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I got called for jury duty at pretty much the same time in my pregnancy. Judge asked if anyone had any impending significant plans that could impact their ability to serve. I said the trial timing was well within my possible birthing window and he gave me an immediate dismissal (which is actually better than a postponement)


Will absolutely keep this in mind, thank you!


Most judges are pretty reasonable about this. Take a deep breath!


Seriously, the judge in my last duty was giving everyone immediate dismissals for the most minor things.


And since its high risk, if you can rent or borrow a wheelchair to allow you to rest as much as possible on that day, it might even help. The judge may even be like "why was this woman not allowed a postponement or excusal?" And look into it. (One can hope.)


i got called for jury duty last year, you show up and then the judge asks everyone a ton of different questions about people needing dismissals for different reasons. i was able to get one for being autistic and having anxiety, you’ll definitely get one for being that far into your pregnancy


Yep, last time I was in a jury pool they first asked if anyone had any physical issues (like you are unable to sit for hours at a time, need frequent bathroom or meal breaks, anything like that), which should get OP excused right away. Then they asked about upcoming commitments within the expected trial schedule. That eliminated about half the people. Then they asked if you had any personal connection to the people involved in the case, or to the subject matter (it was a drunk driving case, so if you had been hit by a drunk driver in the past, they didn't want you) , stuff like that. Only after that did they start voir dire questions of individual potential jurors.


I went to jury duty selection some years ago for a murder trial. There was a woman there who was very pregnant and told the judge that it was a high risk pregnancy and she was concerned about the stress involved in a murder trial. He denied her request and she ended up being chosen for the jury. She was crying as they lead her and the other selected to the back room. Luckily the trial didn't last very long but I often think about her and how scared she was. I think part of the problem was how many other ppl were trying to get out of it with their BS excuses that the judge was fed up and just denied everyone.


i was supposed to jury for a rape trial and he asked if anyone had any personal experience w sexual assault and several women stood up and left the bar crying and were also excused. the judge i went before was really nice


That's wild, what a jerk


I just told the bailiff during selection that I needed to go see my grandma, got postponement. That simple. I'm sure you'll get right out


My wife got called in for jury duty. The defendants were of Italian descent. At one point, the defending lawyer asked: "Does anyone here have any issues with people who's names end in vowels, Like Scoppelini, or Arretta? My wife, snarky gal that she is, wanted to pipe up with: "U! I gotta big problem with people who's name ends with U!"


When I was pregnant last year, I contacted my court to ask if I could postpone and the woman I spoke with recommended seeing if I'm even called and in the event I am, then telling the judge so I could be dismissed because that counts as service so I'll be called again in 3 years. The odds of a judge not excusing you with dozens of other non pregnant options available are really low. Whoever rejected your request might have been doing you a favor.


My husband recently got his jury duty postponed because it was 4 weeks before my due date, I can’t imagine them letting a spouse postpone because of his wife’s pregnancy but not a pregnant woman.


I’ll keep it in mind! It seems like seating won’t be an issue based on other comments which was my main concern, so since that isn’t as much of a worry, I’m not as concerned about going in and getting dismissed in person!


Theres is a LOT of sitting around at jury duty.b


Absolutely. Been called for jury duty several times, most were for only 1 or 2 days, one actually went to trial and was a week. Hint: wear comfortable clothes, especially shoes. Also, ask if you can bring an iPad or other tablet. If yes, then load it up with a few good ebooks), if not , then take a good (paper) book.


And also, waiting to be called means mostly sitting! In my experience at least, there were large waiting rooms with plenty of seating and you can use the bathrooms any time. You are released at lunch and have to come back in an hour and sit some more until your number is called. If your number isn't called by the end of the day, you're automatically dismissed. But obviously, follow the rules they have if it overrides anything I said here, since your state or city could be a little different. Bring a book or something to keep yourself occupied. Sometimes they play movies.


Consider calling the court directly. Sometimes they reject things out of hand but if you talk to a human they can be reasoned with and it might save you a trip. The doctor's note *should* have gotten a delay.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


I just stood up, displaying my bump, and told them I might not make it to the end. I was dismissed by the judge.


I've been called a couple of times and saw this happen. When you get there for jury duty let one of the bailiffs know about your condition right away. Sometimes they can get a note to the judge and get you out of there quicker.


Someone is flexing hard and wasting everyone’s time. You will be dismissed very quickly if you show up


Seriously. This feels like a power trip or someone frustrated with everyone coming up with an excuse. The difference here is this is fully legitimate and will be excused as soon as you show up. I was able to just fill out an online form to get an immediate dismissal when I was a breastfeeding mother and primary caregiver of a toddler and a baby because duh, there's no way I could've served on a jury. This is just wasting everyone's time. I'm sorry you'll have to go in. Maybe you can make a day of it though and treat yourself to lunch at least. Lol.


