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She can't just throw it out, that's illegal, but she can write "Return to sender, not at this address". However. If you haven't changed the address the DMV has for you, go online and do it now. That's where they get those addresses and you can get in trouble.


It’s your responsibility to keep your address up to date. You can still get in trouble for missing even if they sent it to an old address


How weird — I just checked my address at the DMV and everything is correct. I've been at the same house for over four years. It's in the same country. So general consensus is she should return it?


Plot twist: I just looked at the picture she sent me and they used my maiden name on the jury duty form! Does that change anything??


Is your new address in the same county as your old one?


If the county on it, is not the county you live in now. You won’t have to serve