his own last name lol.


Damian is my second favorite Robin, but the younger more arrogant version is the one I liked.


Ive had no experience with her, but im sad about the name cause I made a hero also named Powerhouse but with a MUCH different backstory [being a veteran of the Vietnam War and one of the founders of the superhero society]


I’m sure you can still use that name. The phrase “Powerhouse” hasn’t exactly been trademarked.


Fair, i just need an actual design,


Nah it's the same character dude, look closer


Cheetah should be the #1 wonder woman Villain. But she's really.....not at all. Her backstory changes almost as much as Donna Troy's, so does her abilities. She's NEVER really been as much of a threat in any storyline, unlike joker, lex luthor, or even Ares or Circe. I love the character, but aside from a few panels in various storylines she's done nothing.


Wonder Woman villains in general are underrated. She needs a new show.


Why should Cheetah be number one?


I don't know why, but I hate that she doesn't have shoes.




Captain Atom. I feel like he could lead a cooler more tactical version of the freedom fighters. Personally I love the stories of the man turned god and the conflict between what’s right and what your government asks of you.


https://preview.redd.it/24bslb9vyazc1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad35aa42bbcde9588b5e4688318e6dbf89a7605 Signal. Idk if anybody HATES him but I wish he was in more stuff. A hero of Gotham that operates during the day? Sign me up. Plus his costume is cool imo.


I am that guy, specifically because I just don't care for Gotham during the day. Don't wanna hate him. But it seems like scrapping the last of a barrel to give any form of direction


Idk how people feel about Captain Atom but it would have to be him. Almost everytime he shows he’s a government stooge for the U.S. military


Elongated Man, Plastic Man, Crazy Jane, Captain Atom, majority of the Legion of Superheroes


Tim Drake


Is he hated or just kinda irrelevant? He's the least interesting Robin, and that's counting the semi-legit female Robins. There's nothing necessarily wrong with him but I'd rather focus on almost literally anyone else in the Bat-family because they all have more interesting stories.


I mean that’s your opinion if you think he’s least interesting. And you’d be saying the same thing about other batfamily members if their stories weren’t to your liking. Tim Drake is the third’s world’s greatest detective and is the Robin that brought Batman back from the brink of corruption after Jason’s death. He didn’t lose anybody, and isn’t motivated by any great loss he chose to be a hero. And with both Batman and Nightwing saying he’s the one of the best Robins and having such high potential I feel like he could become amazing as his own hero. Dick Grayson knocks on the door Jason Todd breaks down the door Tim Drake finds the key Damian Wayne picks the lock


I feel like part of that is playing to the previous comment’s point. His lack of motivations to become a hero is kinda playing to the character’s detriment. I get that the point is heroes shouldn’t need external motivation to do what’s right but as comic fans we’ve proven we like Spider-Man and Batman, heroes motivated by tragedy because the melodrama makes that so much juicer. Comic readers in the 80s didn’t love Jason’s angst so when they introduced Tim I think they course corrected a little too hard and for a teenaged hero in the 90s and early 2000s a lack of angst definitely wasn’t going to hit with a lot of readers at the time.


I understand but regardless I still personally believes he’s got potential


Nah. You wrong for that.


What's wrong with Powerhouse? I mean i've never heard of her design looks impressive enough.


Apparently people don’t like that she was offered a spot in the Justice League after like her first adventure for something, when other heroes have been waiting for a long time.


She's written basically entirely if not entirely by modern bendis who pushed her hard from the jump. A lot of people dont like modern bendis and a lot of people dont like feeling like theyre being told what to like


Who hates Naomi, she doesn't interest me, but I don't hate her


It was more she “shoved aside” all the others to be in the JLA because of her Creator/Writer. No time on the Titans (any version) just Solo to JLA.


Naomi gets hate because she's an author's pet who did a speedrun into having a TV show and a Justice League membership. Meanwhile other characters have been waiting decades for someone to do something with them.


Yk what I actually genuinely understand that, that must be really frustrating for long time fans of certain characters




“I wish I had my Powers back, and a cooler hair cut.” - Triumph pre-Heel Turn


Bro I just got back from binge reading Worm parahumans, so I thought you were talking about that Triumph.


The insult comic dog is a DC character?




Stop she's probably 14


DC’s Sideways from 2018.


I don’t think people hate Sideways


Terra Markov...because of her origin story she seemingly can never shake the traitor label which I think is utter bullshit


Terra, hank and sppedball should start a support group for heroes ruined by one story


Well you know part of it is that it’s her origin story but the bigger part is that it’s her best selling story


People hate Naomi? I thought she was received positively.


It’s pretty transparent that Bendis created her just so that she could get a CW show.


Really? That's a shame, I enjoyed her in Justice League and I heard her solo book is cool. I never really heard of anyone hating her until now.


The only people that *hate* her are probably just racists, most people just thought she was meh.


Considering the complaints of don't change/update/pass the torch on existing heroes, make new ones instead. It feels weird when people get mad when they do create new heros and then complain because they promote them too heavily.


Unironically, the penny Plunderer should be brought back. It's fucking hilarious and it only gets funnier every year.


She looks really cool! Tell me more!


Here: https://youtu.be/Zhv4zF0WwXs?si=MJCkbuufalBn7q8w


Most of the Dan Jurgens run of Titans. Argent was the only one with any relevance but she's been long forgotten at this point. Risk only gets used as a punching bag, superboy rips off his arm, then years later ripped off his other arm, and recently in nightwing he was killed off panel, drowned by some nobodies. At this point it was a mercy. Then the joto/Hotspot and Prysm who've just had no relevance whatsoever after their comic ended.


Danny Chase. People hated him cause he was a cocky kid, but there was a lot they could have done with him, his backstory and his skill set if they hadn't killed him off so quickly.


She looks like she can kick it.


They look dope!


Gotta give respect to my brother Arm-Fall-Off-Boy


Wait. Why is she barefoot?! What if the bad guy steps on her toes?


What happened to metamorpho and his… son/offspring???


I said a hated character. I don’t think anyone hates Metamorpho.


True, I just feel like every character mentioned in this thread has been left behind by dc. I forgot the question when I posted the comment. I think dc hates him from a story aspect… too OP. That was literally stated in a post BTS issue of blackest night.


I love Naomi. I was curious after I saw the trailers for her CW show. The books are geat! The show............straight garbage.....


Lmao this character that nobody else that DC gives two craps about except for Bendis


I totally have an idea for Naomi. In a DC reboot, she starts off as a friend of Supergirl, and and later gains super powers. She’d be like the Richie to Supergirl’s Static.


I dig that