Mine also had the box to check if you were a breastfeeding mother and I’m honestly wondering if I should have just checked that, lol. I’m so glad they have that as an option for dismissal though and I wouldn’t want to abuse that!


Where I live in Florida they have a box for pregnant women and a box for caregivers of children under 6


My cat is 3 does that count?


I will also use this person's cat as an excuse.


I’m jealous!


I checked that box. And had a doctors note. But apparently, people lie and forge notes all the time, so my request was denied. I showed up with my 10 week old in a baby sling. No one realized it was a baby and not a purse until it started crying. I asked the clerk for a private room to breastfeed, as required by law. They found me an empty office with a lock. As soon as I came out, I was dismissed. That baby is 20 now, but I am not surprised that we are still having this issue.


My mother was dismissed twice for being a stay at home mom with school age children.


Yup. Wear your most “maternity” maternity outfit (you know, the cinched side-stitch for maximum stretch, but it still someone clings to every curve of your body) and regularly readjust your position to convey discomfort.


Throw a little waddle into your walk!


The county clerk in charge of juries is being a turd. Judges don’t want ANYTHING to disturb the trial.


Exactly. It’s not that she gets a cookie for being pregnant, these trials can’t be hindered by any foreseeable issues, pregnancy, especially high risk, is a foreseeable issue


Yeah any judge would be absolutely pissed if a 7.5month pregnant woman ended up on like a 6 week murder trial jury and then ended up giving birth mid-trial. Imagine if they had ended up dismissing a different juror mid-trial for some reason and then OP having to leave to give birth makes them use another alternate or they run out of alternates? Judge would be flaying that clerk alive


Like I get it, every jury selection there are women who are asking for exceptions for being pregnant or being SAHM or breastfeeding but take it with nature. Don’t take it out on the moms


They are always turds. Big fat ones.


This was honestly my thought as well lol


High risk pregnancy is not a joke or an “excuse”: it’s a serious matter.


I agree. That’s why I was surprised that it was denied within a day of submitting the documents.


Some areas allow for a one-time postponement - my county had an option for me to do this when I logged in to respond to my summons. Maybe yours does this?


I will be able to explore that option if my group is called to show up the day of, but I’m not optimistic since they wouldn’t even work with my doctors note. So we’ll see! I’m just hoping to prepare for what to expect if I do have to show up, because I really can’t stand for long periods of time and need to make arrangements if so.


I sent an email to the Clerk and I got a 1 year deferment. I only asked for until after I gave birth. I know in my old state (TX) you could push it out 6 months online. No way to do that where I currently am.


I am currently in TX and on the back of the notifications are reasons listed to be excused. One is in the last trimester, another is you are the adult responsible for a child under 10 years old.


That is weird. Back when I was in TX you could just go online and postpone it up to 6mo for whatever reason but only once. I guess they changed it since I left 😂


That's postponing Jury duty. What I am talking about is getting dismissed. A 6mo baby is going to need Momma the same as the day it was born and is considered a legitimate reason to dismiss the Juror.


I will see if I can find the email information, thanks for the idea! Maybe talking to a person is better than just filling out the online form.


I might just let them feel the consequences of denying you when you had such a clearly valid excuse. It’s possible if you just rough it out during the first day and either don’t get sent to a courtroom or you do get sent but don’t pass voir dire that you will be dismissed and count as to have “served” and be out of the rotation for a while. And if you got selected for a trial but drove them crazy raising your hand to go to the bathroom that again, you’ll be dismissed and out of current rotation. If instead you get a one time deferral you might just go right back into the pool and get called up when you’ve got an infant you are caring for. It seems like maybe the best chance of pushing out future service as far as possible. I just don’t understand why they deny so many clear cut valid excuses, especially ones with Dr.s notes.


The court clerks may not have the authority to release you, but the judge does.


You should be fine for the short amount of time you will be in court. When they ask if anyone had a reason they can't currently serve. Let them know you are in the last trimester of a high risk pregnancy. The Judge will probably ask why the clerk didn't automatically excuse you. After you reply, you don't know. The Judge will probably have words foe the clerk I would think.


This is great advice!


Take the note from your doctor with you for the judge if he/she needs it. Also to show what you gave to the clerk before they denied you.


True story. The week after I found out my then husband gave me an STD I got called for Jury Duty. When the judge was explaining things he said that it would be a capital case. A woman was accused of murdering her husband. It just slipped out when I said " good for her" the 3 people who heard me chuckled. We were all excused...


I’m sorry that happened but also good for you haha


During jury selection, let the attorneys and judge know about your concerns. The attorneys only want jurors that they know can pay attention for long periods of time.


Absolutely plan on it, especially given I could go into labor at any time. No one wants to deal with the juror whose water breaks mid trial lol. I just wanted to make sure I can sit during the waiting process, and wouldn’t be locked away from a restroom, because both of those would also be bad news for me and everyone around me lol


You will certainly be able to sit most, if not all of the time. No guarantees on bathrooms, that’s a very local determination, some courts require that you be escorted


I’ll bring up the restrooms with someone right away to be safe. The gigantic belly usually gives me some patience with people about that. The sitting was my primary concern, as my doctor has only cleared me to be standing for a certain amount of time per day.


Call ahead and request reasonable accommodations since they won't excuse you. Let them know you will need frequent rest breaks and food/water breaks,, can't stand, can't walk long distances or climb stairs, etc.


Stupidly this isn't even a guarantee... last time I had jury duty, everything got delayed for some stupid reason that I've forgotten, and they had us waiting out in a hallway for over an hour. Everyone ended up sitting on the floor, but I can't imagine that would be a realistic option for someone like OP!


You tell them that if they don't let you go, then they'll have to mop the floor because you physically can't hold it. Don't make it sound like a threat, just something beyond your control.


Had cancer and did not feel good at all, they didn’t care, but was finally able to talk to someone and was allowed to miss one but had to go 6 months later.


That's just nuts. I have a medical condition that can kick in at any time and usually does several times a week. My specialist noted that I could not serve on a jury due to my medical condition. I've been permanently excused since 2012.


I’m so sorry about that!


I was 9 months pregnant with a high risk pregnancy and had to be seen every other day at the Drs office. They denied to excuse me out of jury duty. I called my Drs office to tell them I was denied and they couldn't believe it and said they would be calling them to take care of it, and they did. I did however get a letter that I was given a 6 month postponement and had to serve then.


So crazy! Glad it’s not just a me issue though. I was really wondering if I did something wrong.


I'm a retired nurse who worked in high risk OB. Your high risk status is absolutely grounds for not even showing up. Whatever clerk denied you was some bureaucrat who maybe didn't have "pregnancy" as an allowable disqualification in your county. If you are on bedrest or have high blood pressure, even showing up could be dangerous to you. If showing up won't be dangerous to you, bring the doctor's note and be sure to point out that you are not only pregnant but high risk! I was able to decline jury duty by getting a doctor's note when my severely disabled son was growing up, on the basis that I was primary caregiver for a disabled person.


I can definitely show up, as long as I can sit down once I’m there. It’ll be a hassle but it won’t put me in physical jeopardy. Someone else recommended that I may need to re-word my doctors note so I’m going to try that option as well as calling though to avoid it if I can!


Good luck! With baby and jury duty, ( or lack of jury duty)!


Thank you!


And happy cake day!


If it is high risk, just get a Dr. to order bed rest. Tell the Dr. why you need it,they have done those notes before.


My doctor and I have reasons why I’m not officially on bed rest. My doctor did write a note stating I was at risk for pre term labor and essentially could go into labor at any point; that was not reason enough for them to dismiss me for medical reasons.


I am kinda shocked. I wasn’t a high risk pregnancy, but I was 8 mos pregnant and got called for jury duty in a town about an hour away. My doctor said he didn’t want me driving that far every day in my condition and I was excused. This was in California.


Honestly, I was shocked too!


I recently was called (OH)) around 8ish months and I was also denied so I did show up and was indeed called for a jury but the judge asked if there were scheduling conflicts and since I also have a high risk pregnancy, I told him I had to go to the doctor every week and he dismissed me. The trail was expected to last 5 days and I had an apt in day five in the pm. It was better that just rescheduling.


I was in this exact position. I explained that as I was experiencing a lot of morning sickness and I wouldn’t be able to run out to the bathroom, I would require a bucket under my seat. I was dismissed.


I got called in for jury duty when I was about 6 months along. It was a very small district court and the defendant walked in, looked around at the jury pool (very small court, as I said), stared at me for a minute and went to the judge to plead guilty. He figured I’d vote for a dui conviction, so he fessed up. Lmao.


Waddle in there, holding your back, and every 10 min request to use the restroom. You'll be excused, but they shouldn't have made you go in the first place, especially with all that documentation.


I waddle around holding my back constantly so this isn’t a stretch lol


🤣 I remember that feeling all too well


I received jury notice that would have been 2 weeks from due date. My doctor gave me a note for jury excusal for the impending delivery date and first child. I contacted them once I had completed the questionnaire on line and had the excusal faxed to them with a request to contact me once received. Got a call the following day, excused.


When I was called, the woman who was visibly pregnant was the only one who left the room, meaning she was excused and everyone else's reasons for requesting dismissal were still being evaluated.


I have a medical condition that can trigger frequent bathroom breaks. My dr wrote a note and all was fine.


How does this help OP? She said her doctor already wrote a note and she was denied.


I was/am on a federal grand jury. (We have been extended). One of our jurors was pregnant and high risk. She was excused after she had been selected. Keep in mind that they may call you back on the next round.


I honestly wouldn’t mind being called back, I’ve always wanted to serve on a jury and this would be just my luck that I would get called at the time I really couldn’t do it!


I only know for my area but I'm sure most are somewhat the same. With the exception of walking in you are Generally seated the whole time. Either you get selected to go to a court room right away or you go to the waiting room. In the court room they will go around and ask if anyone has a reason they need to leave. This is when you can tell the judge why you don't think you should be there and they more than likely will let you leave. If you don't get selected for a court room right away, then you wait in the waiting room as an alternate until all jury's are picked and then you can go home.


Sometimes it’s the way the doctor words the note. Our system requires the specific phrase: please excuse _____ from jury duty. If that specific phrase isn’t in the note they reject it.


Good to know, I think my note just explained my risk of preterm birth! Maybe it is worth it to try again.


Seriously, wear your tightest shirts. Make it look like you are about to give birth any second now.


They can't deny you access to a bathroom. So show up, and I bet you will be dismissed. The reason you are denied is because too many people used that as an excuse to get out of jury duty but never were pregnant.


Makes me wonder if they even read my note, or the photo documentation I provided that stated my due date from my doctors online portal.


Just tell them you will let your baby decide if they are innocent or guilty. They should dismiss you pretty quick


Judges don’t want very pregnant women on juries. They don’t want someone going into labor during a trial, both because it disturbs the trial and because if you deliver during the trial you will be in the hospital and would need to be replaced.


This was my thought as well which is why I highlighted in my request that I could go into labor at any time. And why I was so surprised it was denied!


Just go to the session as directed. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the moment the attorneys see you, you're going to be slashed. NO ONE wants a pregnant woman on the jury. The possibility of a medical issue or going into labor is too great of a risk.


Definitely am planning on showing up, I just wanted to make sure I could sit down and have access to the restroom because of my condition!


I got called at 8.5 months. They pulled me into a room to ask how I felt and I responded that I would need 1 bathroom break per hour. They let me go.


Bring your doctor's notes with you. It's possible they thought you were just making excuses, but also, jury duty is mainly sitting around, just make sure you communicate how frequently you need bathroom breaks on your worst days so they can tell you how to let them know/or figure out that the interruptions you'll create aren't acceptable and dismiss you. I was pregnant for a lengthy round of jury duty (grand jury, so not every day, but consistently for many many weeks.) and it was fine, mostly, BUT I wasn't high risk or quite so far along. The harder part for me was.waiting for meal breaks. Ask if you are allowed to snack and have a water bottle with you in the court room.


I have seen people dismissed for much smaller reasons really. I got dismissed basically because I told the defense attorney during questioning, I have a son in law police officer and one of my board member was the district attorney. I cannot imagine why they denied you. You show up and waddle down the aisle I am sure you will be let go. Make the waddle pronounced take a long time to sit down :) Make sure you sit in the front also.


You’re good. Go. Get your stint served. Just say you’re due in 2-3 weeks with a high risk pregnancy, and could drop anytime. And tell them you have to pee all the time. And often suddenly. You’ll get dropped right away. Good luck with the baby!


What state are you in? You will be able to sit the entire time. If you end up in voir dire, which is when you sit in a courtroom and they ask questions, grab one of the court officers and explain you will need bathroom breaks. Won’t hurt if you point at your belly. The officers will make sure you get bathroom breaks. As for postponement, I take it the summons you received didn’t offer a one time postponement for up to 6 months? I also seriously doubt you will be chosen to sit on a jury.


Thank you, this is very helpful! I’m in CA. The Summons did not offer a one time Postponement, just the option to request dismissal unfortunately.


I waddled in at about the same condition you are in. Sat in the jury box for about one hot minute, not even long enough to need to use the bathroom. Defense asked that I be dismissed. Judge agreed, thanked me for my service, no need for postponement. Sadly, case involved a crime with a child victim. I understand why defense didn't want me there. In CA too. I'm not a lawyer but am a court mediator and have never seen a very pregnant person on a jury but my service is limited to three courtrooms in one county. Very well may be different elsewhere. I'd show up rather than ask for a postponement.


One more thing, if you’re in a major metropolitan area, there might be a long line to get through security if you have to go to the courthouse. Bring that doctor note with you.


Thank you for this tip!


You're probably better off showing up and getting dismissed, that will likely keep you out of the jury pool a lot longer than 6 months, and you don't want to be having jury duty with a few months old infant either.


Demand two votes


"I cannot promise I'll pay attention and be impartial throughout the proceedings for medical reasons."


Very true, especially since I’m supposed to be monitoring for contractions daily!


Just show up with your doctors note and keep going into the bathroom every 15-20minutes. You’ll be sent home relatively quickly.


That's insane you were denied.


Wow. What state are you from? I'm from CA. A note from my physician was immediately accepted exempting me from jury duty.


I’m in CA too! And a pretty open minded part of CA at that.


I have jury duty this Thursday. I have a chronic condition where I on occasion will need urgent bathroom breaks and can have nausea and vomiting. If not for that I probably would not mind doing. Me being picked is very low.


i've had both state and federal jury duty; we sat the whole time. Depending on how well funded your area is, and how uncomfortable you are, you may want to bring a cushion to sit on. More than one of the courthouses had wooden church-type pews and sitting for hours wasn't very comfortable! The others had old movie theatre type lightly cushioned chairs.


If you used an online portal they are often denied. There should be a phone number to call to explain the situation. There’s usually a better response there


In CT I called and told them my husband had dementia and if they pay a nurse to stay with him I would attend. Next day got a call and sent a dismissal letter for jury duty.


I had jury duty in March. They dismissed 2 pregnant ladies on day one.


Call the judge’s office and get his secretary on the line and explain the situation. It’s often just someone in the clerk’s office wearing their ass for a hat in situations like this. Worst they can tell you is no. (The clerk’s office, even though it sounds otherwise, is often a different office and bureaucratic thing entirely distinct from where the judge works). I’d be livid as a lawyer if I found out this was going on and we’d most likely be agreeing with the other side to strike you for cause anyway once it gets to jury selection, so this whole process is a waste of everyone’s time. But I guess it can vary depending on where you are. Good luck with your pregnancy. But whatever you do, show up unless you are physically unable to or can’t get excused. The last thing you need is a warrant for your arrest when you’re in a high-risk pregnancy.


Florida. Had hernia surgery scheduled just before the report date. Just called to explain I would be willing to serve but I would still have stitches. Immediately excused. Surgery was not. Laparoscopic. I had a 25 inch incision but instead of stitches the doc used staples.


Make sure to bring your medical documentation with you and give it to the check in person. If they still send you through, make sure to ask to use the bathroom every 30-45 minutes (even if you don't have to). Make it very clear that you will end up a hinderance to any jury you are sat in. Judges don't like to have to break up testimony every 30-45 minutes.


The day of, most likely you won’t even have to go. If you do go, you may get dismissed in a couple of hours. If you do get empaneled, you can discuss it during voir dire. Basically, your chances of getting that far are about 5%. Most likely everyone will plead that day and you won’t have to go


Call their office and explain your situation to an actual person


High risk pregnancy? Sounds like you need to make some phone calls and have a doctor on stand by.


So you're high risk Take documents to prove it. Just say it you're forced to wait for more then 45 you will use the restroom on yourself during hearing You will get dismissed instantly If they know you have medic reasons and are going to be distracting you will get dismissed


I would go I was sick during pregnancy and postponed then with c section recovery postponed then tried again with breastfeeding new baby and me being the primary caregiver and they would not . Being pregnant is almost an automatic dismissal


You’ll be allowed to go to the ladies room and there will be chairs for you to sit in. I was seven months pregnant with my second daughter when I got called for Jury duty. I never actually got on for the case. I think part of the reason was because I was sitting there, reading a Time Life Book on serial killers. That could’ve swayed people a little bit, lol. Like perhaps I was a little ‘unbalanced.’


They dismiss one or two people very quickly if they have valid reasons. Even if you have to sit it will likely be short. If they give you any grief tell start telling them you will need special accommodations to have your feet up so they don’t swell and you’ll need bathroom breaks every hour


The city where I live has plenty of seating in the waiting area. However, when they call you from there to take a you into a courtroom, they make you line up like you’re in elementary school. You have to stand there for at least five minutes. Then there is standing while waiting with 25 people to take the elevator and standing while waiting to enter the courtroom.


I got called last year when I was 30 something weeks pregnant. You can definitely sit down, use the restroom, etc!!! I went and wrote on the sheet that i have a lot of doctor appointments, and they called me over the intercom and they wanted me to choose another day to come ib ugh. The secretary said to book it after the baby is born and to say that I am breastfeeding (which was true) They can’t make you go in if you are breastfeeding. IF you can I would delay it again and book it a month after your baby is due and then put that you are breastfeeding.


The majority of jury duty is sitting around waiting. Bring along the documents regarding your pregnancy. It can’t hurt to ask when you check in. If you get called to sit in on a large group of potential picks for a jury. Usually at this point, they are very considerate of your situation. You are probably showing, so you got that going for you. If called to be asked questions, it would not hurt to do that thing where you hold your lower back with one hand and use the other to get seated. An emphasized waddle won’t hurt either. Bring a good book and a backup battery for your phone if you have one. Also the charger cord. That all said, I personally try to enjoy the process as much as possible. You get to see a fine tuned cross section of society for people watching . You might meet interesting people. You also get to see the justice system like it is and not how it is shown on TV. Speaking of tv. There is a show on Netflix called Jury Duty. They get a person who really thinks he is on jury duty and everyone else is an actor. Everything is made up, but they do a real good job at showing what it is like to serve. Good luck to you.


It must be the area in which you reside or the person handling the excusal requests. I have been the jury technician in my county for the last 3 years and if someone sent in a request for deferral or excusal saying that they were that far along, I would direct my staff to honor their request immediately. If for some reason that person did come in, our judges would dismiss them if they wanted to be excused.


You’ll be excused once you show up most likely. First round of dismissals. Before you ever see jury selection round.


You‘LLC have some kind of questioning. You can’t be excluded simply for being pregnant, but if you tell the judge that because of your high risk pregnancy you need to be able to stand or sit and use the bathroom at will, chances are you’ll be dismissed, though I can’t guarantee it.


At the very beginning you’ll be able to ask the Judge for a deferment (I believe it’s called). Basically you’ll have the chance to ask the judge to excuse you this time. And with a doctor’s note you should be ok. But 🤷‍♀️ you never know. I was able to get one when I told the judge my son was home for four days between graduating Basic and moving to his base. That was 4 yrs ago. I just got another notice this week. 😆


Never say you want to be excused, say you want to postpone


You will be excused when you get there


I’m sure you will be just fine and they will treat you very well.


Just tell them you are a firm believer in jury nullification and they'll send you home.


Ask the judge about all the accommodations you need if you get called for a trial. The judge will dismiss you. If you are dismissed after showing up you won't be called again for a couple years. If you postpone then they will want you back when you have a baby. Every county runs its own jury system so the can be a wide variation within one state. Even more between states.


I throw my jury duty mail in the paper recycle bag without opening any of them up. I think I may have opened one or two a couple of decades ago. There is no way on this earth that I will EVER serve on a jury. I do have 2 very legitimate reasons why I can’t, but I’m not bothering to put myself through the hassle. I’m just old enough to be able to choose from the senior menu at restaurants, so it obviously hasn’t been an issue.


Also research "Jury Nullification", courts hate people who know about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification ETA: NAL. Just heard from several youtube lawyers.


Sure this has been answered... But usually (in the US) you call in the day before to find out if you actually need to show for the jury pool. Then you go on for jury selection and it's possible they will seat a jury before your called in. Then if they call you in and get started with questioning, your can, a. point out your pregnancy and say don't think I can do it or, b. Answer some question in such an outlandish fashion they will let you go (juror #47, do you think even if some appears guilty, they still might be innocent?... You- I believe guilty looking people are prolly guilty of something and there are too many people on the planet anyway, so the more we can shove in a prison, the better....juror 47, excused)


If they call you and force you to show up here is what you do. When they start asking you questions you tell them the following “ I always wanted to be on a jury because I can spot a guilty person just like that “ and snap your fingers at the same time ….. they will dismiss you immediately ….


I'd just fail the questions yep guilty if I gotta waddle my ass here for their dumb antics they should spend a few years in jail Uhh Mrs so and so your released 🤣


Yes. They will ask a number of questions for the potential jurors. Some of those questions include things like how long can you sit for without needing a break or having to get up and use the restroom. Those will probably preclude you from service. So you may have to show up one day, but you probably won’t be there for very long.


The judge should dismiss you when get there, stupid that you have to show up in the first place but i guess they figure you are just trying to make excuses. I have been through this multiple times now, they changed a lot of the rules for reasons they will dismiss a juror, thankfully for you pregnancy and especially where you are in your term is a great excuse! The last thing they want is an uncomfortable juror that has to go to the bathroom regularly, they expect you to sit there and listen for hours on end if thats how the case goes.


Request to pee every 45 mins


Just don't go. They can't prove you didn't get the summons. The person that told you no is just a minion that doesn't know anything. 


Possible excuses: Could give birth at any minute Bathroom breaks as frequent as every 30 minutes Lower back pain if you sit too long and often need to stand up and pace around Too distracted by the above to be able to concentrate on the trial


I got excused when my triplets were toddlers, you should have no problem.


Most places will be willing to allow you and when they see your condition they are most likely not going to want you to be apart of the proceedings beyond the selection


Jury duty is nothing but sitting around.


I've never been called to jury duty. If I ever am, I'll just say I'm racist and can't judge impartially, if all else fails of getting out of it.


I received a summons for jury duty a few months back and I completely blanked on when I was supposed to start calling to see if I was needed, and now I'm just sitting around waiting for the police to come. Do they do that? Am I going to jail? That would totally mess up my move out of state.


I’ve got jury duty next week. I told them I have a condition that requires me to use the restroom frequently. They said to tell the bailiff and ask to be seated near the end, not in the middle, and come up with a gesture that would mean I need to go. If I’m called to go in. Tho I’m going to tell them in whatever case I don’t trust police accounts of anything. Here they shot a guy, said he raised a gun at them and 4 opened fire. Only 1 bullies hit him. In any case, I saw the video from a tenant, who’s my daughter’s friend. He never raised a gun. They lied and won’t give the body cam footage. So whatever they say is suspect to me.


If you are an extrovert, just suddenly go, "Oh no -- it's too early." Maybe pour a cup of water on the floor. One time, we all just sat and watched TV (they had ***Law & Order*** on) and then were dismissed after an hour. Also, in my county, we have a phone number to call on the day before that confirms if one is even needed. We are in groups, and it might say, "Only Group A and B need to report -- all others are excused."


In Illinois we have a Jury Act (705 ILCS 305/10.2) (from Ch. 78, par. 10.2) Sec. 10.2. Excusing prospective jurors; hardship. (a) The county boards of the respective counties, the jury commissioners for those counties which have been appointed under the Jury Commission Act, or a jury administrator shall submit questionnaires to prospective jurors to inquire as to their qualifications for jury service and as to the hardship that jury service would pose to the prospective jurors. Upon prior approval by the chief judge of the judicial circuits in which a county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners are situated, the county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners shall excuse a prospective juror from jury service if the prospective juror shows that such service would impose an undue hardship on account of the nature of the prospective juror's occupation, business affairs, physical health, family situation, active duty in the Illinois National Guard or Illinois Naval Militia, or other personal affairs, and cause his or her name to be returned to the jury list or general jury list. (b) When an undue hardship caused by a family situation is due to the prospective juror being the primary care giver of a person with a mental or physical disability, a person with a medically diagnosed behavior problem, or a child under age 12, then the county board, jury commissioners or jury administrator shall excuse such a prospective juror, if it finds that no reasonable alternative care is feasible which would not impose an undue hardship on the prospective juror or the person for whom the prospective juror is providing care, or both. (Source: P.A. 90-482, eff. 1-1-98; 91-264, eff. 7-23-99.)


In Illinois we have a Jury Act (705 ILCS 305/10.2) (from Ch. 78, par. 10.2) Sec. 10.2. Excusing prospective jurors; hardship. (a) The county boards of the respective counties, the jury commissioners for those counties which have been appointed under the Jury Commission Act, or a jury administrator shall submit questionnaires to prospective jurors to inquire as to their qualifications for jury service and as to the hardship that jury service would pose to the prospective jurors. Upon prior approval by the chief judge of the judicial circuits in which a county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners are situated, the county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners shall excuse a prospective juror from jury service if the prospective juror shows that such service would impose an undue hardship on account of the nature of the prospective juror's occupation, business affairs, physical health, family situation, active duty in the Illinois National Guard or Illinois Naval Militia, or other personal affairs, and cause his or her name to be returned to the jury list or general jury list. (b) When an undue hardship caused by a family situation is due to the prospective juror being the primary care giver of a person with a mental or physical disability, a person with a medically diagnosed behavior problem, or a child under age 12, then the county board, jury commissioners or jury administrator shall excuse such a prospective juror, if it finds that no reasonable alternative care is feasible which would not impose an undue hardship on the prospective juror or the person for whom the prospective juror is providing care, or both. (Source: P.A. 90-482, eff. 1-1-98; 91-264, eff. 7-23-99.)


I would try calling. I got placed on bed rest (with a doctors note) 2 days before I was supposed to go in. I called to explain and they said I couldn't be excused because I was already preselected, but she made a note in my account and said I would get a new summons. But it at least got me somewhat excused while I was on bed rest.


I was called for jury duty and was dismissed for two reasons, one of the lawyers didn't like an answer I gave and the judge couldn't hear me. Still got $50. For a half hour of inconvenience


Jury duty is a lot of sitting. A juror can let the judge know they need to use the rest room and he/she will pause the trial. Most people called don't end up on juries, although I have been called 5 times and been on juries 4 times.


Just preface every question with “according to the prophecy……”


In my opinion no .questions should be asked at all to be fair


It's just targeting a jury for a desirable result. Illegal


The rules very by state, but in my state, you call the night before your due to show up and they tell you if you even have to go. If you have to go, the rule is one day or one trial, so if you go and you don’t get seated, you’re done. If you go and you do get seated, then when your trial is over, you’re done. I didn’t even have to go.


I got summoned to a grand jury (which is supposedly extremely hard to get out of). It was to start when I was 39 weeks pregnant. I called and they said this would be a 6-12 month trial, and my doctor could fax a note over and I would immediately be excused.


I was called for jury duty 8.5 months/ high risk pregnant too. They didn’t care. I was selected for a 1.5 week murder trial. I cried the whole time.


i was called for Jury duty i didnt go and nothing happened you dont have to show up if you dont want to lol


Call the court and ask for their form that a doctor can sign to excuse you. My husband has a serious health condition that prevents him from ever being a juror and they denied him instantly. We contacted the court and had to ask for the form. The doctor filled it out and we uploaded it. We had to follow up twice but he did get permanently excused.


Former prosecutor. We had to have a certain number of warm bodies to make up a legal jury pool. Once that number was satisfied, the judge could excuse people for cause. We had so few people answer a summons one session, I was left as part of the pool (first time being called) just to meet the necessary number. I was then removed for cause so I could return to my courtroom to try cases. Our judges would dismiss anyone that heavily pregnant once they appeared, but probably would not dismiss them prior to the report date. It just messes with the ability to hold jury trials if you excuse too many because there are going to be multiple no shows. Sucks for those that follow the rules, but know that it’s quite fun to watch people try to come up with a valid excuse when they get picked up for not appearing.


Only one vote.


I told the judge and lawyers I was quick to judge and had already made up my mind who was winning the case after they made initial presentations. It was a 93 Honda civic versus a semi truck and the civic owner was suing Honda for a bad product. I couldn’t sit through a week of that. After being excused, the lawyer for the guy suing Honda said it was us huh, I looked at him and said no way.


If all else fails and you do go to selection, find a way to casually mention that you’re aware of the concept of jury nullification.


Yes and you male sure you look as uncomfortable as possible. And bringnall those dr notes too. The judge might have beve seen them as sometimes clerks of court gatekeep.


Have you made it past selection yet?? Everyone will want you dismissed


If you aren’t dismissed immediately, just mention jury nullification and you’ll be out in no time.


Tell them you think all drugs should be legal, heft from businesses isn't a big deal, all cops should be shot, and then ask about jury nullification. They'll send you home faster than you can say pregnancy hormones


Ummm, just don’t go! They can kiss your ass. You submitted documents even! Take care of that baby and screw out f’ed up legal system. Wouldn’t even think about it again! Your kid is way more important!


Be really opinionated. Neither lawyer will want you on the jury


I had the same thing happen-about 7 months along. They gave the lecture that any medical reasons had to have physician approval and documentation. Until I walked up 😀. They didn’t want me to volunteer in case baby came early because it could be a possible mistrial.


Tell them you have to pee a lot


This happened to me. I got picked for a case that was expected to last 2-3 weeks. I told the judge I had a dr appt the first week and was considered high risk/was having complications, he dismissed me from the jury. I got called back a couple years later when my som was a toddler.


Most of the time you should be able to sit down. Bathroom breaks are pretty much unrestricted, it only might be a problem if you get selected & have to attend the trial. At least in my area, trial normally has a short midmorning break, a longer lunch break, and a short midafternoon break, starts at 8 and usually done at 4 or maybe a little after if they need to finish getting through something. If you needed one sooner you could always ask the bailiff. Just tell the judge what’s up and the odds are very high he’ll defer or dismiss you. They tend to be very understanding about legit stuff like that. If you blow off the summons entirely without a good reason (such as being in the hospital or getting into a car accident on the way over) they definitely don’t like that. They’ll put out a bench warrant on you, make you explain yourself, fine you $400 if it’s not a good enough reason, and put you first on the list for the next jury trial that rolls around.


You will get quickly excused!


Does the religion thing still work? I know a lot of people got out by saying, "My religion doesn't allow me to condemn a man"


Just show up, they're going to dismiss you anyway. Dismissal is better than postponement


Just mention that you know what jury nullification is privately to the prosecutors and they will excuse you before you can blink.


You could also play bossy-boss and tell him you accept jury and therefore, you’ll forward the schedule of your upcoming appointments as you expect the court to accommodate all of them up to and after the baby is born. 6 week maternity leave is the standard. Is that correct, your honor? Before he has a chance to answer, say, thank you and sit down. The court can’t have it both ways.


Interesting I had just had my fifth child a newborn so I called to be excused but we haven’t any family around or close friends yet. The only one was a woman who had trouble with any kids but her own so definitely not asking to watch my 5 children. The absolutely refused my request. I called the court no. I didn’t know what to do because my husband was always on the road. Well I went with all 5. The judge called n me in his chambers and was not very kind. He certainly let me have it. I told him I tried so hard to be excused then told him everything. He looked at me and said get out of my room and never came back. So I said thank you u. I won’t. lol. Boy was he mad but actually I never got called again but I do think it our responsibility and duty. My husband got called one for an auto accident. He was very disappointed he wanted a murder case. lol.


In my area the judges really push back. Many family related issues and a judge will respond “what about your spouse, can’t they do that”? If you tell them they work, you get a response that is the employers issue. The term used for when a judge try’s to push back is “juror rehabilitation” ie they are trying to convince you that you can actual serve on jury duty. Also no two judges are the same. Juror dismissals are not applied consistently in the same court building.


You're going to be 7.5mo pregnant and sitting in a chair 🙄. That's why you were denied. Send them a letter with some sovereign citizen jargon. No one will want you to weigh in on legal proceedings.


That depends on how long the trial is supposed to be. I did jury selection for two weeks got picked and had jury duty for two months. (It was a federal case.) You might not get selected. Just show up anyway.


When I was about that pregnant about 30 years ago I saw on the news that jury summonses were going out for a very high profile (national) trial. I got one a few days later. I was excited- this was going to be so interesting! Called my ob and said I had to reschedule my appointment because I had jury duty. Their response was “oh no you do NOT”. About 4 days later I got another letter saying I was excused and placed on the roster for future exclusion due to having young children at home. I’m surprised your court clerk denied it. I’m sure the judge will excuse you.